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MANHAT'I'A\ \\U HllO.NX RECORDS SECTION SECTIOX TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED 1668 ^% BUILDERS dUIDE AND DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDINC MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Morterages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits. Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and tne recorded Wills and Real Estaie Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Otflce at New York, N. Y., as second class matter. VoL CIH. No. 14 (2664) NEW YORK, APRIL 5, 1919 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAK. J7. I'S, 2;t, Zl\ .\l'ii. I & 2. Bedford wt. 107-15; see Hudson, 494-6. Beekniun |il, 4 (5:1361-13), ws, 132.10 s 5uth. lyxsu, 4-stv & b stn dwg; Rosa Wirth of Monticello. NY. to Chas J Wirth, 4 Beekman pi; AL; Jan22'14; Mar27"lit; A $5,0uO-9,o00. • nom Canal .st, 1JH>; see Bway. SdD. Carmine st, 7« (2:528-04), ss, abt SO e Varick, 25x00, 2-sty bk tnt it strs; Hen¬ rietta Berger to Lillian Kellar, 3 Green- wav ter. Forrest Hills. B of Q; mtg $6,500 & AL; Mar27; Mar2S'19; A$9,U00-9,500 (R 5 $7). l3,.-.0O Cathedral Pkway, 201: see 7 av, 18U0. Cedar at, 2!>-3y; see William, 68-70. Cherry h*. 13SY-. (1:253-13). ns, 277.4 e Cath, 12.6x1 US. 6x12.6x108.3, vacant; H B Scharmann & Sons, 371 Pulaski. Ekl>n, to Michl J Campbeli. 25 Roosevelt; AL; Apr 1'19; A$3.000-3,000 (R S 50c). O C <& 100 Cherrv si, a.sr»-0 (1:260-6), sec Scammel (Nos 5i'-S). 71.3x156.0 to ns Water (Nos 630-6) x71.3x151. 1-sty bk garage; Scam- mel-Water Oarage Co to Max Tartakov, 335 78tli, Bklyn. & Louis Greenberg & Morris Breenberg, both at 475 50th. Bklyn; correction deed to correct deed rec DeclS 'IS; AL; Mar36; Mar2S'19; A$30.500-$-------. nom Clierry at, 3S5-9, sec Scammel (Nos 54-S): also WATER ST, 630-6; Max Tar¬ takov et al to Max Katz. 20S E 106; mtg $75,050 & AL; Mar27; Mar28'19 (R S $13,50). O C & 100 Clark st, 24 (2:490-10), es, 125 s Spring. 25x90, vacant; Rector, etc, of Trinity Church at 187 Fulton, to Aborn Steel Co, 22 Clark; B&S; sub to PM mtg $-------; Mar26; Mar31'19; A$10,000-10,000 (R S $12). O C & 100 Cleveland pl. 27-31; see Spring. 60-2. DHiMiun Nt, 117 A 117*^ on map 117 (1:- 2S3-90). ss, abt 110 e Pike, 25x61, 2-sty bk loft & str bldg; Minnie Kosven. of Bklyn. heir Morris Kosven. to Dora Gitler, 5110 14 av, Bklyn; AT; AL; Mar28'19; A$18,000- 19,000 (H S $2). nom Dominick st, 4S-50: see Hudson, 256-62. Donnfnt; st, «J.->-7 (2:528-91), ns. 91.3 e Varick. old line prior to 1913. runs n39.3 6 51.6 xe22.11x890 to st xw37.7 to beg. 2-5-sty bk tnts; Emily H Wilkins. 4 Via Benardo Rucellai, Florence. Italy, to Bar¬ tholomew Sbarboro, 614 Bement av. West New Brighton. SI; Mar3; Mar29'19: A$15.- 000-32.000 (R S $30). nom Duane st, 52-.K (1:155-3). sec Elm (Nos 5-15), 101.4x85.8x100x109.7, with AT to al¬ leyways of Nos 3 i*t 5 Kim,
(l:37-this & parcel below lot 10), sa. abt 75 e Wall. 18.6x110, 4-stv bk office & str bldg; also FRONT ST. 123 (121). ss. abt 88 e Wall. 18.6x108.2 xl8.6xl09.9, ws. 4-sty bk office & str bldg; Edwin Groves. 34 Hobart av. Summit. NJ, et al. to Czarnikow-Hionda Co. 112 Wall; mtg $45,000 & AL: Mar20: Mar27'19: A$40,- 000-57.000 (R S $80). O C & 100 Front Ht, 121-3; La Grosip Interests. Inc. 121-3 Front, to Benj & Margt Lahy. 48 Woodruff av, Bklyn; Edwin & Sarah R Groves. 34 Hobart av. Summit. NJ; John L & Margt Sipp. — Amboy rd, Tottenville. ST: mt*? ?45.00O ^(t Al.: confirms (\e-<\ dated Feb21'19: Mar2*l; Mar2s'l9. o C & 100 Front st, 123; see FiOiit, 121. Front Nt. 124 (1;3S-3M), ws. 72.1 n Wall, runs' w72.1xnl8.2xe0.6xn0.8xe74.6 to st xs 18.4 to beg, 6-sty bk office & str bldg; Edw H O'Brien, at St Francis Hotel. San Fran¬ cisco, Cal. to Lagrosip Interests. Inc. 121-3 Front; mtg $20,000 & AL; Marl7; Apr2'19; A$16,000-30,000 (R S $30). O C & 100 Front st, 300-13 (1:244-4 & 6 & 10), ss, 03.6 w Gouverueur si, runs s25.1xe63.6 tc ws Gouverneur sl (Nos 2-4) xs45xw63.6xs 70.4 to ns South (Nos 366-8) xw77xnl40 to Front xe77 to beg, 1-2 & 3-sly bk shop & vacant: Julius Mautner et al. EXRS Julius Fleischliauer, to Louis Bernstein, 178 Hooper, Bklyn; \k RT&I; QC; sub to PM mtg $35,000 on whole & AL; MarSl; Apr 1'19; A$37.000-39.000 (R S $25). 2&,00( Front Kt. 34tO-13; also GOUVERNEUI- SL, 2-4; also SOUTH ST. 366-8: Henry Frank et al. EXRS &c Jacob Fleischhauer, to same; Vz RT&I; QC; sub to PM mtg $35,000 on whole & AL; Mar31; Aprl'19 (R 5 $25). 25.000 Front Kt, 300-13; also GOUVERNEUR SL. 2-4; also SOUTH ST. 366-8; Sally Som¬ mer et al, heirs &c Jacob & Julius Fleisch¬ hauer. to same; B&S & CaG; sub to PM mtg $.15,000; MarS!; Aprl'l9. nom nk to Monr-^c W»^t W-ish I>;iundrv Co. i^o \rnnrr.e^- R^-c;- ,\T.' Mnr2fi: ^Mnr?"'!"- A$12.5r0-20.500 (R S $15.50). \ ir,.r»oo Monroe Nt, 2.S2 (1:263-5). ss, 125 e Jack- won, 25x91.7, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Esther Hess, 500 Jersey av, Jersey City, NJ, to Henrietta Spiegel. 551 W 160; mtg $21,750; Marl; Mar31'19; A$9,000-22,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 Park pi. i:t2 (1:128-41). ss, 79.11 w Wash¬ ington, 23.5x82.8x23x82.4, 5-sty bk loft & str bklg; Edwin B Lapham & ano, EXRS Stephen H Davenport, to Howard O Lente. 032 2d. Bklvn, & Jos E Reid. 012 3d, Bklyn, him of W J & S H Davenport; AT; .Mar22 17; Apr2'19; A$21.000-27,000. 22,47«JSa Park pl. i;E2; Howard O Lente et al to Jeanette Jaburg, 332 Park av, Newark, NJ; AL: Aprl; Apr2'19 (R S $42.50). O C & 100 Pearl Ht, 1<>« (1:39-9). es, abt 40 s Pine, or at nwc Pearl (No 164), runs se — to point 77.4 se I'earl & 43.1 sw Pine xne43.1 to Pine (No 79) xnw30.4xsw20.8xnw47.3 to Pearl xsw20.7 to beg. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; John De Witt Sterry iV: ano. EXRS Wm De Witt Sterry, to Millard IM Manson, 1U17 Lorimer. Bklyn; 73 pts; AT; mtg $25,000 & AL; Mar27; Mar29'19; A$25.000- 33,000 (R S $18.50). a.V00o Pearl st, 199; also PINE ST. 79; John De Witt Sterrv, individ, to same; % pt; AT; mtg $25,000 & AL; Mar27; Mar29'19 I K S $9.50). 17,r»00 I'ine Kt. 79; see Pearl, 166. Scammel Kt, ,%4-S; see Cherry, 385-9. .South Kt, :u;o~.S; see Front, 309-13. Suring; st. 60-2 (2:481-15), sec Cleveland pl (Nos 27-31), 50.6x102.11x49.7x114.1, 3-4- Kty bk tnts & strs & 2-2-sty fr bk ft tnts; Edw McCoy to Italian Savgs Bank, 64 Spring; mtg $40,000; Mar31'19; A$41.000- 45.000 (R S $40). O C & 100 .Spring- Kt, «7-7:t (2:496-36 & 38), ns, 50.6 e Crosby. 100.2x102.6x97.9x109.1, 2-6-sty bk loft & str bldgs; A$82,000-110,000; also LA¬ FAYETTE ST, 238 (2:496-33), ws, 77.ll n Spring, 25.10x22.9x25.2x29.2. 1-sty bk str; .A$5.oOO-.'),500; Empire Mtg Co to Edw W Browning, 35 W 81; mtg $75,000; Aprl; Apr 2'19 (R S $24). O C & 100 ThompKon Kt, SO (2:'503-35), ws. 100 n Spring. 25x100, 5-sty bk stable; 89 Thomp¬ son St. a corpn. at 148 E 71. to Emilie M Bullowa. 1 E 59. & Grace A M & Alma M Bullowa, 148 E 71, as joint tenants; Sept 26-10; Mar38'19: A$16.000-27.000. nom AVater st, O.tO-O; see Cherrv, 385-9. AVaverly pl, 1.1K (2:592-54), ss. 309.9 w 6 av. 23.11x97x23.1x97, 4-stv bk tnt; Mary C McLaughlin. NY. to Felice D McLaughlin, NY; AL; Feb3'09; Mar31'19; A$13,500-17,- 000. nom William st, OS-70 (1:42-22), nec Cedar (Nos 29-39), runs el24.4xn27.8xw33.5xn20.9 xnw92.5 in st XSW54.7 to beg. 15-Sty bk office & str bldg; No 68 William St. a corpn. to Roval Building Corpn. at 68 William: mtg $625,000 & AL; Mar25; Apr 1'19; A$600,000-l,000.000 (R S $386). O C & 100 William st, 70-S3; see Maiden la. 62. :tD Kt, OO-s E (2:444-22). ss. 262.6 e 2 av, ::7.;(xl01.2. O-sty bk tnt & strs; Aaron Jacobs to Hvman Bohrer. 246 E 4; AL; Apr 1: Apr2'19; A$25.000-48,000 (R S $2.50). • O C & 100 ;5D Kt, l»4 W (2:543-12\ ss. 100 e 6 av. 25..'ix80. 2-stv bk tnt: A$S.500-9.000; also MINETTA LA. 22 (2:543-30). nes. abt 100 e 0 av. 21.5x70x22.7x70. 2-stv bk tnt; A $3.50O-.S.70O; Richelieu Realty Co to Ray¬ mond H Kutner. 2303 Hughes av; sub to T':\r mtg $6,000 & AL; Mar27: Mar28'19 (R S $10). O C & 100 :tn st, l.^i \V; also minetta la. 22; Raymond H Kutner. of Bronx, to Ely Ber- nays. 151 Riverside dr; mtg $6,000 & AL; MMr27; Mar2S'in. nom :tD Kt, 1:M W; also MINETTA LA, 22; Elv Bernavs. 151 Riverside dr, to Cesare Mnr. O C & 100 4TH Kt, 112-4 E (2:445-22-23). ss, 250 w 1 av. 50x96.2, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Es¬ tate of Henry Knebel. Tnc. 52 Wall, to H'-ptv ,T GutkP'-. 22 1'^ 127: B&S; AT-: ^lar '- ■ 1 \ ;^I ftco--!2.0Oft cp «;•"*" ^'^^ O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. AH rights are reserved. 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