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276 RECORD AND GUIDE May 3, 1919 STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 177TH ST. w 8. 338.3 s Tremont av. l-sty fr str, 50x25, slag rf, $3,500; (o) Fred Scheslnger. 980 Prospect av; (a) Moore & Landsiedel, 3 av & 148th (101). THEATRES. PROSPECT AV, w s, 145 n 161st, 2-sty bk theatre. 125x150, lobby. 25x70, slag rf: $600.- 000; (o) Pleasant Amusement Co., B. S. Moss, 729 7 av, Pres. ; (a) De Rosa & Pereira. 110 W 40th (106). MISCELLANEOUS. 153D ST, B 8, 100 e Courtlandt av, 1-sty bk shop, 50x100. slag rf; $10,000; (o) Robl, J. Moorehead, 311 E 200th; (a) Edw. J. Byrne, 436 E 158th (98). FORDHAM RD, n e c Cedar av, 2-8ty bk Ice plant. 104.4x195.4. tar & gravel rf : $30,000; (o) Alb. J. Schwarzler. 369 E 167th; (a) S. J. Kess¬ ler, 529 Courtlandt av (96). PLANS FILED FOR ALTERATIONS. ABBREVIATIONS : (o) owner; (b) builder: (a) architect; (200) plan No,; fr—frame; bk—brick; tnt—tene¬ ment; ext—extension; atr—store; apt—apart¬ ment; dwg—tlwelliug; rf—roof. Manhattan. ALLEN ST, 62. rearrange stairs, remove shaft, new wall & beams tc o-sty bk stores & tnt; $1,500; (o) Aaron Kammel. C2 Allen st; (a) Philip Bardes. 2,30 Grand st (838). BAYARD ST. nec Elizabeth, new strs, garage, elevator, stairs, mezzanine, show window & 1-sty add to 1-sty bk power house & theatre; $25,0(X); (o) Max Garfunkel. 303 5 av ; (a) Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 303 5 av (893). FRA.NKFORT ST. 18-36, new elevator door to 1-sty bk lofts; $300; (o) John V. Block. 18- 24 Frankfort; (a) John H. Knubel, 305 W 43d (892). FRONT ST, 65, new shaft, vestibule & par¬ titions to 5-sty bk store; $2,000; (o) Denison Realty Co., 92 Wm st; (a) Bannister & Schell. 67 Wall (865). GRAND ST, 401. new partitions, floor, rf, toilets to 5-sty bk stores & tnt; $750; (o) Alfred Leward, 401 Grand sl; (a) Max Muller (845). GREENWICH ST. 474-6. new tanks, posts, girders & remove wall to 6-sty bk warehouse: $2,500: (o) Samuel Weil. 194 Franklin sl; (a) John H. Taylor. 110 W 40th (S29). JOHN ST 15, new fire-escape, doors & extend stairs to !>-sty bk str & loft; $3,000; (o) John V. Cockcroft. Inc.. 220 5 av; (a) Harold F. Smith. 38-40 W 32d (907). LAFAYETTE ST. 52, new str front, mezzanine & partition.s to 4-Bty bk str & offices; $9,000; (o) Henry C. Davison, 52 Lafayette; (a) Irving Margon. 3.55 E 149th (858). MULBERRY ST, 223. remove stalls, new stairs & ceiling to 3-sty bk stable; $1,000; (o) Est of Phillip Strobol Richard M. Friedman, attorney. 2 Wall; fa) Frank J. Schefeik, 4168 Park av, Bronx (891). NASSAU ST. 31-9, new openings, toilet & par¬ titions to 20 & 15-sty bk strs & offices; $15.- 000; (o) Natl. Bank of Commerce, .31 Nassau, (a) Alfred C. Bossom. 366 5 av (899). WATER ST. 23-5. new partitions & doors to 4-5 & 8-8ty bk strs. offices & tnta; $1,000; (o & al Ernest Flagg. 109 Broad (927). WILLIAM ST, 54, new partitions, door, exit to 6-sty bk offices; $.")00; (o) Kuhn. Loeb & Co.. 54 Wm st; (a) Chas. P. Gilbert. 1123 Bway (825). 3D ST, 416-S E. new partitions & bath rooms to 6-sty bk tnt; $3,000; fo) Sam Straus. .5407 15th st, Bklyn; (a) Henry M, Entlich, 432 S 5th St. Bklyn (883). 4TH ST. 182 W. rearrange partitions, new bath rooms to 5-sty bk str & tnt; $1,.500: (o) Samuel Bookman, 9 E 59th; (a) Samuel Leving¬ son. 405 Lexington av (906), 4TH ST. 2S-30 W. new doors, partitions & extend stairs to 6-sty bk factory & str; $2,000: (o) Est S. P. Shortland, Henry T. Wing. exr.. 96 Wall: (eng) Petnr J. McKeon, 217 Bway (894). 13TH ST. .54 W, new wall, floor & rf to 2- sty bk store; $2,000; (o) Harry R. Elliot. 13 Stone st; (a) Wm. F. Harper, 106 W 76th (880). 23D ST, 248 W\ make stairs f p & new glass panels to 6-sty bk store & factory; $500: fo) Lewia Mendplsohn. 248 W 23d; (eng) Alexander Brociner. 110 W 40th (881). 23D ST. 42 E. new exits & partitions to 8-sty bk factory & offices: .$2,000; fo) Oswald Oel- schlapger. 110 E 23d; (a) Richard Rohl, 42 E 2.3d (S78). 23D ST. 214-20 E, new partitions, walls & roof to 9-Rty bk lofts & offices; $2,500; fo & a) Otto Strnrk, 2*^0 R 2.3d fOOOl. 24TH ST. 552 W, new ext lo 3-sty bk stable; $5.(X)0; fo> Est. Francis L. Oeden. Geo. B. Oeden exr, 43 Cedar st : (a) Melchior Lenke, 764 R 22d st. Bklyn fS79). '^4TIT ST. 121 E. new stairs to 12-sty hk str ti. lofts: Sl.OOO; (o) Ewnld Manemer. 121-3 E 24th;
Joel Greenhaus, 316 E 22d fOOl). 26TH ST. 125 W. new exits, stairs, remove partitions X- raise beams to 4-sty bk str & lofts; $7,500; (o> Tho*'. H. Stewart. Freeport, L I.; (a) Geo. & Ed. Blum, .5a5 5 av (917). 28TH ST, 42 W, new fire escapes to store & tnl; $800; (o) Est. Lewis T, Warner, Equitable Trust Co., trustees, 37 Wall; (a) MorlU Smith, 1035 3d av (870). 28TH ST, 26 E, new front to 2-8ty bk restaurant & tnt; $2,000; (o) De Mont Thompson BIdg's Inc., 43 W 29th; (a) Chas. E. Berge, 29 W 34th (851). 30TH ST, 449-51 W, new piers, columns, girders to 6-sty bk offices & warehouse; $2,500; (o) Castle Realty Co., 451 W 30th; (a) Geo. F. Pelham, 200 W 72d (852). 32D ST, 102 E, new steps & platform to 5-sty bk stores & tnt: $500; (o) The Rhinelander Real Est Co., 31 Nassau st; (a) J. Acker Hays. 2010 Bway (850). 34TH ST, 13-15 W, new stairs & door to 8- sty bk strs & offices; $800; (o) Frank A. Seitz Rlty. & Constn. Co., 15 W 34th ; (a) Fredk. C. Browne, 209 W 102d (920). 34TH ST, .304 W. remove partitions, stoop, raise beams & new ext to 4-sty bk str & room¬ ing house; $3,000; (o) Emil Krist, 478 Sth av ; (a) Bruno W. Berger & Son, 121 Bible House (897). 44TH ST, 518 W, new ext lo 1-sty bk shop; $1,000; (o) Cornelius O'Connor. 518 W 44th; (a) John H. Knubel. 305 W 43d (!»47). 45TH ST, 7 E, new partitions, plumbing to 4- sty bk str & lofts; $6,000; (o) Harold Strebeigh. 403 Madison av; (a) Clarence L. Sefert, 2010 Bway (908). 46TH ST, 609-11 W, new sheathing to 4-sty bk stable; $1,000; (o) Jos. Ratzner, 609 W 46th: (a) W. O. Slaber. 62 40th, Corona. L. I. (911). 51ST ST. 23-5 W. remove partitions, raise beams, rearrange stairs, add 2-stys, new court elevator shaft, passage exit & wall lo 2-4-sty bk dwgs; $75,000; (o) Beadleston Rlty Co.. 120 Bway; (a) Frank Goodwillis. 56 W 45th (948). 52D ST. 2 E, new skylights, partitions, toilets, remove partition & stairs to 6-sty bk factory: $25,000: (o) Messrs. Cartier. 2 E 52d; (a) Welles Bosworth. 527 5 av (919). 55TH ST. 138 E. new doors, stairs, dumb¬ waiter & partitions to 3-sty bk dwg; $7,500; (o) Mrs. Henry W. Miller. 47 E 45th; (a) Jacob & Youngs, Inc., 120 W 32d (882). 55TH ST, 659 W. new doors lo 6-sty bk fac¬ tory ; $500 ; (o) Thos. G. Patter.^^on, 6;i5 W 55th ; (a) Patrick J. Murray, 141 E 40th (874). .56TH ST. 310 W, remove stoop & doorway, new window, entrance, partitions & dumbwaiter to 3-sty bk dwg; $8,000: (o) Winifred Tyson. 310 W 56th; (a) Geo. F. Pelham. 200 W 72d (922). .57TII ST. 115 W, new ext & remove walls to 4- sty bk dressmakers; $5,000: (o) Helen M. Schur¬ man. 22 W .52d; (a) Renwick. Aspinwall & Tucker, 8 W 40th (912). OlST ST, 241 E. remove stoop, partitions, change stairs, new entrance, partitions, ext, ducts, bath rooms, skylights & stairs to 3-sty bk dwg; $8,000: (o) Lillian H. Hoffman. 125 E 57th: (a) Louis S. Weeks. 101 Park av (923). 64TH ST, 182 E. rearrange partitions & extend 1st floor to 4-sly bk garage; $8,000; (o) Pauline C. Hodges. 131 E 66th; (a) Arthur Hodges. 131 E OOth (903). 65TH ST. 116-18 W. new stairwav & partitions to 6-Kty bk theatre & lofts; $1,000; (o) Relli Constn. Cn. 1947 Bway; (a) V. W. Landy, 1931 Bway (832). OOTH ST. 21 E. new front & bath room to 4- sty bk dwg; .¥2.000; (o) Mrs. Israel Putnam 21 E fiOth ; (a) Bowdoin & Webster, 29 Madison av (914). 72D ST. 318 E. new partitions & plumbing, fixtures to 3-sty bk dwg; $;>,U00; (o) Ukrainian National Alliance, 217-9 E 00th ; (a) Carl Hartzelius. 441 W 50th (854). 70TH ST. 43 E. new partitions, stairs, bath room & remove steps to 4-sty bk dwg; $1,,^00: (o) Herman Steinbrugge, 667 Madison av; (a) Alfrpd C. Bos<^om, 366 5 av (918). SOTH ST. 109 E. rearrange partitions, stairs, new bath room, entrance & remove stoop to 4- sty bk dwg: $3,000; fo> Margaret Klapp. 40 E 83d Pt : fa) Eueene Klapp. 60 Wall f8."i5) S.5TH ST. 148 W. new partitions & ext to 3- sty bk dwg; $18,000; (o) Richard L. Hammond. 203 W SSth; (a) Chas. B. Meyers. 1 Union sq (SOS). OlST ST. 20 W. new partitions to 5-sty bk dwg; .$7,500; (o) Ruben Solove. 19 W 102d ; (a) Samuel Cohen. 32 Union sq (9241, 920 ST. 315 W. new passage, bath rooms, partitions & remove stairs to 5-sty bk dwg; $5,000; fo) Francis F. McDermott. 315 W 92d; fa> Eisendrath & Horwitz, IS E 41st f905). 11.5TH ST. 129-33 W, remove stage, new plat¬ form, seats & boxes to 1 & 4-sty bk theatre; $5,000: (ol Theatre Realty Cornn.. 19 W 34th- fa) Thos. W. Lamb. 644 8 av (898). 122n ST. 233 E. new bath rooms, partitions, bulkhead, stairs to 4-sty bk tnt: $3,000; (o) Pnlia Mulcahv. 233 E 122d ; fa) Olio Reissman, 147 4 av fSOO). AV B. IS, new column to 4-stv bk store & dwg; $1,200; (o) Est. .Tas. W. McBarron, John D. McBarron, exr, 401 Grand st; (a) Max Mnllpr, 115 Nassau st (890). BOWERY. 80, new elevator shaft & rearrange stairs to 6-sty bk store & lofts; .^l 200 • (o) Morris BersTnan, 1245 46th st. Bklvn' (o) Samnel Gordstoin. 4820 14th av. Bklyn"f864) BROADWAY. 1825-29, rearrange stairs iew store to 3-sty bk theatre & store; $2,.500'- (o) Mascot Amusement Co.. 1493 Bway; fa) Thos W. Lamb, 644 Sth av (869). BROADWAY, 393. new stairs to 6-Bty bk sir &lofts ; $1,000; (o) Est J. W. Love. Samuel Seymour, exr, 317 Bway; (a) V. Hugo Koehler, 2 Columbus Circle (921). BROADWAY. 1372-82, new mezzanine, beams 6 glass floor: $2,000; (o) Times Sq, Improve¬ ment Co., 51 Chambers; (a) Alfred L. Kehoe & Co., 1 Beekman (925). BROADWAY, 3554. erect dumbwaiter to 2- sty bk stores; $600; (o) Thos. Cunningham. 219 W 116lh sl; (a) M, Jos. Harrisoa, World Bldg (887). BROADWAY, 35-9. new partitions to 5-sty bk offices; $5,000; (o) 37 Broadway Co.. 39 Bway; (a) Alfred C. Bossom, 366 5 av (900). LENOX AV, 37-43. remove partitions, stairs, elevator & rear exts, install new partitions, stairs, elevators, toilets, exit, classrooms, peat house, gymnasium, auditorium & balconies to 5-aty bk factory; $400,000: (o) Institutional Synagogue, 112 W 116th; (a) Benj. W. Levitan. 7 W 45th (904). LEXINGTON AV, 751-65, new partitions, toilet & opening lo 3-sty bk str; $5,000; (o) Arcade Rlty Co., 59th & 3 av ; (a) John C. Ruhl. 3207 Hull av (902). MADISON AV, 1732. rearrange toilets & str front: $3.50; (o) Beach Realty Corp.. 48 B 21sl: (a) Nathan Langner. 81 E 125th (695). PARK AV, 635, rearrange partitions to 12- sty bk tnt; $2,150; (o) Susanna S. Minturn 109 E 21; (a) I. N. Stokes. 100 Wm st (837).' ST. NICHOLAS AV, 643-7, remove wall, new piers, girder, wall & schofers to l-sty bk garage; $2,500; (o) Rohan & McParlland, 643 St. Nicho¬ las av ; (a) Jos. Mitchell, 3;i2 W 24th (861). 3D AV, 105, new store front, toilet, floor to 5-sty bk tnt & store; $2,500; (o) Est. Jonas Rind & Mary Meysell, Ferdinand J. Haber, exr, •!■* Cedar st; (a) Rudolf C. Boehler, 38 W 32d 5TH AV, 429, new windows & stairs to 4-sty bk stores & lofts; .$500; (o) Est. Edwin Berg Marie D. Berg, extrx. 42 E 76th; (a) Harold F. Smith. 38-40 W 32 (877). OTH AV, 501-3. new seats to 2-sty bk theatre strs & offices: $1.(X)0: (o) Greeley Sq. Amuse¬ ment Co., 1493 Bway : (a) Thos. W, Lamb 644 8 av (949). 7TH AV. 422. new stairs & show window to 4- sty bk str & offices; $600; (o) Est Louis Voelker Rose & Josephine Voleker, trustees, IGO w 35lh * (a) Morris Schwartz. .309 Bway f!H5). 7TH AV, 426-8. rearrange partitions to 4-sty bk str & rooming house: $300; (o) Sophia Schoeller. Euclid av. Asbury Park, N. J • (a) Bruno W. Berger & Son, 121 Bible House'f896). 7TH AV, 443. new plumbing, stairs, partitions & show window to 4-sty bk strs & hotel: $1000' (o) Melvin M. Morris, 600 W 115th; (a) Chas Schmieder. 401 W 50th fS2S). STH AV, 491, new partitions & ext to 4-3tT bk sir & tnt: $1,500: fo) Myron C. Durkee. Vine- land. N. J.; (a) Wm. A. Parfitt, 26 Court. Bklyn (8.)->). STH AV, 283, remove front, walls, new roof: $(;>0: (o) Est. Katherine E. Moore Jas P Eadie. exec. 191 9th av; (a) Albert E. Straker 191 9th av (871). Bronx. CHISHOLM ST. 1345, 2-sty fr ext. 10.6x7.3, to 2-sty fr dwg; $300; (o & a) Erhard Djorup. prem (78). STATION PL. e s. 112.6 s Gun Hill rd. move 2V^-sty bk & fr dwg & office; $800; (o) Richard Morrison, on prem; (a) Wm. Kenny. 2600 De¬ catur av (76). J-^STH ST, a a, 155.3 e Park av. 1-sty bk ext, 9.4x22, to 1-sty fr factory; $.'00; (o) M Del Papa. Elmira, N. Y; (a) Dummlgon & Crumby, 391 E 149th (83). 150TH ST. n s. 325 e Brook av. 2-5-sty bk exts. 2(x96, 25x52. new steel beams, columns, elevator & elevator shaft to 2-5-sty bk storage & garage: $35,000; (o) Bronx Refrigerator Co. 520 Westchester av; (a) L. C. Holden. 103 Park av (84). BATHGATE AV. 1637, 1-sty bk ext. 20x6. to 3- sly fr tnl: $1,500; (o) Samuel Horowitz. 05 Bel¬ mont av, Bklyn; (a) Paul Lubroth, 32 Court. Bklyn (86). BROOK AV. 143, new toilet compartment par¬ titions to 5-sty bk str & tnt; $2.-.0; fo) Pecomo Realty Co.. (J8 Broad; (a) Geo. Dress, 1931 Madison av fSO). , CAMBRELING AV. 2495 2-sty fr ext 16 6x JH'-^'"^^^^^^ *" height Vj'sty IVj-stv fr dWg; .>J,;iOO; (o) Francisco Anraiclato. 2398 Arthur av : (a) Wra. Falella. 5.53 E lS7th (88) CAMBRELING AV. 2493. 1-sty fr ext 9x14 & now toilet to 2-sty fr dwg; $500; (o) Francisco Ammirato. 2398 Arthur av; (a) Wm. Faiella 553 E ]87(h st fSl). SOUTHERN BLVD. o s, 300 n 172d 1-sty bk ext. 50x100. to 1-sty bk garage; $8,000: (o) P Rosen, on prem; (a) Chas. S. Clark. 441 Tre¬ mont av (82). STEBBINS AV. 1029, new bk front & parti¬ tions to 4-sty fr tnt; $250; (o) Valentine Magnigua, 925 Liberty av. Bklyn : (a) Chas Schaefer. Jr. 529 Courtlandt av (SO) WHITE PLAINS RD, 3664, new stairways bath & new partitions to 3i/.-sty fr str & dwg • y500: fo) Tiebout Av. Constn. Co. 1419 Parker' (a) H. G. Steinmetz 1007 E ISth f87) WHITE PLAINS AV, 137.3, 1-sty fr ext 8 4x 11.2, to 3-sty fr & bk dwg; .$600: fo) Carl M. Watson, on prem; (a) Wm. H. Meyer, 1861 Car¬ ter av (85). The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.