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MANHAIVAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWW FOUNDED 1868 WP^REAL ESTATE ^t^ BUILDERS Rbcord-uuid PWffFED TO ftSU. ESTATE. BUILDIN6 MAMACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IM CREATK mi YORK AND MlOWTf Thia «e<-tlon includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsfloa KngaleaanS Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised L«gal Sales Forecl^^^^^^ "udgment. In ForeolSsifre Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics'Liens Attoohmen^tsChattel^^^ Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, New feuildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and tne ret-oi ■Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan,_____________________________________________ TeL CVI (2745) NEW YORK, OCTOBER 23, 1920 No. IT c CONVEYANCES. 3 Manhattan. OCT, 13, 14, 15, 16, IS & 19. Allen st, 141-3 (2:415-23-24), ws, 20 s Rivington, 40x70, 2-2-sty bk tnts; Prank Benjamin & ano, EXRS Anna M Haley, to Louis 'Wahrsager, 141 Allen; OctlS; OctlS '20; A$16,000-20,000 (R S $25). 25,0410 Allen St. 155 (2:416-28), tvs, 116.8 n Riv¬ ington, 20.10x88.4, 2-sty bk tnt & strs; Lucker Realty Co to Becky Bartell, 68 ■Willett; mtg $6,000; Octl8'20; A$7,000-8,000 (R S $10.50). 100 Allen at, 155 (2:416-28), ws, 116.8 n Riv¬ ington. 20.10x88.4, 2-sty bk tnt & strs, 1- sty ext; Adolph P Lucker to Lucker Real¬ ty Co, 7 Beekman; mtg $6 000; Jan25; Oct 13'20; A$7,000-8,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Bedford st, 64 (2:587-3), es, 43.9 n Mor¬ ton, 18.9x69, 2-sty bk dwg; N E Vail & Co, Mt 'Vernon, NY, with Michl Rubino; mtg $4,750; Aug28; Octl4'20; A$5 500-6,000. 7,250 Canal st, 334 (1:210-7), ss, abt 105 e Church, runs s49.1 xe4 xsl2 xw4.9xs50 to Lispenard (No 37) xw25 xnll7.5 to ss Canal xe26.1 to beg, 5-stv bk loft & str bldg; Marv E D Mitchell, 24 W 10, to 'Wm 5 Mitchell, Cornelius Von Erden Mitchell 6 John Van Beuren Mitchell, all at 24 W 10; AT; OctlS; Octl9'20; A$35,000-45,000. nom Catharine »t, 34 (1:279-39), ws, 90.9 n Madison. 18.3x103x17.1x102.10, 5-sty bk loff & str bldg; 'Vi'm E Hart, Bklyn, to Clar¬ ence B Hart, 301 Woodland av, Avon, NJ; % pt; AT; AL; Sept28; Octl3'20; A$10 000- 18,000 (R S $20). 'nom Central Park S, 214, or 5»tli st TV (4:- 1030-42), ss, 225 w 7 av, 25x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Mary Morss et al to Jos Sny¬ der, 226 W 50; B&S; mtg $20,000 & PM mtg $55,000; OctlS; OctlS'20; A$80,000-81,- 000 (R S $130). O C & 100 Charles st, 107 (2:621-32), ns, 70.1 e Hudson, runs n26.10xnelSxel2.10xn2.2xwO.8 xn3xel.9xs45.S to st xw22.1 to beg, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs; A$4,500-5,000; also HUD¬ SON ST, 542 (2:621-3), es, 60.4 n Charles, runs e40xs0.4xelS.5xn6.2xel2.10xn2.2xw0.8x n3 xel.9 xnl3.3 xw70.9 to st xs25 to beg, 5-sty bk loft bldg; A$13,000-18,000; Amanda Porllnglon & ano. South Egre- monl. Mass, to Saml Kilpatrick, 554 Jeffer¬ son .TV, Bklyn; mtg $12,000; Ocl2; Octl3'20 (R S $13). nom Christopher st, 43 (2:610-32), ns, 102.10 w Waverly pi. 18.4x93,6, 3-sty bk tnt; Herbert Renville, Montclair, NJ, et al, to Wm B Randall, 1385 Park la, Pelham Manor. NY; OctlS; Octl9'20; A$9,000-10,500 (R S $17). nom Chri.stopher st, ,S4 (2:591-47), ss, 104 e Bleecker, 21x64.2x20.3x67.11, 3-sty bk tnt; Abr Ober.stein. ref, to Chas R Fink, 219 W 81, plff; FORECLOS -------; Julvl2; OctlS '20; A$8.n00-9,000 (R S $9.50). " D.200 ChHstopher st, 84 (2:591); Chas R Pink to Jos H Gilman. 86 Christopher; Septll; Octl8'20 (R S $11.50). O C & 100 Elizabeth st (2:507-22), sec Houston (Nos 73-9), 29.9x67.2x23.3x68.2. 2 & 3-sly bk tnt & strs; Howard Conkling, Provi¬ dence, RI, to Vincenzo Casale, 73 East Houston; Octl4; Octl6'20; A$22,000-27,000 (R S $42). O C & 100 Eldridse st, 10 (1:293-2), es, 111.7 n Di¬ vision, runs e52.10xel2.7xn20.1xw66.S to st X320 lo beg. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml Scher et al to Saml Scher, 10 Eldridge; V4 pt; mtg $11,500; Octll; Octl9'20; A$12,000- 19,000 (R S $3.50)'. O C & 100 Bldridge st, 10; same to Sophie Schneid¬ man. 10 Eldridge; % pt; mtg $11,500; Oct 11; Octl9'20 (R S $3.50). nom Kldridge st, 10; same to Jos Title, 10 Eldridge; hi pt; mtg $11,500 & AL; Octll; Octl9'20 (R S $3.50). nom Hamilton st, 7 (1:253-67), ns, abt 90 e Cath, 14.2x50.8x14.2x50, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob Greenfeld to Prank M Tichenor, Mt Vernon NY; mtg $4,000; MarS'll; Octl4'20; A$2,000'-3,500. nom ,H'anulton ter, 7 (7:2050-951/2), es, 72.6 n 141st, 17.6x63.8x17.6x64.11, 3-sty & b bk dwg: Alessandro Caccia to Fredk Pulzone, 179 Martin sl, Paterson, NJ; QC; Junel6; OctlS'20; A$4.S00-7,000 (R S $2). nom Hamilton ter, 18 (7:2050-80), ws, 238 n lllst, 16x100, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Carrie L Gibson & ano to Alice N Moore, 18 Hamil¬ ton ter; mtg $6,000 & AL; Octl3'20; A$5,- 400-9,000 (R S $S). O C & 100 Hester st, 115 (1:306-39), ns, abt 88 w Eldridge, 21.9x75, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Geo L Hein, Flushing, LI, & ano, EXRS Mar¬ garetha Hein, to Israel Solomon, 115 Hes¬ ter; mtg $10,000; Oct—'20; Octl6'20; A$18,- 500-22,500 (R S $17). 27,000 Houston st, 73-9 E; see Elizabeth, sec Houston. Hudson st, 542; see Charles. 107. Leonard st, 83 (1:174-4), ns, abt 220 e Church, 25x125x21.6x125, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Thos M Claflin et al. Common¬ wealth, Mass, to Dranoel Realty Corpn, 30 Broad: OctlS; Octl9'20; A$43,000-54,000 (R S $100). O C & 100 Leoanrd st, S3; Wm H Claflin, Boston, Mass, to Wm H Claflin, Jr, 336 Bay State rd, Brookline, Mass; Vs pt; Octl; Octl9'20. nom Levj-is st, 28 (2:327-36), es, abt 100 n Broome. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Akiba Kee- vuk to Charlotte Keevuk, 23 Rutgers; Vi pt: AT; mtg $14,000 & AL & PM mtg $2,- 000; OctS; Octl3'20; A$7,000-19,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 Lispenard st, 37; see Canal, 334. Lispenard st. 46-8 (1:194-26), ss, 152.6 e Church, 47.11x93.8x48.2x93.8, S-sty bk loft & str bldg; Matilda M Hayes, 267 Gibbs av, Newport, RI, & ano, to Danl F Farrell, 11 W 102; Vs pt: mtg $5,000; Sept30; Oct 16'20; A$32,000-45,000' (R S $21.50). O C & 100 Ludlow st, 44-46 (1:310-5), es, 150 n Hester, 50x87.6, 2-sty bk stable & 2-sty fr tnt & str; John B Aycrizz et al to Jacob Silverstein, 1178 Jackson av; % pt; AT; JunelO; Octl9'20; A$35,000-37,000 (R S $13). , nom Ludlow st, 44-46; Walter Kip & ano, Passaic, NJ. EXRS & TRSTES James N Puller, to same; 1-6 part; AT; AL; June 10: Octl9'20 R S $5). 4,666.67 Ludlow st, 44-46; Louise P Becraft, Springfield, Mass, to same; AT; JunelO; Octl9'20 (R S $5). nom Ludlow St. 44-46; Wm A Valentine et al lo same; 1-6 part; AT; AL; JunelO; Octl9 '20 (R S $5). 4,666.67 Madl.son st, 300 (1:268-30), ss, 71 e Mont¬ gomery, runs s49.9xe2.7 xs 54.3xel7.6xnl05 to Madison xwlS to beg, 3-sty bk tnt; Nora Gleeson, individ & as devisee John A Glee- son, Newburgh, NY, to Max Messlnger, 161 Broome; B&S; OctlS; Octl6'20; A$8,- 500-9,500 (R S $6). O C & 100 Market st, 87 (1:250-64) ws, 40.6 s Cherry, 30x51, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jonah Lew & ano. EXRS Monash Eisig, lo Do¬ menico Benedetto, 383 Water; Octll; Oct 13'20; A$4,000-6,500 (R S $7.50). 7,300 Mercer st, 171 (2:513-21), ws, 100 s Hous¬ ton, 25x100, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg: Cen¬ tral Union Trust Co of N Y to Evelyn Candel, 171S Victor; B&S; SeptSO; OctlS '20; A$15,000-20,SOO (R S $32). O C & 100 Mercer st, 224-6; see Bway, 657-9, Morris st, 8; see Washington, 41, North Moore st, 64-6 (1:187-18-20), ss, abt 100 e Greenwich, 50xS7.6, B-sty bk fac¬ tory; Rector, Church Warden & Vestry of Protestant Episcopal Church of Saint Marks, In the Bowery, In City N Y, to Thos Van Loan, 911 West End av; B&S; OctlS; Ocll9'20; A$33,500-53,500 (R S $37.50). 37,500 Orchard st, 154 (2:411-5), es, 175.5 n Riv¬ ington 25 X 87.10, S-sty bk tnt & strs;- Helene Landau to Marie L Colle, 1615 Uni¬ versity av; AL; Janl2; Octl4'20; A$16,000- 22,000 (R S $1). , O C & 100 Orchard st. 154; Marie L Colle to Emel- see Realty Corpn, 266 Grand; AL; Octl-. Octl4'20 (R S $2). O C & 100 Pitt st, 68-70 (2:338-11), es. 57 s Riving¬ ton, 43x49.10, 6-sly bk tnt & sirs; A$lb ' 000-30,000; also 13TH ST, 641 E (2:396-42) ns, 169.6 w Av C, 27x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$10,000-21000; also lOlST ST, 304 B (6:1672-46), ss, 472.1 w 1 av, 38.10x100.11, 6-stv bk tnl & strs; A$9.300-35.000; also 9STH ST, 60-2 E (6:1603-40), ss, 40 w Parlt av, 40x100.11, 6-stv bk tnt & strs; A$lb' 000-46,000; also 13TH ST, 637 E (2:396-44), ns, 229.6 w Av C, 27x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt &' strs; A$9,000-20,000; David Pechter to An¬ nie Pechter, 68 Pitt; hi Pt; Sept30; OctlS- • 20. O C & 100 Pitt St. 119 (2:345-67), ws, 75 ne Stan¬ ton, 20x75.1, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Frank S- Dlrr & ano, individ & EXRS Mary Dirr, to Geo & Katharina Muller, 214 Stanton,- tenants bv entirety; mtg $5,000; Octl6; OctlS'20; A$9,000-14,000 (R S UZ.bO) lS,50