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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 104, no. 18: November 1, 1919

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November 1, 1919 RECORD AND GUIDE 339 75TH mt, 40 AV (4:1127-55%), ss, 220 e Col av, 20x102.2. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Ar¬ row Holding Corpn to Nat Ottensoser, 2220 Lincoln pl, Far Rockaway, B of Q; mtg $15,000 & AL; Oct2S; Oct29'19; A$25,- 500-31,500, O C & 100 75TH st, 119 W (4:1147-21%), ns, 260 w Col av, 20x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Wal¬ dorf Contracting Co to Charlotte Siegel, 105 E 19, & Theresa Balling, 305 Pulaski st, Bklyn; mtg $27,500 & AL & PM mtg $8,500; OctSS; Oct24'19; A$19,500-27,000 (R S $18.50), O C & 100 75TH st, 146 AV (4:1146-54), ss, 255 e Ams av. 20x102,2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Otto Gerdau to Clara Gerdau, 146 W 75; B&S; June2; Oct24'19; A$19,500-27,000 (R S $35). gift & 100 76TH st, 133-9 E; see Lex av, lOSO, 76TH st, 519-21 E (5:1488-13), ps, 298 e Av A, 50x102.2, 6-sty bk tnt & str^; Realty Constn Co to Sadie Cohen, 243 Blake av, Bklyn; mtg $39,000 & AL & PM mtg $9,- 500; Oct2ri9; A$ll.000-50,000 (R S $14.50), O C & 100 TOTH st, 40 AV (4:1128-54), ss, 264 e Col av, 21x102,2. 4-sty & b atn dwg; Alice E Dohse to Chas J Pessagno. 4 Van Nest pl; mtg $21,000 & AL; Oct30'19; A$27,000-33,- 000 (R S $15). nom 77TH sf, 107 E (5:1412-7), ns, 150 e Park av, 25x102.2. 2-sty fr tnt & 2-sty fr rear tnt; Jos & Ellen King. 107 E 77. to Eight Church of Christ, Scientist, a corpn. 12S5 Lex av; mtg $11,000 Sc AL & P M mtg $16,500: SeptSO; Oct24'19; A$22,500-22,500 (R S $26.50)- 37,500 77TH st, 116 AV (4:1148-39V2). ss, 162 w Col av. 19x102.2. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Char¬ lotte Siegel. 105 E 19, to Waldorf Contract¬ ing Co. 172 E 104: mtg $16,000 & AL: Oct 23; Oct24'19; A$17,500-22,500 (R S $10), nom 7STH st, 148 E (5:1412-52), ss. 381.3 w 3 av, 18,9x80.2. 4 & 5-stv stn dwg; Eleanor S Childs. 149 E 78, to Hugo S Joseph, 148 E 78; mtg $10,000 & AL: Octl7; Oct20'19; A$10,500-14,000 (R S $35). O C & 100 7STH st, 216 B (5:1432-41 ^^). ss, 171.S e 3 av, 13.4x102.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Clara Pocachard, 83.^ Bushwick av, Bklyn, to Her¬ mine Wahl, 212 E 78: mtg $4,500: Octl5; Octl7'19; A$4.500-6,500 (R S $3.50), O C & 100 TSTH st, 350 E (5:1452-33), ss. 150 w 1 av, 20x102.2, 4-stv bk tnt & strs & S-stv fr rear tnt: Lincoln Trust Co, EXR Fr^^dk C Gebhard, to S^ml Friedberg. 328 E 7^; E &S Se CaG: PM mtg $6,750 & AL: Octl4: Oct20'19; A$7,000-ll,500 (R S $8,50), S,350 79TH st, 03 E (5:1491-28). ns, 203.4 w Park av, 26.9x102.2. 5-sty & b bk dwg; Julinn W Robbins & ano. EXRS Thatcher M Adams, to Henrv W de Forest of Oyster Bav, LI; Oct7; Oct21"19: A$59,000--92,0OO (R 5 $175), 175,00 SIST st, 110 AV (4:1211-38), ss, 646 e Ams av, 25x103.2. 4-sty & b stn dwe:; Florence K Hopper (O'Brien) of Pelham Manor. N Y, to CI?^ra Kritzer. 504 Col nv: mtg 519,000 6 AL; Oct23; Oct25'19; A$18,000-27,000 (R S $8), nom SIST at, 156-00 AV (4:1211-52). ss, 256.3 e Ams av, 56.3x102.2. 9-stv bk tnt: Wm C Mott. 320 W 86. & ano, TRSTES will Robt A Scott, to 158 West Slst St Corpn. 15 William: mts- $150,000: Oct30; Oct31'19: A$55.000-200.000 (R S 1^92.50). 242,500 SIST st, 163 AV (4:1212-10). ns. 21S.6 e Ams av. 19x102.2, 3-sty & b bk dw^; Wm W Morrow, 229 W 109, to Loretta M Hig- erlns. 55 E 32: mtg $10,000 & AL: Octl5; Oct20'19; A$14,500-17,000 (R S $8), O C & 100 SIST st, 163 AV: Loretta M H:°rgins. of Eklyn. to Bernard S Denzer, 163 W Sl: mte $12,000: OctlS; Oct20'19. O C & 100 S2n st, 417 E (5:1562-11). ns. 256 e 1 av, 25x102.2. 5-sty bk tnt: Edw J Werner & ano. bv Jas O Parrel!, GDN. to Louis Schatten, 1569 1 av; AT: B&S: Oct29; Oct 30'19: A$S,500-17,500 (R S $2.50), 2,113,90 S2D st, 417 E; Geo Werner, V^ pt. & Wm J Werner, 1-6 pt, to same: mtg $10,000 & f AL: Oct22; Oct30'19 (R S $4.50). O C & 100 S2D st, ,^06-S E (5:1578-46), ss, 135.6 e Av A, 37.6x102,2. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: F E Realtv Corpn to Jos Levin. 1499 Lincoln pl. N Y C. & Harrv Griff. 28 Market, NT: mttr $27,500; Oct20'19: A$12,000-60,000 (R S $11.50). O C & 100 82D st- 35 AV (4:1196-13), ns. 291.S e Col av, 53,4x102.2, 9-sty bk tnt; Union Chemi¬ cal Glassware Co, 63 Park Row, to Katfe l^evv, 654 W 161: 2-3 pts; mt^ $204,650; Oct21; Oct25'19; A$55,000-195,000" (R S $23), nom S2T1 sf, 200 AV; see Ams av. 454. 83D st, 52 E (5:1494-47), ss, 136 e Mad av. 24x102.2, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Adolf Kuttroff, EXR &c Wm S Schickel, to Arthur O Choate, at Pleasantville, NY; AL; Octl7; Oct22'19; A$28,500-39,000 (R S $65), 65,000 83D st, 63 W (4:1196-58), as, 156 e Col av, 19x100.2x18,8x100,2, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Fredk Lee of Bklyn to Margt M Tracy 100 W 76; mtg $15,200 & AL & PM mtg $1,800; Octl6; Octl7*19; A$16,000-20,000 (R S $5). O C & 100 83D st, 64 W (4:1196-58%), ss, 13S e Col av, 18x102.2. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Rebecca Magner to Morris A Magner, both at 87 Bay 31st, Bklyn; mtg $16,750: Aprl5; Oct 27^19; A$15,500-19,000 (R S $8,50), nom 84TH st, 445 E (5:1564-19%), ns, 137,9 w Av A, 18,9x102.2, S-sty & b stn dwg; Betty & Harriet Goldsmith, 445 E 84, to Jenny Stern, 449 E 83; mtg $6,500; Oct20 '19; A?6.500-9,000 (R S $5). nom 84TH st, 509 E (5:1581-6%), ns, 137 e Av A, 19.6x102.2, S-sty stn dwg; Saml J Don¬ nell, of Bronx, et al, heirs &c Hugh Don¬ nell, to Aloysius Klein, Jr, 1642 Av A; mtg $4,500 & AL; Oct30; Oct31'19; A$6,000- 9,500 (R S $5). O C & 100 84TH st, 64 AV (4:1197-60), ss, 100 e Col av, 18x102.2. 4-sty & b stn dwg: Merato Tmpt Co to Evelyn Wildner, 323 W 75: mtg $18,000 & AL & PM mte: $6,000; Octl7: Oct 18'19; A$13,500-18,000 (R S $15). O C & lOU S4TH St. 126 W (4:1214-50), ss, 341,8 e Ams av, 33.4x102,2. 5-sty bk tnt: Rosalie Meyers to Eli H Bernheim, 404 Riverside dr; mtg $32,000; Oct23; Oct28'19: A$27,000- 42,000 (R S $8), O C & 100 S4TH fit, 328 W (4:1245-90), ss, 283 w AVest End av, 17x102.2, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Cipriano Andrade. Jr, 31 E 49. to John J Halligan, 451 W 47; AL; Oct27; Oct28'19; A$16.100-17,500 (R S $18). O C & 100 S4TH Bt, 320 AV (4:1246-21), ns, 291 w West End av, 18x102.2, 3-sty & b atn dwg; Leilah P Osborne of Oakland, Cal, et al to Frank Kneisel, 327 W 84; AT; B&S & Ca G: July26; Oct21'19; A$17,300-20,000 (R S $11). O C & 100 S4TH st, 320 W: Charlotte F Nicholson at Burlington. Vt. to same: AT; B&S & Ca G: JuTy24; Oct21'19 (R S $4). O C & 100 84TH st, 320 TV; Allen T Miner, 435 W IIP to same: AT; B&S & CaG; July29: Oct 2ri9 (R S $4), O C & 100 S4TH St. 329 AV- Helen A Frazee, 68 Con¬ dict st, .Jersey City, NJ, widow & devisee Chas E Frazee, to same: AT; B&S & CaG: Aug29: Oct21'19 (R S $1.50). O C & 100 84TH st, 329 AV; Walter H Frazee, 54 Morningside av, to same: AT & release: Sept2: Oct21'19 (R S $1,60), O C & 100 S4TH st, 320 AV; Edw D Dowling, 2060 Anthony av. GDN Wm H Frazee, an !n- comnetent, to same; AT; B&S; Octl5: Oct 21'19 (R S $1.50), 1,208 33 S5TH st, 160 AV r4:t215-57), ss. 175 e Ams av. 25x102.2. 3-stv & b bk dwg: Celeste B MJchel to David Mitchell. 505 5 av: mtg $17,000 & AL: OctlS: Oct20'19: A$20.000-23,000 (R S $18), O C & 100 SOTH st, 3,53 E: see 1 av, 1653. OOTH fit, 107 E (5:1519-29). ns, 175 W 3 av, 25x100.8. 5-sty bk tnt; Marv Teven to Amy Remey, 167 E 90: mt^- $15,000 & AL: ADr22; Oct23'19; A$15,000-25,000 (R S $2.50). '^ O C & 100 OOTH st, 174-6 E; see 3 av, 1600-2, OOTH Nt, S AV (4:1203-39), ss, 163 w Cen¬ tral Park W. lSxino.8, 4-sty & b stn dw^: N Y Life Ins & Trust Co, 52 Wall, EXR Eliz .T Haynes. to Inwood House, a cornn, at Dvckman st & River rd, Inwood. NY; mtg $18,000; Febl7; OctlS'lO; A$14.000-19,- 500. nom OOTH St. 8 AV? Inwood House, a cornn, to Saml Mnvpr. NY; B&S & CaG; Octl7: Oct 1S'19 (R S $13). nom OOTH Ht, 14 AV (4:1203-42), ss. 221 W Central Pnrk W. 21x100.8, 4-stv & b stn dwg: Amelia E White et al. EXTRXCES Horace E White, to Martha R White. 115 E 55: mtg $11,000; Octl: Oct21'19: AHT.- 000-23,000" (R S $9), 9,00O mST st, 110 E (5rl520-9Vi), ns, 195 e Park av. 15'xlOO.S, 3-sty .?r b stn dwe:; Clara V Murnhy to Margt W Foot at Cobb Lane, Tarrvtown, NY: mtg $8,000 & AL: Octl 6: Octl7'19: A$9,000-10.500 (R S $10.50). O C & 100 OlST st, 1-"^4-00 E (5:1519-46-49), SS. 225 w 3 av, 100x100,fi, 4-8-stv bk tnts: Adams Realtv Co. 105 W 40, to Milton E Oupen- Jieimer, 118 E 61: B&S: mtg $190,000: Oct 1: Oct22'19: A$60,000-144,000 (R S S60), O C & 100 OlST St. 55 (7t) W (4:1205-8), ns. 163 e Col av, 17x100.8, 4-sty & b stn dwg; San¬ ford A T'lvlnr to Carrio V Powers. 5^ W 91: AL: Aug20'18: Oct24'19; A$13,000-17.500 (R S $8). nom OlST mt, 305 W (4:1251-52), na, 125 w West End av, 25x73,7 to cl old rd x25x72,3, 5-sty & b bk dwg; Esther Miles, 305 W 91, to West 91st St Realty Co at 18 E 41; B&S; AL; Octl7; Octl8'19; A$1MOO-34,500 (R S $32.50), O C & 100 92D st, 22 B (5:1503-60), sa. 278.7 e 5 av, 22x100.8, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Mary F Wil¬ liams, 22 E 92, to Coastwise Warehouses, Inc, 534 Washington; mtg $25,000; Sept26; Octl7'19; A$40,000-50,000 (R S $17), 42,OO0 02I> st, 338-40 E (5:1554-35), ss, 200 w 1 av, 50x100.8, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Paul R Skoluda to Eliz Skoluda, both at 338 E 92; Oct22; Oct24'19; A$17,000-49,000 (R S 50c), nom GSD at, 69 AV (4:1206-7), ns, 145 e Col av, 20x100.8, 3-sty & b stn dwg; John P Lynch of Bklyn & ano, EXRS Cath M Lynch, to Right Realty & Security Co, 192 Bway; AL; OctS; Oct21'19; A$14,500-17,000 (R S $15), 15,000 92I> st, 09 AV; Right Realty & Security Co, 192 Bway, to Solomon L Pakas, 170 W 74; mtg $12,000 & AL; OctlS; Oct2ri9 (R S $4), O C & 100 92D St. 288-00 AV (4:1239-56), ss. 100 w Bway, 50x100, 6-sty bk tnt; 288 & 290 W 92d St Corpn, at 34 W 50. to 290 W 92d St Corpn, at 340 Northern av; mtg $67,000 & AL; OctSO; OctSl'lS; A$52,000-90,000 (R S $25), nom 93D St. 168 E (5:1521-46), ss, 230 w 3 av, 20x100.8, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Harris Mandelbaum et al to Gizella Ungar, 16S E 93; mtg $6,750 & AL: Oct7: OctlS'19; A$9,- 500-12,000 (R S $5.50), O C & 100 93D st, 253*5 AV (4:1241-8%-9), ns. 100 w Bway, 37x100.8, 2-4-sty & b bk dwgs; Morris Serating, Jr, 2150 Crotona Pkway, to Simon M Goldsmith, 302 Convent av; mtgs $40,000; June30; Oct27'19; A$35,8O0- 51.000 (R S $10). O C & 100 95TH st, 234 E (5:1540-30), ss. 93.9 W 2 av, 25x100.8, 5-sty bk tnt: Fritz Gerspach- er, 1032 1 av, to Florentine Clonan, both at 1032 1 av; mtg $13,000; OctSO; Oct23'19; A$S.000-13,000 (R^S $2). O C & 100 95TH st, 328-30 E (5:1557-35), ss, 210 w 1 av. 40x100.8, e-sty bk tnt & strs; Colum¬ bia Trust Co. 60 Bway, TRSTE will Fred¬ eric K Agate, to Van Deveer Estates, Inc, 52 Bway: B&S & CaG: Octl5; Octl7'19: A $12,000-32,000 (R S $28,50), 28,500 05TH St. 328-30 E (5:1557-35). ss, 210 w 1 av, 40x100.8, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Van¬ deveer Estates, Tnc. 52 Bway, to Mary Sentmiklossy, 339 E 16: mtg $26,500 & AL: OctlS; OctlS'lS; A$12,000-32,000 (R S $5.50). O C & 100 05TH st, 333 E (5:1558-20), ns, 140 w 1 av, 35x100.8, 6-aty bk tnt & strs; Abr Plotkln. 796 9 av, et al, to Gertrude S ; Cowan, 2008 Dalv av: mte: $15,000 & PM ' mtg $2,000: Oct29; OctSl'lO; A$ll,000-31,- 000 (R S $4). O C & 100 95TH fit, 337 E (5:1558-22), ns, 80 w 1 av, 30x100.8. 5-stv bk tnt: Gladvs A Mac¬ kay-Smith. of Wash. DC, to Virginia S Mackay-Smith, 132F; Av of the Presidents. Wash, DC: mtg $21,000 & AL; Nov5'14; Oct39'19: A$9,000-17,000. nom 97TH st, 24 Et see Madison av. 1396-8. 07TH St. 102 E; see Park av. 1253. 07TH st, 235A E (6:1647-20). ns, 100 w 2 av, 25x100,11, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Lena A Paul, 266 Rochester av, Eklyn, to Gae¬ tano & Dominick Manglaletti, 142 S Oth, Bklyn; mtgs $9,312.50 & AL & PM mtg S475; Octl7: Oct2ri9; A$6,000-9,500 (R S $2). nom 07TH St. 65-7 AV (7:1833-6'^-7).ns, 135.6 e Col av, 32x100.11, 2-4-sty & b bk dwgs; Ben1 F Romaine. of West Tsllp, LT. to John J Finn, 63 W 97: mt^rs $18,500: Oct 27; Oct28'19: A$15,000-22,500 (R S $5,50). O C & 100 97TH st, 152 AV (7:1851-51%), ss, 316 e Ams av. 17x100,11. 3-sty & b stn dwg: Fredk W Mattocks on Hi^h st. Closter. N J, to Kath D Ryan, 152 W 97: mtg $5,500; Oct25: Oct27'19; A$9,500-11,000 (R S $6), nom 98TH st, 137 AV (7:1853-19), ns. 449.9 e Ams av, 24.9x100.11. 5-stv bk tnt; Henry F Eendlx. 1646 Alvarado ter, Walla Walla, Wash, to Fredk W Bendlx. 552 W 184; 1-7 pt: AT; B&S & CaG; AL: SeptSO: Oct 2S'19: A$14.000-22,000 (R S $!>. O C & 100 OSTH St. 152-4 AV (7:1852-52-53). ss, 270 e Ams av. 40x100.11, 2-5-sty bk tnts; Equit¬ able Trust Co of N Y to Jacob Moss, 69 Tompkins av. Bklvn; AL: Octl5: Oot22"19; A$21,000-38,000 (R S $40). O C & 1.000 OSTH st, 300 AV: see West End av, 777. OOTH st, 218 E (6:1648-37), ss, 2-^5 0 3 av, 25x100.11, 4-sty stn tnt & strs; Ameri¬ can Mtg Co to Snotswond D Bowers, 521 Park av; Wm C Bowers. 49 W 57, & Arthur Coppell, 22 W 48. EXRS &c John M Bowers: B&S; Oct27; Oct2S'19: A$7,0'i0- 17,500 (R S $15), O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.