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308 OTH av, 955-63, nwc B4th (Nos 101-7); Directors Realty Holding Co to 101 West 54th Co at 452 5 av; mtg $190,000 & AL; Oct9; Octl0'19. nom 6TH av, 254 (3:818-3), es, 49.10 n 16th, 20.9x65, 4-sCy bk str; Albert F Erugraan to 254 Oth Ave Realty Corpn at 254 6 av; mtg $32,000 & AL & PM mtg $5,000; Octl4; Oetl""^" "........^.. ,^ r. .,.. TTH x60 & Ha 15 ano, EXRS Michael Swick, to Bertrand nyes, 68 Chestnut st, Ridgewood, NJ; Oct ; Octl6'19; A$60,000-62,000 (R S S-^.O)- 80,000 TTH av (No 200) ■, 1S42-50 (7;a827-33-36). swc 112th I, 100.11x100, 2-5-sty bk tnts & (R S $76), O C & lUO TTH av, 1842^50, swc 112th (No 200); Exeter Realty Co to Loster Realty Co, both at 148 St Nicholas av; mtg ^45,000; Oct3; Oct9'19 (R S $20). O C & 100 C Daly LU Y* ^.- ^vyi^A-^^M -'- '■ ----' -v-r AL; Septl5; Octll'19; A$16.000-45.000. nom lOTH av, 850 (4:1065-61), sec 56th (Nos $37,000-63,000. MISCELLANEOUS CONVEYANCES. Manhattan Barrow st, 17 (2:590-63), SS, 136.9 w 4th, 25x81.1, 2-sty bk tnt & 2-sty bk rear stable- rel legacies; Geo M Miller et al to Edith McK Miller. 829 Park av, individ & EXTRX Hoffman Miller; AT; QC; Octl4; Octl6'19; A$9,000-10.SOO. nom Barrow st, 10; see 2d, 75 E. Cherry st, 120; see Water, 160. Fletcher st, 10; see Water, 160. Greenwich St, 64 (1:18-50), ws. 262.1 n Morris, 26.2x99.10x24.7x103, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; CONTRACT; Louise W Augustin of Hicksville, LI. to Grecian Importing & Trading Co, 63 Washington; mtg $25,000; SeptSO; OctlO'lO; A$23,000-26,000. 31,000 Sickles st (8:2174), damage No 5 for opening & extending Sickles st, bet Sher¬ man & Nagle avs; re mtg rec Febi'C5; Bet- tie Wise et al, EXRS Nathan Wise, to City of N Y; QC; Augl2; Octl6'19. nom South st (1:241). the bulkhead on South st, ss, or river bounds. 48 w from pier or wharf at foot Clinton st, runs w72.2 with wharfage rights, etc; re mtg rcc JulylO •06; Louisa Spieth at Throggs Neek. Bx. to City of N Y; QC; Octll; Octl6"19. nom Water st. 100 (1:70-43). nwc Fletcher (No 10). 17.9 X 80.6 x 17-9 x 80.5, 4-sty bk storage; A$22,000-29.000; also CHERRY ST, 126 (1:253-6). ns, 114.7 e Cath, 25x103, 6-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; A$8,000-16.000; re mtg rec AprlT'i6; An¬ nie S Kissam, 379 Washington av, Bklyn. to Kaffen Realty Co, 32 Liberty; QC; Oct 3; Octl4'19. nom 1ST st, 3-5 E; see Bowery. 305, 2D Bt, 2 E; see Eowery. 305, 21J st, 14 E (2:458), ns. 188 e Bowery, 25 x65.10x25x65,1; final order & jdgt of reg¬ istration & notice of settlement; Jos & Regina Schlld, 1516 55th. Bklyn. petition¬ ers & owners, to Registrar of County of N Y to resrister said title, etc: mtg $11,000 & AL: OctS; Octll'19. Torren's system 2D st, 75 E; also BARROW ST, 16; also 6TH ST, 426 E: also 49TH ST, 230 E: also 46TH ST, 227 E; re asslern rents rec Dec 17*18; Emily & Mendel Marcus to John J Guntzer. SO Kingsland av, Elmhurst, B of Q: AT; AuglS; OctS'19. nom 2D St. T5 E; also BARROW ST, 16; also 6TH ST, 426 E; also 46TH ST, 420 E (this should probably be 227 E); re assign an int tinder will Chas Guntzer; Emily Hirsch to John J Guntser. 80 Kinersland av, Elmhurst, B of Q; Sept29: OctS'19. nom 2D st, T5 E: also BARROW ST. 16; also 6TH ST, 426 E; also 49TH ST, 220 E; alao 46TH ST, 420 E (this should probably be 227 E); re assign an Int under will Chas Guntzer; Maurice V Freund to same; Sept 29; OctS'lO. nom RECORD AND GUIDE 2D Bt, T5 Ej also BARROW ST, 16; also 6TH ST, 426 E; also 49TH ST, 220 E; also 46TH ST, 420 E (probably 227 E); re as¬ sign an int under will Chas Guntzer; Men¬ del Marcus to same; Sept29; OctS'19, nom 2D st, T5 E; also BARROW ST, 16; also 6TH ST, 426 E; also 49TH ST, 22xt L; also 46TH ST, 420 E (probably 227 E); re as¬ sign an int under will Chas Guntzer; Maurice V Freund to Anna Str^^ub, 14 ISth st, Elmhurst, B of Q; Sept29; OctS '19. nom 2D st, TS E; also BARROW ST. 16; also 6TH ST. 426 E; also 49TH ST, 220 E; also 46TH ST, 420 E (probably 227 E); re as¬ sign an int under will Chas Guntzer; EUz M Fleming to Anna Straub, 14 ISth Bt, Elmhurst, B of Q: Oct6; OctS'XO. nom 39TH st, 227 B; see Bowery, 305, 39TH Bt, 140 E; see Bowery, 305, 46TH st, 227 E; see 2d. 75 E. 40TH sU 220 E; see 2d, 75 E. 56TH st, 10 "VV (miscl); power of atty to convey above to Frangold Realty Co; Birdsall Otis Edey (Sarah Otis Edey) of Bellport, LI, to Fred Edey of Bellport, LI; Sept29; Octl0'19. ------- eSTH St. 02-4 W (4:1117). ss, 550 w Central Park W, 49.11x100.5x50x100.5; also 65TH ST, 56 W (4:1117), ss, 175 e Col av. 25x100,5; re judgmt rendered Apr29'16; Blanche E Frank to Solon L Frank, 2170 Bway, Individ, & Ray Frank & Harold A Prank, both at 574 West End av; toolon L Frank, 2170 Bway, & Jacob Seiig, 490 West End av, EXRS & TRSTES wlii Saml Frank; OctS; Oct9^19. nom 05TH st, 52-4 W; also 65TH ST, 56 W; re judgmt rendered Augl'16; same to same: Oct8» Oct9'19, nom OSTH st, 56 W; see 65th. 52-4 W. 70TH st, 16S E (5:1404-44), ss, 1S2.0% 3 av. 19x100.5; also 70TH ST E, sa, 1S2 w 3 av, a strip, 0%xl00.5; also 70TH ST.E, ss, 163 w 3 av, 19x100.5; also 70TH ST E, ss, 201 w 3 av. 19.7x100.5, 3-sty stn garage; re dow¬ er; Margt C, wife Daniel G Reid. NY, to said Daniel G Reid, NY; AT; QC; Oct7; Oct 10'19; A$55,000-120,000. nom TOTH st E, ss, 163 w 3 av; see 70th, 168 "tOTH st E, ss, 201 w 3 tovt see 70th, 168 E. TSTH st, ITS W (4:1150), appraised at $30,000; also property at Brentwood & Arverne. LI; certf as to payment of trans¬ fer tax for $758.20; Jas A Wendell, Deputy Comptroller of State N Y, to Mary M O'Rourke. EXTRX Eliz C O'Rourke; Sept IS; Octll'19. ------- S3D st, 25 TV (4:1197-19), ns, 448.9 e Col av, 21.3x80. 3-sty & b bk dwg; CONTRACT; John J Finnerty, 1195 3 av, & Victor Thomas, 208 E 73. to Saml Stone. 598 Hins¬ dale, Bklyn; mtg $12,500; Septl6; OctlS'lO; A$16,000-18.000. 22,000 3>5TH st, 130 E (5:1524); re judmt filed Apr29'16; Blanche E Frank. 2170 Bway, to Ess Eff Realty Co. 1790 Bway; OctS: Octl4'19. nom OSTH st, 6-13 W (7:1833-37-39), ss, 100 w Central Park W, runs slOO.llxwlOOxn T6.6xwO.Sxn24.4 to st xelOO.S to beg, 2-6- sty bk tnts; re mtg rec Aug20'17; Shenk Realty & Constn Co to Zadah Howard Reakirt, 20 Gramercv Park; QC; Octll; Octl4"19; A$55,000-130,000. 6.000 15STH St. 630 \V (8:2134-154). sg 694.2 w Bway, 18,8x100, 3-sty & b bk dwg: revoca¬ tion of trust deed: Henrv W Moonev. 73 W 50. & ano, TRSTES under trust deed of FeblS'lS, to Geo W Mooney, 1072 Car¬ roll. Bklyn; AT; Octl5; Octl6'19; A$5.500- 7,500. nom 181ST st, 830 W; see Pinehurst av. 90. Bowery, 305 (2:457), nec 2d (No 2), 15.7x 71.5x19.9x70: also EOWERY. 307 (2:457). e s, 15.7 n 2d, 15.3x73,1x20.3x71.5; also 1ST ST. 3 & 5 E (2:456). ss. abt SO e Bowery, 36,3x53.8x31.6x59.3; agmt to re mtg rec Novl6'17 from above & party 2d pt agrees that mtg shall be a lien on entire fee of following property: 39TH ST, 14i* E (3:- 895). ns. 172.3 w 3 av. 17,8x98.9; also 39TH ST, 227 E (3:920). ns. 308.3 w 2 av, 19x98.9; Fredericka Klotz, 557 Fairview av, Bklvn. et al with Lida D Tillson Klotz, 557 Fair- view av, Bklyn; Aug22; Octll'19. O C & 100 Bowery, 307: see Bowery, 305. Pineliiirst av, 00 (8:2177), swc ISlst (No 836). 10 9.9xll2.;i 0x114.11x117.11; re asn rents rec Feb28'19; Atlantic Finance Cor¬ pn. 19 2 Bway. to Summer Colony Co of Bronx: SeptS; Octl5'19. nom St Nieholas av. 254; see 8 av, 2283-5. STH av, 2283-5 (7:1949-33), ws. 50.11 s 123d. runs wl00xxsw34.5 to nes St Nicho¬ las (No 254) xselS.3xe90.5 to 8 av xnSO to beg, 2-3-sty bk strs; re dower; Sophia Pinkney, 2360 Bway, to Cornelius S Pink¬ ney, 716 Mad av, her husband; AT; QC: Julvl3'14; Octl6'19; A$35,000-42.000. nom Asn of all RT&I in estate of Wm F Havemeyer, deed; Hector F Havemeyer, a son of sj^id Wm H Havemeyer, to Eu- ph^mia D Russell; sub to AL; OctlS; Oct 16'19, ------- Certified copy (miscl) of the last will of Thos B Hidden; Junel6'04; Oct9^19. ------- October 25, 1919 Exemplified copy (miscl) last will John R Hegeman, late of Mamaroneck, NY; Marl5*15; Octl5'19. ------- Power of atty (miscl); Margt Van C, wife H G W Bradley, 17 Paulton's Sq. SW 3, London, Eng, to Wm Harrison; SeptlS; Oct8'19, ------- Power of atty (miscl); Lizzie Hoffmann, 957 Grant av, to Geo C Erreger, Jr; May28; Octl0'19. ------- Povrer of atty (miscl); Lewis Standard to Stanley G Standard, 300 W 28; Oct?; OctS'19, ------- Power of atty (miscl); Edith A Eiscoo to Wm P Aldrich of Newark, NJ; aept24; OctS'19. ------- Power of atty (miscl) to satisfy mtg; Alvin Hirsh, NY, to Irving S Ottenberg, NY; SeptlS; Octl4'19. ------- Power of atty (miscl) to sell & mtg property in California; Wm D Scholle of Harrison, NY, to Jacob Stern of San Fran¬ cisco, Cal; OctlS; Octi6'19.------- Power of atty (miscl); Florence or Flor¬ ence McComb Garth, now at Leighton Buz¬ zard, Eng, to Robt L Harrison & Robt W B Elliott. NY; JuyU2; Octl5'19, ------- Power of atty (miscl); Mary I Schreyer, 10 N S av, Mt Vernon, NY. to Irving G Schreyer. 6 N 8 av, Mt Vernon, NY; Oct 10; Octl5'19. ------- Power of atty (miscl); W R Wood of Alameda, Cal, to Raymond M Wood, 344 W 28, NY, his son; SeptSO; OctlS'lO. ------- Power of atty (miscl); Helen or Helen McComb Tarver, now at Leighton Buzzard, Eng, to Robt L Harrison & Robt W B El¬ liott, NY; JulylS; Octl5'19. ------- CONVEYANCES. Bronx. OCT. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 14 & 15. Barretto st, see "Whitlock av; see Whlt¬ lock av. sec Barretto. Becfc st, S29-31 (10:2710), ws, 150 n Longwood av, 60xl00» 5-sty bk tnt; Bronx Associates, a corpn, to Julius Fels, 945 TifEany, & Irving Sakoloff, 2013 Bryant av; mtg $47,250; Oet6; Oct719 (R 3 $22.50). nom Bristow Bt, 1330 (11:2972), es, 100 n Steb¬ bins av. 25x66.5 to Stebbins av x2S.3x53.2, 3-sty fr tnt; Isaac Magid, 1740 E 19, Bk¬ lyn, to Adolph Taube, 889 E 169, & Wm F Cordes, 1218 Hoe av: mtg $2,500 & a PM mtg of $3,000; Junel2; Junel9'19 (R S $4), (Corrects error in issue June 28.) nora Buelianan pi, 01 (11:3208). ns, 100 w Grand av, 25x100, 2-sty & b fr dwg; Agnes G W Eertieri, Viareggio, Italy, lo Gustav Felbeck, Jr. 1917 Walton av; meg $7,000; Aug4; Octll'19 (R S $9.60). O C & 100 Carroll st (18:5628), ss, 175 w City Island av, 25x100.5, City Island; Jane M Hawkins to Saml B Hawkins, 267 City Island av; Octl4; Octl5'19 (R S $1). O C & 100 Carroll st (18:5668), ss, 150 w City Island av, 25x100.5, City Island: Jane M Hawkins to Richd B Hawkins. 100 Fordhcm. City Island: Octl4; Octl5'19 (R S $1). O C & 100 Charlotte st, 1442 (11:2977), es, 164.6 n Jennings, runs n91.9xe63.5xsel07.4x3wl07.4 xnwl6.ll to be?:. 5-sty bk tnt; Gertrude Tomberg, 1974 Mapes av. to Jay A LcxeVt 829 Beck; mtg $42,400; Octll; Octl4'19 (R 5 $1). nom Chesitnnt st, es, 200 n Cornell av; seo Chestnut, es, 100 n Cornell av. Chestnut st (16:4731), es. 100 n Cor¬ nell av. runs e—xnw—xw— to st xslOO to beg, except part for 222d; also CHEST¬ NUT ST (16:4731), es, 200 n Cornell av, runs n64.7 to 222d xs83.3xw52.5 lo beg; Walter W Tavlor, 428 Tecumseh av, Mt Vernon, NY. to Marie Wadman. 3260 Ely av; mtg $6,000; SeptSO; Oct6'19 (R 3 $6.50). O C & 100 Claremont Pkway, 415 fll :28^i7). ns, 90.11 e Webster av, 56x83.3x50x82.11. 5- Fty bk tnt; Frances H Bossak. 969 Beck, to Anna Reichard, 94S E 181; mte 530,000 6 a PM mtg of $2,300; Octl; OctlOU9 (R S $14). O C & 100 Clinton pi, 50; see Grand av, swc Clm¬ ton pl. Crotona Pk TV- 7:^1 ai:2948). ns. 190,2 e Clinton av, 25x100.10x25x100.11. 2-sty & b fr dwg; Herman Schoene, 1911 Linden, Riderewood. NY, to Keeve Cohpn, 1506 Crotona Park E. & Hy Cohen, 1933 Clin¬ ton av: mte: $1,000 & a PM mtg of $1900; Oct4; OctlO'19 (R S $7). nom Dawson st, 7T1 (10:2695), nws. 275 sw Longwood av, 25x100. 2-sty Se b bk dwg; Betha Feldhusen. "widoTv, 771 Dawson, to Bertha Lerner, 935 Kelly; mtg $5,000: Of^t 1; OctS'19 (R S $6). 10,7:50 Doris stt sec Lyon av; see Lyon av, sec Doris. Elsmere pl. 77G (11:2955). ss, 500 W Marmion av, runs w25xs4S.10x<^4,llxs51.11 xell.lxnlOO to beg, 2-sty fr dwg; Aug- UF'ta Gray, widow. 30 84 Decatur av, to Max Teich ner, 1919 Prospect av; SeptlS; OctlO'lO (R S $5.50). O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.