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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 105, no. 15: April 10, 1920

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458 RECORD AND GUIDE April 10, 1920 Lexington av, 1515 (6:16Z5-S1), es, 26.5 s 98th, 25x95, 5-sty bk tnt & str^; Millie Rosenberg to M C Holding Co, 38 Park Row; Aprl; AprZ'ZO; A$11,S00-21,000 (R S $1). nom I^xlngton av. 1653 (6:1632-21), es, 25 n 104th, 16.8x70, 6-sty stn tnt & str; Fane¬ stine Real Bstate Corpn to Harry Resni- oow, 6 E 117; Harry Rashes, SS E 117, & Nathan Romoff, 14 W 113; mtg $7,000; Aprl; AprS'ZO; A$7,000-10,SOO (R S $5). O C & 100 Lexington av, 1720 (6:1635-50), es, 34.3 s 108th, 16.8x65, 4-sty stn tnt & str; Morris Kohn, 857 Westchester av, to John Mayer- hofer & Emma Moss, both 1557 Lex av; mtg $6,000; Aprl'ZO; A$6,400-9,000 (R S $5). 10,700 SiadlBcm av, 19 (3:854-41), es, 74 s 2oth, 24.8x100, 14 & IS-sty bk office -e™ nv fS:2Z?fi-TH-' lot 71. s= 1'" p Zn'i+h. 25^150. vacant; Wood-Jn=t Peal- tv Co to Tn-wnod Hebre-w Consregatlon. 141 Post nv; MarlS: Apr7'20- A''-------«------- fR S $5.50). O C & 100 Wadsworth av. J29-S1 f8:2162-321. sec isnth 75x100. R-stv bk tnt: Elias Gussar¬ off Ttealtv & Constn Co to Harry Miller. 70 Lenox av: mtff $98,000; Aprl: AprZ'ZO: A$46.000-130.b00 (R S $7Z). O C & 100 Wadsworth av, 252 (8:3167-69), WS, 110.2 n ISSth, 50x115, 5-sty bk tnt; Clara S Jameson to 158 W 119th St Corpn, 141 Bwayj mtg $42,600; Mar29; AprlZO; A$20,- 000-62,000 (R S $40). , nom West End av, 503 (4:1246-29), nwc 84th, runs n30xwZZxnl6xwl8xs46xe40 to bee. 4- sty & b bk dwg; Henry C Willcox to 505 West End Av Corpn, 601 W 115; mtg $15,- 000; MarZ7; AprZ'ZO; A$40,00O-45,O00 (R S $33.50). O C & 100 West End av, 509 (4:1346-33), ws, 83.4 n S4th, runs n 19.4xw5S.6xs0.6xw46.5xB 18.6xel00 to beg, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Louise P Cozzens, Locust Valley, NY, to 505 West End Av Corpn, 601 W 115; AL; Aprl; AprZ'ZO; A$30,000-34,000 (R S $38.50) O C & 100 West ESnd av, 601-3 (4:1350-91), nwc 89th, 44x90, 13-sty stn tnt; 601 West End Av, Inc, to AUesor Co, Inc, 2770 Bway; mtg $Z40,000; Aprl; AprO'ZO; A$90,000- 315,000 (R S $Z35). O C & 100 West End av, 680-92 (4:1Z41-1), nec 93d, lZ9xl00xlZ6.8xl00, 13-sty bk tnt; 690 West End Av Corpn to Anthony Campagna & Marie P Campagna, 344 Northern av, & Vito & Celestina P Cerabone, 340 Northern av; mtg $645,000; Mar37; MarSl'ZO; A$Z30,- 000-785,000 (R S $140). O C & 100 -West End av, 680-92, nec 9Sd; Anthony Campagna, 344 Northern av. et al. to Jere¬ miah P Donovan, 134 S Oxford, Bklyn; B&S; ratg $600,000; MarZ9; MarSl'ZO (R S $450). O C & 100 West End av, 680-92, nec 9Sd: Jeremiah F Donovan, Bklyn, to Bew Realty Co, 128 Bway; mtg $735,000 & AL; MarSl; Apr2 •JO. O C & 100 / West Bnd av, 687 (4:1Z5Z-5S), ws, 52.8 n 93d, 16x85. 4 & 5-sty & b bk dwg; Sarah B Allen, Poughkeepsie, NY, to Arrow- Holding Corpn, 317 Bway; mtg $15,500; Mar 4; MarSl'20; A$ZO,000-Z5,000 (R S $12.50). O C & 100 1ST av, 1704-6 (5:1568-3), es, 39 n 88th, 36.6x86, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Elco Realty Co to Jacob Unger, 339 B 75; mtg $20,000; MarSO; Aprl'SO; A$16,000-40,000 (R S $29). O C & 100 1ST av, 2039 (6:1677-25), ws, 50.11 n 105th, 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Solo¬ mon Dannenberg, 407 E 50, to Imperato Bros & Co, 3019 1 av; mtg $16,500; AprS; Apr7'Z0; A$ll,000-Z8,000 (R S $4). O C & 100 1ST av, 2030 (6:1677-ZS), ws. 50.11 n lOSth, ZSxlOO, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Julia W Porges, 404 W 115, to Solomon Dannen¬ berg, 407 E SO; AprS'ZO; A$ll,000-28,000 (R S $Z150). O C & 100 1ST av, 2291 (6:1689-Z9), ws, ZZ s 118th, ZS.5x67, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Pannie Pick et al, EXRS & TRSTES Isaac Pick, to Adolfo Cappiello, 346 B 105, & Antonio Cappiello, 3287 1 av; mtg $5,009 & PM mtg $6,335; MarSl; AprS'ZO; A$9,000-15,000 (R S $11.50). 16,325 2D av, 608 (3:939-3), es, 1Z3.S s 34th, 34.9x80, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Sigmund Bermann to Tony Albaum, 608 Z av; mtg $18,250 & AL: AprS; .&.pr7'Z0; A$14,500- ZZ,000 (R S $4). _ ^^ npm 2D av, 692 (3:943-4). es. 74 n S7th, Z4.8 xl36.5x25xl3Z.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4- sty bk rear tnt; A$16,000-27.500; also 2D AV, 694 (3:943-63), es, 98.9 n S7th, 24.8x 139.7x25x136.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; A$16,000-Z5,000; Dora Kess¬ ler to Gruen Holding Co, ZSO Grand; AL; OctZ7'19; Apr7'20. nom 2D av, 694; see Z av, 69Z. 2D av. 1351 (S:14Z6-Z2), ws, Z5 n 71st, ZS.8x64. S-sty stn tnt & strs; Leontine Platky et al. EXRS & TRSTES Adolph Platky, to Louis & Lena Bremer. Z16 B 71. tenants by entirety: mtg $11,000; Mar 23; Apr6'20: A$12,000-Z0,000 (R S $19.50). 2D av, 2349 (6:1785-25). ws. 100.11 s 121st. runs w93.10xsw—xelOSxnZS.Z, 5-sty hk tnt & sirs: Chas Zehlein & ano. EXRS Pred Deicke. to Imre Nemeth. 1557 Av A; mte $8,700 & PM mtg $5,300; MarSl'ZO; A$10.000-Z1.000 (R S $12.50). 21.000 ST» nv, 2410-14 (6:1800-51). es, 40 s lZ4th. 60x80. 6-stv bk tnt Xr strs; CHas P North¬ rop ref. to Irene Marx. 1845 7 av, plff; mlg S4S.000: FORECLOS MarSl'll; AprJ; .\pr7'20; A$22.000-51.000 fR S $10). 10.000 3D av, 166-74 f3:872-33-39). nwc 16th fNos 145-9). 9Zxl00. 7-3-sty bk tnts & strs; Petersfleld Realty Corpn to Stone¬ mor Realtv Co. 206 Bwav: B&S: FeblO; AprS'ZO; A$90.500-107.500 (R S $75). O C & 100 SD av. 477 (3:913-4). es. 104.11 s SSa. 18.6 x85. 4-sty bk tnt & str. 2-stv ext; Margt Brown. E">i"TPX Nirholas T Brown, to Louis Laubheimer. 477 3 av; AprZ'ZO; A $14,500-18,000 (R S $19,50). 10,300 .SD av, 707.\-709 f5:1318-3). es. 60.3 n 44th, 40.3x80. 2-3 & 4-stv bk tnts & strs: Wm J Law & ano. EXRS & TRSTES Wm Law. to Frank Fowler. 143 E 39: mtg $17,000;. AprS; Apr5'20; $27,000-35.000 fR S $18). 35.000