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■mAtau!S9JEK' JOitt BttdifZ -- r'ii*." .■^■^ > momOEb 1668 AND vtW^^'-:':' BUILDERS SECTION TWO Mima TO REAL ESTATE. BUIUHNCIMteGeMENT AND UNSTIUI^ Chlaniatto0.includes all recorded Conveyancos, -Idacannnaoua Conveyances. Mortrases, Assignments of Mortgases and Batisfled MiortvMrs* ltnd..Uortsa'Ere Bztenslona, Leasai, Auction Salel. 'Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, ---^—"lats In 7weeIo8ure Suits. Lis Pendens.»lCeehanios' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens. Attachments, Chattel Mortsages Affaotns latata. Building Loan Contracts, New Bulldinga and Alterations In the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded •md Ileal EJstiate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CV (270U NEW YORK, JANUARY 17, 1920 No. 3 CdSVEYANCEg. ... MaaliattMi. DEC. 17, 18 & 19. ~____lySirfe 3m41t'ae6 Park pl. 40-2. Wma ■l.>6<;W (1:200-14), ss. 50.2 e #berry,i|
6-6), sec Or- . (Nos 108^4). 87^6x81.10x87.6x61.8. 3- >:bk'~tnts & strs; Blterman Realty Co .German G-Slopaldr 63 Central Park W; SS J185,?&Di DeolSj, DeoiriO; AJSI.OOO- .toOO (R S i41).^ .^ - O C & 100 DelsiBeey ;Mv' 8S-T. sec Orchard (Nos 1-4); Herman- & Kopald to Public Na- nal Baittk of N T, 89 I>elancey; mtg "~ : KrociB; Decl7'19. -O O & 100 js nti.TO-(1:1B4-17); ss. 114.5 -w Elm. 4 -Co ns Kepubllcan alley or Man- tan pl *8t.llx77.10, 5-sty stn loft .& -bldg; Tyt^T 'Estate, a porpn. 401 N 4th Ut.. Louts, Mo, to Agnes Slllcock. 24 St DlM pl; NovlO; DeclS'lO; A$51,000-57.- — 8 $60). - O C ffi 100 e St. 70» Agnes Slllcock to Uenlson Corpn, 92 Wm; mtg $37,600; DeclS ^ ' . O C & 100^ Jsyt£ Bt. 20Sj see Forsyth, 210. .aytb «t^ 210 (2:422-45), es, 100 sHous- 26x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; AS15,000- also FORSTTH ST. 208 (2-J22-44). ... 8 Houston. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & ,. S$15;000-21,000; Miriam S Thorn. 3675 -ay,-to'Jennie Sladon, 102 E 111; mtg "00 & AL; Septl5; DeclS'lO (R S $1). - O C & 100 it at. 214 (1:97-42). nws. abt 25 ne an, 25.7x62.8x25.7x53.3. 5-sty bk loft Str^BIdg; TJanl P Farrell to Seymour B. igymann, 772 Park av; mtg $9,600 & AL; ■-"-■"■(; A$9,500-13,500 (B S $8). O C & 100 jwleh at. 624 (2:602-45), ws. 75 n , 25x91x25x90.3, S-sty bk tnt & strs; _jes G- Livingston et al to Theo J lt-«rieser, 38 Nassau, NT, or Sea Girt. N tg $16,600; July2S; Decl8'19; A$S,500- (K (B S $1). O C & 100 -»ry at, 183 (1:285-3), nS; 47.6 e Jeffer- , 24.1x87.6x24.2x87.6, t-sty bk tnt & _; Simon Dlnersteln to Annie Blumberg, 4 Neptune av, Bklyn; mtg. $19,000 & A DeclS; Decl8'l9; A$13,000-28,000 (3 S . .., GO & 100 ^V-^-«<.»^.. St. 38 E (2:522-44), nee Lafay- C%tte^^(NbjBf- SIS-O); 27.7x100.8x17.7x100.6, 6- * fis! bk loft & str bldg; also HOUSTON "^ t of 88 E (2:522). ns. 60.2 w Mul- nna n24.lxsvr24.2 to st xe2.3 to beg.,- .._8 East Houston St Corpnrat 38 E Aon, to Jacob ^B Semel, 333 Central i.'W; mtg $55,000 & AL; Novl5; Decl7 A$28,000-43.000 (R S $20.50). O C & 100 :on st, part of 36 E) see Houston, By«tte-Mb lEtS-Si see Houston. 38 E. vl9 St.. 1S-7 (2:326-16), Ura, 200 n l.'runs-^BOxn 25xe2'5xnl5xe25 to st x bto beg, 2-!6-sty bk tnt^& strs; Grace ' Iman, 149- Flushing av, Astoria, B of ^' Harry Monaeitirsky. 416 Grand; mtg ^SOO & AL; Dee9; Deel9'19; A$7.500-13.- S- (R S $1). nom "Ifdlow et. 174 (2:412-45). es. 125.4 n atont 84.9x90, 6-sty bfc tnt & strs; Geor- ' '-Sohechter, ta 400 Manhattan Ave at 25 St Nicholas av; iiitg $27,450; 'Decl8'19; A$13.OO0-22.000 (R S 60c). " . nom •on St. 284 (1:870-27). ss. 85.9 e Jef- 80x70. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Dor- Btsihan, 48 Johnson, Bklyn. to Wm inie Blander. 204 JSast'B'n'ay: mtg AL; t)ecl6; -pe^rift-. AJ7.500- ^«B); Montgomery at, 39-41 (1:268-37). es 89.9- 8 Madison, runs e76xsll.6xe2xs28.6xw7 8.2 to st xn40 to beg, 6-Bty bk tnt & strs; Morris Schlacther, signs Schlachter. to Jacob R Schiff, 18 E 120; mtg $35,500; May I; Decl8'19; A$15,000-36,000. O C & 100 Montgomery mt, 30-41) Jacob R SchifC to Louis. Muffs, 121 E 109. & Benj Greenberg, 173 Henry; B&S; Decl2; Decl8'l» (R S $8.^0). O C & 100 Moore at, 29 (l:4-'26), eh, 80 s Front, runs e56.7xs20xe9.3xs6.4xw64.ll to st xn2b.l0 to beg, 5-sty bk storage; Margt L Herriok & ano, EXRS Elias J Herriok, to Samuel Brody, 788 Eastern Pkway,' Bklyn; AL; Nov29; Decl9'19; A$7,000-ll,600 (R S $17.50). 24.000 Orchard at, 100-4; see Delancey, 85-7. Park pi. 40-2 (1:123-10), sec Church (-Nos 03-107), 48.8x148.6 to Barclay (Nos 39-41), x48;Sxl48,.6tBty stn loft & str bldg; Edith S Whitehouse et ^1, EXRS. &c. Wm P Douglas, to F A Ringler Co. 39 Barclay; Noy25; Decl9'19; A$280.a00-310.000 (R S $360). 350b000 Pearl mt, 173 (1:41-6). ws. 19.2 n Pine. 21.6x89.6x23x88.6. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Edith S Whitehouse et al. EXRS. &c. Wm P Douglass, to Chas Otis on Waldo av. Riverdale-on-the-Hudson, NIT; Nov25; Dec 18'19; A$19,000-26.000 (R S $40). -40^000 PIfee Bt, S2"(l:274-17). ws. 49 n Monroe. 24x86. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Julius Woll- man to Jos Cohn, 723 St Nicholas av, & Wm Cohn, 41 St Nicholas ter; AL; Aug25; Decl8'19; A$ll,000-15,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Renvricfc Bt 22-4 (2:594-63-64), es, 289.5 : s Spring, 39x60 to ws of an alley, with rights to alley, 2-5-sty bk tnts &- strs; Hollace' M Reid to Consolidated Assets Corpn, 149 Bway; B&S; Decl7'19; A?3,000- 18,000 (R S $3). nom Spring Bt, 143; see Wooster, 93-6. Stanton St. 25S-61 (2:334-16-16), ss, 24.10 e Sheriff, 49.9x753ir50x76. 2-7-sty bk tnts & strs; Stanfolk Realty Co to Margt Davis. 26 W 130; mtg $44,000 & AL; Deo5; Decl7 ■19; A$24.000-50.00O (R S $7). nom Trinity pl, 17-21; see Bway. 41-6. Vesey Bt. 48 (140) (1:86-26), ns. abt 205 w Church, 26x % blk,. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Rector, etc, of Trinity Church, 187 Pulton, to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; PM; mtg $42,500; Decl5; Decl8'19; A$52,000-67,000 (R S $52.50). O C & 100 ■Vesey mt, 48; Arrow Holding Corpn to- 48 Vesey St Corpn at 30 E 42; mtg $42,500 & AL; Decl5; DeclS'lS (R S $17.50). V-'alte' <•♦, 57 {lTf93-37), ss, ab"t 155 w Bway, 25x99, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A $22,000-28,000; also BOWERY, 24 (1:163- 36), ws, abt 166 s Bayard, 25x101x25x98.8. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; A$22,000-25,000; Alfred C Coxe. Jr. & ano. EXRS Alfred R Conk- ling, to Ho-ward Conkling at Providence, RI; % pt; Nov28: DeclS'lS (R S $25). O C & 25.000 -Walker st, 57 (1:193-37), ss. abt 155 w Bway, 25x9S, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Howard Conkling of Providence, RI, to Jos Rovegno, 466 Manor rd. B of R; AL; Deol7; DeclS'lS; A$22,O00-28,0O0 (R S $27). O C & 100 -Washington pl, 129-31 (2:592-82-83), ns, 344.1 w 6 av, runs n97xw43.3xslS.Sxw2l.l & lS.llxsw44.3xs672.7 to pl xe46.S to beg. 2- 5-sty bk tnts & strs & 2-3-sty fr rear tnts; Saml J Ashley, 747 St Nicholas av, et al. to Margt A Huntington, 10 E 58; Decl7; DeclS'lS; A$40,000-47,500 (R S $60). nom Washington pl, 133 (2:532-85), ns, 332 w 6 av, runs nw72.Sx—23x—37.4 to pl x—41.4 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Francis L KIdd, 430 79th. Bklyn, to Margt A Hunt¬ ington, 10 B 58; mte $8,500 & AL: Deel6; Decl9'l9; A$7,000-8,000 (R S $13.50). O C & 100 WaBhington pi. i:iS (2:592-86). es7 121 2 e—. se from Grove, runs nw by n2.4xne33 xse by s 36.7 to pl xw by nw41.4 to beg. 3.-sty frame tnt; Anhie Hamilton, i Shfiridan sq, to Margt >A Huntington, 10 E 68; PM; mtg $11,000; Deol7; Debl9'lS; A$4.000-4,500 (R S $21). O C & 100 Washington sa N. 26 (2:651-15), ns. 55.6 e Macdougal, 25.11x129.4 to ss Macdouga,! alley No 6 x27.2xl27.6. with rights to al¬ ley. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Cath H Hinckley to Geo E Chlsholm, 320 South St. Mo'rrls-- town, NJ; B&S; Decl6; Deol7't9; A$28.-' 000-32.000 (R S $60). omitted -Water st. 173; see Water, 176. Water st. 175 (1:71-23). ses. abt'60 sw Burling si. 20.4x77.6x19.1x77.6, 6-aty bk loft & str bldg; Broad way-John St- Corpn to Chas Hess. 13 Harmon st. Bklyn'; ^raid; F Hess, 8511 104th St. Richmond HilC B of Q; Frank J Hess. 1143 Bushwick av, Bklyn, & Chas Hess. Jr, 1141 Bushwick av, . Bklyn. firm Charles Hess Co; mtg $22'.S00 .& AL; Decl7; DeclS'lS; A$lS,00O-26.0OO (R S $20). _ ■ nom Water st. 176 (1:71-23). ses. abt 50. sw Burling si, 20.4x77.-6xlS.llx77.6, 5-Sty ,bk. loft & str bldg; A$19.000-26'.000; also WATER ST, 173 (1:71-22). ses. abt 70 s Burling si. 20x86, 4-sty. bk loft & str bldg; A$lS.000-25,000; Wm A White; of Bklyn, & ano, BXRS Alex M Whlte^ -t&^ Broadway-John St Corpn, 206 Bway; AL; DeclO; DeclS'lS'(R S $65). 65,000 'Wooater st, 93-5 (2:501-32), nwc Spring: (No 143), 75x25, 3 & 5-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; Peter Doelger Brewing Co ta Peter Doelger Realty Co, both at 407 E 55; QC; OctSO; DeclS'19; A$17.000-1S.OOO (R S $19). O C & loo 12TH 8t, 347 W (2:641-64). ns. 163 W' Greenwich. 22x80. 3-sty bk tnt; Herman M Zodlkow. ref, to David Daly, 377 B 144. plff; PORECLOS — DeclS; Decl9'l9; A$7,500-8,500 (R S $8). 7,800 15TH Bt. 433 E (3:947-20). ns. 144 -w AV A. 25x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Thos G Martin. 3136 Hull av, to Edw J Watson, 18 Sefton rd. New Ferry, Cheshire. Eng; B&S & CaG; AL; Decl6; Decl7'l9; A$ll,- 600-19,600 (R S $2). nom 17TH st, 110 W (3:7S2-44), ss, 175 w 6 av, 25xS2, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; No i West 67th St Co to K & A Realty Co, 29S Bway; AL; Decl; DeclS'lS; A$l7.000-46.- 000 (R S $65). O C & 100 17TH Bt, 110 W^; K & A Realty Co. 2SS / Bway, to Chas Bernstein, 5 W 112; mtg $52,500 & AL; D'^cl7; Decl8'^».<5'-rg,jjigfe''^ """' "O C & Tito iJoeJ 17TH Bt, lir 'UO: A];i-.46), B^ 200 w 6 stli?^n'iK*n■?5^^21«fr■f"S G O Pitzlplo. 12 B 3^x80.10x50.7xMilger. 218 W 21; mtg $12.- 000; iM?iip^eciri9; A$16,000-17.50O (R S $5). O C & 100 1»TH Mt, 6 & S W (3:81S-50). Ss, 200 w 5 av, 52x92, 12-sty bk loft & str bldg; Na¬ son Realty Co to Bessie Barkin, 15S W 141; B&S & CaG; Decl; DeclS'lS; A$73,- 000-195,000 (R S $36). O C & 100 ISTH St. 445 W (3:716-12). ns. abt 246 e 10 av. 16.8x92, 3-sty bk tnt; Alice Edel- muth to Julia I O'Hara. at Hotel Commo¬ dore. 42d & Lex av; mtg $6,500; DeclS; DeclS'lS; A$6,500-7,500 (R S $1). O C &■ 100 19TH «t. 214-8 W (3:768-47-40). ss, 160.6 w 7 av, 45x92, 3-5-sty bk tnts; Helen C B Hydei (Bronson), 236 W 70, to Stonemor Pea'ty Co. 206 Bway; DeclS; Decl7'19; A $25,500-23.500 (R S $13.25). O C & 100 21ST Bt, 257 W (3:771-3). ns. 125 e 8 av, 25x98.9. 5-sty atn tnt; Aaron Brown, at. West.New York, NJ, to Rose Zelinsky, 267 W 21, & Bertha Taig. 144 E Houston; mtg $16,500 & AL & PM mtg $6,500; Decl7;, DeclS'lS; A$16,000-24,000 (R S $11,50). O C & 100 23D St. 300 'W; see 7 av. 218-22. 25TH mt, 406-8 E (3:356-43-50). ss. 112 e 1 av. 3Sx9S.9. 2-4-sty bk tnts & 2-sty bk pxt; Bertha H Waxman. of Bklyn. to Jos Horowitz. 406-8 B 26; mfg $13,600 & AL & PM; mtg $2,000; Deol5; Deel8'19: A$13,. 000-20,000 (R S $3). O <2 & 100 theaft nai;«B Is ^ojpjrrifbted. AU rights unreserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecuUoa. L:'<«* i:.j^'^.'t-i«.' i^.V-'. .a^'iitA.'>: . .. .4^.