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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SBonoN Twe FOUNDED 1868 RREAL ESTATE ^%i BUILDERS DEVOTED TO AEAL ESTATE. BUILDING HAMACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITV This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CAai (2761) NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 12, 1921 No. 7 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. FEB. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8. Bank st, 107 (2:635-34), ns, abt 95 w Green¬ wich, 20x88.0x20.2x91.8, 3-sty bk tnt; Jas M Bernhard, Exit Ammaretta B Collins, to Kath¬ erine Bellew, 167 Bank; Jan29; Peb5'21; A $7,500-8,500 (R S $9). 9,000 Barclay st, 60 (1:80-7), ss, 50,9 e West Bway, 25.3x102x24.7x102, S-sty stu loft & str bldg; Chas P De B Roquefort, Paris, France, to James Van Dyk Co, 50 Barclay; mtg $30,000; Dec9'20; Peb2'21; A$32,000-GG,000 (R S $20). „ O C & 100 Batavia st, 3 (1:111-25), ss, 67.3 e Roosevelt, 20x54.6x23x48.6, 2-sty bk warehouse; Ellen S Blue & auo to Maria Varile, 70 New Cham¬ bers; Vi pt; Oct23'20; Feb8'21; A$4,000-5,300 (R S $1). uom Butavia st, 3: Robt P Vidaud, EXR Saml B Haslett, to same; AT&I; Feb7; Feb8'21 (R S *'')- 6,000 Bleecker st, 11 (2:529-47), ns, 145 w Bowery, 20x01.9x20x00.11, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Kleinman & ano to Bernard Schwartz, 134 2d mtg $8,000; Oct7'19; Feb2'21; A$S,000-0,000 (R S W. O C & 100 Bond st, 12 (2:5,30-62), ns, 295.5 e Bway, runs wl6.9xnl00.1xeS.4 to Lafayette (Nos 35S- 04), xse— to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Harry Faik to Fredk Hodscher, '2133 .SUth, Bklyn: mtg .fS.l.OOO; P.M mtg $7,500; Pebl' Feb3'21; A.$18.000-25,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Broome St. 71 (2:331-42), ss, 129.1 e Columbia, -'IXdO, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Simeon B Solomon to Kate S Ersteiu. 2 E SO; Jan2S; Feb5'21; A $3,000-9.000 (K S $10). nom Broome st, 149-51 (2:341-14), ss, 87.6 e At¬ torney, 3<.6xl00, 7-sty bk tnt & sirs; .Mar- lone G Singer, wife of Mortimer M Singer to Bertha Eichler. 22S 'Vermont st, Bklyu • PM mtg $52,000; Feb7'21; A$21,000-52,000 (R s'$60). f. .. . „. O C & 100 Centre_ st, 202-4 (1:235-1), es, 75.3 n Hester, runs u.3o.4xeS2.4xsl(l3.8 to Hester (Nos 213-13) xw-o2j;xn75xw33 to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Geo S Daniels, EXR & TRSTE John L Daniels, to Frank Tracy, 104 W 49; mtg $97,- 1124^0?"^^ • I^'^'^-'-l: A$G0,000-115,000 (R S vt-(.OU). 225 000 Cleveland pl, 15: see Kenmare, 97-107. Clinton st, 155 (2:346-'26). ws, 103.0 n Grand, ''".'.',*oV-\^^'--''"'50x""3.8xe30xn2.11xe70.1 to st XS23.S to beg, 3-8ty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk rear tnt; Social Halls Assn to Gershon Ger- |S°?°^''^' I'iiS Clinton; mtg $14.0110; I'M mtg $8,250; Jan26; PebS'21; A$20,000.22.O0O (U S Corlears st, 10; see Monroe, nec Corle:irs. Delancey st, 2-4; see Bowery, 183 .o?o'' '',*'o®"^^^''?;^-'' ^^' ^""'6 w Bway, runs 890.2XW.3 2xs0.9xw49xn90.1 to st xe52.3 to beg, In'^JS ^\ "'^"''^ '^ '■'f'' bl'Ig; T A Gillespie Co! 50 Church, lo Dey St Realty Corpn. .50 Chnrch- ?l'*^c!5"-^'""": •f''°l: Peb'2'21; A.$37.5.00O-^ (R S .$7o0). O C .V: 100 o^oiji'"-.""-fe' 295 (1:286-73), ss, 18S.9 e Clinton, 23.9x41.1x2.3.9x41.3. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg! Isidore I Kessler to Isidore I Kesler. Ine. ------ Ni ; JanSl; Feb4'21; A.$5,000-9,000 (B S $2). Elizabeth st, 260-68 (2:507-17-21), es, 29°'7™ Sni"Vi°"',",""l.''''''''i''"^^"'^-'"^''''*-''SP5.4xs0.4xell.Sx 8l01.11xw3.2xsl0xwSS.2 to st xnl20.7 to beg 5- 5-sty bk tnts & strs; Wm V Astor to .Maria Livoti. 288 Elizabeth; B&S; JanlO; Feb2'21 ■ A $70..500-lfl0.500 (R S $85). oc&ioo ^".Si'?'"'.'' "* '2;,507), es, 29.9 s Houston, runs e—W67.1 to Elizabeth xn3 to beg; Farmers Loan & Trnst Co, TRSTE under two deeds of trust, to Wm V Astor, Rbinebeck, NY- QC' JanSl; Feb2'21. ,^^' -i^f'Jl'v''",,?*.'^ l"" (1:™-1). swc William (Nos 135-41) 4.5.10x81.7.x4.5.4xSl.ll. 16-8ty bk office & str bldg; Royal Fulton Corpn to Lavanne Realty Corpn. 119 W 40; PM mtg $625,000; Jan 7; Feb2'21; A$24O.0()0-S50,00O. ' 'nom The text of these pages is copyrighted. All Fulton st, 100 (1:78-1), swc William (Nos 135-41) ; Lavanne Realty Corpn to John V B Thayer, 26 Monroe pi, Bklyn ; Jas Brown, 789 Park av, & Richd W Hurd, 12 E 08, TRSTES in the U S of Northern Assurance Co, Ltd; B&S; mtg $025,000; Jan'28; Peb2'21 (R S $212.50. 837,500 Grand st, 589-99; see Monroe, nec Corlears. Great Jones st, S (2:.530-9), ss, abt 100 w La¬ fayette, '26x100, 2 & 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Blanche B Gunther to Criterion Holding Co, 46 Cedar; Febl; Peb2'21; A$30,000-S2,IIOO (US $35), O C & 100 Great Jones st, 3; Criterion Holding Co to Sol Krotosky, 1464 SSth, Bklyn; mtg $25,000; Febl; Peb2'21. nom Hester st, 213-15; see Centre, 202-4. Jay st, 34-8; see Washington, 319. Kenmare st, 97-107 (2:481-7), nec Cleveland |)1 (No 15), runs u3.0xe99.5xsl9 to st xnwlOO.O to beg, 3-sty bk hotel; Edw Liebertz to Kauf- mau-Kane Realty Co. 133 W 118: mtg $10,000; JanlS; Peb3'21; A$21,000-21,000 (R S $7). O C & 100 Lafayette st, .358-64; see Bond, 12. Ludlow St. 54% (1:310-11), es, abt 100 s Grand, 20xS7.fl. 3-sty bk tnt & strs: Morris Goldberg & ano to Jacob Miller, nX Hester, & Paul .\belsky, SO Ludlow; mtg $8,000; Febl; Feb5'21; A$13.500-15,000 (R S $6.50). O C & 100 Mangin st. 101 (1:324-22), ws. 55.4 s Stantou, 15.9x100, 5-sty bk tnt & str; Hirsch Uram to Rachel Uram. his wife, 387 E 3; AL; Feb7'21; A$4.000-9.000 (R S SOc). O C & 100 Mitclieli pl, 1; see 1 av. 870-80. Monroe st, 98 (1:2.55-41), sec Pelham (Nos 10-12), 20.5x119.0x26.6x119.0. 3 & 4-stv bk tnts & strs : O & G Realty Co to Alfred "Ross, 151 IGth. Bklyn; mtg $11,000; Feb2; Feb3'21 • A $19,000-22,000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 Monroe st. 98: Alfred Koss. Bklyn. to Louis Oshansky, 04 W 118; mtg $11,000; Feb3'21 (R 5 $3.50). 1.000 Monroe st (l:265-'24). nec Corlears (No 10). runs nOO.l to Grand (Nos 589-99) sel25.4sw5.2 to Monroe xwllO.2 to beg. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; A Goldberg, Inc, to Wendover-Grand Realty Corpn. 44 E 21; mtg .$47,000; Peb2; Feb S'21 ; A$21.000-50,fl00 (R S .$11). O C & 100 Nassau St. 85 (1:79-2), ws, 57.8 s Pulton, 25x 109.7x24.SxllO.10. S-sty stn loft & str bldg: Harold C Mathews to Chas T Mathews, 1 B 00; B&S: Vi pt: Janl2; Feb3'21; A$14ri,000-155,- 000 (R S .$44). O C & 100 North Moore st, 17-23 (1:190-1-41, nwc Var¬ ick (Nos 15-17), 80.4x7.5. 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs 6 vacant; Dicks. David Co. ------, NJ, to Dicks, David Co. Inc. 17 North Moore; QC; Oct29'20; Peb2'21; A$:-5.flOO-56.000 (R S .$15). nom Pearl st, 151-68; see Wall, 7S-S0. Pelham st. 10-12; see Monroe, 98. Pitt St. 49 (2:343-69), ws, 75 n Delancey, 25x 75, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Jns Shanik et al to Sophie Gecker. 1S7 Roch¬ ester av. Bklyu; JauSl; Feb5'21; A$lb,000-12,- 000 (K S SOc). nom Pitt st, 49 (2:.343-fl9). ws, 73 n Delancey, 25 x75. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-8ty bk rear tnt; Snphie decker. Bklyn. to Jos & Alex Shanik. 187 Rochester av, & D:ivid Conpersmith, 191 Bnchc'Ster av. all of Bklyu; Pebl; PebS'21; A $10,000-12.000 (R S .'^OO. nom Suffolk St. 12 (1:313-2), es, abt 75 n Hester, 23x50. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Chas T Mathews to Harold C Mathews. 14 E 09; B&S; 14 part • Janl2; Peb3'21; A$ll,000-17,000 (R S $4..501. O C & 100 Varick st, 16-17; see North Moore, 17-23. Wall st, 78-80 (1:39-41, nec I'earl (Nos 1.54- 58), rnna n70.1xeJ3.1xslxelS.3xsl7.3xe0.SNelO.9x w20xs53.5 to Wall xw4S.ll lo beg. 12-stv bk office bldg; City Real Estnte Co to Aniiie P Kountze. Mnrris. NJ, & Wm de L Kountze, Southampton, LI; B&S; mtg $.'1.50,000; Pebl; Peb2'21 ; A.$'205.0110-405.000 (R S $300). O C & 100 Washington st. .30 (1:15-29). ws. 100 a Mor¬ ris. 20x89.0x'26.5x.S9.0, 3-sty bk stable; Thos C Burke to Regina B Saportas. Saratog:i Springs. NY; mtg .$10,000; Decll'20; Feb7'21; A$21.500-25.500 (K S $2). nom Mary Ullman to Mei- mtg $11,500; PM mtg A$11.00U-12,000 (U S O C & 100 Washington st, 293 (1:139-6), es, 05.7 n Chambers, 20.1.xS3.1x10.6x82.2, 3-sty bk loft bldg; Morgan G Barnwell, Tuxedo Park, NY, to Jos P Saner, 04 S 19th, Flushing, NY; PM mtg $20,000; Jan20; Feb4'21; A$20,000-'23,000 (B . E $32.50). O C & 100 Wusliington st, 319 1:142-13), sec Jay (Nos 34-Sl, 25xSil, 4-sty bk loft bldg; .-inna C Duck¬ worth, widow, to Willard D Duckworth, 69 Prospect st. White Plains, NY; % pt! AT; Feb 1; Pub2'21; A$29,000-40,000. O C & 100 Washington st. 319; Koy D Duckworth, White Plaius, NY, to same; Vi pt: AT: Febl; Peb2'21. O C & 100 Wasliington st, 319; Willard D Duckworth, White Plains, NY, to S H & B H Frost, a corpn, 319 Washington; PM mtg .'tSO.OOO; Pebl; Feb2'21 (R S $105). O C & 100 William st, 135-41; see Fulton, 100. SD st, 38 W (2:5.34-19), ss, 40 e Wooster, runs s50xe4xs25xelSxn7S to st xw22 to beg, 3- sty bk loft & str bldg, 1-sty ext; Sanih Hy- mans to Le;inder A Prey, 71 So Wiisliiugtoa sq; mtg $20,250; Peb2; Peb3'21; A$8.500-9,500 (R S $3). O C & 100 4TH st, 301-3 E; see Av C. 54. 4TH Ht, S65-7 K; see Av D, 40. 7TH st, 2