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►eplember GUIDE 227 47TH Bt, 345 E; see 1 av, S45-7, 47TH st, 33 yv (5:1263-17), ns, 503.6 w 5 av, 23x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Adele V Allen, 162 W 122, to Incorporated Owners, a corpn, 43 Cedar; mtg $40,000 & AL; Sept 9; Septl9'19; A$59,000-65,000 (R S $21). O C & 100 4STH Ht, 230 E (5:1322-17), ns, 200 w 2 av, 20x100.5, 3-aty stn dwg; Turtle Bay Holding Co to Mary G Potter, 333 2 av, & Frances Arnold, 142 E 18; mtg $10,000 & AL; Aug26; Septl7'19; A$8,000-ll,000 (R S $14), O C &' 100 4STH st, 402 E (5:1359-47^), SS, 75 e 1 av, 25x75.4, 5-sty bk tnt St Strs; Emil E Fuchs, ref, to U S Trust Co of N Y, sub TRSTE will David Stevenson, for Eliz Stevenson Harris, plff; FORECLOS Aug St; re-recorded from Aug29'19; Septl6'19; A$6,000-15,000 (R S $7). 7,000 40TH &t, 234 E (5:1322-35), S3, 230 W 2 av, 19x100,5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Church of St Boniface to Turtle Bay Holding Co, 36 E 58; AL; Sept23; Sept24'19; A$7,500- 10,500 (R S $23.50). O C & 100 4&TH st, 238 E (5:1322-33^), S3, 192 w 2 av, 19x100.5, 3-sty stn dwg; Turtle Bay Holding Co lo Frank C Farley, 15 W 38; mtg $6,500 Se AL; Septll; Septl7'19; A$7,- 450-10,300 (R S $18.50), O C & 100 40TH st, 514 W (4:1077-43), ss, 243.4 w 10 av, 26.4x100.5, 5-5ty stn tnt; Edgar J Hesslein et al, EXRS Rosalie Hesslein, to Chas H Horn, 329 W 43; PM mtg $11,000; SeptS; Septl6'19; A$10,500-18,000 (R ? $161, lOjOOO SIST st, 51 E (5:1287-32), ns, 287 e Mad av, 20x100.5, 5-sty bk dwg; Martha Kountze of Southampton, DI, to Margt Hawkesworth. 45 E 50; AL; Sept3; Sept22 ■19; A$40,000-68,000 (R S $67.50), O C & 100 51ST st E (5:1363-23), ns, at East Riven —X—,'vacant; Frank W Rlckers,-of Bklyn, to F & M-Schaefer Brewing Co, 617 Lex av; B&S; AugSO; Sept9'19; A$18,000-lS,O00, nom 52I> st, 248 E (5:1325-31%), ss, 85 w 2 av, 15 X 100.5, 3-sty stn tnt; Josephine Pfriemer, widow, 248 E 52, to Jos Backus, 424 E 51; AL; Sept24'19; A$5,750-8,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 53D st, 44 E (5:1288-45), ss, 216 w Park av, 18x100.5, 5-sty & b stn dwg; Geo G Moore, 44 E 53, to Robt Morrison, Jr, 110 Rockland av, Yonkers, NY; QC; AL; Sept 18; Sept20^19; A$35,000-50,000, nom 53D Bt, 5S E (5:1288-4-2^), ss, 148 w Park av, 16x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Eliz H Stanton to Howard C Alley & John E D Trask, Inc, 52 E 53; mtg $24,000 & AL; Septl2; Septl6'19; A$SO,000-38,000 (R 5 $16). O C & 100 53D st, 150 E (5:1308-31), ns, 122.4 w 3 av, 27,7x100.5, 4TSty bk tnt & strs; Wm B Parsons to Harry Aronson, Inc, 200 5 av; B&S Sc CaG; AL: July23; Sept20'19; A$18,- 000-26,000 (R S $20). 20,000 53D st, 230-43 W; see 8 av, S96-S, 54TH st, 32 W (5:1269-61%), ss, 305 e 6 av, 20x100.5, 5-sty stn dwg; Hattie S Halle, at Tarrytown, NY, to Wm J Galli- gan, 82 Globe av, Jamaica, B of Q; AL; SeptlS; Septl7^19j A$42,000-82,000 (R S $90), nom 54TH st, 32 TV} Wm J Galligan, of Ja¬ maica, B of Q, to Sarah A H Taylor, of Lawrence, LI; PM mtg $60,000 & AL; Sept 15; Septl7'19 (R S $3^). nom 54TH st, 63 W (5:1270-5), na, 95 e 6 av, 13x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt; John B Kirkman to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway; mtg $26,000 Se AL; Septl5; Septl9'19; A$20,000- 32,000 (R S $14). O C & 100 54TH st, 420 W (4:1063-46), ss, 325 W 9 av, 25x57.4x25.1x59.9, 4-sty fr bk ft tnt Se Strs; Harry Kline, 425 W 54, to Day Sc Meyer, Inc. 341 4 av; AD; Septl2; SeptlS '19; A$S,000-9,000 (R S $17.50). O C & 100 55TH st, 40 W (5:1270-60), sa, 355 e 6 av, 20x100.5, 5-sty bk dwg; Josephine H Bissell to J Ramsay Hunt, 46 W 55; B&S; mtg $35,000 Sc AL; Aug29; Septl7'19; A $46,000-72.000 (R S $25). O C & 100 56TH st, 12 E (5:1291-63), Ss, 220 e 5 av. 22.6x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Chas W Minor & ano, EXRS &c Josephine E Leeds. to Reliance Impt Co, 71 Bway; AL; Sept 16; Septl7'19; A$70,000-78,000 (R S $75). 75,000 BOTH st, 13 E; Reliance Impt Co, 71 Eway, to Marie G Currier, 8 Common¬ wealth av, Boston, Mass; mtg $55,000 & AL; SeptlO; Septl7'19 (R S $20), O C & 100 57TH fit, 33 E (5:1293-29), ns. 207 e Mad av, 18x100.5. 4-sty Se b stn dwg; Lewis B Gawtry & ano, EXRS Harrison E Gawtry, to Arthur Brisbane, at Hempstead, LI; AL: SeptlO; Sept23'19; A$50,000-60.000 (R S $70). O C & 100 57TH st, 320 E (5:1350-15). ns, 280 w 1 av. 20x100.4, 3-sty stn tnt Se str; Marie Rieth to Marie & Anna Rieth, her daugh¬ ters, all at 329 E 57; B&S; Sept20; Sept 24'19; A$9,000-13.000 (R S SOc). gift & 100 57TH st, 541 W (4:1086-13), ns, 475 w 10 av, 25.1x100.5, B-sty bk tnt; Sara C Thomas (Hadden). of Red Bank, NJ, to Aries Corpn, 359 Pulton, Bklyn; AL; Aug 20; Septl9'19; A$12,000-15,500 (R S $10). nom 03D st, 103-5 E (5:1398-30-31), ns, 120 w 3 av, 40x100.5, 2-3-sty & b bk awgs; Fredk J Sterner to Maurice Brill, 106 E 65; AL; Septl5; Septl6'19; A$40,000-45,000 (R S $70), O C &; 100 G5TU st, 44 E (5:1379-45), ss, 180 e Mad av, 20x100.5, 5-sty bk dwg, 2-sty ext; Sid¬ ney R Eurnap to Minnie J Hutchins, 55 E 65; mtg $45,000 & AL; Septl6"iy; A$44,- 000-75.000 (R S $52.60). O C & 100 OOTH St, 233 W (4:1158-13), ns, 300 e West End av, 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt; Sara C Thomas (Hadden), of Red Bank, NJ, to Aries Corpn, 359 Fulton, Bklyn; AL; Aug 20; Septl9'19; A$8,000-13,500 (R S $10). nom GSTH st, IS W (4:1120-40%), ss, 193 W Central Park W, 18x100.5, 5-aty bk dwg; Matilde B W Schoen, of Rumson, NJ, to Sarah J Jones, 346 W 72; mtg $12,500 & AL; SeptlS; Septl7'19; A$19,000-24,000 (R S $14.50j. O C & 100 O^TH st, 78 W; see Col av, 171-9. OOl^H st, 50 W (4:1122-6), ns, 125 e Col av, 20x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Herbert P MacGregor, as TRSTE John MacGregor et al, to Herbert P MacGregor, 59 W 69; Aug2S; Septl9"19; A$23,500-28,000. 27,000 OOTH st, 50 W; John R MacGregor to same; QC; SeptO; Septl9'19. nom OOTH st, 50 Wj Arthur A MacGregor to same; QC; AugS; Septl9'19. nom OOTH st, 202 W (4:1160-37), Bs, 80 w Ams av, 27x100.5, S-sty bk tnt; Nora Tyne to John M Tyne, 202 W 69; mtg $18,000 & AL; SeptlS; Septl9'19; A$19,000-28,500 (R S $10), nom 71ST st, 130 E (5:1405-5Sy2), ss, 45 w Lex av, 15xS2.ll, 5-sty & b stn dwg; also AT to LEXINGTON AV, ws, 80.5 s 71st, a strip 2.6x45; Stephen C Clark, of Coopers¬ town, .NY, to Elida E Langiey, at East Williston, LI; B&S; Aug27; Septl7'19; A $23,000-38,000 (R S $39). O C & 100 71ST st, 222 E (5:1425-36), ss, 280 w 2 av, 20x100.4, 4-sty & b stn club house; Chas P Buckley, TRSTE will Saml I Hunt, -------, to Socialist Workers House Assn, 222 E 71; B&S; AL; Aug28; SeptlS'19; A$9,000- 16,500 (R S $11). . 10v75O 73D st, 272 Wj see Franklin, 70-2. 73D st, 275 W (4:1165-4^^), ns, 80 e West End av, 20x84,4,' 4-sty & b stn dwg; Frank A K Boland, at Vermont av. White Plains, NY, to Saml T Shaw, 2S0 West End av; mtg $25,000 & AL; MarlS; Septl6'19; A $23,000-30,000 (R S $S). nom 74TH st, 42 E (5:1388-44), ss, 200 e Mad av, 20x102,2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Fannie Lowenstein to Rudolph H Kutner. .205 E 67; B&S; AL; SeptlS'19; A$38,000-43.000 (R 5 $42). O C & 100 74TH st, 421 E (5:1388-44), ss, 200 e Mad av, 20x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Rudolph H Kutner, 205 E 67, to Max Verschleiser, 184 E.72; SeptlS; Sept24'19; A$38,000-43,- 000 (R S $6). nom 74TH st, 107 W (4:1146-26%). ns, 140 w Col av, 20x102.2, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Grac^ T Ely, 51 Trumbull st. New Haven, Conn, to Helene McGrath, 109 W 74; mtg $18,000 6 AL; SeptlS; Sept23'19; A$19,500-23.500 (R S $8), O C & 100 70TH st, 431 E (5:1471-17), ns, 413 e 1 av, 25x102.2, 4-sty bk tnt; Max Pollak, 504 E 76, to Giuseppe Cianclotte, 417 W 37; mtg $9,000; Septl5; Septl6'19; A$8,000-13,- 500 (R S $5). nom 77TH st, 431-5 E (5:1472-14), ns, 235.9 w Av A, 62.2x102.2, 2-sty bk stable; Wm Con¬ nolly, 1510 1 av, et al. to Jos Stein, 1469 Lex av. & Isidor F & Chas Stein, 128 E S3, firm Stein Bros; mtg $18,250; SeptS; Sept 17'19; A$21,000-27,000 (R S $S.50). O C & 100 78TH st, 413 E (5:1473-10), ns, 219 e 1 av, 25x102.2, 4-sty bk tnt; Arthur A Gal¬ lagher & ano, EXRS Bridget Conway, & Cath Buckley & ano, GDN Julia L Murphy, et al, heirs &c Bridget Conway, to Mary Doyle, 331 Union av. Eklyn. the residuary devisee &c Bridget Conway; AT; QC; Feb 17; Septl7'19; A$8.000-14.000. nom 78TH st, 252 W (4:1169-58), SS. 137.3 e West End av, 16x102.2, 5-sty & b bk dwg; Augustus E Outerbridge to Irving D Steinhardt, 312 W 99; AL; SeptlS; Sept23 '19; A$18,000-21,SOO (R S $25). O C & 100 70TH st, 0 E (5:1393-66), SS, 150 e 5 av, 25x102.2. 5-sty & b bk dwg; Justine A Stafford to Wm C Dickerman, 809 Mad av; Septl9'19; A$90,000-160,000 (R S $150). O C & 100 70TH st, IOO E (5:1413-70). ss, 20 e Park av, 20x84, 4-aty & b stn dwg; Clara Kling¬ enstein to Louis C de Coppet, 1 W 72: mtg $20,000 Se AL: Septl2; Septl7^19; A $36,000-42.000 (R S $28.50). O C & 100 SOTH St. 500 E (5:1577-S), ns. 173 e Av A, 25x102.2, vacant; Bank of Great Neck, at Great Ntck. LT, to Dry Dock Sheet Metal Works. Inc, 140 W 42; AL; Septll; O C & 100 Septl5'19; A$6,000-6,000 (R S $5.60). SIST st> 330 E (5:1544-16), ns, 250 W 1 av, 25x102.2, 5-sty bk tnt; Henry Reins- hagen, EXR John Reinshagen, to Fxances Ziegler, 1^29 Madison, Bklyn; mtg $8,500 & AL; Sept22; Sept23'19; A$9,0OO-17,OUO (R S $6.50). 15,000 S21> st, 330 E (5:1544-36), ss, 225 W 1 av, 25x102.2, 4-sty Stn tnt; Max L Schallek, EXR Max Orbach, to Sigmund Orbach, 1316 Union, Bklyn; mtg $12,000; SeptlS; Septl9'19; A$9,OUO-15,000 (R S $2.50), 14,050 83D st, 247 Ej see 2 av, 1601, t*3D st, 003 E (5:1590-341^), ^s, Sl e East End av, runs n26xw5xn25.4xe:i2xs51.4 to st xwl7 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt; Geo A Stein¬ muller Sc ano, EXRS Paul C Georgi, to Imre Nemeth, 1557 Av A; Sept22; Sept23 '19; A$3,500-7,SOO (R S $6.50). 0^500 S3I> st, 227 W (4:1231-22), ns, 250 w Ams av, 25x102.2, 3-sty fr tnt Sc str; Mar- ret A Mulcahy to Julius Tishman & Son, o- inc, 18 E 41; mtg $13,000; Sept23'19; A $20,000-22,000 (R B $31), O G & 100 SSTH st. 111 W (4:12l6-24y£), ns, 192 w Col av, lt>x97.6, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Robt West (Wachenheim), 147 W 55, to Elsie B Smith, 400 Convent av; B&S; AL; SeptlT; SeptlEi'19; A$12,500-21,500 (R S $20.50), O C & 100 S7TH st, 100 W (4:1218-28^), ns, 75 w Col av, 16.8x100.8, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Mary P Fiugge, of Elma, la, to Evelyn A Moss- man, at Bretton Hall, cor Bway & 86th; QC; mtg $15,000; Jan31; SeptlS'lO; A14,000- 16,500 {R S 50g). nom S7TH st, 100 W; Geo B McClellan, 33 W 51, et al, to same; QC; mtg $15,000; May 6'IS; SeptlS'19 (R S SOc), O C & 100 87TH st, 3:i5 "VV (4:1249-20), ns, 305 W West End av, 20x100.S, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Winthrop Parker to Norman J Lebhar, 303 W 103; PM mtg $21,000 Sc AL; Septll; Sept 17'19; A$19,600-22,000 (R S $26). O C & 100 S7TH st, 330 (334) W (4:1248-491^), ss, 420 w West End av, 20xl00.S, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Carl Schuster, 905 West End av, to Annette L Harding, S23 West End av; SeptO; Septl9'19 ;A $19,600-25,000 (R S $27), O G & 100 SSTH st E (5;lS00-pt lot 9), ns, 255.8 e 5 av, 25.5x100.8, vacant; Eleanor R Bel¬ mont, of Hempstead, LI, to Fulton Cut¬ ting, at Beverly, Mass; mtg $100,000 Sc AL; SeptlS; Septl6'19; A$-------$------- (R S $26.50). O C & 100 SKTH st E (5:1500-pt lot 9), ns, 205.8 e 5 av, 50x100.8, vacant; Eleanor R Bel¬ mont, of Hempstead, LI, to John Sloane, 9 E 82; mtg $100,000 Sc AL; SeptlS; Sept 16'19; A$-------$------- (R S $53.50), O C & 100 SSTH st, 175 W (4:1219-7%), ns, 166.8 e Ams av, lO.SxlOO.S, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Jay Lasser, 118 W S4, to Hamilton Hamp¬ ton, 149 W 92; mtg $11,750 & AL; SeptlS; Septl6'19; A$ll,000-14,000 (R S $10.50). O C & 100 SOTH st E (5:1500-pt lot 62), ss, 231,1 e 5 av. 25x100.8, vacant; SOth St Co to Ruth C Auchincloss, 134 W 71; mtg $75,000 Sc AL; Septl5; SeptlO'19; $-------$------- (R S $36.50).- O C & 100 SOTH st E (5:lS0O-pt lot 62), ss, 256.1 e 5 av, 25x100.8, vacant; S9th St Co to Chas S Cutting, at Tuxedo, ,NY; mtg $75,000 & AL; SeptlS; Septl6'19; A$-------$------- (R S $36.50). O C & 100 SOTH st E (5:lS0O-pt lot 62) ss, 206.1 e 5 av, 25x100.8. vacant; S9th St Co to Helen C Wilmerding, at Tuxedo, NY; mtg $75,- 000 Sc AL; SeptlS; Septl6'19; A$-------$------- (R S $37). O C & 100 SOTH st, 321 E (5:1552-14), ns, 325 e 2 av, 25x100.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos M Edelson, ref, to Eliz Keber, 1703 2 av, plff; mtg $15,000 & AL; FORECLOS Sept9; Sept IS; Septl9'19; A$9,000-22,000 (R S $7). 7,000 OOTH st, 11 W (4:1204-26), ns, 160 w Central Park W, 20x100.8, 4-sty & b bk dwg; The F R Corpn, 7 W 45, to Adele Tabacchini,- 319 W 94; mtg$16.500 & AL; SeptlS; Sept24'19; A$16,000-20,000 (R S $6). nom OOTH st, 133 W (4:1221-13), ns, 475 w Col av, 18x100.8, 5-sty bk tnt; Wm F Hughes to Church of St Gregory the Great, a corpn. 140 W 90; mtg $15,000 & AL; Sept6; Septl7'19; A$10,500-18,000. O C & 100 OOTH st, 120-31 W (4:1221-14-15), nsP 421 w Col av, 54x100.8, 2-5-sty bk tnts; Jos Meyer to Apartment Equities Corpn, 615 W 136; QC Sc re judgmt docketed May 2S"14; Septll; Septl6'19; A$38,000-58,000. nom OOTH at, 120-31 W; Apartment Equities Corpn to Wm Engel, 3S W 92; mtg $40,000; SeptlS; Septl6'19 (R S $14). 0 C & 100 OlST st, 103 E (5:1520-41^). ns, 70 e Park av. 19x85.5, 3-sty Sc b stn dwg; Car¬ rie M Meyers. 103 E 91. to Paul L McCul- loch, 31 W 11; Septl5'19; A$10.000-13.000 (R S $24). O C & 100 OlST st, GO on mnp 53 W (4:1205-9). ns, ISO e Col av. 20x100.8, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Bertha & Lillian Strasburger, individ & devisees will Hannah Strasburger, to I Edwin Tanebaum. 31 W 75; QC: AL; Sept 12; SeptlS'lO; A$16,000-21,000 (R S SOc). nom The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserve. Notice is hereby given that Infringement wlU lead to prosecution