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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 103, no. 4: January 25, 1919

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January 25, 1919 JAN. 20. SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, sec Free¬ man, 50x100; City Real Estate Co- Mabel E Ernhout et al; H Swain (A) ; I J P Adierman (R) ; due............31,258.74 JAX\ 21. LOTS 60, 61, 62, map of Penfield prop in South Mt Vernon ; Samuel A Knapp —Sarah E Mapes; C D Manville (A) ; F J Coyle (R) ; due................. 1.341.60 J AX. 22. EAGLE AV. es, 250 n 158th. 50x100; North Side Savgs Bank — Frank Sbeehan el al; A E Gutgsell (A) ; R E Bergman (R) ; due.................. 7,303.81 LIS PENDENS. The first name is that of the Plaintiff; the second that of the Defendant. Manhattan. JAN. 18. No Lis Pendens file dthis day. JAN. 20. BETHUNE ST, ns, 82.1 e Washington. 45.10x 80.7xirreg; Edw H Hedden—Rose C del P Hedden et al ; amended partition ; S G Thomas (A). 47TH ST, 257-9 W; Vincent Valentine Contract¬ ing Co—Francis X O'Connor et al ; action to foreclose mechanic's lien; Menken Bros (A). 6TH AV, tX>5 to !X)7 ; Harry M Newlngton et al— Saml Horowitz; action to cancel lease; Harris. Moffat & Schek (A). LOT 55. blk 2110. sec 8; City of N Y—Jos Wat- kins et al ; action to foreclose tax Hen ; W P Burr (A). JAN. 21. 49TH ST. 605-7 W ; Zerwil Garage, Inc—People of the State of N Y et al; action to register title, &c; W Fairchild (A). JAN. 22. No Lis Pendens filed this day. JAN. 23. 122D ST, 349 W; Matilda Kroger—Eliz Smith et al ; action to set aside conveyance; H A Goldel (A). Bronx. JAN. 17. LOT 67, blk 2615, sec 10 on tax map; City of N Y—Jos O Dowues et al ; action to foreclose tax lien; W P Burr (A). JAN. 18. GRAND CONCOURSE, 1055; Sam Minskoff— Samwil Constn Co et al ; action to foreclose mechanics Men— M London (A). PROSPECT AV, 774 ; also 161ST ST. 773 E ; Bes¬ sie Glassmaji—Abr Meyer Glassman et al; action to establish dower; Wolf & Cohn (A). JAN. 20. No Lis Pendens filed this day. JAN. 21. No Lis Pendene filed this day. JAN. 22. 224TH ST. 870 E ; matter of petition of Richard L Johnson; action to register title; W Fair- child (A). ST ANNS AV. 477; Susan Ashland—James T Bunt, Jr. et al; partition; C Caldwell (A). MECHANICS' LIENS. First name Is that of the Lienor, the serond that of the Owner or Lessee and the third that of the Contractor or Sub-Contractor. Manhattan. JAN. 18, 108TH ST. 107 W; Michael Buffano— Ninth Ward Realty Co & Oscar Nel¬ son : renewal ....................... 2,1.55.00 JAN. 20. STH AV, 1489; Pierce. Butler & Pierce Mfg Corp—S V C Hamilton ; renewal (54) ............................... 600.00 JAN. 21, 6TH AV. 1011; Dickson Bros—Robert F Ballantine & Robert T Lyons & C T Silver (55) ........................ 1.173.74 JAN. 22, 64TH ST. 128 E ; P Aguado Co—Amelia H Sinshelmer ; renewal (57)......... 39 00 136TH ST. 167 W; Jacob Soffen—Thos J Slmcox & Mary Slmcox; renewal <56) ............................... 170.30 JAN. 23. MADISON AV. 514; Robert Elken—An¬ nette Villari & Victoria Bldg & Con¬ tracting Co. Inc (58)................ 440 00 58TH ST. 227 & 229 E ; Thomas Lynch— T SufEem Taller & United Bldg Co (59) ............................... 15.00 Bronx. JAN. 17. HONEYWELL AV, 2081 ; Pierce. Butler & Pierce Mfg Corpn—Petronella Ba- rone & Louis Bianco (13)............ 137.68 JAN. 18. STEBBINS AV, 1382; B H & C N Whin¬ ston—Jno Sachs (14)................ 35.00 RECORD AND GUIDE J AX. 20. No Mechanics' Liens filed this day J AX. 21. No Mechanics* Liens filed this day. JAN. 22. No Mechanics' Liens filed this day. 51 SATISFIED MECHANICS'LIENS. First name is tliat of the Lienor, the sei^riml iliat of the Owner or Lessee and the third that of the Contractor or Suh-Coiitrarfor. Manhattan. JAN. 18. No Satisfied Mechanics Liens filed this day. JAN, 20. BROADWAY, 2248-58 I Jos Elias—Wm S Walter et al ; Sept9'14; canceled.. 1,433.55 SAME PROP : Globe Auto Sprinkler Co —same ; Octl'14 ; canceled........... 965.00 SAME PROP; Chas M Darmstadt— same ; Oct5'14 ; canceled............. 1,952.40 SAME PROP—A H Andrews Co—same; Oct28'14; canceled .................. 5,184.80 JAN. 21. 54TH ST. 442 W: Nicolo Rao—Jos Silverstein et al; Decll'18........... 160.00 JAX. 22. 56TH ST, 227-9 E ; Pollack & O'Neill. Inc—L L D Realty Co, Inc. et al ; JulyllT8 .......................... 878.44 SAME PROP ; Starobin Electrical Supply Co—same : Jan22'18 ................ 222.93 JAX. 23. 26TH ST, 114 to 120 W : J Harry Riker —Criterion Construction Co et al; Oct30'18 ........................... 313.90 Bronx. JAN. 17. No Satisfied Mechanics Liens filed this day. JAX. 18. No Satisfied Mechanics Liens filed this day. JAX. 20. No Satisfied Mechanics' Liens filed this day. JAX. 21. 134TH ST. 531 B; Louis Grodsky-Chas Adler et al; Aug31'18............... 205.00 JAX. 22. No Satisfied Mechanics' Liens filed this day. ATTACHMENTS. The first name Is that of the Debtor, the second that of the Creditor. Manhattan. JAX. 16. NEWMAN. Thomas H; First National Bank of Chicago; $1,100; Warner & Koch. LARSEN, Kjaerl; Albert A Moers; $1,807.28; R Moers. JAX. 17. ANDRADE, Ignacio, Jr; Cresson-Morris Co; $500; E Pendelton, Jr. VIRGINIA WHOLESALE GROCERY CO ; Libby. McNeil & Llbby ; $5,000; G F Orr. TEX-MEX FUEL OIL CO ; Saetvelts Tankrederl; $59,500; Bullowa & Bullowa. JAX. 18, POLLAK STEEL CO: Carbon Steel Co; $9,- 734.70 ; Gannon, Seibert & Riggs. LIBERTY BRAND CANNING CO; Raefaele Cascine; $1,674; B I Shiverts. MANZI. Pascal M, et al; F Gienalla Realty Corp; $1,850; C B Plante. SILBERMAN, Samuel; Mitchell Bros; $305.88; H Dubtnsky. JAX, 20, 21 A 23. No Attachments filed these days. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. AFFECTING REAL ESTATE Manhattan. JAN. 17. 18, 20, 21 & 22. Malich, Julius. 99 2d av..Nathan Cohen 8,500.00 Three Thirty West Eighty-Sixth St Corpn. 330 W 86th st. .Shapiro & Aronson ......................... 500.00 Bronx. JAN. 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 & 22. Brook Constn Co. 920 Southern blvd.. Geo J Wolf. Plumbing Work.......10,150.89 Same. 924 Southern blvd.. same. Plumbing Work.....................10.015.00 BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. The first name is that of the Lender; the seccrtid that of the Borrtwer. Manhattan & Bronx. JAX. 17. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. JAX. 18. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. JAX, 20. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. JAX. 21. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. JAX. 22. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. STABLES AND GARAGES. 61 ST ST. 227-43 W, 3-sty bk garage, 225x100.5. felt & Blag rf ; $240,000; (o) Greenwood Ceme¬ tery, 170 Bway; (a) W^m. M. Farrar. 105 W 4Uth (6). BROAD ST. 38-40. 7-sty bk office bldg. 40.5x 151. tile & plastic slate rf; $300,000; (o) Emily J. DeForest & Frances J. Mali, 30 Broad; (a) Wm. W. Bosworth, 527 5 av (7). STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. BEEKMAN PL. 39. 1-sty bk garage, 18x20, gravel roof; $800; (o) Rebecca Schlossman. 37 Beekman pl ; (a) Sommerfeld & Steckler (8). DYCKMAN ST, s s. 150 w of Sherman av, 4-sty concrete & cement motor garage, 100x200, reinforced concrete roof ; $1(X),000; (o) Catherine Muller, Rockaway Park, N, Y. ; (a) Joseph P. Powers, 220 Larkin, Rockaway Park, N. Y. (9). MISCELLANEOUS. ACADEMY ST, n s, 142 e 201st, l-sty bk generator house, 74x26. felt, pitch & gravel rf; $16,000; (o) United Elec. Light & Power Co., 130 E loth; (a) Wm. Whltehlll. 32 Union sq (10). ^ Bronx, DWELLINGS. MURDOCK AV, es, 550 s Randall av, 2-8ty fr dwg, 14x32. slate rf; $1,800; (o) Myron Lund- berg, 2162 Strang av ; (a) Oscar Lundberg, 2162 Strang av (6). PLANS FILED FOR ALTERATIONS. ABBREVIAnONS : (o) owner; (b) builder; (a) architect; (200) plan No.; fr—frame; hk—brick; tnt—tene¬ ment ; ext—extension ; str—store; apt—apart¬ ment; dwg—dwelling; rf—roof. Manhattan. CLINTON ST, 245, new toilets & enlarge win¬ dows to 5-sty bk tnt; $.H,000; (o) Carl Fisher, 48-50 Cooper sq ; (a) Philip Bardis, 1838 Wallace av (82). FRANKFORT ST. 11, new stairway, partitions 6 f. p. doors to 5-sty bk loft; $250; (o) Elbridge F. Gerry. Newport, R. I. ; (a) John B. Snook Sons. 261 Bway (91). HOUSTON ST, 28-30 W, new exit, partitions, doors to 6-8ty bk factory; $2,000; (o) Jacob Einhelmer, 729 Bway; (a) G. A. & H. Boehm, 7 W 42d (107). LUDLOW ST, 136, alt fire escapes, build f. p. passage & exit & f. p. windows to 4-sty bk loft; $890; (o) Geo. Frauff. 621 Lexington av; (a) Ralph Schwelbi. 512 E 76th (94). MAIDEN LA. 89, new cornices, shutters, f. p. stairs, stair well, hoist shaft & brick wall, re¬ move fire escapes & stairs to 4-sty bk factory ; $20,000; (o) N. Y. Life Insurance & Trust Co.. 42 Wall; (a) Arthur C. Jackson. 25 Madison av (103). NEW CHAMBERS ST, 26, Cherry st. 66, new toilets & partitions to 3 & 4-sty bk strs & tnt; $1,500; (o) Ambrocio Cuariglia, 66 Cherry; (a) Otto Reissmann, 147 4 av (87). UNIVERSITY PL, 40, new entrance, stairs. windows, ceilings, toilets, f. p. doors & trim to e-sty bk loft; $6,500; (o) Wm. Crawford, 40 University pl; (a) Carl P. Johnson, 30 E 42d (99). UNIVERSITY PL, 86, extend front of bldg, raise beams, new stairs, bathrooms & sidewalk electric lift to 5-sty bk dwg; $.5,000: (o) Emma & Harriet Mittelstevdt, 86 University pl ; (a) Geo. Dress, 1931 Madison av (108). The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to orosecuUon.