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MANHATT.41V .\ND liRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED lees BUILDERS AND PEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANACEMENT AND CONHRUCnON IN GREATER NEW YORK AND ViaNITV This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgrages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Kxtensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics'Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class matter. Vol. CVI (2732) NEW YORK, JULY 24, 1920 No. 4 c CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JULY' 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 & 21. Bedford st, 18 (2:527-9), es, 40 s Down¬ ing, 18.9x75x17.6x75, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Palma Pellegrino to Angelo Musante, i>4 Bedford; mtg $5,000; JulylS; Julyl6'20; A$6,000-11,000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 Bleecker st, 101 (2:533-37), ns, 50 e Greene, 25x125, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Sara B Crowell et al to Wm R Walker, 299 Bway; Julyll; Julyl5'20; A$17,000-27,- 000 (R S $31). 31,000 Broome st, :;4o; see Monroe, 25. Broome st, ::i>4; see Monroe, 25. Broome st, 4S9-83 (2:475-15), ss, 62.S e West Bway, runs s84.11xe21xs21.Sxel6.(ixn 10.3xe4xn0.2xe20.11xn96.2 to st xwti2.7 to beg, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Geo W Levett to Combined Industries, Inc, 439 Broome; mtg J32,000; Julyl; July20'20; A$35,000-55,00.) (R S $152.50). O C & 100 Canal st, 32« (1:210-9), ss, 375.11 w Bway, 25.8x55.8x24.11x50.9, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Hy L Bogert, Flushing, Ll, to Theo L Bogert, 99 Nassau; Julyll; JulylO •20; A$15,000-19,000. nom Cathedral Pkway, 204 (7:1881-37), ss, 100 w Ams av. 100x70.11, 12-sty bk tnt; Udell Realty Co to Kath M Walters, 241 11th, Bklyn; mtg $221,000; JulyO; Julv20 '20; A$90,000-300,000 (R S 50c). nom Centre st, 1V2; see Franklin, 14. CUerry st, 423 (1:260-41), ss, 150.4 w Jackson, 25.3x88.9, 2-sty fr tnt & 2-sty b"K rear stable; Daniels & Kennedy, Inc, to Kaufman & Lewenthal Realty Co, 206 Bway; PM; mtg $5,000; July6; Julyl9'20; A$5,500-6,000 (R S $7). nom Clark st, 26-8! see Spring, 220-6. Division st, »,"»! see Monroe, 25. Division st, 124-:{0; see Monroe, 25. Duane st, 72-4 (1:154-15-16), ss, 140 w Elm, 50.2x79x49.6x78.10. 2-5-sty stn loft & str bldgs; Mary S Emilio. 7 Winter. Salem, Mass, et al to Chas W Walther, 98 Mon¬ tague, Bklyn. & Prank O Walther. 21 E 76; AT; July6; Julyl9'20; A$98,000-111,000 (R S $10.50). nom Duane st, 72-4; Chas A Belden of Ross, Calif, TRSTE Geo P Belden, to same; 6-60 parts; AT; Julyl6; Julyl9'20 (R S $15.50). 15,50» Dnane st, 72-4; same as individ et al to same; AT; JunelO; Julyl9'20 (R S $72.50). nom Dnane st. 73-4; Louise D, wife of & Lewis M Iddings, 44 Via Sardegna, Rome, Italy, & ano to same; AT; June22; JulylO ■20 (R S $56.50). nom East Broadway, 103; see Monroe, 25. Franklin sf. 14 (1:167-51), nes, abt 75 e Centre. 23x100x22x100. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk rear tnt; A$21.000-23,000; also CENTRE ST, 112 (1:167-27). ses. at nes Franklin (Nos 16-18), 23x75x29x75, 3 & 4- sty bk tnts & strs: A$45.000-50,000; Haus- child Corpn to Jos J Smith, 413 B 155; mtg $49,000; JulylS; Julyl6'20 (R S $13). O C & 100 Franklin st. l«-8; see Franklin, 14. Franklin st, 40; see Lafayette, 70-4. Front st, 8-13; see Water, 7-11. Front st, 74 (1:32-20), nws, 19.1 sw Cdd si. runs nw33.6xne0.4xnw52.9xswl9xEeS5.9 to st xnel9.2 to beg, 4-sty bk loft bldg; Oscar L Gubelman, West Orange, NJ, to Martin E Goetzinger, 209 Greene av, Bk¬ lyn; JulylO; July20'20; A$18,000-23.000 (R S $47.50). • O C & 100 Grand st, 7S (2:475-58), ns, abt 70 e Wooster, 25x100. S-sty bk loft bldg; Jos Kleiner to Minnie Helfstein, 830 Manida; hi part; mtg $15,000; Julyl7; Julvl9'20; A $15,000-22.000 (R S $10). nom Greenwicli st, «3 (1:19-9), es, abt 30 n Edgar, 22x67.2 to Trinity pl (No24) x22.4x 63.6, except part for Trinity pl, 4-stv bk tnt & strs; Hy H Morton et al to August Bach, 63 Greenwich; July7; Julyl7'20; A $23,000-26,000 (R S $73). 73,000 Greentvlcli st, 250-8 (1:129-12), swc Mur¬ ray (Nos 86-90), runs s29.2xw26.3xnw56.6x n34.4xe81 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Es¬ tate Eugene A Hoffman, Inc, to Nilton Realty Corpn, 149 Bway; B&S; JulylS; Julyl6'20; A$45,000-60,000 (R S $50). O C & 100 Houston St. 162-6 E; see Monroe, 25. Houston st, 470 (2:356-26), ns, 25 e Lewis, 25x68, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Sadie Multz to Abe Strausberg, 84 Gannon; mtg $8,500; JulylS; Julyl6'20; A$8,000-14,000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Howard st, 37-41; see Broadway, 428-32. Jane st. 36-40; see 8 av, 2S-9. Lafayette st, 70-4 (1:172-23), nwc Frank¬ lin (No 40), S0x2Sx—x2S, 7-sty bk office & str bldg; Mary C Ahrens et al to A'arens Realty Corpn, 74 Lafayette; mtg $o0,0o0; JulyO; July20'20; A$6S,000-96,000. O C 4^ 100 Lewis st, 98; see Stanton, 311-3. Lewis st, 203 (2:363-22), ws, abt 25 n 6th. 22.10x67x22,8x70, 7-sty bk loft bldg; Isidore W Gottlieb to Aaron Gottlieb, 207 W 110; AL; JunelS; Julyl6'20; A$4,500-12,- 000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Madison st, 147 (1:275-31), ns, 109.6 w Pike, 25.3x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm R Smith, Bklyn, to Wm Block, 168 Hooper, Bklyn; mtg $23,000; Julyl6; Julyl7'20; A $12,000-24.000 (R S $4). nom Madison st, l.->4 (1:274-24). ss, 86 w Pike, 25x100, S-sty bk tnt; Chas D Donohue, ref, to Aimee F Kahn. 177 W 87, % pt, & Jeanette K Ross, 749 West End av, % pt; PARTITION ------; May27; Julv21'20; A$12,000-22,000 (R S $22.50). 23,500 Madison st, 193; see Monroe, 25. Monroe st, 25 (1:276-12), ns, abt 265 w Market, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk rear tnt; A$14,000-19,000; also DIVIS¬ ION ST, 95 (1:282-72), ss, 135.10 w Pike. 21x60.9x21x60.4, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$17,- 500-28,500; also MADISON ST, 193 (1:273- 18), ns, abt 110 w Rutgers. 23.10x100, 5- sty bl^tnt; A$13,000-26,000; also BROOME ST, 245 (2:408-14), ss, 25 w Ludlow, 25x 87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$16.000-29,000: also EAST BROADWAY, 103 (1:282-26), s s. 162.6 w Pike. 23.2x75x23.2x74.10. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: A$19,500-33,000; also DIVISION ST, 124-30 (1:294-21), nee Or¬ chard (No 2), 52.3x35.5x46x58.10, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; A$40,000-60,000; also BROOME ST, 294 (2:419-72), ns, 25 w Eldridge, 2Sx 75, 5-sty stn tnt & strs; A$15,000-22,000; also HOUSTON ST, 162-6 B (2:442-43), ns, 92.10 w 1 av, runs n50.1xw0.5xne26.6xw52.6 xs80 to st xe49.11 to beg, 6-stv bk tnt & strs; A$34,000-57.000; Benj Shapiro & ano, TRSTES Bernard Shlanowsky, to Hen¬ rietta Shlanowsky, 790 Riverside dr; hi of hi part; mtg $214,800; June23; Julyl9'20. noni Monroe -st, 25; also DIVISION ST, 95; also MADISON ST, 193; also BROOME ST, 245; also B BROADWAY, 103: also DIV¬ ISION ST, 124-30; also BROOME ST, 294; also HOUSTON ST. 162-6 E; same to Mar¬ ian Shlanowskv & Wm A Sloane. 790 Riv¬ erside dr. 1-6 of Vi part; mtg $222,500; Feb 2S'1S; Julyl9'20. nom Monroe st. 120 (1:271-3), ns. 235.10 w Jefferson, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Sam W Rubin to Bessie Reich, 90 2 av; mtg $28,500; JunelS; Julyl5'20; A$16,000-33,000 (R S $4). nom Moore st, 11-17; see Water, 7-11. Jlulbcrry st. 111 (1:206-24), ws, 106.1 n Canal. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; John Cipriani to Rose Pennac- ohio. 109 Mulberry; mtg $22,450; JulylO; Julyl6'20; A$17,500-27,000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Murray st, 80-90; see Greenwich, 256-8. North Moore st, 17 (1:190-1), nwc Varick (Nos 15-17), 21.7x75, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty bk stable; A$19,000-19.500; also NORTH MOORE ST, 23 (1:190-4), ns, 64.9 w Varick, 21.7x75, vacant; A$12,000-12,000; Margt E Callahan & ano, Grantwood, NJ, to Dicks, David Co, 19 No Moore; mtg $15,000 & PM mtg $33,000; JuiilO; July20 '20 (R S $38.50). O C & 100 North Moore st, 23; see North Moore, 17. Oliver st, 10O-2 (1:251-30), es, 55 n South, 40x50, 6-sty bk tnt; Hy B Closson & ano, TRSTES Saml L Mitchell, to Rose Garone, 100 Oliver; B&S & CaG; July3; July20'20; A$8,000-20,000 (R S $21.50). O C & 100 Orchard st, 2; see Monroe, 25. Pell st, 23 (1:162-23), ss, abt 130 e Mott, 21x58.4x21x60.6, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Fran-- ces M Twitty & ano. TRSTES Saml Weeks to Lau Gar Society, 36 Mott; July 6; July21'20; A$S,500-12,000 (R S $11). 11,000 Scammel st, 55; see Cherry, 361. Spring- st, 218 (2:490-17), ss, 90 e Clark, 25x100, 3-sty fr & bk tnt & strs; Laurltz C Rusmussen, 456 Canal, to Exide Battery Depots, Inc, 15 Exch pl, Jersey City, NJ; mtg $13,500: JulylO: Julyl7'20; A$14,000- 15,000 (R S $8.50). nom Spring st, 220-6 (2:490-11-16), sec Clark (Nos 26-8) 90x125, 3-3-sty bk & fr tnts & 1-sty fr bldg: 202-6 Spring St Co to Exide Battery Depots, Inc, 15 Exch pl, Jersey City, NJ; mtg $70,000; Julyl6; Julyl7'20; A$6S,000-68,000 (R S $16.50). O C & 100 Stanton st, 125 (3:354-69), ss, 50 e Es¬ sex, 25x75, S-sty bk tnt & strs: Elis Preg- erman to Mayer Feldman, 1506 Hoe av; mtg $23,000; JulylO; Julyl9'20; A$16,000- 23,500 (R S $4). O C & 100 Stanton St. 311-3 (2:329-50), sec Lewis (No 98) 75x25, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Isaac Fleer to Saml Isaacson, IS Suffolk: Isaac Lipschitz, 114 Monroe, & Sarah Goldberg, 22 Ludlow; mtg $15,000; Julyl6; Julyl7'20; A$15.000-32.000 (R S $9). O C & 100 Trinity pl, 24; see Greenwich, 63. Varick st, I.'i-IT; see North Moore, 17. Wall st, 82-8 (1:39-1), nwc Water (No 118). runs n50.9xw80.7xn—xw20xsS3.6 to Wall xe— to beg. 12-sty bk office & str bldg; J Elmer O'Donohue et al. as direc¬ tors &c of Tontine Estates Corpn. & ano, to Chas A O'Donohue. Huntington, LI, 264-2,400 int; Charlotte Wigand, 1 W 70, 432-2 400 int; Olive S O'Donohue. Hunt¬ ington. LI, 264-2.400 int; J Elmer O'Dono¬ hue 1 W 70, 333-2,400 int; Adeline O'Dono¬ hue] 24 Prospect Park W, Bklyn. 310-2.400 int: M Theresa O'Donohue. 1 W 70. 432- 2 400 int, & Peter J O'Donohue. Dayton, O. 365-2.400 int; mtg $275,000; July7; JulyI6 '20; A$300,000-540,000. nom WaslUng-ton st, 32 (1:15-19-21 & 28), ws, 75 s Morris, runs nwl79 to West (Nos 18- 20) xs78.7xe89.6xn52.7xe86 to st xn25 to beg, 1-3 & 1-5-sty bk tnts & strs & 1-3 & 1-5.sty bk loft & str bldgs; Broadway- John St Corpn to Beatrice B Cohen. 401 7 av; B&S; AL; JulylO; Julyl7'20; A$10S.- 500-123,000 ( RS 50c). O C & 100 'WashlnfTton st, 58; see West. 33. Washln^on st, 60-2; see West, 40. Woshinicrton at, 64 (1:17-12 & 45), ws, 248.9 n Morris, runs W181.4 to West (No 41) xn21.3xe—xe— to Washington xs22.8 to beg, vacant: A$39,500-39,500: also WEST ST. 42 (1:17-13). es. 325.8 n Morris, runs se 101.10xs25.6xnwl01.9 to West xn25.6 to beg, vacant; A$2S.000-28.000: also WASHING¬ TON ST. 68 (1:17-43), ws, 295.4 nw Morris, runs nw7Sxs25.6xe78.2 to Washington xn 25.6 to beg, vacant: A$23,000-23,000; also WASHINGTON ST, 70 (1:17-42), ws, 331 sw Rector, 20x89.6x27x89.6. vacant; A$20,S00- 20.500; also WEST ST. 43 (1:17-14). es, 321.6 s Rector, runs e90.3xs—xw90.4 to West xn— to beg, vacant; A$26,000-26,000; A H Bull Steamship Co, 765 Broad. New¬ ark. NJ, or 17 Battery pl, to Forty West St Realty Corpn, 40 West; July7; Julyl7'20. O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.