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140 RECORD AND GUIDE August" 23, 1919 Corpn, at 135 Bway; mtg ?265,000 Sc Augl3; Augl4'19; A|100,000-320,000 (R S $1) • ^ O C & 100 Riversiide dn es, abt 603.3 n Flaza La¬ fayette; see Overlook ter, ws, 320 w & nw Bennett av. . St Nicholas a%^ 452 (7:1958-41), es, 63.10 s 133d, 37.5x77.6x36-llxSl.S, 5-sty bk tnt; Danl J Riordan, 170 E 94, to Francis S Bancroft, at West New Brighton. SI; mtg $19,000 & AL; Septl7'17; Augl3'19; AU^,- 500-28,000, nom West Broadivay, 1^3 <3©> (1:144-31 ^ nws, abt 25 n Duane, 25x50, 3-sty bk & fr tnt & str, 1-sty ext; Maurice H Smith to Lena R Smith, Ms wife, 60 W 129; mtg $13,000 Sc Al.; Aug6; Augiri9; AUS^OOO- 21,000 (R S $17). nom West Broadway, 140-3 (1:144-26-27), swc Thomas (Nos 78-82), runs s50xw50xs50xw 16,8xnl00 to st xe66.S to beg", 2-5-sty stn loft Sc str bldgs; City Real Estate Co et al, individ & EXRS &c Isabella Li Beekman, et al, to A P Realty Corpn, 140 Bway; ^ pt; AL; Aug2; Augl5'19; A$57,5OO-81,000 (R S $9.50). O C & 100 West Broadway, 140--2, swc Thomas (Nos 78-82); same prop; New Jersey Title Guar & T Co, S3 Montgomery st, Jersey City, NJ, EXR Chas A Smith, to same; y^ pt; mtg $32,750 & AL; Augl2; Augl5'19 (R S $15). ai,ooo West End av, 078 (4:1240-61), sec 93d. runs e36xs26.5xe20xsl5xwl9.Sxn5.2xnw4.9x wl0.11xn5.9xw32 to av xn26.5 to beg. 5- sty & b bk dwg; David De Sola Mendes to K C K Corpn, Inc, 353 "5 av; mtg $17,- 000 & AL & PM mtg $10,000; Augll; Aug 12^19; A$31,000-35,000 (R S $19). O C & 100 1ST av, 33Sa (6:1798-28). ws. 25.2 s 122d, runs w71.4xsel09.10 to av xn83.5 to beg, ^ore, 2-sty stn office & vacant; Matilda Hutchinson & No 2383 1st Av Corpn to Ralph Sassone, 124 Willis av; AL; Aug9; Augl3'19; A$14,000-15.000 (R S $12.50). O C & 100 2U av. 10» (2:462-27), ws, 73 n 6th. runs Wl00xnl7,10xe2xn6,2xe98 to av xs^4 to beg. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawrence Davis, of Newark, NJ, to Saul Birns, 111 2 av; mtg $27,500 &AL; July25; Augl5'19; A$23.500- 29.000 (R S $10), O C & 100 20 av, 24S7 (6:1792-22). ws. 25.8 n 127th, 24,4x100. 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Dominick Fata. 20S E 118 to Frank Porco Realty Co, 181 E 121; mtg $8,000 Sc AL; Augl3; Aug 15'19: A$5,800-13.000 (R S $3). O C & 100 4TH av, 101-11 (2:556-40-44). es, 75.7 n 11th.» runs nl41.l0 to ss 12th (Nos 98-102) xell6.9xsl00xe25xs—xwl02.8 to beg, 1-4 & 4-3-sty bk loft & str bldgs Sc 1-3 & 1-4- sty bk tnts Sc strs; Mathilde E R Stuy¬ vesant, widow, to International Tailoring Co. 97 E Houston; AL; July9; ■Aug2'19; A $164,000-185,000 (R S $224). nom 4TH av, 424-a3 (3:859-39), nwc 29th (Nos 49-53), runs nlO7.6xw60xsS.9xw2 0xs 98.9 to 29th xeSO to beg. 16-sty bk office & str bldg; 432 4th Av Corpn, at 907 Bway, to Saml K Jacobs. 428 4 av; mtg $675,000 & AL; Augl; Augl3'19; A$454,0OO-S7O.OO0 (R 3 SOc). nom STH av, 85 (3:844-1), nec 16th (Nos 1-3). rung el41.10xn92xw25xs43xwll6.10 to av x 349 to beg, 13-sty bk loft & str bldg; Greenwich Savgs Bank. 246 6 av. to 37 St Marks Place Corpn. at 100 5 av; R&S; AL; Augl2; Augl4'19; A$250,000-540,000 (R S $700). O C & 100 STH av, 85; nec 16th
. ss. 203.10 w Boston rd. 16.7x 101.11x13.6x101, 2-sty & b fr dwg; .Newat Realty Co, 200 Bway. to Pomptine Realty Corpn. -------; sub to 5 PM mters. each $2,- 500: Augll; Augl4'19 (R S $17). O C .^ 100 JefFerson pl, 0^4% see Jefferson pl, 662. Jeflferson pl, 073-0: see Jefferson pl. 662. Kelly st, S74 (10:2710). es, 616.8 n Long- wood av. 33.4x100. 4'Stv bk tnt; Anna Frankel to Arrow HoJding Corpn. 217 Bway; B&S: Jan31; Augl4'19 (R S $1). nnm Kelly St. 008-72! (10:2713>, GS, 277 n 163d. 76x100. 2-4-stv bk tnts: Winnie Pealty & Constn Co to Jacob Rnbinowtz, 1212 Vyse av: mtg $-------; Augl2; Augl3'19 (R S $13.50). ion Kelly Kt. 076-RO (10:271:?). es. 353 n 163d. 76x100, 2-4-stv bk tnts: Wmnie Re^iltv & Constn Co to Solomon Schelinsky, 940 Tif¬ fanv: mtg $20,000; Augl2; Aug14'19 (R S $i:^ 50V O C & IOO Kc-Uy Kt, 103R (10:2716). es. 151.3 n 165th. 20x100* 3-sty bk tnt; Marearetha, wife of Sc ,Tohn Zimmermann. to Solomon Bochner. J040 Kplly; mtg $7,000; Augll; Augl2*19 (R S $4). nom Liff-ht y-t (17:4946). ns, 45 w Steenwick flv. 75x100: Dyre Av Realty Co to Otto Johnson, 2141 Prospect av; June28; Aug: 11*19 (R S $3). O C & 100 Minford pl- 1531: see 172d. S95 E. rights are reserved. Notice ia hereby given AuglS'lO. 149TH Ht Moody, 122 14 E 175 w Mor- & 2-sty fr FIglio, 591 E 152; mtg Rose pl (17:5013), es, 146,3 n Kings- bridge rd, 25.1x93.11x25x96.1; Pasquale Ambrosino, 4216 Bruner av, to Mary Pet- schke. 243 E 59; mtg $1,400; Aug4; Aug 9^19 (R S $1). nom Tiffany st, 1008 (10:2717), es, 279.3 s 167th, 25x100, 2-sty fr dwg; Bronx Na¬ tional Realty Corpn, 882 Prospect av, to Fannie Slater, 1804 Wash av; mtg $3,250; AugS; Augl2'19 (R S $2.50). . nom Tilden st. S41 (16:4671;, ns, 55 w Bronx- wood av, 25x210.4x25x210.9; Bridget Will¬ iamson, at Stuyvesant, NY, to Antonio Padden, 307 10 av; sub to a PM mtg of $2,350; July26; Augl2'19 (R S $4)- 100 Van Bnren st, 1700 (15:4016), ws, 103.6 n Van Nest av, 23.6x100; August Werner et al to John Toscani Sc Alberto Mariani. 524 Van Nest av; mtg $2,700; Augl; Aug8'19 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 140TH st, 403 E3 (9:2284). ss, 816.8 e Wil¬ lis av, 16.8x100, 2-sty & b bk dwg; Cath R Meincke to Eva Kotten. 443 St Anns av; mtg $4,500; AuglS; Augl4U9 (R S $2). O C & 100 140TH st E (9:2328), ns. formed by in¬ tersection of es Melrose av (No 550) & ws 3 av (Nos 2857-9) with ns 149th. runs neS8.5xw— to *es Melrose av 77.2 n 149th XS77.2 to beg, 3-sty bk office & atr bldg; J Clarence Davies, 14 E 81, to Geo F Moody, 122 W SO; mtg $75,000; July30; nom E (9:2328); same prop; Geo F W 80, to J Clarence Davies, 81; mtg $75,000; Augl2; Augl3'19. nom 150TH st, 34» E (9:2440), ns, ris av, 25x118.5, 2-sty fr dwg Stable in rear; Gaetano De Morris av. to Michele Orza. 238 $3,000; Augl; AugS'19 (R S $3.50), O C & 100 1S3I> st, 20S-30O E (9:2411), ss. 270.3 e Morris av, 50x116.10x50x116.11, 5-sty bk tnt; Anton Hermansen. 1073 Teller av. et al, to Hans Hermansen, 2085 Vyse av; Aug 5; AugS'19 (R S $8). O C & 100 153TH st, S7» E (9:2402), ns. 200 w Mel¬ rose av, 25x100. 2-sty fr dwg; Louis Kobel. 3014 Bainbridge av, to Hy C Kmnze. 379 E 155; Aug6; Aug9'19 (R S $9). O C & 100 107TH st, 04S E (10:2728). ns, 50 e Simp¬ son, 37.6x100. 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Walter 0 White, Ocean Township, NJ, to Simon Bennett. 62 W 36; mtg $24,500; July31; Augl4'19 (R S $10). O C & 100 lOSTH St. 2SS-00 E; see College av, 1222. 109TH st, 357 E (11:2782). ns. 59.10 e Findlay av, 20x90, 2-sty fr dwg; Herman Stelljes to Fannie Wexler Sc Rose Saro- witz. 1703 Wash av; mtg $4,000; Augll; Augl2'19 (R S $3). O C & 100 170TH »t E, n-we AVash av; see Wash av. 1401. 173D at, 80S E (11:2967). nwc Minford pl (No 1521). 67x34, 4-sty bk tnt; Isaac Breakstone to Minford Holding Corpn. -------; mtg $19,750; July25; Augl4'19 (R S 52). O C & 100 173D st, 230 E; see Eastburn av, &ec 173, 170TH st, 760-4 E; see Prospect av, sec 176th, 177TH st, 2 Ej see Jerome av. 1898. J77TH st, 15 W (11:2862). ns, 31,11 e Davidson av, 32.9x67.8x28.5x78.11, 4-stv & b bk dwg; Wm I Seaman, 40 Douglas^ rd. Emerson Hill. Stapleton. SI. to Isaac Kiosk. 500 W 175; mtg $8,250 & a PM mtg of $3,375; July31; Aug7'19 (R S $5,50). O C & 100 170TH St. 7ni E: see Crotona av, 3000. 179TH st, 74S E (11:3093). ss. 136 w Prospect av. 36x95, 5-sty bk tnt; also 179TH ST, 752 E (11:3093). ss, lOO w Pros¬ pect av. 36x95. 5^sty bk tnt: Louis Moen- nig. 158 E 92, to Arrow Holding Corpn. 217 Bway; mtg $46,000; Aug6; Aug9'19 (R S $18). nom 170TH Kt, 753 E (11:3093). SS. 100 w Prospect av, 36x95, 5-sty bk tnt; also 179TH ST, 748 E (11:3093), gs. 136 w Pros¬ pect av, 36x95, 5-sty bk tnt; Arrow Hold¬ ing Corpn to Denwood Realty Co. 509 \^^llis av; mtg $56,000; Aug6; Aug8'19 (R S $8). O C & 100 170TTI St. 7521 E; see 179th. 748 E. 18GTH st E, sec Bathgate av; see Bath¬ gate av, 2092. 183D st E, mve Park av? see Park av, nwc 182d. 18aD st, 051-5 E; see Belmont av, nwc 183d. 1S4TH st, 34 W (11:3198), ss, 66.5 w Davidson av. 16.8x80, 2 Sc 3-sty bk dwg: Chas E Nessle. 2304 Grand av, to Wm R Lowe. 44 Fordham rd W; mtg $4,000; Aug S; Augl2'19 (R S $3). O C & 1,500 187TH st E (11:3057). ns, 164 w Bath¬ gate av. runs w31 to es former Willman pl xn304.7 to ss ISSth xe22.9xs95xe72.2xs— to point 90 n 187th xw64xs90 to beg. va- A Muldoon. ref, to Frank W ElanveU, at CatskilL NT, in- EXRS Fredk N Du Bois. pl^: June25: July7; Augl4'19 ^R S 2.500 E, ss, 221 e TVa»h av! see 187th n cant: Felix Sr Alice D divid Sc as FORECLOS $2.50). ISSTH Kt E, ns, 164 w Bathgate av. that infringement will lead to proBecution,