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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SBCTTION TWU RREAL ESTATE FOUNDED lees AND BUILDERS lilDE DEVOTED TO ftEAL ESTATE. BUILDING MAfJACEHENT AND CONnRUOlON IN GREATER NEW VORK AND VKINITY' This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mlscellaneoua Conveyances, MortgraKes, Assignments of Mortsages and Satlsfl«4 Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, 'Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Sulta, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics'Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages AffactlBK Real Fstate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations In the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. VoL CVI (2737) NEW YOKE, AUGUST 28, 1920 No. 9 CONVEYANCES. 1 Manhattan. AUG. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 & 25. Bpaver st, 9 (1:22-1), nwc New (No 81), runs W30.3xnll6.6xe3.10x—44.6 to New xs 103.S to beg, 7-sty bk office & str bldg; Annie M McClymonds et al of Morris Plains, NJ, to Standard Oil Co of N Y, 26 Broad; B&S; June29; Aug24'20; A$270,00U- 300,000 (R S $615). nom Bleecker st, 237-31i see Carmine, 16-20. Carmine st, 16-20 (2:542-1), nec Bleecker (Nos 227-31), 75x60, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: Mattie Cammeyer to Pe'ter Schmidt & Bergmann, 227 Bleecker; Augl6; Aug 19^20. A$40,000-75,000 (R S $110). O C & 100 Cedar st, 124 (1:54-S), sws, abt SO e Washington, 25x74.4x25x72.6, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Rosalie Selfridge de Bolotoff et al, all of London, Eng, to N Y Edison Co, 130 E 15: QC & AT; Junel; Aug25'20; A$24,- 500-28,000. nom Cherry st, 22»-31 (1:248-83), ss, 218.9 e Pike, runs S49.11xe0.6xsl0ex44xn60 to Cherry xw44,9 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; S Howard Cohen, ref, to Metropolitan Sav¬ ings Bank, plff; FORECLOS, .------; Aug23 ■20; A$10,500-23,000. 20,000 Church st, 316 (1:192-37), ws, abt 100 n Walker, 24x75, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Solomon Hecht to Bertha Hecht, 80 St Nicholas av, & Rita Weinberger, 895 West End av; mtg $10,000; Aug23; Aug25'20; A$ll,000-15,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 East Broadn-ay, 292 (1:288-61), ns, 43.6 e Gouverenur, 21.9x50, 3-sty bk tnt; John Ewen et al to Geo M Adrian, 2244 Clark av. Far Rockaway; Chas A Adrian. 466 W 142; Clara A Venn. 427 Ft Wash av; Cyril J Adrian, 296 Sterling pi, Bklyn; Anthony L Adrian, 435 Riverside dr; Marie L Scanlon, 235 Ft Wash av, & Eugene M Adrian, 405 5th st, Coronado, Cal; QC; July29; .\ugl9'20; A$8,500-10,000. nom East Broadway, 202; Geo M Adrian, Far Rockaway, NY, et al, to Sol Stolowltz, 341 Rivington; PM mtg $10,000; Julyl3; Aug 19'20. O C & 100 FVont St. 252 (1:107-31), ns, abt 70 w Dover, 22.9x72.6x23.7x72.6, 5-stv bk lott bldg; Margt J O'Reilly, Bklyn, to Alice T, wife Wm L H Gallin, 264 E 199; mtg $8.- 000; .\ug20; Aug25'20; A$9,500-15,000 (R S $6.50). nom Greene st, 29 (1:229-30), ws, abt 120 s Grand, 20x100, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; (?ortland Belts, Summit, NJ, to Louis Greenfield, 208 Bowery; Aug24; Aug25'20; A$10,500-14,600 (R S $24). O C & 100 Greenvrleh st, 74 (1:18-44), ws, abt 220 s Rector, 23.5x99.11x23.5x99.10, ns, with all title to strip 10 ft wide adj in rear on n & s ends, 5-sty bk loft i- str bldg; Saml Ber¬ lin & ano to Jos Brounstein, 222 Montauk av, Bklyn; mtg $36,000; AuglO; Aug21'20; .\$23,000-34,000; A$23,000-34,000 (R S $24). nom Greenwieh st. 491-3 (2:594-21), es, 130.6 n Canal, 44x90, 6-sty bk storage; {Green¬ wich Realization Co to Simian Realty Corpn, 491 Greenwich; mtg $45,500: Augl3; Aug25'20; A$22,000-55,000 (R S $24.50). nom Grove st. 2-10 (2:585-14-18). ss, 59 e Hudson, runs S49.2xe41xs37.4xs24xel00.3x n24xn93.5 to st xwl04.9 to beg, 4-2 & 1-3- sty bk & fr tnts; Rector, &c, Trinitv Church to Alentaur Realtv Co, 27 Wm; mtg $50,000; Julyl; Aug24'20; A$2S,500-31,- 500 (R S $65). O C & 100 Hender.
0- 32D St. 24!t E (3::il3-25), lis, 100 w 2 av. 17.11x9t;.9, ".-siv bk dwg; Merit Really Corpn to Clias'Weill. 153 W 103; B&S & CaG; Auk23: Aug24'20 (R S $5). O C & 100 .35TH .st ■«■ (3:7S5). ns, 189.5 w 7 av, 0.2 X98.9; Frank L Close, New Rochelle, NY, to L & G Realtv Co, 219 4 av; QC; AuglO: Aug25'20; A$—^$-------. O C & 100 3STH St. 317-21 E; see 39th, 247 E. .30TH st, 243-5 E; see 39th, 247 E. ;5»TH st, 247 E (3:920-27), ns, S3 w 2 av, runs n99.6xw22 xs 0.9 xw 6.11xs98.9 to 39th xe28.11 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt; A$12,500- 22.000; also 39TH ST. 243-5 B (3:920-25- 26). ns, 111.11 w 2 av, 56x98.9, 2-5-sty bk tnts; A$25.000-44.000; also 3STH ST, 317- 21 E (3:944-11-13), ns. 250 e 2 av, 75x93.9 x75.4x9S.9, 5-stv bk tnt, 2-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty bk stable; A$25,500-32,500; Peter F Kane to Hof Realty Co, 567 3 av; mtg $60,200; Augll: Augl9'20 (R S $65). nom 39TH st, 247 B; also 39TH ST, 243-5 E; also 3STH ST, 317-21 E; Hof Realty Co to Hup Realtv Co, 229 E 3S: mtg $92,600; Augll; Augl9'20. nom S9TH st, 247 B (3:920-27). ns, 83 w 2 av, runs n99.6xw22xs0.9xw6.11xs9S.9 to st xe 2S.11 to beg, 5-stv bk tnt; Wm A Kane et al to Peter F Kane, 1239 Mad av; QC; Aug 10: Augl9'20; A$12,500-22,000. nom 44TH st, 144 E (5:1298-46). ss. 185 e Lex av. 15x100.5, 4-stv stn studio, 1-sty ext: Chet Realty Corpn, 25 Park av, to Richd W Lehne, 483 West End av; mtg $17,000; .\L- Aug20; Aug24'20; A$12,000-15,000 (R S $17). O C & 100 4.-.TH st, 141-7 W (4:998-12), ns, 271.9 e 7 av, 68.6x100.4, 12-sty bk office & str bldg; Anna Holding Co to Cornerstone Realty Co, 1457 Bway; mtgs $612,500 .& AL; Augl6; Aug20'20; A$225,000-475,000 (R S $212.50). O C & 100 .■SIST st, 404-6 E (■5:1362-47), ss, 37 se 1 av, 36x100.5, 6-stv bk tnt; Bdw Quittner to Sarah Quittner, his wife, 120 W 123; mtg $31,750; Augl6; Augl9'20; A$14,000-44,000 (R S $9). O C & 100 34TH st, 127 E (5:1309-9), ns, 163 w Lex av, 16.10x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Edw S Hall to Adele M Schley, 24 W 54: Aug 10- Aug25'20; A$21,000-26,000 (R S $44). ■ O C & 100 54TH st, 1.36 B (5:1308-47^4). ss. 135.9 e Lex av, 17.10x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Elisabeth de la R Rabut & ano to Jos¬ ephine T, wife John Neilson, 344 W 72; Aug23; Aug24'20; A$12,000-15,000 (R S $25), nom The text of these pages is copyrighted. Ail rtglita are raaarved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to proaecutloa.