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M.\NHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SUCTION 9ECT10N TWtl FOUNDED 1668 BUILDERS DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDINC MANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satistied Mortgagees and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suite, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estale. Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estaie Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered al the Post OfRce al New York, N. Y.. as second class matter. Vol. CIU. No. 24 (2674) NEW YORK, JUNE 14, 1919 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JUNE 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 & 11. Attorney st, IW (2:343-8). es, 175 s Riv¬ ington, :iox7o. 5-sly bk tnt & sirs; Jos Solomon, 11 Attorney, to Morris Weis¬ bart, 1244 Garden st, Hoboken. NJ; mtg $17,000 & AL; JuneS; June4'19; A$10,000- 1S,000 (R S oOc> (corrects error in last issue, when house No was 92>. O C & 100 Bank st, asi-41; "see Bleecker, 354. BniTow at, 44 t2:5SS-35^ ns, 192.6 w Bleecker. 22.6x97.4x22x97.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg; John Mulholland, ref. lo Edw J Healey. Jr, 40 Barrow; mlg $S.500; FORE¬ CLOS Maylo; Junel; JuneS'19; A$S,Ouo- lU.OUO (R S $3). U,SOO Uleecker st. 350-2; see Bleecker, 354. Uleecker st, 354 (2:620-25), ws, 50.11 n 10th, 19.3x75.10, 3-sty fr bk ft tnl & sir; A$8,000-9.000; also lOTH ST, 217 W (Z:- 620-2S), ns. 26.6 w Bleecker, 28.lx29x28.lx 28.11, 4-sty bk tnl; A$7,000-8.000; also BLEECKER ST. 350-2 (2:620-26-27). nwc 10th (No 215). runs n50.llxw54.7xs21.lixe 28.1x828.ll to lUlh xe26.6 lo beg, 3 & 4-sly fr tnts & sirs; A$14,000-18,000; also 4TH ST, 301 W (2:615-1 & 55), nec Bank (Nos 39-41). 19.6x75. 3-sly bk tnl & sirs; A $10,500-14,500; Anna E Mortimer to Mary A Mortimer, 67 W 71; AL; June?; June9'19. nom Broome st, 93 (2:336-47). swc Sheriff (No lb). 25x75, 6-sly bk tnt & sirs; Wolf Frank to Geo F Martens, of Old Wick, Hunterdon Co, NJ; B&S; mtg $22,500; June 9; Junell'19: A$12,000-25,000 (R S SOc). 150 Carmine st, 2; see Carmine, 4. Carmine st, 4 (2:542), ss. 17.8 sw Min¬ etta la. 20x95.1; also CARMINE ST. 2 (2:- 542-lhi3 & parcel above lot 10). swc Min¬ etta la (No 27), 17.8x67.3x51.4 to lane x 45.11, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs; A$27,000-58.000; also 123D ST. 154 E (6:1771-48), ss. 285 w 3 av, 25x100.11. 6-sty bk tnt & sirs; A$9,- 500-25.500; also AT in following: 98TH ST. 161 W (7:1853-9). ns, 1S4.6 e Ams av, runs n33xnwl4.llxn79.9xse42xs77.8xswl4.llxs 33 to st X—27 to beg, 5-stv bk tnt; A$18,000- 29.000; also 98TH ST, 157 W (7:1853-10). ns, 226.6 e Ams av. runs n33xnwl4.11xn77.8 xse42xs75.7xswl4.11xs33 to st xw26.10 to beg. 5-sty bk tnl; A$17.500-28.000; John A Sonntag to Martha M Sonntag. 75 N 30. Flushing, Ll; AL; JanSO; June4'19 (R S $15). nom Chambers st, 37-41 (1:153-14). ns, 351.6 e Bway, 75.2x150.5 to ss Reade (Nos 15-9). 4-sty bk loft bldg; Saml S Blood as prest of American News Co. a joint stock as¬ socn. to American News Co, Inc, a corpn, 9-15 Park pl; B&S; Julvl'18; June7'19; A $715,000-760.000 (R S $839.50). O C & 100 Charlton st. 33 (2:519-61), ns. 245.2 e Varick, 20x100, 3-sly bk tnt; Anna C Cremin, 1245 Mad av, & ano, to Mary M De Luise Di Milta. 529 Broome; Junell •19; A$9.500-10.500 (R S $13). O C & 100 Cherry st, 468-70; see Monroe. 300-2. Clinton st. (1:59-8). sec Dev sl or Globe Sq (Nos 87-9). 30.3x49.2x14.2x54.7. 3- sty bk lofl & sir bldg; 122 West St Co, 3200 Bway, to Jessie C King at Bound Brook, NJ; mtg $20,000; Mayl2; June7'19; A$34.(t00-42.000 (R S $15). nom AVilliam at, 118 (1:77-11). ses. 89.6 n John, runs selOl.l & 2 & 22 xne27.2xnw 126.6 to st XSW25.3 to beg. 6-sly bk loft & sir bldg; Broadway-John Sl Corpn lo 122- 126 William Sl Realtv Corpn at 99 Nas¬ sau; AL; June7'19; A$100.000-125,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 4TH St. 301 AA- see Bleecker, 354. OTH st, 532 E (2:401-26). ss. 449.7 e Av A, 25x97. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs: American Savgs Bank, 115 W 42. to Anna Shapiro, 230 E 7; B&S & CaG; PM; mtg $16,000; June4'19; A$13.000-17.000 (R S $18). 18.000 OTH Ht, 732 E (2:375-26). ss, 293 w Av D. 25x119, 5-sty bk tnt; Henry J Prud- Homme at Meekton. Col. to Harry Levy, 706 Riverside dr, & Louis Rosenswaike, 780 Riverside dr; PM; mlg $12,000 & AL; May26; Junel0'19; A$14.000-23.000 (R S $15.50). O C & 100 STH st, 315 E (2:391-52). ns. 280.4 e Av B, 20.7x69.10, 4-sly bk tnt & sirs; Metro¬ politan Savgs Bank. 59 Cooper sq E. to Morri.s Borsodi. 241 E 25; AI; June3; June 5'19; A$7.000-9.000 (R S $7.50). O C & 1.000 OTH at, 630 E (3:391-22). ss. 360.6 w Av C, 27.6x93.11. 5-sty bk tnt; Wilhelmine Garnjost. individ & extrx Conrad Garn- jost. deed, & et al to Harrv Grossbard, 8745 17 av. Bklyn, & Abr E Whitman. 633 E 9. NY; mlg $20,000 & AL; June6; June 7'19; A$15.000-26,000 (R S $6). O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.