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HANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION BBCTioif innr* POUNDED 1668 BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO AEAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANACEHENT AND CONHRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY^ This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsflad Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Sulta, Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, and ,^he recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVI (2730) NEW YORK, JULY 10, 1920 No. 2 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JULY 1, 2, 3, 6 & 7. .\iiu st, 85; see Beekman, 65. .Vftorney st, 109-11; see Rivington, 179, Battery pl, 2-7 (l:14-this & parcels be¬ low lot 1), nwc Greenwich (No 2), 107.11x —xl08.1x32.2, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; also WASHINGTON ST, l-lVi (1:14), nee Bat¬ tery pl, 36.7x36, 3 & 5-sty bk tnt & strs; also GREENWICH ST, 4 (1:14), ws, 32,4 n Battery pl, runs w87.11xn32.8xe34.9xsl,lxe 53,6x330.6 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; also GREENWICH ST, 6 (1:14), ws, abt 62.10 n Battery pl, 21x97.10x18.11x97.10, 4-sty bk Int & strs; also GREENWICH ST, 8 (1:- 14), ws, abt 85 n Battery pl, 22.2x95.7x22.2 X95.7, ss; also STRIP adj above on rear, being 2.6 in depth x21.4 in breadth, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; also WASHINGTON ST, 3 & 5 (1:14), es, 36.10 n Battery pl, 32.2x57.4 x32,lx57.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; also WASH¬ INGTON ST, 7-9 (1:14), es, 68.11 n Bat¬ tery pl, 41.4x48.2x41.9x48, 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs; Edw F Searles, Methuen, Mass, to H L D Realty Co, 60 Wall; Pebl3; Julyl •20; A$550,000-575,000 (R S $900). O C & 100 Beekman st, SS (1:93-33), ss, abt 70 w Gold, 24x125.2 to Ann (No 85) x23.6xll7.8, es, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Wm H Wick- bam, EXR Jos P Wickham, to Mary E A Wendel, Irvington, NY; June30; Julyl'20; A?52,000-64,000 (R S $80). 80,000 Bethune st, 40-4 (2:640-74-76), ns, 82.1 e Washing-ton, 45.10x80.7, 3-3-sty bk tnts; Rosina Vollhart to Wm N Smith Bogota, NJ; mts- $12,500; June30; Julyl'20; A$13,- 500-16,500 (R S $19). nom Bleecker st, 375 (2:621-37), es, 86.9 n Charles, runs e61.10 xnS.S xel9.ll xn9.8 xw 81.10 to Bleecker xsl8.9 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Maybelle B Titus, Tuckahoe, NY, to Hy Reubert, 1956 Bathgate av; July2; July3'20; A$7,500-10,500 (R S $16,50). O C & 100 Broome st, 09 (2:336-44), ss, abt 75 w Sheriff, 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Har^ old G Aron to Chas Molesphini, 586 16th, Bklyn; B&S & CaG; mtg $13,000 & AL; July2; July3'20; A$8,000-13,000 (R S $5.50). nom Broome st, 112 (2:337-68), ns, 25 e Wil- lett, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Rose Ciffenberger to Fannie Greenberg, 65 W 106; mtg $17,000 & PM mtg $2,000; June28; Julyl'20; A$9,000-21,000 (R S $6). O C & 100 Rurlln^ si, 22-4; see Front, 180. Cannon st, 137 (2:335-70), ws, 140 s Houston, 20x100, 3-sty bk tnt; Dena Aufses, lis E 73, to Rosella Stelndler, 12 Colum¬ bia; mtg $10,000; Julyl'20; A$7.000-9,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Carlisle st, 1 (l:53-pt lot 17), ns, 59 w Greenwich 26.3x58,1x24.2x58,9 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Markham Realty Corpn to Alfrleda Baun. 107 Greenwich; B&S; Julv6; Julv7 •20: A$-------$------- (R S $45). O" C & 100 Catherine st, 27 (1:250-41), nee South (No 203), 20.4x41.4x20x39,4, 4-sty bk tnt ^i strs; Anna Schutt, Middletown, NY, to li^rnst Briefer, 203 South; mtg $19,000: June24; June30'20; A$10,000-14,000 (R S ?2). O C & 100 Cedar st, 127 (1:52-22-23), nee Green¬ wich (Nos 141-9), runs e34.2xn60.2xw6.4xn 53,9 to Liberty (No 124) xw44,4 to Green¬ wich XS125 to beg, 3-4 & 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Etagloc Holding Co to Foundation Co. 120 Liberty: B&S & CaG; mtg $161,900; June25; Julyl'20; A$130,000-145,000, nom Centre Market pl. «-eV4 (2:471-6), es. abt 175 n Grand, 24,10x46x25x49,8. 4-sty bk tnt & strs: Isidor Cohn, GDN Felicia .^barno. to Anthony Abarno, 84 Smart av. Flushing, LI: Julyl; July3'20; A$7,500-11.- 500 (R S 50c). 350 Central Pk S, 38, or 50th st W (5:1274- 62), ss, 270 e 6 av, 50x100.5, 13-sty stn & bk club house; Norman L Munro Estate to Randolph Realty Corpn. 253 W 58; mtg $464,000; Julyl; July6'20; A$230,000- 525,000 (R S $231). O C & 100 Cherry st, 281 (1:247-35), swc Jefferson iNos 76-8), 25x94.3x25x94, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Mary E Hazelton et al to Hy Uummeyer, 281 Cherry; % pt; June29; June30'20; A$ll,500-25,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Cherry st, 281; Mary E Hazelton, EX¬ TRX Robt C Maxwell, to same; % pt; June29; June30'20 (R S $12.50). 12,,'iOO Cherry st, 281; Commonwealth Bank to same; % pt; June29; June30'20 (Ri S $12.50). O C & 100 Christopher st, 7 (2:610-63), ns, 95 w Greenwich av, 18x49.1x14x53.3, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Edw Lutters, Middletown, Conn, to Terence F Cunneen, 10 Greenwich; QC & AT; mtg $-------; Apr24; July3'20; A$5,- 000-5,500 (R S $1). nom Church st, 1-9; see Courtlandt, 13-27. Church st, sec Courtlandt; see Court¬ landt. 13-37. Clarkson st, 62-4 (2:600-12), swc Wash¬ ington (Nos 578-82), runs S75xw96.3xs25x w50xnl00 to st xel50 to beg, 2-sty bk stable; John J Bradley, 645 West End av, to May Bradley, 645 West End av, his wife; Julyl; July2'20; A$72,000-95,000. gift Clinton st, 89 (2:348-23), ws, 125 s Riv¬ ington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Fanny Greines, Bklyn, to Lottie Grelnes, 159 Ross, Bklyn; Vi pt; mtg $25,500; June29: Julyl •20; A$26,000-34,000 (R S $6). O C & 100 Courtlandt st, 13-27 (1:62-8), sec Church, runs Sl05.6xe64.1xsl7xel03.2xnl8,5 xe 33 xn 12,2xel03 to Bway (Nos 165-7) xn37.6xw 104xn56.1 to Courtlandt xw209.1 to beg, 26 & 32-sty bk & stn office & str bldg; A $2,925,000-6,625,000; also LIBERTY ST, 99 (1:62-7), nee Church (Nos 1-9), 22.9x118.10 x34.3x118.11, 2 & 5-sty bk & stn office & str bldg; A$315,000-345,000; City Investing Co to G Benenson Investing Co, 165 Bway; mtg $5,750,000; June30; July2'20 (R S $4,- 250). O C & 100 Dry Dock st, 10-22; see Av D, 165-79. Duane st, 116 (1:150-19), sws, 100 e Church, 25x116.8, 5-sty bk loft bldg: Kiowa Realty Co to Adelia Z Morse at Huntington, LI; B&S; June29; June30'20: A$55.000-78,000 (R S $17.50). 100 Duane st, 118-20 (1:150-17), ss, 50 e Church, 50.1x116.4x49.10x116.9. 5-sty bk loft bldg; Danl P Morse to Kiowa Realtv Co. 118-20 Duane; B&S; mtg $100,000; June29; June30'20; A$120,000-160,000 (R S $40.50). O C & 100 Eldridee st 77 (1:306-30) ws 225 s Grand 29,3x100x29.4x100. Including alley adj of 4.7 wide. 6-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-stv bk rear tnt; Isser Reznik to Jacob C Reznik, 179 Chrystie, & Saml I Reznik, 89 Bay 28, Bklyn, V2 int; mtg $25,000; June21; June 23^20; A$26,500-36,000 (R S $25). nom Front st, S-lOVz; see Moore, 11-17. Front st, IO-IO14 (1:8-30-31), ns, abt 15 e Whitehall, 28.4x69x30.1x70.7, 5-sty bk loft bldg: Mary L Herrick, Stamford, Conn, to Frederic B Jennings, 86 Park av; (JC; Apr22; July2'20; A$21,000-27,000 (R S $1). nom Front st, IO-IOV2; Bauman L'Herrick, 42 W 97, to same; QC; May27; July2'20 (R S $1). nom Front st, 10-10%; Henrietta L Masters at Speldhurst Rectory. Kent. Eng, to same; QC; Apr27; July2'20 (R S $1). nom Front st, lO-lOVa; Margt L Herrick & ano. EXRS Elias J Herrick. to Merchants Exchange Realtv Corpn, 33 Union sq: QC; June3; July2'20 (R S $1). nom Front st, ISO (1:71-28), swc Burling si (Nos 22-4). 24x63x24,4x63,5, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Florence C McDonagh, widow, to Kathleen B De Raisnes & Leo A McDon¬ agh, 457 Westminster av, Elizabeth, NJ: QC; June23; July2'20; A$33,000-42.000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Goerck st, 146; see Houston, 489 E. Grand st. 31.'>-317 (1:308-14). ss, abt 50 w Orchard, 46.9x69.9, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Jno J & Florence & Helen Crowe et al to Abbie T Crowe, 173 Prospect av, Bklyn; CaG; AT; mtg $-------; May5'20; July6'20: A$54,000-76,000 (R S $7.50). O C & IOC Grand st, 315 & 317; Lewis W & Mary W Crowe, Byross, Georgeham, North De¬ von, Eng to same; B&S & CaG; mtg $-------; MaylO; July6'20 (R S $4.50), O C & 100 Grand st, 31.', * 317;
* 317; Frank T & Kath W Crowe, 1103 1 av, Seattle, Wash, to same; AT; mtg $-------; .Apr23; July6'20 (R 5 $4,50). O C & 100 Greene st, 133-5 (2:514-28), ws, 246.5 n Prince, 36.5x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Parmelee Realty Corpn to Danl P Morse at Huntington, LI; mtg $27,500; June29; Julyl'20; A$20,000-35,000. O C & 100 Greene st, s^vc Wiishlngton pl; see Washington pl, 21. GreeuTvlch st, 2-8; see Battery pl, 2-7. Greenwich st, 10 (1:14-42), ws, abt 110 n Battery pl, 32x94,6x31,11x93.7, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Edw L Clarkson et al, Cler¬ mont, NY, to H L D Realty Corpn, 60 Wall; June2S; Julyl'20; A$34,000-41,000. nom Greenwich st, 94 (1:53-41), nwc Rector (Nos 14-18), 20.11x90.8x15.8x90.6, 2 & 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Frank M Wirgman, EXR &c Augustine L McCrea, to Danl W Mc- Crea, Larchmont, NY; AL; June30; July2 •20, A$40,000-43,000 (R S $15). 15,000 Greenwich st, 605 (2:630-38), sec 10th (No 260), runs e82,6xs74,10xwl9.1xn40.9xw 66.5 to Greenwich xn25.3 to beg, 5-sty bk stable & vacant; Hudson & Manhattan R R Co to Robt A Keasbey, Co, 445 West; JunelS; July2^20; A$28,000-40,000 (R S $30). O C & 100 Grove st, 28 (2:588-11), ss, .253.6 w Bleecker. 21.6x100, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Margt Walsh & ano to Wm Spinney, 28 Grove: PM; mtg $8,000; JuneSO; Julyl'20; A$8,500-11,000 (R S $16). O C & 100 Henry st, 183 (1:285-3), ns, 47.6 e Jeffer¬ son, 24.1x87.6x24,2x87,6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Annie Blumberg to Saml Hetson, 309 E 10, & Sam Spiegel, 363 E 10; mtg $28,- 500; June29; July2'20; A$13,000-28,000 (R S $2). O C & 100 Horatio St. 78 (2:643-50). ss. abt 170 w Gieenwich, 25x87.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Rocco Losasso to Peter Masetti, 109 Bank, 6 Michele Matera, West Englewood, NJ; Julv2; July3'20; A$9,000-11,500 (R S $2.50). O C & 100 Houston st, 196; see 1st, 91 E. Houston st, 489 E (2:325-11). sec Goerck (No 146), 20x75. 4-st\- fr & bk tnt & str. 1-sty ext; A$7,000-10'.000; also HOUSTON ST, 491 E (2:325-12), ss. 20 e Goerck. 20x 75. 4-sty bk & fr tnt ,t str: A$4,500-6,000; Jacob Davis & ano. EXRS Wm Weiss, to Minnie Bernstein. 70 Cannon; mtg $15,000; June30; July3'20 (R S $3). 18,000 Houston st, 491 E: see Houston, 489 E. Howard st. ,'»4; see Mercer, 12-14. Jay St. 40-2 (1:142-32-35), swc Wash¬ ington (Nos 318-22), 53.4x58.4. 4-3-sty bk & fr tnts & strs; Estate John Castree, Inc, to Harry Weinstein. 557 Kosciusko, Bk¬ lyn; Julyl'20; A$45,500-49,000 (R S $100). nom Jefferson St..76-8; see Cherry, 281. Lafayette st. 212 (2:482-31), ws. abt 230 .« Spring. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & Strs; Mathilrle S Siegman et al, EXRS & TRSTES Edw Siegman, to Jos G Dubin, (!3I Kent av, Bklyn; June21; July7'20; A$20.000-29.000 (R S $38). 38.000 Lnfoyette st. 401 (2:544-4), es. 100 n 4th, 24,8x100x25,2x100, 7-stv bk loft & str bldg; Chas Remsen & ano. TRSTES Wm Rem¬ sen, to Lulu K Ott, 358 Senator st, Bklyn: .\prl4: July2'20; A$a4,000-47,000 (R S $87.50). 87,560 The text of these pages Is copyrighted- All rlirhts are reserved. Notice is hereby eiven that Infringement y!i\\ lead to prosectit^ofl,