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MANHATTAIV AIMD BRONX RECORDS SECTION »KCTION TWO FOUNDED 1668 ^^ BUILDERS @yiPE DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Ataignments Of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class matter. Vol. cm. No. 16 (2666) NEW YORK, APRIL 19, 1919 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borouffh of Manhattan. APRIL 10. 11, 12. 14. 15 & 16. Bridge st, 17-19 (l:10-lhis & Bridge. 21. lot 21), ns, 75.10 e Whitehall, runs nl25.1 to ss Stone (No 2), xe25.lxs62.llxe7.3xs 6.10 & 56.3 to Bridge st xw30.6 to beg; also BRIDGE ST, 21 (1:10), ns, 106.5 e White¬ hall, runs n56.3 & 6.10xw7.3xn62.11 lo ss Stone (No 4) xe26.11xs62.8 & 23 xwO.lOxs 40.4 lo Bridge xw29.11 lo beg. 7-sty bk oftice & str bldg; A$145.000-11)0.000; also BRIDGE ST, 23 (1:10-20). ns. 136.4 e Whitehall, runs n40.4xe0.10xn4.3 xe23.5 xs 48.6 lo st XW30.9 to beg. 6-sty bk office & str bldg; A$28,000-35,000; U S Trust Co ot N Y, TRSTE Ezekiel J Donnell, to Bowl¬ ing Green Realtv Corpn, 37 Liberty; Apr 10'19 (R S $260). nom Bridge st, :;i-23; see Bridge, 17-19. Cathedral Pkway, 35-43, or llOth st, W (6:1594-12). ns, 250 e Lenox av. 150x100, 6-sty bk tnt; Scheer-Ginsberg Really & Constn Co, bG W 112. to Public Square Realty Co. 320 Bway; mtg $184,000; Aprl4 '19; A$100.000-240.000 (R S $61). O C & 100 Columbia Nt. OS (2:334-51). es. 300 n Riv¬ ington, 25x100. 4-slv bk tnt & sirs & 3-sty bk rear tnt; Grace b Thorne & ano of New Rochelle, NY. EXRS Lydia \V Thorne, to Grace D Thorne of New Rochelle. NY; Vi pt; Apr3; Aprl0'19; A$14.000-18.000 (R S $8.50) «.'■«»« Kssex Kt, ll« (2:353-10), es. 141 s Riv¬ ington. 16x60. 3-sty bk tnt & str; Pauline Shamray to Jacob Kerner. 950 Leggett av; mtg $10,000; AprlO; Aprll'19: A$8,500-10.- 000 (R S $1). nom Front st, 49 (1:32-33). nws. 51.5 ne Coen¬ ties sl. 19.10x90x19.10x90.5. 4-sty bk stor¬ age; A$13.500-21,000: also FRONT ST, 48 (1:32-32), nws. 71.3 ne Coenties sl. runs nw90xne9.2xse4.10xnel0.7xseS4.7 to st x SW19.9 to beg. 4-sty bk storage; A$13,000- 19,000; John Curtin. Inc. to John Curtin Corpn. 46-8 Front; mlg $45,000; Mar31: Aprl5'l9 (R S $15). O C & 100 Front st, 4S; see Front, 46. Front Kt, H4 (1:33-38). ws. 73.9 n Old sl, 24.2x85.2x24.5x85.1, 4-sty bk storage; Mark¬ ham Realtv Corpn to Walter S Force. 1164 Dean, Bklvn- B&S; Aprl4'19; A$17.000-22.- 000 (R S '$32). O C & 100 Front at, SS (1:33-36). ns, abt 120 e Old sl. 22.2x88.3x23x88.3. 4-sty bk storage; Edw Bleecker of Bklvn et al to E C W Realty Co. 95 Front; B&S; mtg $30,000 & AL: Mar 20; Apriri9: A$15.000-20,500 (R S $21). O C & 100 Front st, 93 (1:35-9). sec Gouverneur la, 25x101.7. 4-sty bk storage; Wm J Robert¬ son to Stephen H Dorr. 180 Satlerthwaite av. Nutlev. NJ; mtg $26,000 & AL; Aprl; Apr9'19; A$27.000-42.000 (R S $30). O C & 100 Goerck st, I2r» (2:330-69). ws. 75 n Stan¬ ton. 21x100, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 6-sty bk rear loft bldg; Edw D Dowling, ref. to Central Savings Bank. 157 4 a v. plff; FORECLOS Mar25'19: Aprl0'19; A$8..'>0n- 12.000 (R S $4-r.O). 4.500 (liouverneiir la. Nee Front; see Front, 93. tirrenwfrli st, .'1; see Trinity pl. 8. Henry st, l49-r>3; see Av A. 195-7. Houston St. 297 E (2:355-57). swc Suffolk (NoH 175-9). 25x80. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Dormond Realtv Co. 299 Bway. to Rachel Frank. 600 W 144: B&S: AL: April; Apr 14'19: A$29.500-40.500 (R S 50c). nom Lafayette at, 224 (2:482-24). ws, 76.3 s Spring. 24.6x50.4x24.4x50.4. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Jas E March. Jr. heir Jas E Marsh, to Geo W Gibson. 403 Broome. & Jas W Hallock. 403 Broome; mtg $15,000 & a PM mtg $2,000: Febl7: Aprl4'I9: A$10,000-15.- 000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Lafayette st, 224; May March Phillips. at Lowville, Lewis Co. NY. pt al. heirs Jas E March, to same: mtg $15,000, & a PM mtg $2,000; Mar22; Aprl 4*19 (R S $2.50). O C & 100 Liberty st, 23 (1:66-3), ns. 66.1 w Wil¬ liam, 24.8x38.4x24.4x37.1, 5-sty bk office & str bldg; Cortlandt P Bishop, 15 E 67, in¬ divid & ano as EXRS. &c, Matilda W White, to Federal Reserve Bank of N Y, 15 Nassau; Mar2S; Aprll'19; A$65,000-75,000 (R S $76.50). 76,350 Madison st, 293 (1:268-34), sec Mont¬ gomery, 17x49.9x18.6x49.9, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs; Ida S Primoff to Isador Tolkow, 292 Madison; mtg $8,325 & AL; Jan6; Aprl2 '19; A$7,500-9,500 (R S $2). nom Madison st, 300 (1:268-30), ss, 70 e Mont¬ gomery, 18x105, 3-sty bk Int; Ezekiel Fix- man, ref, to John A Gleeson, 424 W 34, plff; sub to transfer tax lien $1,200; FORE¬ CLOS Marl2; Aprl0'19; A$9,000-10,000 (R S $8). 8,000 Montgomery st, sec Madison; see Madi¬ son, 292. Rut;;:ers Mt. 13; see Av A, 195-7. Soutli at, 242 (1:248-2), ns. 26 e Pike. 27 x60x26.11x60. 5-sty bk storage; Alfred W Kiddle, TRSTE will Eliz G Dunham, to Abr Levine, 34 Moore. Bklyn, & Harry G Dale. 4 Carnegie av. East Orange, NJ; B& S; Apr8; Aprll'19; A$7,500-11,500 (R S $13.50). 13^S0 South st, 369 (1:244-7). ns, 42.4 w Gou¬ verneur st or slip, 21.2x70. 3-sty bk stor¬ age; Julia A Loew et al. individ & EXRS. &c. Fredk W Loew. lo Lon Realty Co, 1050 Ams av; Apr8; Aprl0'19; A$4,500-5,000 (R S $8). 8,000 Spring St. 148 (130) (2:487-27). ss, abt 40 w Wooster, 20x80. 4-stv bk loft & sir bldg; Edith Witt. 239 Howe av. Passaic. N J, to Grohman Realtv Co. Inc; mtg $22,500; Apr8: Aprl0'19; A$10;000-16.000 (R S $1.50). O C & 100 Stone st, 2-4; see Bridge, 17-19. .SufToIk St. 175-9; see Houston. 267 E. Sylvan pi. 1-7 (8:2109-77-80), ns. begins 184.3 s 162d & 124 w Jumel ter. runs w88.S to es St Nicholas av xs35.i to pl xe82.2xn 34.6 to beg, 4-2-stv & b fr dwgs; A$12,500- 14.500; also SYLVAN PL. 12-14 (8:2109-63- 64). ss. begins 59 w Jumel ter & 75 n 160th. runs n34.6 lo Svlvan pl xw39xs34.6x e39 lo beg. 2-2-stv & b fr dwgs; A$5,000- 6.000: SYLVAN PL. 11 & 13 (8:2109-74-75), ns. R2 w Jumel ter, 41.4x34.6. 2-2-slv & b fr dwgs; A$5.000-6,000; also SYLVAN PL, S (8:2109-61). ss, begins 75 n 160lh & 117.6 w Jumel ter. runs n34.6 to ss pl xwl9.6xs 34.6xel9.6 to beg. 2-stv & b fr dwg; A$2.- 500-3 (»n0; also SYLVAN PL. 10 (8:2109-62). ss, 98 w Jumel ter, 19.6x34.6, 2-stv & b fr dwg; A$2,500-3.000: also SYLVAN TER. 15. formerly Sylvan pl (8:2109-73). ns. 41.4 w Jumel ter. 20.8x34.6. 2-Rtv & b fr dwg; A $2,500-3.000: with AT to lands in bed of st. &c: Alice C Robertson to Geraldine Real¬ ty Co, a corpn; Jan27'10; AprlO'19 (R S $5). nom Sylvan pl, S-lO; see Sylvan pi, 1-7. Sylvan pl. 11-14; see Sylvan pl. 1-7. Sylvan ter, l."»: see Sylvan ter, 1-7. Trinity pl, s (1:19-2), ws. abt 107 s Ed¬ gar. 29x28.2 to es Greenwich (No 51) x 29.10x19.6, except pt taken for Trinitv pi of Church st, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Aloi Hulsebosch. 51 Greenwich, to John Booras. 5 Battery pl; April; Aprl5*19; A$17.000- 20.000 (R S $9.50). O C & lon W^alker st, 37 (1:193-27). ss. 75.2 c ("hurch. 19x80. 6-sty stn loft & str bids: Harold E Lippincott. ref. to Emigrant In¬ dust Savgs Bank, plff: FORECLOS Apr4; Apr9'19: A$l.^.000-18,000 (R S $25). 25,000 Wall st, 114 (1:37-4), ns. 81.7 w South. 21.11x72.7x22.2x72.7. 4-sty bk office & sir bldir; Central Union Trust Co of N Y. as TRSTE. & Frederic H Cruger et al to Jere F Donovan. 124 So Oxford. Bklvn; AL- OpcI'19; Aprl6'19; A$33.000-38.000 (R S $60). 60.000 Wall st, 114; Jere F Donovan, of Bklvn, to Lawyers Realtv Co. 160 Bwav; B&S & CaG: Aprl5: Aprlfi"I9. nom AVarren st, 121 (1:131-33). ss, abt 90 e West. 25x92.9. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; Emilv V Forsvth. NY. to Forsvth Wickes at Tuxedo Park. NY; AT & B&S; AL: Apr 3: Apr9'19; A$22.000-30.000 (R S $16) O C & 100 WilUett St. 52 (2:338-40). es, 100 n De¬ lancey, 16.8x100 & AT 10 ft strip in rear through lo Sheriff sl. 6-aty bk loft & str bldg; Pearl Niles, Town of Union, NJ, to Alice Codling at Northport, LI; AL; Apr 10; Aprll'19; A$7,500-12,000. . nom Wooster st, 74 (2:486-7), es, 201 s Spring, 25x100, 5-3ty bk loft & str bldg; Abr S Gussow to William Herman & Co, 103 Wooster; AL; Feb3; Aprl2'19; A$14,000- 18.500 (R S $3). O C & 100 3D st, 416 E (2:356-43), SS, 131.1 w Tomp¬ kins, 40.4 to es Mangin x68x40x62.11, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$7,500-21,500; also 3D ST, 418 E (2:356-45). ss. 90.9 w Tompkins, 40.4 x6Sx40x62.11, 6-sty bk tnl & sirs; A$7,500- 21.500; Katie Spitz of Bklyn to Saml Strauss, 5407 15 av, Bklyn; V* pt; AL; Apr 7; Aprll'iy (R S 50c). O C & 250 3D st, 416 E; also 3D ST. 418 E; Wolf & Benj Cohen to same; 2-8 pts; AL; Apr9: Aprll'19 (R S SOc). O C & 100 3D st, 418 E; see 3d, 416 E. 7TH st, 30 E (2:462-14), ss. 265.6 w 2 av, 24.5x90.10, 3-sly & b bk dwg; Francis S Phraner. al Summit, NJ, EXR Hannah E Walke, to Ukrainian National Committee of the U S, Inc, 520 E 6; sub to PM mtg $11,000; April; Aprl5'19; A$14,000-16,000 (R S $13). 13,000 OTH st, 725-7 E (2:379-51). ns. 303 e Av C. 40x92.3. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Libbie, wife Herman Gruher, 1615 Union. Bklyn, to Leo Weinman, 171 Van Buren, Bklyn, & Sol Alter. 175 Rivington- mtg $43,500; AprlS ■19; A$18.000-42.000 (R S $5). O C & 100 12TH st, 441-5 E; see Av A, 195-7. 12TH st, 7(N> E; see Av C, 196. 14TH St. 013 E (3:982-11), ns. 197.4 e Av B. 21.10x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt; McDougall Hawkes, ref. lo Marne Realtv Corpn, 141 Bway; PARTITION SALE Decll; Apr9; Apriri9; A$8.000-12.000 (R S $5). 5,000 15TH st, :t0-2 W (3:816-59), ss, abt 440 w 5 av, 50x110.10x51.4x99.2. es, 12-stv bk loft & sir bldg; Eliz F Ferris of Long Branch, NJ. lo Stars & Stripes Realty Co, 51 Chambers: mtg $231,000 & AL; Mar29; Apr9'19; A$62.500-180.000 (R S $44). O C & 100 17TH st, 311 W (3:741-29), ns, 103 w & av. runs n25xe3xn67xw25xs92 to st xe22 to beg. 3-sty bk tnt: John W Howe, EXR Harriet F Howe, lo Jas Mat bison. 547 Broome; mtg $2,000 & AL; Mar25; Aprio '19: A$9.500-10,500 (R S $9). ll.WW 20TH st, 13-15 AV (3:822-25), ns, 302 w 5 av. 56x92. 9-stv bk loft & str bldg; 15 West 20 Co to Emily Krauss. 159 E 92; mtg $125,000 & AL; April; Aprl6'19; A $82,000-170.000 (R S $50). O C & 100 20TH Ht. 13-15 W; Emily Krauss to I>,'vi