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514 RECORD AND GUIDE April 17, 1920 BROKERS LOUIS GOLD 44 Court St, BrooklTB, N. T. will erect bnildlagi » anywhere from 10^000 to 11 sqwire feet of nuumfaetariac for any reapoBsible pr«ap«ctiTe leeaee. OR WB kaoa Md aaU tta FACTORY BUILDINGS •f RBENFORCED CONCRBTB MILL CONSTRUCTION Aaywhar* la GREATER NEW TORK Phone Main 7050 for Appointmfnt A. G. THOMPSON CO. REAL ESTATE BROKERS and AGENTS Bxpart, Eeanomieal, llanareinent af Calored Tenement Prapartr Specialists in Harlem and Colored Tenement 2257 Seventb ATenne, at 133rd Street New Tork aty Pkaaa: ManlanMa laiO Moses & Moses HARLEM AND COLORED TENEBfENT PROPBRTIBS AUO CTTT AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE 409 Lenox Avenue Mora. IMI FREDERICK BROWN Real Estate Operator 217 BROADWAY Telephone Barclay 49-12 RECENT LEASES. Saks & Co, to Be on Fifth Avenue. The tamoua Buckingham Hotel, erected in 1876 by the late George Kemp; the Belgravia Apartment and other structures forming the block front on the east side ot Fifth avenue, from 49th to SOth street, with the exception ol the Democratic Club, have passed under a ground lease covering more than a century and iovolTing rent aggregating about $37,000,000. Sake & Co., now at Broadway and 33d street, are the lessees; and tbe Fifth avenue plot, which is now covered by the old Buckingham Hotel and the Belgravia a'nd two other apart¬ ment houses, will be reimproved with a large retail store building. There is an approximate ground area of 36,000 square feet. The only property untouched on this block is the home ot the Democratic Club, which occupies a plot 42z 100, adjoining the Buckingham. It is possible that Saks & Co. may obtain this site as a logical part ot its long leasehold. Improve¬ ments will not be begun tor two years yet. The Saks Building, at Broadway and 33d street, was recently leased over the heads ot Saks & Co. by the owner, Herbert DuPuy, to the United Cigar Stores Co. Russian Embassy Makes Lease. Pease & Elliman leased tor S. Wachs a large amount of space in 4M Fourth avenue, at the northwest corner of 28th street, to the Russian Embassy, now at M9 Broadway. Notable Midtown Lease. For the purpose ot reimproving witb an &• story office building, John H. Scheier, architect, leased trom Leon and Maurice Alland 228 to 232 West 52d street, a plot 55x118x60. 104 teet west of Broadway and adjoining the rear ot the Hotel Albany, on Broadway, from Slst to S2d street. The lease, witb renewals, runs for 84 years, at a total land rental ot $1,600,000. Three 4-story dwellings are now on tbe site. Tha new building will cost about $400,000. i'. B. English was the broker. Beaux Arts Under a Long Lease. Long famous as a building for artists' studios and for a famous restaurant, the Beaux Arts Building, at the southeast corner of 40th street and Sixth avenue, was this week leased by Abraham A. Anderson, the owner, to L. K. Schwartz £ Co. The term is for 42 years at an aggregate rental of appproxlmately $3,500,000. Twelve stories in height, the building has a frontage of 60 feet in the avenue and 100 feet in the street. Overlooking Bryant Park, it has a certain amount of advertising value. Four stories will be added to the building, and it is likely that all of It will be converted into office space of various kinds. Madison Av. Comer Leased. The Madison Avenue-Flfty-ninth Street Cor¬ poration leased from the National Drug Stores Corporation through Douglas L. Elliman & Co. the Emmett Arcade, at the southwest comer ot Madison avenue and SOth street. The plot, which is 100x145, is improved with a 4-story store and office buildbig. The National Drug Stores Corporation has leased back from the Madison Avenue-Flfty-ninth Street Corpora¬ tion the corner store of the property. Both leases were for a long term ot years. The ag¬ gregate rental value is estimated at about Sl.T.'iO.OOO for the term. This property was leased by the National Drug Stores Corporation from the estate of the late John D. Crimmins, in October, 1919, tor tbe purpose of controlling this important subway and transfer center location for one of the stores of Its chain. The lessee contemplates a sub¬ stantial improvement of the property by the addition of at least two stories and other alter¬ ations. DUROSS CO. leased for George "E. and Will¬ iam J. Hoe the property 833 and 835 Greenwich st to Maslow & Toperosky; for Thomas Mc¬ Carthy the property 131 to 13S Barrow st to Michael Hirschhorn and Louis Fink; and for Samuel Gordon the two stores and tbe flrst and second lofts at 207 West 27th st to Tudemeyer & Katz. Earmark holding corporation leased to M. Paganinl, of the Pirouette Tea Rooms, for a term of ten years, the store and basement in 64 West 46th st. J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT & CO. leased corner store and basement in 277 West Broadway to Arthur S. Cone; also for Bing & Bing to the Sitroux Importing Co. space In 1123 Broadway, and the building 206 East 14th st to Dayan & Sutton; store in 220 East 14th st to Morris Adjml; store at 2500 Sth av to Jacob M. Chabot. CHARLES F. NOYES CO. leased for Edwin H. Peck the building 30 Old slip to George V. Gross & Co., and has leased to Colombian Com- merical Corporation of Canada, Ltd., a floor' in 54 Dey st. A. D. ROCKWELL, JR., leased for Benjamin J. Scholermann and Clara M. Scholermann. ot Greenwich, tor-B'period ot 21 years the entire building £ 3d av, northeast comer ot 122d st, formerly known as Manhattan Hotel, Cono^, to Busch, Krugman & Zlrlng REAL ESTATE NOTES. Fisher P. Weaver Is Retiring. Announcement . is made that Fisher P. Weaver, for over twelve years actively asso¬ ciated with the Charles F. Noyes Co., Is re¬ tiring from business at a relatively early date. He has made no definite plans tor the future, but will spend at least a year in travel. Lieut. Col. Marcel Sibley Keene went to the Noyes Co; on April 15 to fill the vacancy. - Be will be elected a director to take Mr. Weaver's place in the several corporations with which Charles F. Noyes is largely identified. Mr. Weaver will remain until his successor is well started on his new work. Col. Keene comes to the Noyes Co. after 13 years ot active service with the United States Regular Army, most of which time has been devoted to ezeciltive worlc Among other assignments Col. Keene organized the defenses of the' Panama Canal at the en¬ trance from the Pacific Coast, and more recently mustered in and out of the Regular Army the National Guard forces of the country. He also served as one of Major General Leonard Wood's representatives at Charleston and Governor's Island. The news of Mr. Weaver's retirement was a big disappointment to all of his business asso¬ ciates. It Is understood that after a year or more retirement from participation in any business Mr. Weaver may possibly make an arrangement with Mr. Noyes to establish a Western branch of the company. STANDARDS AND APPEALS Calendar ilfOTiday, April 19, 1920, at 10 a. m. SPECIAL MEETING. 153-20-S—Proposed Rule. (Hydrated Lime.) 179-20-S—Proposed Rule. (Sprinkler Require¬ ments. 152-20-S—Amendments to Plumbing Rules. 231-20-S—Safety Gas Cut-ott Valve. 234-20-S—Proposed Amendment to Chapter S, Code of Ordinances. BOARD OF APPBAI/S. Tuesday, April 20, 1920, at 10 a. m. Appeals from Administrative Orders. 115-20-A—South Bide 158th street, 58 ft. 5% in. east of N. Y. C. R. R. tracks, Manhattan. 206-20-A—607 Park avenue, Brooklyn. 207-20-A—»9-51 East eist street, Manhattan. 208-20-A—Vernon avenue, northeast corner Payntar avenue. Long Island City, Queens. 212-20-A—10-40 Sandford street, Brooklyn. 132-20-A—612-614 Kent avenue, corner Roll street, Brooklyn. 142-20-A—618-620 Fifth avenue, Manhattan. Vnder Building Zone Resolution. 196-20-BZ—339-351 Columbia street, Brooklyn. 198-20-BZ—West side Webster avenue, 151.3 ft. south of 195th street, the Bronx. 350-19-BZ—153-157 Rogers avenue, Brooklyn. Reopened September 30, 1919. BOARD OF APPEALS. SPECIAL MEETING. Tuesday, April 20, 1920. at 2 p. m. Appeals from Administrative Orders. 216-20-A—38-40 Lexington avenue, Brooklyn. 218-20-A—1-11 East 24th street, Manhattan. Vnder Building Zone Resolution. 187-20-BZ—2470 Bedford avenue, Boroklyn. BO.VRD OF APPEALS. Tuesday, April 27, 1920, at 10 o. m. Appeals from Admdnistrative Orders. off-20-A—161-173 Empire boulevard, Braoklyn. BOARD OF APPEALS. SPECIAL MEETING. Tuesday, April 27, 1920, ot p. m. Appeals from Administrative Orders. 43-20-A—88-96 1st street. Long Island City, Queens. 924-19-A—Review avenue and Thomas street, on northerly side of Newtown Creek, Blissville, Queens. 42-20-A—Premises bounded by West avenue, East River, Nott avenue and Sth street, Long Island City, Queens. BOARD OF APPEALS. Tuesday, May 11, 1920, at 10 a. m. Vnder Building Zone Resolution. O3-20-BZ—145-151 East 32d street, Manhattan. BOARD OP ST.'VND.\RDS AND APPEALS. Tuesday, May 11, 1920, of p. m. Petitions for Toriotiona. 209-20-S—Vernon avenue, northeast comer Payntar avenue. Long Island City, Queens. , 214-20-S—107-109 Sullivan street. Manhatten. 220-20-S—251 Fifth avenue, 1 East 28th street, Manhattan.