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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 103, no. 20: Articles]: May 17, 1919

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660 RECORD AND GUIDE May 17, 1919 BROOKLYN'S OLDEST Real Estate Office FIRM ESTABUSHED 1843 ^lie Cijauncep Eeal estate Co. 187 MONTAGUE ST. BORO OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK CITY Telephones: Main 4300, 4301, 4302 Appraisers Auctioneers AGENTS and GENERAL Eeal Csitate profeerg Members: Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers Real Estate Board of New York Members Brooklyn Board of R. E. Brokeri ESTABLISHED 1882 David Porter, inc. Real Estate Agents Brokers, Appraisers APPRAISERS FOR The United States Government The State ol New York The City of New York The Equitable Life Assurance Society Equitable Trust Co. The U. S. Title Guaranty Co.» etc., etc BrMklTB Chunber of Commcrc* BalUtav 32 COURT STREET Telephone: Main 828 BROOKLYN, N. Y. JOHN F. DOYLE & S0N5 REAL ESTATE AGENTS BROKERS and APPRAISERS 74 Wall Street. New York City Management of Estates a Specialty Uemtier of Board of BnlEm John F. Doyla Jolm F. Dojle, Jr. AJftfiA U DoyU The Leading Agency Firm Established 1874 Corwith Bros. Greenpoint and Lonf Island City Real Estate FACTORY SITES A SPECIALTY Mortgage Loans, Appraisals, Insurance Entire Management of Property 851 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn Corn Exch. Bank Bldg.. Bridge Plaza. L. I. C. Tel. 5900 Bedford Memtier Brooklyn Board of Broken Chas. L. Gilbert REAL ESTATE BROKER APPRAISER Renting, Collecting, Insorance WATER FRONTS FACTORY SITES Efficient management of Brooklyn Real Estate 753 Nostrand Ave. BROOKLYN at St. Johni Plaoe NEW YORK 25x100. at 107 Weat 129th et, to a client of J. Anthony Minott. 131ST ST.—John C. Nielson. tenant, bought from the FTudwill Realty Co. 16 East 131st st, a 3-sty dwelling, 18x100. 135TH ST.—Simon Myers has sold for a client 323 West 135th st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 18.5x0fl.ll. 136TH ST.—Albert H. Stout sold In con¬ junction with P. Herbert Howell to Josiah Lloyd 111 West I36th et, a 3-sty dwelling on lot 17x100. 136TH ST.—Frank Taylor bought the 3-sty and dwelling, 16.8x09.11, at 160 West 136th st, through Nail & Parker. 13STH ST.—Nail & Parker sold for the Eliza¬ beth Realty Co. to a physician for occupancy 241 West 138th st, one of the King model houses, on lot 17x100. 145TH' ST.—Leitner, Brener & Starr sold for Rose Freund the building 242 West 145th st. containing a theatre and several stores and covering a plot 100x100. It was purchased by the 145th Street Theatre Co., which owns the adjoinint; theatre, known as the Odeon, at 256 West 145th St. Kendall and Herzog were the attorneys for the purchaser. 146TH ST.—Louis Block sold for the Plumb¬ ers' Realty Co. to the E. L. Realty Co. 218- 220 West 146th st, a 6-sty apartment, 40x100, renting for $7,000 and held for $45,000. 140TH ST.—Duff & Brown Co. sold for Jos¬ eph W. Hatch to a client for occupancy 517 West 140th St. a 3-sty dwelling, 17x100. l.'2D ST.—Joseph Shenk bought 620 West 152d st, a 5-sty apartment, held at $110,000, through Harris and A. Stiner. The house Is on a plot 63x100. 156TH ST.—Isidore Federman resold to Rosenberg & Schwartz 515 to 510 West 156th St. a 5-Rty apartment, 75x100, held at $125,000. Mr. Federman bought the property recently from the Haslah Realty Co. and resold it through Benjamin Bernstein. 150TH ST.—The two 6-sty elevator apartment houses occupying the block front on the north side of 150th st, between Amsterdam and SU Nicholas avs, has been bought by Isaac Port- man from Orr S. Lee. They contain thirty- four apartments and three stores and have a combined frontage of 135 ft on 150th st, 61 ft on St. Nicholas av. and 50 ft on Amsterdam av. The buildings yield $26,000 annually in rents and were held at $165,000. Joseph L. Herzog negotiated the sale. 175TH ST.—McDowell & MacMahon sold for Dr. Samuel Derber the 2-sty dwelling at 530 West 175th st, on lot 18x78, to Frank Maransco. 180TH ST.—Annie Moss sold to the Rockwell Holding Co., Inc., Clarence Kimmelman, presi¬ dent, the 5-sty new-law house. 75x100 held at $115,000 and renting for $16,500. at 550 West ISOth st through Steinman & Steinman. ISOTH ST.—I. Portman resold to Morris Cohen, a client of Louis Rosenberg, the 5-sty new-law apartment at 525 West 180th st, on a plot 48x100. 212TH ST.—Charles Garfiel. represented by Herman R. Elias. attorney, sold to A. Satz the plot. 100x100. on the north side of 212th st. 200 ft. east of Broadway, which Is to be resold to builders. 214TH ST.—M. Polsky sold the 5-sty flats at 425-420 West 214th st to Nathan Kauffman. AVENT^E A.—Frederick Brown sold to Jacob I*ngar. through A. L. Meyer, l^G^ Av A. a 5- sty house, with stores, on lot 25x100. AUDUBON AV.—Max N. Natanson pur¬ chased from Frederick Bangerter the Ritz-Carl¬ ton. a G-sty elevator apartment, occupying tbe block front on the west side of Audubon av from 187th to 188th st. The property contains 64 suites of 3, 4, 5 and 6 rooms fullv occupied at an annual rental of $40,000 and held at $; BROADWAY.—Max N. Natanson sold to Jos. Shenk 3200 Broadway, northeast corner of Manhattan st. a 6-sty walkup apartment, con¬ taining seven stores, on plot 112x110x07. ir¬ regular. The property is rented for about $21.- nOfl and was sold through Byrne & Bauman. CATHEDRAL PARKWAY. — Morgenstern Brothers Syndicate resold 15 to 10 Cathedral parkway, a 5-sty apartment, 68x100.11. to a client of Leon Mutchnik. The house is one of three bought by tho above syndicate last month from the Roseoff Realty Corporation. CONVENT AV.—Max Marx has sold Convent Court, a 6-sty elevator apartment uouse. lOOx 100, and containing forty-two suites, renting for $.15,000, at the southwest corner of Con¬ vent av and 140fh st, tn Irving Judis. The property was held at $250,000 and was sold through Leitner. Brener & Starr, the seller being represented by Stoddard & Mark, as at¬ torneys, and Feltenstein & Rosenstein acting for the buyer. HAVEN AV.—Daniel H. Jackson resold to the Paradise Realty Co. the 5-sty apartment house known as Hudson View Court, at 112 to 118 Haven av, facing West 171st st, on plot 87x103. The property Is valued at $130,000, and will be held by the new owners for invest¬ ment. Mr. Jackson bought it recently from William Gamble, president of the Irving Trust Co. GoNNEGTIGUT' TELEPHONES, ANNUNCIATORS and Electrical Specialties Expert oo-operatJon and aervice extended archi¬ tects and contractors In planning and handhng all phases of interior telephone installations. SPIELMAN ELECTRIC COMPANY 1931 Broadway New York City Telephone: Columbus 4147 Established 1879 William G. Morrisey REAL ESTATE BROKER APPRAISER 189 MONTAGUE STREET Telephone ||p MAIN Members Brooklvn Board of R. E. Brokers HOWARD C. PYLE GEO. H. GRAY Brooklyn Real Estate Howard C. Pyle & Co. Mortffa^e Loans Expert AppraisinsT 201 Montague Street BROOKLYN SPEAR AND COMPANY If your property is in the market, send OB the selling partienlars^ as w^e haTc clients who are seekins: well located investment property. 840 BROADWAY, NEW YORK FRED'K FOX & CO., mc Business Building Brokers 14 W. 40TH STREET and 793 BROADWAT JUNE 15th It is of vital importance to file Correct Income Tax Returns The Treasury Department has extended the date of flling to June 15. Have your Return examined by one familiar with REAL ESTATE ACCOUNTS ARTHUR B. SINCLAIR 55 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Cortlandt 4474 FOR SALE EAST 179th STREET (Near IJi'Imont Avenue) 4-Story and Basement Apartment House Lot size, 33x98 Two S-Room Apartments on Each Floor Total rental......... $3,300.00 Expenses .......... $1,325.00 Price ..............$25,000.00 ALBERT E. KELLY 41 UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK