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UANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION two" REAL ESTATE POUNDED 1668 BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IM GREATER NEW YORK AND ViaNmr Thla section Includes all recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsfle* Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suit*, Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' I-lens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Aflectnc Keal Estate, Building Loan Contractfl. New Buildings and Alterations In the Borough of Manhattan and Eronx and the r#cord«» Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan, VoL CIV (2700) NEW YORK, DECEMBER 13, 1919 No. 24 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. NOV 25 Se 26, Bond at, 29 (2:b29'2i), sws, abt 140 e La¬ fayette, 26x116 to 15 ft alley, with rights to alley, 4-siy bk loft & str bldg & 2-aLy bk rear garage; Richd Wohlgemuth Sc Hilda, his wile, of St Louis, Mo, to Sanih Wuhigemutii, 251 W 92, individ & EXTKX &c Muyer J Wohlgemuth; QC; Novt>; ^oV 26'U; An9.000^21,oy0, nom Uond Bt, 20; Wm Wohlgemuth, 14 VV 7, et al, to same; QC; NovlO; Nov25'19. 107 nora Broome st, 476-8 (2:4*>5-'36), ns, abt 50 e Wooaier, 60x100, 6-sty stn loft Sc str bldg A?aa,000-&1,OUO; also WOOSTER PT, 62 (2:486-1), ea, 100 n Eroome, :i4aixtt0. 6-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; A$12,0U0-2O,0OU; Redwood Realty Corpn to Majestic Mills Paner Co. 464 Broome; mtg ¥75,000 & AL & PM mtg 110,000; Nov25; Nov26'19 (K S |25). O C & l\*o Carmine st, 8i see 118th, 154 S, Carmine mt, lOt see llSth, 154 K, Curmine mt, I'^t see 3 av. 1753. CnthedrnE Pkway, 210 (7:1881-41), as, 200 w Ams av, 100x70.11, 12-sty bk tnri Norbert Holding Corpn to Cathedral Heights Realty Co, 570 W 161; B&S; mtgs $257,500; Nov25; Nov26'19; A$90,00O- J00,000 (R S $60). O C & I'lO Cnthedral Pkway, 214 (7;18Sl-4o), :.S, 800 w Ams av, 100x70,11, 12'Sty bk tnt; Paterno Investing Corpn to Paterno Con* stn Co, 32 E 48; B&S; mtg $220,000 & Al^; Nov24: Nov26'19; A?90,000-310,000. O C & 100 HudHon Bt, 507 (2:630-45), ws, 66-11 n Christopher, 30x85 to es of alley, with rights to 15 ft alley to ss 10th. 6-sty bk Btorage; Lizzie A Bentley, of Bklyn, to Wray A Bentley, Windham, NY; mtg $40,- 000 & AL; NovlS; Nov2&'19; A$20,000-5O,- 000, Sii^t Laurel Hill ter. swc lS4th; see 184th W, flB, 150 e Ams av, Madirion mt, 237 (1:270*37), ns, abt 120 a Jefferson, 25x100, &-sty bk tnt & strs; Nathan Moscowitz, 1009 Eastern Pkv/ay, Eklvn to Real Estate Mtg Co of N J, 6^ Wail; mtg $15,000 & AL; AprSO; Nov26'iy; A?13t000-18,000 (R S $5). O C & l'>0 Maiden la, 126 (1:39-24), ss, 84.7 w Wa*er, runs w20.5xs53.3xw0.11x3l2,lxe21,2x n64.10 to beg, 5-aty bk loft Se str bldg; Danl F Farrell to Benj Mitchell, 11 Sea¬ man av: mtg $22,000: Novl9; Nov26"19; A $17,000-23,000 (R S $15.50), O C & 100 Murray st, 22j see Park pl, 25. New Chambers nt, 82-4 (1:111-31), Sfl, t26,3 w from ns Cherry, runs w40.10xs75.3 3te20.11xn43.SxelO xn— to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Cath Jackson, 140 Ocean Park¬ way, Bklyn. to Angelina Vitarelll, 70 New Chambers; mtff $13,000: NovlO; Nov S5'19; A?10,500-14,500 (R S $2.60), O C & 100 Onk st, 47! see Oliver, 60-2, Oliver mt, 00-2 (1:252-63), sec Oak (No 47), 54.2x53.3x53.10x53.10, 6-sty bk tnt & Btrs; Michele Graziano, 1635 Cranston st. Providence, HI. to Chas D^Alessandro. 209 Grand: AL: NovlS; Nov25'l9; A$33,O00-58.- 000 (R s $3), o c & 3.noo Orchard st, 60 (1:309-9), es, abt 1^0 s Grand, 25x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt Se strs: Ray¬ mond D Fuller, ref. to Maxwell Holding Co, 350 Bway: FORECLOS Oct9'19: Nov 25: Nov26'19; A$19.000-26,000 (R S $23). :£3,00l» Park pl, 25 (1:124-11), ns, 33.4 e Church, runs e:i7.11xnl50 to ss Murray (No 22) xw 31.4x325xwl6,3xsl25 to beg, 5-sty stn lofi & etr bide; Jos T Low. EXR Mary V Mott. to Morris Fatman. 23 W 81: AT; QC Sc correction deed; Nov21; Nov25M9: A$15fi.000-175 Ono. nom Pearl Nt. 11*^ (1:31-6), ss, abt 90 e Han¬ over Pq, 24x69x24x69.7, 4-f!ty bk loft S- Btr bldg; Wm S Miller to Thos B Hall, 85 Hicks, Eklyn; B&S; Novl4; Nov26'19; A $i;5,uoo-2y,yuo (R a $35), o c & lOO M 3iarKtf pl, 4ii^^ (ii:449-10), ss, H>ti,2 o 2 av, lo.H^Xiio, 4-:scy bk tnt; Gizella K Bloch, 531 W 145, to Jas L Feder, t>i;i W lol; Nov.i4; Nov:i6'19; A$4,500-b,DOO, nora Van Corlear pl, 15 (S:22lb-^20), ss, 2^^.i w 2Zitn, :;oxaO, *i-scy & b tr dwg; uatn Tunney, lo Van Corlear pl, to Chas J Hugiies, 1770 Ams av; mtg $4,000 & AL; Nov^io; Nov26'iy; A$a,*iOu-t»,uuu
"ly; A$iil,U0U-25,U0O (R S $*iO). O C & 100 W^ashiQgton st, 272-6; see Warren, lOii. Water mt, 32 (1:7-26), ns, 72.11 w Coen¬ ties sl, 2y.5x40.10x29,7x40.5, 4-3ty bk loft & str bldg; Amos D Carver, of LocuJt Valley, LI, to Norden Ship Supply Co, 125 Broad; mtg $19,000 & AL; Nov25; Nov2d '19; A$13,000-15,500 (R S $21), nom Water »t, 61 (1:32-10), ses, abt 115 3W Old sl, 22.3x87, 5-3ty bk loft & str bldg; also WATER ST, ses, a strip 0.6x— upoa which the e % of the e wall of No 69 Water st now stands; Forrest Raynor, 161 Christopher st, Montclair, NJ, & ano, EXRS &c Henrietta H Smith, to Saml Brody, 788 Eastern Pkway, Bklyn; 20-60 pts; Nov20; Nov25'19; A$l6,000-24,000 (R S $14). 13,573,33 Wuter st> 61; also strip &c as abov^; Mary B Caswell, widow, to same; 40-60 pis; Nov21; Nov25'19 (R S $27). 26,660.67 Wooster fit, 62i see Broome, 476-8, Wooster st, 147 (2:515-30), ws, 245.2 n Prince, 25x99.9x25x99,11, 4-sty stn loft & str bldg; Richd Wohlgemuth & Hilda, his wife, of St Louis, Mo, to Sarah Wohlge¬ muth, 251 W 92, individ Sc EXTRX &c Meyer J Wohlgemuth; QC; NovO; Nqv25 '19; A$12,0O0-16,50O. nom W^ooHter »t, 1471 Wm Wohlgemuth, 14 W 107. et al, to same; QC; NovlO; Nov25 •19, nom IBTH st, 507 E; aee 118th, 154 E. 16TH Bt, 617 E (3:984-13), ns, 263 e Av E, 25x92, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Nathan Lieberman to Carrie Levine, 203 W 61; ^i pt; mtg $12,500 on whole; Novl7; Nov25 '19: A$6,500-15,000, O C & lUO 22D st, 28 E (3:850-58), SS, 310 w 4 av, 25x98.9, 9-sty stn loft & str bldg; Guar¬ dian Life Ins Co of America to Malex Realty Corpn, 170 Bway; B&S & CaG; PM mtg $95,000; Nov6; Nov26*19; A$50.000-88,- 000 (R S $120). O C & 100 ::2D st, 28 E( Malex Realty Corpn to Norbert Holding Corpn, 170 Bway; B&S; Nov26'19 (R S $1). O C & 100 28TH St. 211 W (3:778-33), ns, 147.7 w 7 av, 24.10x98,9. 6-3ty bk storage; Amalie H Q Millholland et al to Saml Greenstein, 220 W 98; mtg $11,650 & AL; Nov25; Nov 26^19; A$15,500-26,000 (R S $33.50). O C & 100 2STH »t, 345 W (3:752-17). ns, 302.6 e 0 av, 18x98,9, 4-sty stn tnt; Rosa Mainzer, individ & ano, EXRS &c David Mainzer, to Julian P Falk, 1820 Crotona av; mtg $10,- 000 Sc Al.: Nov21; Nov25'19; A$9,000-16,- 000 (R S $7.50). 17.500 31ST ftt, 155 W (3:807-11), ns, 145,4 c 7 av, 19.11x66, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Stebbins Realty Sc Constn Co & Clara Koth to Vv m H Mart-n, at South Amboy, NJ: mtg $M,- 600 & AL: Nov24; Nov26'19; A$25,000-27,- 000 fR S $13.50), nom 35TH »t, 330 W (3:759-20), ns, 380 e 9 av, 15x98.9, 4-aty & b bk dwg; Est-Mlo Kaplan (Thompson), 56 Seaman av, wife Philip J Kaplan, to Wm G Clark, 560 W 184; AT: mtp: $7,000 & AL; NovlS: Nov25 '19: A$9,000-10.000 fR S 50c). O C & 100 38TH Rt. 27 E (3:868-28), na. 143 e Mid av, 16x98.9. 4-sty Sc b stn dwe: Edw W Sheldon. EXH Frances G Stewart, to Amo*i "R K Pin^hnf. 101 P?»rk nv: AT-: Nov 24; Nov25'19; A$37.500-44.000 (R S f'JO). 40,01H> 45TH st, 414 W (4:1054-41), ss, 200 W 9 av, 25x100.4, 3-sty bk stable; Belle Greenwald, 1342 BriSLOw, to Sweets Co of America, ti W 48; mtg $11,000 Sc AL; Sept 12; Nov:35'19; A$11,OOU-14,500 (R S 50c), nom 46TH st, 340 E (5:1339-221i>, ns, 80 w 1 av, 20x100, 4-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Wm Wagler, Jr, 349 E 46, to Stewart R Cogs¬ well, 357 W 29; mtg $5,000 & AL & PM mtg $2,500; Nov21; Nov25'19; A$7,000-9,500 (R S $5). O C & 100 47TH st, 430 YV (4:1057-15), ns, 356,3 e 10 av, 18.9x100.5. 4-sty stn tnt; Kath Mc¬ Carthy et al, heirs Jas McCarthy: to Har¬ old O Rothman, 448 W 34; mLg $10,000; Nov25; NOV2619; A$9,000-12,500 ( RS $6), O C & 100 50TH st, 234 AV (4:1021-55), Ss, 225 e 8 av, 25x100.5, 2-sty fr tnt & 1-sty fr rear shop; Warner B Matteson, ADMR Edw Timpson, to Leonard L Hill, 246 West , End av; AL; Nov21; Nov25"19; A$32,00J- 32,500 (R S $32), 32,00ft 50TH st, 234 W| Palher Realty Co, 120 Bway, to same; 3-7 pt; AT; QC; Nov&; Nov 25'19. nom 50TH st, 315 W^ (4:1041-24), ns, 195 W 8 av, 19,2x100.5, 3-sty stn tnt; Eight Av R R Co to Saml Chaitowitz, 309 W 50; PM mtg $10,000; Octl; Nov26'19; A$12,500-14,- 000 (R S $14.50). O C & 100 SOTH st, 400 E (5:l362-4Vi), ns, 77,11 e 1 av, 19.5x100.5. 3-3ty & b stn dwg; Mhx Kurzrok to Jacob Newman, 36 W 87; B&H; mtg $6,000; Jan25'16; Nov25'19; A$6,500- 9.500. O C & 100 51ST st, 535 W^ (4:1080-14), ns, 325 e 11 av, 25x100.5, 4-sty bk tnt; Anthony Kuhn to Theresa Kleindienst, 447 W 50; Nov26 '19; A$10,000-15,500 (R S SOc), nom 53I> Bt, 305 K (5:1346-11^), ns, 85.4 e 2 av, runs nl00.5xel4.8xs44.3xe0.4xs56,2 to st xwl5 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt; John H Tim- merman, of East Orange, NJ, to Celia Timmerman, 19 Mitchell pl. East Orange, NJ; Nov24; Nov26*19; A$4,000-5,500. no;n OlST st, 166 B (5:1395-42), S3, 125 w 3 av 20x100,5x20x105.5, 4-sty Sc b stn dwg; Saml P Hinckley to Harry C Beadleston, 640 Mad av; Nov20; Nov25*19; A$20,000- 27,000 (R S $35), O C & 100 61ST st, 166 E; same, Individ, et al, as DIRECTORS Sc TRSTES in liquidation of, & the TaroUnta Land Impt Co, to same; B&S; correction Sc confirmation deed; Nnv 20; Nov25'19, nom 63D st, 12S W^ (4:1134-49), ss, 400 w Col av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stn tnt; Thos Berry, EXR Mary C Russel, to Patk A Malone, 148 W 68; mtg $19,000 & AL: Nov24; Nov 25'19; A$15,000-25.000 (R S $9). 28,000 65TH st, 6 E (5:1379-66), ss, 150 e 6 av, runs e25xsl00,5xw50xn25.5xe25xn75 to beg, 5 & 6-sty stn dwg; Anna B Bliss, 525 Park av, to Edw C Delafield, at River- dale-on-Hudson, NY; AL; Novl7: Nov2J '19; A$84,000-182,000 (R S $260). O C & WO 65TH Ht, 18 E (5:1379-61), ss, 282 e 5 av, 18x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Clara A Bowron, 18 E 65. to Geo H Makepeace^ 720 W 180;. mtg- $35,000 Se AL; Nov25'19j A$49,000-56,000 (R S $20), O C & 10(^ 67TII mt, 225 E (5:1422-17), ns, 405 e S av, 27.6x100,10, 1 & 3-sty bk garage; Crimmins Operating Co to Jas N HIU. ^.t Wheatlev Hills, LI; AL; Nov26'19; A$12.' 500-20.000 (R S $22.50). O C & IOO COTH st, 46 YV (4:1121-54), ss, 515.6 W Central Park W^, 22x100,5, 4-sty & b stn> dwg; Geo R Satterlee, of Riverdale, NY^ individ & EXR Edw L Satterlee, to Pran¬ ces W Cullman, 46 W 69: mtg $22,500 & AL; Nov25'19; A$26,000-33,000 (R S $15>, nonr TOTH ftt. 335 E (5:1445-21), ns, 125 W t av 24.9x100.4, 5-sty stn tnt Sc strs: Pea* trice Coogan to Els'e F Ament, 311 E 7^ Bklvn: AL: Sept6; Nov26'19; A$9.noo-19.000'