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MANH.AT'IW a.\u iiho.xa RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED 1338 AN ^^ BUILDERS °GUIPE DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDINC MANAGEMENT ANO CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satistied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics" Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estaie Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Offlce at New York, N. Y., as second class matter. Vol. Cni. No. II (2661) NEW YORK, MARCH 15, 1919 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAR. 6, 7, S, 10. 11 & 12. Bleecker st, 382-4 (2:621-16), swc Perry (Nos 92-4), 42.6x70, 6-sty bk tnt & stra; Jennie I Ryan, 142 Nyac av, Pelham, KY, to Jos Rovegno, 456 Manor rd, B of R; mtg $50,500; Marl; Mar6'19; A$2S,000-60,000 (R 5 $14.50). nom Bond st, 33; see 47th, 114-6 W. Broome st. 44G; see Bway, 491-3. • Catherine at, 7-8; see East Bway, 16. CUerry st. 2«3 (1:256-4), ns, 7S.11 e Rut¬ gers. 36.9x94.8x26.8x95.2. 5-sty i?k tnt; Louis Eisenberg to Philip Sheitlis, 35 W 110; AL.; JuneS'lT; Marl0'19; A$i>,000-19,000. nom Clinton st, 36-S; see Stanton, 171. Columbia st. 33 (2:332-42). es, 150 n Broome, 24.10x100, 5-sty tnt; Hyman Kirschenbaum. 1420 49th, Bklyn, et al, to Sallie Itzkovitz. 1420 49th, Bklyn; AT; QC; AL- Feb27; Mar6'19; A$12,000-25.500. nom Columbia st. 34 (2:332-43). es, 149.11 s Delancey (old line), 24.10x100.4, 5-sty bk tnt; Hyman Kirschenbaum, 1420 49th, Bklyn, et al, to Sallie Itzkovitz, 1420 49th, Bklyn; AT; QC; AL; Feb27; Mar6'19; A $12,000-25,500. nom Columbia St. SO (2:334-42). es, 70 n Riv¬ ington. 30x25, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Elisa H I Keil. B of Q. to Ellen Lamm. 256 Grand. Bklyn; AL; MarS; MarlO-i9: A$6,000-7.500. "or" Cooper sq, 5. or Bowery, 367 (2:4 60-4), e s, 45.10 n 4th, 29.2x81x28x73.4, 4-sty bk tnt 6 strs; National Liberty Ins Co to Henry Klinger, 102 2 av; AL; Marl; Mar5'19; A $21,000-27,000 (R S $29). 20,000 Cooper sq, 5. or Bowery, 307; Henry Klinger to Jacob Wick, Jr, 5 Cooper sq; ratg $19,000; Mar5'19 (R S $10). O C & 100 Cooper sq, 30. of Bowery. 3»0 (2:54 4-4 8). ws, abt 310 n 4th. runs n22.3xw36xnw78.5 to alley xs23.3xse78.10xe43 to beg. with rights to alley, 1 & 3-sty bk bldg; Kath B Lorillard, individ. et al. TRSTES deed of trust by Louis Lorillard. to Browning King & Co, 16 Cooper sq: B&S; AL; FeblS; Mar 12'19; A$22.000-23,000 (R S $21). 21,000 Crosby Ht, 134-30; see Bway, 594-6. Dry Dock at, 19; see I2th, 722-8 E. East Broadway, 10 (1:281-6), nec Cath (Nos 7-9). 27.1x71.4x33.1x71.7, 4-sty bk loft & str bidg; Ida Hillson to Solans Realty Corpn. 16 East Bway; AL; Mar7; Marl0'19; A$40,000-51.000 (R S $1). O C & 100 East Broadway, 16 (1:281-6), nec Cath¬ erine (Nos 7-9). 27.1x71.4x33.1x71.7. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Hugo Levy. ref. to Ida Hillson, 835 West End av. plff; sub to 1st mtg $44,000; FORECLOS Feb28; MarS; Mar 6'iy; A$40,000--51,000 (R S $1). 1.000 over & above Ist mtg Essex St. 167 (2:412-69), ws. 225 s Hous¬ ton, 25x87.6. 5-stv bk tnt & strs & 3-sty fr bk ft rear tnt; Jos G Fenster to Saml Warshaw, 750 Willoughby av. Bklyn; mtg $23,000; Mar4; Mar5'19; A?18,000-24,000 (R S $2.50). nom Frankfort st. 2T* (23> (1:103-12), ss. 67.1 e William. 21.10x68.10x20.11x68.11. 4-sty bk tnt Sz strs; Ferdinand R Minrath, as suc¬ cessor TRSTE under deed of trust rec Apr23'13. to Title Guar & T Co; B&S & CaG: mtg $20,500 & AL; Marl2*19; A$20.- 000-25.500 (R S 50c). O C & 200 Franklin pl or alley, es, 50 n Franklin; see Bway, 369. Front st, 75 (1:34-15). sc Old sl (No 35), runs se54.4xswl9.5xnw54.10 to st xnel9.7 to beg, 4-stv bk storage; Harry K Grigg to F E Childs Co. 27 Wm: B&S; mtti" $16,500; Marll'19; A$20,000-26.000 (R S $32.50). O C & 100 Front St. 121 (119) (1;37-10>. ss. abt 70 e Wall. 18.6x110: also FRONT ST. 123 (121) (1:37). ss, abt 90 e Wall. 18.6x108.2x 18.6x109.9, ws. 4-sty bk office & str bldg; Lagrosip Interests. Tnc, 121-3 Front, to Edwin Groves. 34 Hobart av. Summit, NJ; Benj Lahy, 4S Woodruff av, Bklyn, & John L Sipp, of Tottenville. SI; mtg $45,000 & AL; Feb21; Marl2'19; A$40,000-57,000 (R S $15). O G & 100 Front st, 123; see Front, 121. Front at, 257; see South, 159. Goerck st, 139 (2:330-62), ws, 150.1 s Houston. 24.11x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Hyman Kirschenbaum, 1420 49th, Bklyn, et al, to Sallie Itzkovitz, 1420 49th, Bklyn; AT; QC; AL; Feb27; Mar6'19; A$10,000-23,- 000. nom Greene at, 81 (2:486-19), ws, 51 s Spring, 25x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Lorenzo I Jones, of Bklyn, to Wood Warehouse, Inc, 21 Piatt; mtg $16,000; Febl; Mar8'l9; A$15,000-21.000 (R S $7). O C & 100 Harrison st, 1; see Hudson, 81. Henry st, 149-53; see Av A, 195-7. He.ster st. 31 (1:312-40), nec Norfolk (No 18). 25x52, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Beckie Lacov, S24 E 21. Bklyn, to N Y Edison Co, 130 E 15; mtg $25,000; Feb26; Marll*19; A $24,500-32,500 (R S $19). nom Hudson St. 81 (1:180-8), nws, at sws Harrison (No 1), 19.8x49.7, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Markham Realty Corpn to Henry M Pav, Inc. 89 Hudson; B&S: Marl; MarO'lO; A$34.000-28.000 (R S $12.50). nom James st, 98-100 (1:252-36), es, 60 n Cherry. 40x75x40.2x74.8, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Central Union Trust Co of N Y to Jos Rovegno, 466 Manor rd, B of R, & Jos C Vialotti, 59 Downing; B&S & CaG; AL; MarlO'lIt; A$17.500-35.500 (R S $29). O C & 100 Lewis st, 201 (2:363-23), nws, at nes ffth, 22.9x70 to 3 ft alley x22.8x73, with land in alley in rear 3x22.8, vacant; A$7,500-7.500; also 6TH ST, S13 E (2:363-24), ns. 20.10 e Av D, 20.2 to ws of alley x67.9x23.3x6S.4. with AT to alley 3x68. vacant; A$6,000- 6,000; Danl O'Leary to Bridget O'Leary, his wife. 811 E 6; AL; Mar6; Mar7'19. nom Little "West 12TH st, 3 (2:628-16), ns, 51 e 9 av, 24.6x77.4, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Peter & John Rohrs to Henry Middendorf & Wilhelmina, his wife, 142 W 92, as ten¬ ants bv entirety; % pts; AT; Janl; MarS '19; A$------$------ (R S $29). O C & 100 >lan£;-lii Mt, 70 (2:323-46), es. 75 s Riving¬ ton, 21x100. 4-sty bk tnt; Annie Aaron & ano to Rosie Felsen & Yetta Goldberg, both at 76 Mangin; mtg $5,700 & AL & a P M mtg $2,000: MarlO; Marll'19; A$6.000-8.- 000 (R S $5.50). O C & 100 Mercer st, 217-9 (2:533-29). ws, 306 s 3d, 56 to cl Amity la x52x41.9x50; also MER¬ CER ST (2:533). ws, 305.2 s 3d. a strip 0.10 x50. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Fredk Sellar, of Mt Vernon, NY, to Jas Morrison, Jr, foot of Hobson st. Shippan Point. Stam¬ ford. Conn; B&S; mtg $43,S00 & AL; Jan 2S: :\rarS'19; A$23.000-30.000. nom Mercer st, ws, 305.2 s 3d; see Mercer, 217-9. Norfolk st, 18; see Hester. 31. Norfolk St. 50 (2:351-31), es. 49 n Grand, 20.3x18. 3-stv bk tnt & strs; Michl L;inp. 221 North st. Jersey City. NJ. & ano. EXRS &c Cath Prendergast, to Ellen Lane. 22] North st. Jersey City. NJ, & Mary C Daly. 358 12th. Bklyn; Peb27; Mar7"19; A $4,000-5.000 (R S $5.50). 5,500 Old .Ml, ;{.5; .see Front, 75. Perry st. 92-4; see Bleecker. 382-4. Rut;::ers st, 13; see Av A. 195-7. St Xicliolns pl, 44-50; see Edgecombe av. 385. South st, 159 (1:107-2 & 25). ns. 23.2 w Dover. vun.s n69.6xwl0.10xn35.9xe]2.3xn37.2 to ss Front (No 257) xw22.3x362xw3xsS0 to st xe22.9 to beg. 2-5-stv bk loft & str bldgs; Marv M Dri.^^chman. TRSTE for Alice G Griswold. to Danl F Farrell, 11 W 102; V- pt: AT: B&S & CaG: Marl; Marl2 '19- A$19.500-28.000 (R S $6.50). 6.500 South AVllIiom st, 33-7; see Stone. 31. Sherfflf St. 97; see Stanton. 255. Stanton st, 171 (2:349-48). sec Clinton (Nos 36-8). 25.4x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Lawyers Mtg Co to Preferential Realtv & Constn Co, 141 Bwav: B&S & CaG: AL; MarS: Mar6'19; A$50,0b0-71,000 (R S $67.50). O C & 100 Stanton st, 255 (2:339-59), swc Sheriff (No 97), runs S75x\v47xnl5xe22xn60 to st x e25 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Max Wolf of Bklyn to Elrm Realty & Mtg Co, 54 Maiden lane; mtg $34,950; Novl6'l8: MarS 19; A$21,000-35,000. nom Stone St. 31 (1:29-55), ns, abt 90 e Broad, 18.1x78.1 to South William (No 37) xl7.6x 77.3; also SOUTH WILLIAM ST, 35 (1:29), ss, 88.3 e Broad, 16x78.1 to ns Stone (No 33) xlS.1x77.1; also STONE ST, 35 (1:29), ns, abt 130 e Broad, 17.5x— to ss South William (No 33) xl8.2x—, together, 8-sty bk office & str bldg; Adams Land & Build¬ ing Co, 61 Bway, to Harry Aronson, Inc, 200 5 av; AL; Mar6; MarS'lO; A$110.000- 175,000 (R S $165). nom Stone St. 33-5; see Stone, 31. Waverly pl, 28-30 (2:547-4), ss. 62.9 w Greene, 37.10x80.6x37.10x80.9, 8-sty bk loft & str bldg; Greenwich Savings Bank to Cosul Realty Corpn, 38 Park Row; B&S; A L- MarlO; Marll'19; A$24.v>00-60.000 (R S $60). O C & 100 Waverly pl, 231; see 48th. 326 W. OTH st, 601 E; see Av B, 93. OTH st, 813 E; see Lewis, 201. OTH st E, nes, at nws Lewis; see Lewis, 201. IITH st, 214 W; see 48th, 326 W. 12TH St. 43 E (2:563-27), ss, 182.2 W Bway, 25x103.3, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Louis S Stroock et al, firra S Stroock & Co, to Louis S Stroock, 525 West End av, 60%, & Jos Stroock, — Grand av, New¬ burgh, NY, i07r; AL; Febl; Feb20'19; A $23,000-41.000 (R S $15); corrects error in issue Marl, when grantee was oraitted. nom 12TH st, 441-5 E; see Av A. 195-7. 12TH St. 722-8 E (2:381-18-21), swc Dry Dock (No 19), 85x75. 4-3-sty bk tnts. 3-sty bk tnt & str & 4-sty bk tnt & str; Max Petersdorf to Rosie Lewis, of Bridgeport, Conn; mtg $30,000 & AL; Mar7'19; A$19,- 000-26,500 (R S $1). nom 13TH st, 702 E (2:382-9), ss. 62.3 e Av C, 24.1x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt; Saml Levin to Millicent L Schachat, 1018 E 163; AL; Dec 26'18: MarlO'lO; A$7,000-13,000. nom 14TH st, 512 E (2:407-14), ss, 196 e Av A, 25x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk rear loft bldg; Henrietta Schneider, of Bklyn, daughter of John Ehrlich, to Sophie Ehrlich. at Rosedale av & President st, Rosedale. LI, widow John Ehrlich; AL; Julvll'lS; Mar8'19; A$10,000-15,000 (R S $1). nom ::2D st, 140-4 W (3:797-65). ss, 300 e 7 av, 62.6x98.9. 12-sty bk loft & str bldg; Pos¬ tal Life Ins Co to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; B&S: Feb28; Mar5'19; A$6S.500- 23S.OO0 (R S $270). O C & 100 24TH st, 139-43 W (3:800-16-18). ns. 275 e 7 av. runs n9S.9xe22.Sxnl8.4xe30xsll6.9 to st xw50 to beg. 3 & 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Orinoco Realty Co to 142 West 24th St Corpn. 505 5 av; B&S; mtg $75,000 & AL; Feb28; Mar6'19; A$45,000-70,500 (R S $5). O C & 100 25TH st, 234-6 E (3:905-40), ss. 158.7 w 2 av. 40x98.9, 6-stv bk tnt; Saml Michelson. 75 K 127, to I>ouis Levine & Louis Cohen. 1333 5 av; mtg $45,000; Mar5; Mar6'19; A $20,000-52.000 (R S $5). nom 2.5TH St. 33S-40 E (3:905-38), ss, 118.7 W 2 av. 40x98.9. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml Michelson. 75 E 127. to Louis Levine & Louis Cohen. 1333 5 av; mtg $45,000; Mar 5; Mar6'19; A$20.000-50,000 (R S $5). nom 27TH st, 240 "W (3:776-61). ss. 235.3 e S av. 24.10x98.9. 4-.«tv bk loft bldg: Edw L Gridlev of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. NJ. to Mai'v P Davies, 50 E 58, V2 of Vi pt. & Frank 'E & Anna L Davis, both at 1115 Evergreen av. Plainfield. .N.T. each U of % pt; Feb4; Marll'19; A$15.500-21,500. nom 27TH St. 40-2 "W ("3:828-70). ss. 177.7 e 6 av. runs s5xw.0l i-xs93.9xe45.6xn98.9 to st x w45.4V^ to beg, 12-stv bk loft & str bldg; Arrow" Holding Corpn to Rose P Cer- venka. 250 E 72; mtg $235,000 & AL; Feb 21; Mar5'19- A$105.000-230.000 (R S $40). 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