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MANHATTAN AND BRONX EUOORDS REAL ESTATE FOUNDED lees BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO AEAl ESTATE. BUILDING HANACEHENT AND GONSTtWCTIOH IN GtUffTBt NEW YORK AND VICtNITY Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUTOE COMPANY FRANK E. PERLEY:, President and Editor; W. D. HADSEUU Tioo-President; J. W. FRANK, SecretaiT'TrMaanr. Entered » eeexjnd dlau nMtet Nonmber S, 1ST9, »t ttu Post Oflla* at THwm Copyright, 1919, by The Record and Guide Company TqrtU H. Y., aiLd«r tbo Act of MVdl S, UTt. 119 West 40fh Street* New Tork (Tcdfiphoiie: Bryuit 4800) VOL. CIV. NO. 18 (2694) NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 lOoi AOOFT tlOO A CONVEYANCES. Manhattan, OCT. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, -30 & 31- Allen st, 13G (2:415-56), es, 77 s Riving¬ ton, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Llpka to Bessie Enoch at Spring Glen. N Y; AT; E&S & CaG; AL; Sept29; Oct24'19; A?12,000-17,000 (R S $15). O C & 100 Arden Bt, 25 (8:2174-190), GS, 242 or 252 n Nagle av, 27x110, 5-sty bk tnt; ERA Realty Co, 135 Bway, to David Kominick, 835 Kelly, & Theresa Solomon, 2340 7 av; mtg-s $26,000 Se AL; Oct27; Oct29^19; A$4,- 500-25,000 (R S $8). nom Bank st, 40 (2:614-9), SS, 85 e 4th, 20x 91.3. 5-sty stn tnt; Maurice Herrmann to Minnie Cohen Mindlin, 2190 Andrews av; mtg- $20,000; OctlS; Oct24'19; A$8,500-30,- 000 (R S $2). O C & 100 Beaver st, 14-16 on map 1© (1:11-7). sec New, 43.6x68,6 to ns Marketleld at x42.10x 74,6, ws. 6-sty bk office & str bldg, except BEAVER ST, pt of 14 (1:11), ss. 177.2 e Bway, runs sw74-4 to ns Marketfteld st xelOxn— to st xw2 to beg; also, except gore on BEAVER ST. ss. bounded n by Beaver st, e by e 1 of a New st & w by land conveyed from Caswell to N Y Pro¬ duce Exchange, said gore being in litmts of said New st: Forrest Raynor of Mont¬ clair, NJ, & ano. EXRS, &c, Henrietta H Smith, to Castillo Building Corpn. 25 State: 2-15 pts: Octl4; Octl9'19: A?155.000-165,000 CR S $28). , 28,000 Beaver st, 14-1«, on map 10; Howard C Smith of Ovster Bay. LT,. to same; 8-15 pts; Octl4: Decl8'19 (R S $112). 112,000 Benver st, 14-16, on map 10: Rafael del Castillo to same; 20-60 pts; Octl5: OctlS '19 (R S $55). nom Benver st, 24 (1:11-12). ss. abt 115 e New, 21.4x56.2 to ns Marketfield s:22.7x58.9. ws, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg: Sarah M Searing, at the Crescent. Montclair. N.T. to L H Billow & Co, 62 Broad: Octl7; Oct20 '19: AS57,000-62,000 (R S $100). nom Beaver st, 45 (1:25-42), ns. 161,10 e Broad, 22.6x116x19.10x117-3. 5-sty bk loft ^ Str bldg: Eliz H McCullough. individ. & EIlz H Se Hall Park McCullough of Ben¬ nington, Vt. EXRS. Scc, John G McCul- Inugh, deed, Se Frederic* B Jennings. NT, to 4^ Beaver St Corpn. 45 Beaver: mtq- $44.- 000- July26; Oct24'19; A$SO,000-90,000 fR S $121). nom Be^^kman st, nec Nassanj see Nassau. 13R-42. Bleecker st 107-I> (2:534-39), nwc Greene fNos 183-7), 50x100. 8-sty bk loft Sc str bldg: Stephen A Powell, of Essex. Essex Co. NT, to Mpud HIgby, 49 W 94: 1-10 pt: B^S; mtg $50,000 on whole; Oct20'19: A $42,000-110,000 (R S $10). O C ^. IOO Blopcker st. 123-5 (2:536-37), nwc "Woos¬ ter (Nor 191-3). 50x100, 8-3ty bk loft Se str bldg: ExceLsi nr Savg5? Bank to Harry Swanson. 324 "W 96: B&S Sc CaG: AL: Oct 25; Oct29'19; A$38,000-108.000 fR S SR125). o c & ion Bleecker st, 123-5, nwc Wooster (Nos 191-3): Harrv Swanson to AfloTnh Mayer. RF>0 Park av: Geo A Boehm. 80 Forster av. Mt Vernon. NT. Sc Jeromt^ Tanenbaum. 315 Central Park W. each ^ pt; mte: $fl0.nOf» & AL: Oct28: Oct20M9. O C Sr^ 100 Broome st, 2
l-3: sf^e Grand. 270. Forsytii «f, 14.^ (2:420-28). ws, abt 130 n Df'lancey. 24x100, 5-stv bk tnt & strs: 143 Forsyth St Co. 309 Bwav. to Bertha T-T^Tlins-er. 1229 Park av; AL; Oct20"19: A$15.000-22.000 fR S ROoV nnm Por^yth St. 14S f2:420-2S), ws. abt 130 n Df^Tanrpy. 24x100. 5-stv bk tnt & gtrs: Bertha Hpllfnger. 1229 Park av, to 143 For^iyth St Oo, 309 Bwav; AL: Oct21; Oct 22'19: A$15,000-22.000 (R S 50c), nom Franklin mt, 177 (1:181-18), ss, 148.9 w Hudson, 25x87.6, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg-; Peter G Gerry, of Warwick, RI, to Henry Bahr, 313 E 162; Octl5; OctSl'lO; A$19,- 500-34,000 (R S $60). O C & 100 Front st, 44 (1:32-34), ws, 25.11 n Coen¬ tles sl, 25.6x84.8x25.4x85.2, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Markham Realty Corpn to Fred Buse, 17 Bayside av, Whitestone, LI; B&S; mtg $23,000; Oct24'19; A$18,000-27,000 (R S $34.50). nom Falton st, 37-9; see Pearl, 268. Gold st, 8 (1:69-20), ses, abt 110 ne Maiden la, 21.2x70.6x27.6x74, 5 & 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Gold St Realty Corpn to Richmond Levering & Co, 120 Bway; mtg $17,500 & AL: Oct30: Oct31'19; A$18,000- 25,000 (R S $17.50). nom Gold st, 4-0; see Maiden la, 93-7. Gonrvemenr st, 29-33; see Madison, 319, Grand st, 270; see Grand, 361. Grand st, 361 (1:311-15), ss, 50 e Essex, 16.8x70, 4-sty stn tnt Sc strs: A$17,000-21,- 000: also GRAND ST, 270 (2:418-22), nwc Forsyth (Nos 91-3), 25.1x75. 3-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; A$40.000-47,000; Dorothy Korn- blum to Frances Lautenberg, 616 Mad av; AL; Oct28; OctSO'lO. nom Greene st, 103-5 (2:500-26), ws, 176.3 s Prince. 37.6x100. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Henry A Guinzburg & ano. EXRS &c Isaac B Klelnert, to Louis Fishbein. 262 E 2; AL: Oct9; Oct3ri9; A$21,000-33.000 (R S $43). 43,000 Greene st, 103-5; Virginia G Klelnert to same; QC & ratification deed; Oct9; Oct 31'19, nom Greene st, 103-5; Adolph Kleinert, EXR &c Isaac B Klelnert, to same; supplemen¬ tal & confirmation of above deed; Oct9; Oct31'19. 43,000 Greene st, 183-7; see Bleecker. 107-9. Greenwich st, 487-9 (2:594-19), es. 86.6 n Canal. 44x90, 6-sty bk loft bldg: Heather- ton Realtv Associates to Jos Tetley & Co, 110 Franklin: B&S; mtg $52,000 & AL: Oct 20'19: A$23,000-62.000 es, 221.9 n 141st. 17x76.11x17x75.8. 4-sty & b bk dwg: Guardian Life Ins Co of America to Bridget Conway, 502 W 142: B&S & CaG; PM: mtg $8.0n0 & AL: OctlS: Oct25'19: A $6,000-10,000 (R S $11.50). O C & 100 Hamilton ter. 53-73 f7:2050-tl3-HS). eS, 504.6 n lilst, 275x73.4x275.11x96,6, 2-6-sty bk tnts: "Wintf^r Realties. Tnr, to Winter & "V^^ilkes. Inn. 539 W 155; QC; July22; Octl7 '19: A$114,000-343,000, nom Henry st, 231 (1:286-12). ns. 184.6 w Montgomery. 21x87.6, R-sty bk tnt & strs: Abr J Dworsky to Dee Holding Co. 5 Bef^kman: AL: Oct20; Oct23*19; A$11.000- 22,000 fR S $1). nom Henrv St. 307 (t:2RS-25), ns. 240 e Scam¬ mel, 24 7x71x24,10x71, 3-sty bk club house: Mover Lunitz;, of Bklvn. tn Asf^n Ahavath A.cbim An,=^he Bvelsk. 131 Essex: mtg ^snnn: OctSO; Oct:^l'l9: A$7.000-9,ooo fR s $2.50). O C & 100 Hester st. 53 (l::iin-35), ns. abt 40 w ■p^RFiex —X—. 1-sty bk tnt & str: .Tohn A Slattery ref, tn Fredk Tomklns, 636 Mt Prosppct av. Newark. NJ: FORECLOS tax if^n Oot23'19r OctSO: Oct3ri9; A$22,500- 27.000 fR S $5). 5.000 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reaerved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.