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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TV*»' 'ff »■■ '"^""^ FOUNDED 1668 ^^ BUILDERS ©UIP AND DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDINC MANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlstted Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages AfrectlnK Real Estale, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recordea Wills and Real Estaie Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Offlce al New York, N. Y., as second class matter. Vol. CIII. No. 26 (2676) NEW YOUK, JUNE 28, 1919 PRICE 2» CENT3 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JUNE 19, 20, 21, 2i. 24 & 25. Canal at, 36a (304) (1:211-33), ss, abt 145 w Church, runs s97.lxw6.3xn2S.10xw 12.6xn76 to st xel9.2 lo beg. 2 & 3-sly bk lofl & sir bldg; Konald Thomas, EXR Geo L Ronalds, lo Laura E Walker. 538 W 179; AL; Apr22; Junel9'19; A$10.000-10.500 (R S $9). ^**^^ Canal st, 362 (3«4); Laura E Walker, 538 W 179. lo Leonard Weill. 155 W 103; mlg $7,500 & AL; Junel9; June2019 (R S $1). nom . Cnthurine st, 29 (1:277-51), es, abt 50 s Henrv, 25.1x114.9x25x112.1. ss, 5-sly bk tnl & strs; Chas Remsen & ano, TRSTES will Wm Remsen, for Chas & Eliz Rem¬ sen & Sarah R Burnham lo Michl A Ro- frano, 11 Oliver; AL; June20; June24'19; A$14.500-24,000 (R S $26). 25,750 Cathedral Pfeway, 15-9 on map 21 (6:- 1594-26), ns, 566.8 e Lenox av. 66.8x100. 5- sty bk tnl; Public Sq Really Co, 320 Bway. to Saml A Cassell. i69o Mad av; mlg $91.- 000 & AL; Junell; June20'19; A$44.000- 96.000 (R S $23.50). O C & 100 Cathedral Pkway, 21; see Cathedral Pkway. 15-19 on map 21. Charlton at, 39 (2:519-64). ns. 140 e Varick. 25x100.5x25x100.6, 3-sly & b bk dwg; Wm S Coffin lo Anne T Safford, 39 Charlton; B&S: PM; mlg $10,000; Junel9; June24'19; A$12.000-12,500 (R S $7). O C & 100 Cooper st (8:2241-2), ss, 100 e 204lh. SOx 100. vacant; Phoenix Ingraham, ref, to Grace N Charlock, 232 Decatur. Bklyn, plff; FORECLOS Junel0'19: Junel9; June 20*19; A$5.000-5.000 (R S $3). 3,000 Front at, S54 (250) (1:107-30). ns, abt 45 w Dover, 22.4x67.3x23x68. es, 5-sly bk storage; A$8.500-14,500: also FRONT ST. 256 (252) (1:107-29), ns, abl 25 w Dover. 22.4x72x23.4x72, 5-aly bk storage; A$9.000- 15.000; Marie H Colby el al to Paul Viane al Rye. NY; mtg $15,000 & AL; June23; June24'19. ' O C & 100 Front st, 25«; see Front. 254. Gold at, 27; see John, 85-7. Hamilton ter, 29 (7:2050-1031^), es, 272.9 n 141st. 18.6x80.7x18.6x79.4. 4-sly & b bk dwg; Henry R Hoyt et al, heirs, &c. Al¬ fred Vv Hoyt, to Arrow Holding Corpn. 217 Bway; AL; May28; June24'19; A$6-.500- 10,500 (R S $10). O C & 100 Hamilton ter. 30 (7:2050-76). ws. 334 n 141st. 16x100. 3-sly & b bk dwg; Dorothy M Field, of Winchester. Mass. individ & EXTRX Azuba M Field, to Jos Bass. 412 W 148; Junel4; June21'19; A$6,000-9.000 (R S $11.50). 11,500 Hubert at, sec A^'ashlnirton; see Wash¬ ington, 391-5. John st, S3 (1:77-2), ns. 41.3 w Gold. 27.1 xl03x2S.lxl00.8, 4-sty bk lofl & str bldg; Robl G Clarkson & ano. TRSTES &c. et al. heirs &c John G Floyd, lo Alden C Noble. 264 Riverside dr; mlg $39,000; June6; June 2ri9; A$65.000-70.000 (R S $43.50). 82,500 John st, 83; Alden C Noble. 264 River¬ side dr. lo Merchants Properly Co. 45 John; B&S & CaG; Junel9; June21'19. nom John St. 85-7 (1:77-1). nes, at nws Gold (No 27). 41.5x100.6x44.6x97.6. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Rodnev Gibson, at Rochelle Park. NY. to Merchants Property Co. 45 John; mlg $135,000 & AL; Junel9; June 21*19; A$l2o.000-150.000 (R S $37.50). nom John at, 1#0; see Platl. 15. Jnm^l pl (8:2112-70-72). es. 288.9 s Edgecombe rd, 74.10x90. vacant; Jay Tee Bee Holding Co to Michl Cook. 2327 Val¬ entine av; AL; Junel2; Junel9'19; A$13.- 500-13.500 (R S $12). O C & 100 Jumel pl (8:2112); same prop; Michl Cook, of Bronx, to U-Need Ice Co. 2050 Ams av mlg $10,108.51 & AL; Junel2: Junel919 (R S $12). 22,000 King Kt, 54 (2:519-12), ss, 133.5 e Varick. old line. 20.10x100, 3-sty & b hk dwg; Julia Treanor to Anna & Eleanor A Trea¬ nor, all al 54 King; AL; Jan31; June23*19; A$10,500-11.SOU (R S SOc). O C & 100 Lewis Mt, 49 (2:328-pt lot 27), ws. 100 n Delancey, 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Henry W Showers, ref, lo U S Trust Co of N Y, 45 Wall. TRSTE will Saml Willets. plff; FORECLOS Junel9; June20; June25 ■19; A$-------$------- (R S $18). 18,0OO .MadiNOn st, 1S2-4 (1:272-33 & 34). ss. 225.8 w Rutgers. 53.9x100, 2-5-sly stn tnls & strs; Franklin H Mills, ref, to 135 Bway Holding Corpn, at 135 Bway, plff; FORE¬ CLOS lax lien Mayl3; MaylS; June20'19; A$3O.O0O-41.00O (R S $9). 27,000 Madison st. Ih3 (1:273-13), ns, 227.7 w Rutgers. 23.10x100, 4-sty bk tnt; John S Hoyt to Arrow Holding Corpn. 217 Bway; AL; May2&; June24'19; A$13,000-16.000 (R 5 $18). O C & 100 .\e\v Chambers st, 68; see Roosevelt. 76. Norfolk st, 32 *2t>> (1:312-7). es. abt 180 a Grand. 25x100, 6-stv bk tnt & sirs. 1-sly exl; Walteler Really Co to Cyli Teitel¬ baum. 2318 Pitkin av. Bklyn; mlg $26,750; June20; June23'19: A$lS.O00-27,SO0 (R S $1). O C & 100 Orehard at, 35 (1:299-22). ws. 75.2 s Hes¬ ter. 30.6x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Isaac Kalmowitz. 47 Ludlow, to Theresa Bern¬ stein. 35 Orchard; AL; June25*19; A$27,000- 51.000 (R S SOc). nom Pearl at, 247-9 (1:75-27). ns, 96.5 e John. runs ny3.6xel5.2xnl8.5xe4.6 xn 6.3 xe 17.2 xs 115.11 to sl xw37 to beg, 2-5-sty stn loft 6 sir bldgs; Austin B Fletcher & ano. TRSTES, et al. heirs &c Estate Jackson S Schultz. lo Kate C Richardson (Schultz), widow of Edw W Richardson, 301 W 106; AL; Mav29; Junel9'19; A$29,000-37.000. 4O,00O Piatt st, 15 (1:69-39 & 49), nes, 205.10 w Pearl, runs n32xe6.10xn92.7 to ss John (No 100) xw24.10xs87xw3.3xs35 to Plait xe 22.2 to beg, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Jas A Glover lo Frances L Glover, his wife, both at Philipslown. NY; CaG; AL; July 1007; June25*19; A$57.500-71.500. nom Rid(?e st, 95; see Rivington. 193. RivinK-ton st, 193 (2:343-19). swc Ridge (No 95). 25.7x72.11, 3 & 5-sty bk tnts & sirs; Frumet Froelich to Jacob Froelich. her husband. 95 Ridge; 12-35ths share; RT&l; AL; May30'18; June25'19; A$24,000- 35.500 (R S SOc). nom RlrlnKton st, 193, swc Ridge (No 95); Jacob Froelich & Fannie Dubowsky et al lo Robl J Macher. 1325 Carroll. Bklyn; all; AL; June23'19; June25'19 (R S SOc). nom Roosevelt st, 7« (1:111-40). es. 23.9 n Batavia, 27x56.2 lo sws New Chambers (No 68) x36.3x81.2. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; American Missionarv Assn to Nathan E Berzen. 148 W 118; B&S & CaG; Junell; June20'19: A$16.00O-33.000 (R S $30). nom Washington st, 391-5 (1:216-21), sec Hu¬ bert, runs e79.9xs50xw9.9xs25xw70 to st xn 75 to beg. 6-sty bk loft bldg; Percy R Pvne. at BernardsviUe. NJ. to Saml Weil, 222 Lenox av; AL; May28; June20'19; A $52,000-95.000 (R S $127.50). O C & 100 W^ater st, 147 (1:38-22), ss. abt 60 w Maiden la. 20.7x86, 4-slv bk storage; Abr Bijur, 330 Park av, to 145 Water Sl Realty Corpn al 145 Water; mtg $20,000; Junel6: June24'19; A$19,000-24,000 (R S $10). nom 3D Kt, 102 AV (2:540-22), ss, 25 w Sulli¬ van. 25x95.1. 3-sly bk stable; Leonard Gal, also known as Peter V L Gal. individ & EXR of Victor or Peter V Gal. to Ermene- gildo De Polo. 238 Thompson; mtg $7,500 & a PM mtg $2,750; Junel6; Junel9'19: A$9.000-10.000 (R S $7.50). O C & 100 4TH st, 10 W (2:535-49). ss. 45 e Mercer. 22.6x80.5. 6-stv bk loft & str bldg; Mary E Plummer. individ et al, EXRS &c Myrick Plummer, to 10 West 4th Sl Co. at 10 W 4; Mav26; Junel9'19; A$16.000-23,000 (R S $7). 25,000 12rrH at, 514 E (2:405-15). ss, 420.6 w Av B, 25x103.3, 5-sty bk tnl & strs; Margt J Becker to Saml Soroka. 234 E 7; AL; June20; June25'19; A$10.000-23.000 (P. S $23). M.ftnA 23,000 1«TH st, 518-20 E (3:973-46). ss. 270.6 6 Av A. 37.6x103.3. 6-sly bk tnt & sirs; Abr Zadek el al to Chaa W Sloeppler, 53 E 182; B&S & CaG; mtg $35,000 & AL; May 28; June25'19; $13,000-35,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 16TH st, 522-4 E (3:973-45), ss. 308 e Av A. 37.6x103.3, 6-sly bk tnt & sirs; Jos Strauss, of Bronx, to Chas W Sloeppler, S3 E 182; B&S & CaG; mlg $35,000 & AL; Mav28; June25'19; A$13,0o0-35.000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 IOTH St. 431 W (3:714-18), ns. 400.2 e 10 av, 25.2x92. 1-sly bk shop; Hencken Realty Co, 543 W 28, to Jas S Hannon, 345 W 14; mlg $4,500 & AL; June20'19; A$9.575-ll,00(^ (R S $7). O C & 100 17TH at, 10 E (8:844-33), ss, 250 w Union sq W, 25x92, 8-sly bk lofl & sir bldg; Franklin Savgs Bank to Manboro Realtv Corpn. 15 Broad; B&S & CaG; AL: Apr25': June2S'19; A$40,000-75,000 (R S $75). OC & 100 19TH st, 139 E (3:875-24), ns. 160 w 3 av. 23x75, 4-sty & b bk dwg; City Real Estate Co to WMllon Holding Corpn, 139 E 19- B&S- mlg $25,000 & AL; June23; June 24*19; A$19.000-25.000 (R S $30). O C & 100 20TH st, 9 AV (3:822-28), ns, 245 w 5 av, 28.6x92, 12-sly bk loft & str bldg; Paula M J wife Stephen V Farrelly & sole de¬ visee will Edwin P Slevin to Karis Realty Co, 80 Bway; mtg $105,000 & AL; June9: June23'19; A$38,O0O-10S,0O0 (R S $4.50). O C & 100 SSTH at, 155 W (3:804-6). ns, 70 e 7 av, 31.1x49.4x30.2x49.4, 4-sly bk tnt & strs; John J Donnelly, 133 S I2th st, Phila, Pa, to Albert Herskovits. 590 West End av; June23; June24'19; A$23,000-25,000 (R S $20). O C & 100 31ST st, 316 W (3:754-51). ss, 175 w 8 av, 18.9x98.9, vacant; Jas C Brady, ref, to Katharine Rainsford, al Rye, NY, plff; FORECLOS Mayl4'19; Junell; June21'19: A$15.000-15.000 (R S $15). 15,00O 36TH st, 149 E; see 37th, 212 E. 37TH st, 212 E (3:917-51), ss, 175 e 3 av, 25x98.9. 5-slv bk loft & sir bldg; A$11,000- 17.000; also'38TH ST. 305 E (3:944-5). ns, 100 e 2 av, 25x99.1x27.7x110.9, vacant; A $8,700-8,700; also 36TH ST, 14& E (3:892- 31). ns. 200 e Lex av, 19x98.9, 3-sly & b sin dwg; A$20.500-22.500; Martin V & Har¬ riet J Cook, both of Highland Cross. Rutherford. NJ. lo Danl W Steele, Jr. 65 Coleridge st. Manhattan Beach. Bklyn; 1-5 pt; QC; AL; Junel9; June23'19 (R S $1). " i^om 3STH st, 304 E (3:918-55). ss. 105 e 3 av, 21x84. 4-sty bk tnt & str. 1-sty exl; Peter F Kane to Jacob Metsch. 627 3 av; mlg $7,500 & AL; Junel4; June23'19; A$8.- 500-14.000 (R S $6.50). nom 38TH st, 305 E; see 37lh. 212 E. 41ST st, 137 W (4:994-18), ns. 350 w 6 av. 25x98.9. 5-stv & b stn club house; Schuvler Realtv Corpn to Helen C Cum- miskev, 265 High sl. Newark. NJ; mlg $40,000 & AL; June21; June23*19; A$80,000- 84.500 (R S $85). ^^ nom 45TH st, 14(;-8 W (4:997-52^-53). ss. 483 4 w 6 av. 33.4x100.5. 2-4-sty stn tnts & strs; Emilv I Smith of Scranton. Pa. to Ruth F Sire. IS E 60; AL; June23'19; A $86,000-88.500 (R S $5). nom 45TH st, 150 W (4:997-531^). ss. 516.8 w 6 av. 16.8x100.4. 4-sly stn tnt & str, b ext; Jacob Selig et al. EXRS &c Saml BYank, to Blanch E Frank, 2170 Bway; Vz PU mtg $29,000; Junel9; June20'19; A$44.000- 46.000 (R S $11.50). }±*^^^ 44STH st, «:«-5 Mi see 46th. 637-9 W. 4«TH at, 937-9 W (4:1094-12-13). ns. 475 w 11 av 50x100.5. vacant: A$18.000-18.000; aUo 46TH ST. 631 W (4:1094-16). ns. 400 w 11 av. 25x100.5. 4-sty bk rear stable; \$9.000-9.000; also 46TH ST. 633-5 W^ (4:- 1094-14) ns, 425 w 11 av. 50x100.5, 3-sty hk stable; A$19.000-25.000; Semaj Realty Co. 303 5 av. to Standard Oil Co of NY. 26 Bway; AL; June4; June20'19 (R S 5^72). The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.