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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SKCTION TWO REAL ESTATE POUNDED I86B AND DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MAt^ACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY BUILDERS This section includes all recorded Mortgages and Mortgage Ex Judgments in Foreclosure Su d Satisfied ___ isure Suits, tgages Affectng Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wins and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class matter. Vol. CIV. No. 5 (2681) NEW YORK, AUGUST 2, 1919 PRICE 29 CIWT8 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JULiY 22, 2Z, 24, 25 & 26, Allen st, 07 (2:414-22), nws, abt 100 s Delancey, 25xS7.(j, 5-Ety bk tnt & strs; Geo Rosenblum to Mary Rosenblum, 21 Orchard; AL,; JulyS; July23'iy; A$12,U00- 21,0U0 (R S $1.50), O C & 100 Arden st, Sa (S:2i74-193). es, 323 n Nagle av, 27x110, 5-sty bk tnt; Barclay Holding Corpn to John Yaccarino & Rose, his wife, 300 W 143, as tenants by entirety; mtg $2u,000 & AL; July24; July25'19; A$4,500- 25,500 (R S $13). O C & 100 Audabon pl (8:2134-195), nwc 157 th. runs W306.9 to ses Riverside dr (No SOO) xne22y,7 to ws pl xse203.5 to beg, S-sty. bk tnt; Centre Realty Co to GrinneU Realty Corpn, at 325 West End av; mtg $565,000 & ALi & PM mtg $160,000; Julyl; July? ^9; A|235,000-825,000 (.R S $260), O C & 100 Audubon pl, sive Riverside dr; gee Audu¬ bon pl, nwc 157th. Bauk: *it, ^2; see Bleecker, 417. . Barrow st, 50 C2:58S-38), ns, 115.9 e Bedford, 24.6x98.2x24.6x98.6, 3-sty bk tnt & 3-sty bk rear tnt;,Lawrence S Greenbaum, ref, to Metropolitan Savgs Bank, 59 Coop¬ er sa E; FORECLOS July22'19; July^4; July25'19; AifS,500-11,500 (R S nO), 10,000 Ulee,cRei- si, 417 (2:623-23), sec Bank (No- S2), 45.3x50x45.1x50, :2 & 3-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; Fredk P Garrettson, TRSTE Harriet P Gibbons, to Valentin Aguirre, 213 52d, Bklyn, & Andw T Henderson, 385 "West; JulylS; July24'19; A$20,000-22,000 (R S $13). i2,mo Canal st, 46 (1:294-24), sws, S6 nw Lud¬ low, runs nw21.Sxsw73 to ns Division (No 134) xel7,2xne44.10xse5.6xne23 to beg, 5- sty bk tnt & strs; Geo P Hotaling, EXR &c Edw^ Kjnieriem, to Aron 8l Elias Rab- inowitz, 30 Orchard; AL; July24; July26 '19; A$21,000-31,000 (R S $37).. 37,000 Canal st, ^0 (former jVo» 125 Sl 117) (1:212-31), sws, abt 65 w West Bway, be¬ gins at line bet Nos 390 & 392, runs sw 65.7xel2.7xne4.7xn4.2xe7.6xn€56.5 to st x— 21.1 to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg Edith Witt, 239 Howe av,. Passaic, KJ, to Michl Goldsmith, 275 Peschine av, Newark. NJ; mtg $20,000 & AL; Sept6'18; July 24'19; A$10.000-15,000 (R S SOc). O C c& 100 Cooper st (8:2241-2), ss, 100 e 204th, 50x 100, vacant; Grace N Charlock, of Eklyn, to Annie Rice, 970 Whitlock av; B&S & CaG; July21; July22'19; A$5,000-5,000 (R S $7). nom Crosby st, 51 (2:482-6), es. 212.5 n Broome, 25x100, 7-sty bk storage; Ada S Kessler. 26 W 39, et al, to Andw W Smith, on West High st, Ballston Spa, NY; % pts, AT & B&S; Julyl2; Juiy25"19; A$13,000- 33,000 (R S $48.50), 48,aae,ai> Divi.'4ion st* HM; see Canal, 46. Eawt Broadway, 305 (1:285-23), ss, 171.1 •w Clinton, runs sS7,6xwS7.6( ?) to ss East Eway xe25.6 to beg (error, course omitted), 3-sty bk tnt & str; Shmerel Le¬ vine to Jacob Seal, 205 East Bway; mtg $15,750; July2; July22'19; A$23,000-27,500. O C & 100 FVanklin alley* nec Franltlin; see Eway, 365-7. FrankUn st, OS; see Bway, 365-7. Front Ht, 20:t (1:96-10 & IS), ns, Fulton, runs n72,6x—10.1xn62.1 to ss (No 207) xe23,7xs62.3x—82,5 to Front xw 23.6 to beg, 1-4 & 1-5-sty bk storage bldgs; Marie A Le Royer, of Geneva, Switz, to Wm A Winant, 23 Clinton, Bklyn; AT, B&S & CaG; mtg $20,000; June 28: July24U9; A$31,000-46,000. nom Front st, 203 (1:96-10 & IS), ng. 50-11 e Fulton, 22.5x144.10 to ss Water (No 207) x 23.6 X 144.10, 1-4 & 1-5-sty bk storage bldgs; Henry G D de Meli, EXR &c Henry A de Meli, deed, et al, to Wm A Winant, 23 Clinton, Bklyn; AT; mtg $20,000 & AL; July21; July24'19; A$31.000-46,000 (R S $23). O C & 1,000 51.5 e Water Gold st, 13 (1:68-29), nws, 26.5 sw Piatt, runs sw26.9xnw78.Sxne6.2xnwl.6xne23.2xse 81 to beg, 4-sty bk storage; John J Riker et al, EXRS &c John L Riker, to Jane Holding Corpn, 3600 N 2d st, St Louis, Mo; AL; July3; July23'19; A$22,000-26,000 (R 5 $35). 35t00O Gouverneur st, 2S (1:267-18), es, 74 n Mad, 23.11x83.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Harry Rabinowltz, 9 Ludlow, to Barnet Levine, 6S Henry; mtg $15,000 & AL; Julyl6; July21'19; A$10,000-20,000. nom Greenwieh st, 20 (1:14-33), ws, 174.7 s Morris, 30.9x90.1x30.5x91.8, 6-sty bk tnt 6 strs; Waiter A Burke. EXR Edw J Burke, to Regina B Saportas, on Church st, Saratoga Springs, NY; July24; July25 '19; A$2S,000-36,000 (R S $29.50). 50,000 Greenwicli st, 2<>; Frances A Magee & ano, heirs &c Edw J Burke, to same; AT; QC; July23: July25'19. O C & 100 Greenwieh .st, 28 (1:14-32), W3, 149.7 s Morris, 25x93, 4-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs; Walter A Burke, EXR Edw J Burke, to Regina B Saportas, on Church s£, Sara¬ toga Springs, NY; July24; July25'18; A $23,000-27,000 (R,S $10). S0,000 Greenwich st^ SS; Prances A Magee & ano, heirs &c Edw J Burke, to same; AT; QC; July23; July25'19. - O C& 100 Greenw'ich st, 74 (1:18-44), ws, abt 215 S Rectoi', —X—, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jos P Bruell to Ei^ma W Wlngate, 583 St Marks av, Eklyn; 1-5 pt; mtg $33,000 & AL; July25'19; A$23,000-34,000 (R S $1). nom Greenwich st, 523 (2:597-5). es, 89 s Vandam, 25x99.9xM.8x99,9, 3-sty fr' bk ft tnt & str, 1-sty bk ext; Robt W Courtney, Jr, et al, EXRS &c Robt W^ Courtney, to 523-525 Greenwich St, Inc. at 51 E 42; ■June21; July2*ia3 ■A$ll,500-12,000 ■ (R S $12,500, - ••- 12,300 Hamilton ter, 53-73 (7:2050-113 & 118), es. 504.0 n 141st. 275x73.4x275,11x96.6. 2-6- sty bk tnts; Hamilton Terrace Co to Win^ ter Realties, Inc, &39 W 155; mtg $330,625 & AL; July21; Juiy23'19; A$114,000-343,000 (R S $90.50). O C & 100 Hudson st, 150-; see Hudson. 161-3. HudMOn st, 101-3 (1:215-19), swc Laight (.No 47), 51x100, 9-sty bk loft & str bldg; mtg $90,000 & ALj A$4S,000-130,000; also HUDSON ST, 159 ■ (1:215-21), ws, 101 n Hubert, 25x109, S-sty bk storage; AL; A $18,000-56,000; Frank E Habicht. 250 W 104, to Hedwig Braun, 600 West End av, heir Herman W Braun: B&S & CaG; July 19; July25'19 (R S $270). nom James st, 45 (1:116-20). ws, 25 s Madi¬ son, 25.1x60.2x25.3x59.8, 4-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs, 2-sty bk ext; John Lagomaslno, 3S3 14th, Eklyn, to Geo Contos, 40-Madi¬ son, NY; mtg $8,000 & AL; Julyl9; July 21-19; A$10,000-15,000 (R S $3). nom Lni&ht st, 47; see Hudson, 161-3. MadJ.son st, 1S3 (1:273-13), ns, 227.7 w Rutgers, 23.10x100. 4-sty bk tnt; Arrow Holding Corpn to Congregational Beth Hacknesses Anshei Ostrolenka. a cbrpn, 1S3 Mad;^AL; July21; July22'19; A$13,000- 16,000 (R S $10.50), O C & 100 Madi^ioii st, 283 (1:269-22), ss, 115 w Montgomery, 25x100, 5-sty stn tnt; Bessy C Coles, 2010 De Lancy pl. Phila, Pa, to Philip Shechter, 1S4 Alabama av. Bklyn; B&S; Julyl; July23'19; A$14,000-26.000 (R S $22). O C & 100 Maiden la. 57 (1:67-11). ns, 87.2 w Will¬ iam, runs n9S.2xwl & 23-10xs90.4 to st xe 25.7 to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Seth S Terry to Gertrude S Terry, his wife, both at 1000 Park av: yz pt; AL; July24; July25'19; A$120,000-140,000, nom Moore St. 30 (1:4-22), ws„ 104.10 s Front, 24.6x73.5x24x72.4. 5-sty bk storage; Sarah E Townsend, 25 Schermerhorn, Bklyn, to Geo A Zabriskie. 222 W 59; July 21; July22'19; A$10,500-16.000 (R S $26). 25„S00 Moore Ht, 32 (1:4-23), ws,. 129.4 s Front, 23x74.6x23x73.5. 5-sty bk storage; Eliz G Wheelwright & ann, TRSTES will Eenj F Wheelwright, to Geo A Zabriskie, 222 W 59; July21; July22'19; A$9,500-15,000 (R S $24.50). 24,200 Pearl st, 10-14; see State st, plot bound¬ ed sw by State, &c, Riving-tou st, 42-4 (2:421-78), ns, 80 w Eldridge, runs n75xw20xn25xw24.8xsl00 to st xe44.8 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Re¬ becca Mandel to . Max Mandel, 574 West End av; B&S;^ AL;' July22; July23'19; A $30,000-60,000. , O C & 100 Rivington st, 'IOO (2:411-72), ns, 66.3 e Ludlow, 22x80, 3-sty bk tnt & stra; Ignatz Schuster, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Isa^c Ortman, 106 Rivington; AL; May30'lS; July24'19; A$14,000-19,000 (R S $4). nom Stanton st, 154 (2:350-36), ns, 25 e Suf¬ folk, 25x67, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Morgan J O'Brien, Jr, ref, to Meier Padwe, 252 Sth st, Jersey City, NJ. -&. Helen Sternberg, 176 Rivington, NY; FORECLOS June27; July23; July2i4,'19; Ail2,000-18,000 (R S $14), ' 13,750 State st (1:9-11-13 & 19-20), plot bound¬ ed sw by Statei 30 se by No 9 J^ (9 State, 64.4, ne in rear 26;6 & nw by No ll State, 49.7; also PEARL ST, bounded n by Pearl 19.6, e by land of Clark or Ludlow 91, 9 by land of Corre 19.5. & w by land of Corre S5.6; also STATE ST, at line bet land of Corner & that hereby described, runs s along st'55.3 to land of Watson xn© 60xne24,5xn52.7xwl.8x:n49.11 . to ss Pqarl xW)12.1xs50.3x^9.1Lxwl7:llxw2.10x38xse7.1 jisw 64 to beg, ):)eiffig-kDown as Nos 9j. 11 & 12 State st & 10, 12 & sometimes No 14 Pearl st, 2-5-sty bk tnts ■& strs. 5- aty bk hosn&: & 5-sty bk storage & 3-sty bk loft bidg;,Geo J^ Johnstone. 101 We3t- .efvelt pl, Passaic, - NJ, to Battery Park Lund Corpn; at 60 ■Wall;mtg $90,000; July 2.r JulyS'19; A$l,'90,0O0-223,0.O0 (R S $1):. jiiDm tJniversity.pl; 04 (2':568-23), ws, 55.3 n 10th, 21.6x105,3x21:7x103.9, T-s.ty bk loft & str bldg; Lottie \Ei & Aida R De Milt,-.at Bayshore, :LI,.'to. Cosul Realty Corpn;.: 3S Park Row;;'Ai.; July2i; Juiy26'19; A$15," 000-32,000 (R-S $38:).. 0:C & 100 ■; Vesey st; 30 (1:86-'1&)', ns,'50,3 w Church, 24,9x101, 5-sty MH loft & str bldg; Rector &c of Trinity ,CHurch, 1S7' Fulton, to. E Fougera Co','90 Beekman; PM hitg $37,500 & AL; Julyiei Jul^25'19; A$50.000-55,000 (R.S .$,50)". : \ ' . ■ ., O C& 100 Water ^t, 3S' '.(1;7-17>, ■ ses. 132,2 ',;ne Broad. 28,9x75x28'4-0x^73,9, 4-s'ty ,bk stor¬ age; Theo C Camp, -691- West End av, ^as COMMITTEE F.erdjha^id. W Suydam, ,^to Amos D Carver. ,at'to.Gust Valley. LI; AL; July22; July23a9,;. -A$2.0,-000-25,000. (R S $45). ; " ; V' ;, 45,000 Winter st^ 36 '(1:7-2-4),'ns, 23.3 w Coentles si, 21x53.6x22-10x53:1/ 5-sty bk .storage; Augustus Van Cortlandt, of Sharon. Conn, to Water St Realty Corpn, 39 Water; May 26; July22'19; A$13.000.17,000 (R S $31.50), > . O C & 100 Water st, IfiS (1:74-35), ss, abt - 25.^ e Burling si, 23.5x44,11x23.1x45.1, 4-31^ bk office & str. bldg; Lorillard Spencer to Robt A Shaw. 343 Car.lton av, Bklyn; July 19; July26'19; A$14,50O-17,500 (R S $25). O C & 100 IVater ^t, 207; see Front, 203, 3D st, 228 E (2:3S5-19). ss. 263,9 e Av B, 24.9X % blk, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Morris & Mamie Weisbart,' 1244 Garden st, Hp- boken, NJ, to Jos Solomon. 11 Attorney; B&S: mtg $19,250 & AL; JulylS; July21'19; A$13,500-19,000, nom 3D st, 22S E5 Jos Solomon to Florajo Realty Corpn, 115 Sway; mtg $19,250 & AL; July2ri9 (R S $2), O C & 100 3D Rt, 305 E (2:373-53). ns, 2S1.4 w Av D, 24.6x96, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Zoe D Underbill, at Bedford Hills, NY, to Louis Hoehman. 259 E 7; Julyl9; July25'19; A $11,500-28,500 (R S $27.50). O C & 100 7TH st, 19 E (2:463-48). ns, 17S e 3 av, » 26x74.10. 5-aty stn tnt & strs; Eeckte, wife Jacob Simon, 1163 St Johns p], Bklyn, & Ida Ziperowitz (Simon), 350 Lincoln pl, Bklvn, to Max Dorf, 612 W 112; AL; July 24; July26'19; A$l4,000-23,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.