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MAHHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SBCXION TWB REAL ESTATE FOUNDED 1868 ^^ BUILDERS OUIE> 0) AND PEVOTED TO lt»L ESTATE. BUILDING HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND ViaNITV This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in tlte Borough of Manhattan, Vol. CVII (2764) NEW YORK, MARCH 5, 1921 No. 10 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. PEB. 23, 24, 25, 20, 28 & MAR. 1. .*llen st, SO (l::i08-4), es, abt 150 n Hester, 25.\S7.6, S-stv bk tnt & strs; Pannie Levy to Eli Haddad, 2071 OSth, Bklyn; ratg $17,000: I'.M mtg $11,400; Feb2S; Marl'21; A$17,000-23,000 (R S $6.50). ' O C & 100 Barrow st, 71; see Commerce, 35-7. Bleecker st, 33-37 (2:529-57), ns, ,373 w Bow¬ ery, 75x74.3.\7Sx71.4, O-sty bk loft & str bldg ; H S Holding Co to Helen C Jordan. 177 10th, Bklyn; B&S; Feb23; Peb24'21; A$4S,00O-7O,00O (R S $40). noni Blevcker st, ,35-37; Helen C Jordan tn Clara C Mouell, 200 La Reine av, Bradley Beach, N J; mtg $12'2,:')00; Peb'JS: Feb24'21. O C & 100 Broome st, 149-51 (2:;i41-14), ss, .87.6 e Attor¬ ney, 37.6.X100. 7-sty bk tnt & strs; Bertha Eichler to David Silberberg. iTS Norfolk; mtg .l;,S2.000; PebJS; Marl'21; .\$21,00O-52,OOO (R S $11)- O C & 100 Charles st, 107 (2:621-32), ns, 70.1 e Hudson, runs n26.10xnel8xel2.10 xn2.2 xwOjS xnS xel.Oxs 45.8 to st XW22.1 to beg. 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs: A$4.500-5,0OO: also HUDSON ST, 542 (2:621-3), es, 60.4 n Charles, runs e40xs0.4xel8.5 xnG.2xel2.10xn2.2xw0.8xn3xel.9xnl3.3xw70.9 to st xs25.ll to beg. 5-sty bk loft bldg; A$13.000- 18,000; Saml Kilpatrick, Bklvn, to John H Day. Orange. NJ; mtg $12,000; Peb23; PeIi2S '21 (R S $13). O C & 100 Cherry st. 46 (1 :111-15). nec Roosevelt (No 100). 13.4x58.4x13.3x58.3, 3-stv bk tnt & str; Georgianna A Tjilbot. widow & devisee John M Talbot, to Catherine Jackson. 140 Ocean Pkway, Bklyn; mtg .$10,0IX); FeblO- Marl'Jl; A.f9.000-ll,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 Clinton st. 157 (2:340-27). ws. 83.5 n Grand, 20x50, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Holland lo Alex Mansky, 147 Clinton. & .Marcus Bulkow- stein, 147 Clinton; ratg $10,000- PM mtg $7.- .500: Feb24; Feb25'21; A$ll,000-14.000 (R S *14-»»- O C & 100 Columbia st, 144-8: see Houston, 427 E. Commerce st, 35-7 (2:.S84-.S9). ns, 74.S -w Bedford, .39.\7.S.2 to Barrow (No 71) x3S.llx75 O-sty bk tnt & atrs; Otto A Leister. Bklyn, to Phillippine Dohrenwend, 147 W 85- 14 pt ■ nitg $30,000; Oct21'15; Marl'21; A$16.000-3S.- 000 (R S $8). O C & 100 Croton st (8:2123-21). ns. 200 w Amst av. 25 x92.2x25x92.3. vacant; Augusta Eichner. 3.52 E l;;Oth, to Trowel Bldg Cn, 2282 3 av; QC Julv 9'19; Marl'21; A.$7.S0O-7..S0O. nom East Broadway. 307 (1:288-52). ss, abt 143 e Scararael, 24x76.11x24x77.3. 4-stv bk tnt: Mich,ael J Adrian Corpn to Moses Smith. 33 Lewis; Marl'21; A.$1.3,0flfl-]8,00O. O C & 100 Eiist Broadway, 308 (1:2SS-.S1), ss. abt 170 e Scammel. 24x70.11x'J4x76.7. 4-stv bk tnt; Mich- ;iel J Adrian Corpn. to Saml Wachatinsky, .i08 E Bway ; Marl'21; A.$13.l)00-17,.500. -,...... O C & 100 KUzabeth st, 29; see Kenmare. nwc Eliza¬ beth. Essex st, 47 (1:310-22), ws. 75.8 s Grand, runs wS7Jlxs24.Sxe.3S.7xs0.1xe.-4.2 to st xn^S 3 to beg. 5-sfy bk tnt & strs; Julius Siegel. Bk¬ lyn. tn Chas. I'resser. 508 Wvthe av. Bklvn • mtg $18,000: PM mtg $4..S00; Peb2S'21; A.$20- 000-29.000 (R S .$131. nom Fulton St. 25M; (1:95-7). nwc Water (No 204). 19.1Ox:!3.9.xlS.0x.31.4. 5-sty bk h,ft & sir bldg; Chas Errett to Lillv Cup Co, ------ NY ■ ratg .$20,000; Dec31'20; Fcb23'21; A$1S 000-21 - 000 (R S .f.34). 53.800.93 Fulton sl. 33-33.4 (1:93 11). es. 73 9 s Peirl runs S.39xe41.0xn2.7xnl8.7xw6,lxnl7.1xw37 2 tfi beg. 2-3-sty bk loft & str bldgs ; Wm H Wrav Seafnrd, NY. to A P Brombacher & Co 29-.3i Fultrin; QC; Feb24; Peb26'21; A$27,000-33.000 (R S $4). „om Folton St. 33-33.4: Chas E Osborn & ano. Bellpnrt, LI, to same; Jan2S- Feb2C'21 (R S *3'"' nom Fnlton st, 235 (1:83-23), ns, abt 50 e Wash¬ ington, 19.X23.6; also strip adj above at nwc. runs w2xs4.6xe2xn4.6 to beg, S-sty bk loft & str bldg: Jules E Lecocq, Portchester, NY, to Alex Lolass, 235 Fulton; Peb24; Feb28'21; A $9,500-10,000 (R S $7). O C & 100 Fulton st, 235, also strip adj; Julie R Le- cocii. 319 New York av, Bklyn, & ano. EX- TR.K Louise .M MacNamara, to same; Vi pt: Feb7: Peb2S'21 (R S $7). 7,000 Gold st, 12 (1:09-22), ses, abt 63 e Platt, 23.1x43.2x25.3x48.4. S-stv'bk loft & str bldg: A$ll.000-16,000; also PLATT ST, 14 (1:09-26), ws, 64 s Gold, runa w56.2xu0.6xw28.Sxsl.3.11xe 83.1 to st xn20 to beg, 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; A$17,(100-21,000; also PLATT ST, 16 (1:69-25), ws, 43.11 s Gold, runs w61.4xsl5.lxe3xsO.6xe .50/2 to st xn'JO.l to beg. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; A$1.3.000-18.000; also PLATT ST, 20 (1:09-23). sws at ses Gold (No 14). runs sw 07.9xselS.8xne3.0xnw().0xne61.4 to Plait st xnw 23.11 to beg. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$'J3.- 000-31,000; also PLATT ST, 18 (1:69-24), sws, 23.11 xseGoId st, runs sw61.4xse0.6xsw3xse— xne(jl.4 to st xnw'JO to beg. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; A.$10,0()0-19,000; Geo Chiria Realty Co to Harrv Aronson. Inc, SS Park Row; mtgs $83,500; PeblS; Peb23'21 (R S $131..S0). O C & 100 Gold st, 14; see Gold, 12. Gouvenuer st, 23-25 (l;20S-49), WS, 49.2 3 Henry. 29:2x53x29.2x34.4. 3 & 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary A McCabe. Elmhurst, LI, to Max Berman, '23 Gouverneur; Feb28; Marl'21; A $9,000-11,000 (R S .$9i. nora Henry st, 234 (1:209-72), ss, abt 135 w Mont¬ gomery, 2SxlOO.'2, O-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Zinovoy to Larache Realty Co, ------, NY ; ratg .'!;2(>.500; FeblS; Peb24'21; A$13.500-27,000 (R S $101. 10,000 Henry st, 250 (l:20S-.57), ss, 102.0 e Mont¬ gomery. 20.7x108. except part for Heury. 3- aty bk tnt: Morris Weinstein to Max Liato- kin. 106 Ridge; y, pt; mtg $9,000; Peb21; Peb 23'21; A$10.000-11,0(M) (R S $1..30). 1,500 Henry st, Sll (1:288-27), na, abt 190 w Grand. 23.6x70.8x23.0x71.4. S-sty stn tnt & strs ; Wm Block & ano. Bklvn, to Boruch Mosh- isky. 117 Broome; mtg $13,400; PM mtg $2,000; Peb23; Feb24'21; A$7,000-15,000 (R S $6). O C & 100 Houston st, 427 E (2:335-58), sec Columbia (Nos 144-48), 50x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Leon Kutschuck to 125 Columbia St Corpn, 123 Columbia; Vi pt: mtg .$63,000; Marl'21; A $31.()fl0-09.0OO (R S .$7). O C & 100 Hudson st, 542; see Charles, 107. Kenmare st (2:479-26), nwc Elizabeth (No 29), runs nl2xw79.11 to Kenmare xe80.7 to beg. vacant; Agatha O Fallon et al to Danl F Farrell. 11 W 102; B&S; PebS; Feb24'21; A $7,000-7.000 (K S .$0). O C & 100 Lispenard st. 42 (1:194-24). ss. abt 100 e Church. 29x94, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Geo A Legg & ano to Dorset Realtv Corpn, 40 W :i2; B&S; Feb21; Feb-J4'21; A$18,S0O-2S,5OO (R S $33). O C & 100 Moyian pi, nec Bway; see Bway, 3160-4. New Chambers st, 7-11; see William, 249-53. Platt st, 14-20; see Gold. 12. Roosevelt st. 100; see Cherry, 46. Scammel st. 28 (1:260-74), es, 33 s Madison, 27x93. 0-aty bk tnt & stra: Anzonetta D An¬ thony, Harrison. NY. to Michael Licht. 184y. E 7 : B&S : CaG ; Feb23 ; Marl'21; A$9.000-25,- 000 (R S .$21). O C & 100 Scammel st, .59; see Water, 630. Sullivan st, 217 (2:.S.'i9-5). ea. 225 n Bleecker. 23x100. O-sty bk tnt & strs: Danl W Harnett to Giuseppe Laneri. 23 Hancock; B&S; CaG; mtg .$9,800: PebO; Feb28'21; A$13.000-.31.000 (R S .$22..30). o C & ion Thompson st. 64-66 (2:488-0). ea. 174.S n Broiuiie. rnna e92.11xn23xwlxn3xw3xn20.Sxw ,88.11 to at xa.30.9 to beg. 5-sty atn tnt & strs; .Tacnbs Holding Co to Fannie Levy. 148 B 27; B&S; mtg $—; Peb23'21; A.$3i;0OO-4S,00O. nom Thompson st, 11 (1:227.38), ws, abt 180 n Canal, 19.6x100x19.9x100, 1 & 2-aty bk loft bldg; Wra C Alexander. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. et al to Benj Benjamin. 11 Thompson; mtg $7,000; PeblO; Peb25'21; S $9). Vesey st, 52 (1:,S6-'J7), Broadway, 25.8x101.2. bidg; Augusta Larned. A$9.500-10.000 (R O C & 100 ns, abt 170 e West -sty bk loft & str Summit, NJ, to Alonzo B See, :!73 Cliuton av, Bklyn; Feb 24; Peb25'21; A$S1,Oa)-.30.000 (R S $06). 66.000 Vesev st, 54 (1:86-28). ns. abt 145 e West Broadway. '23x100. 2-sty bk loft & str bldg: Wm A Larned et al. individ & EXRS Wm Z Larned, to Alonzo B See. 373 Clinton av. Bk¬ lvn; Peb24; Peb'25'21 ; A$50,000-52,000 (R S $06), 66,000 Water st, 630 (1:200-3). nwc Scammel (No .39), 24.1x08x24.8x68, O-sty bk tnt & strs; Peter Sioholm to H A Jackson. Ine. (522 Water; ratg $12,000; Feb'JS; Marl'21: .4.$.j,000-20.000 (R S $16..30). O C & 100 Water st, 204; see Fulton. 25Vi. William st, 249-53 (1:119-37-38), nws at na New Charabers (Nos 7 & 11), runs iie47.10xn 04.6xw00xs0.4xw50 to New Chambers xe90 to beg. 2-6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Hattie G Tooraey, Los Angeles. Calif, to Wra Jerome Toomey. 4'2S Plymouth blvd, Los Angeles. Cal: mtg $------; B&S; CaG; FebS; Marl'21; A$110.000-149.000. nora 2D st, 126 E (2:430-43). ns. 341.7 e 1 av. 24.S xl'Jl.ll. 0-stv bk tnt & strs: Chas Wicen- towski. Middle Village. NY', to Max BaUk, 76 E 4: mtg $.31,230; Feb26; Marl'21; A$16.- (R S .flO). O C & 100 4TH st, 1-7 W; see Bway, 099. 4TH st, 281 W (2:613-8), es, 48.7 s 11th. 17.2x .30, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Rev Jas McAleese to Jacob Sparrow, ]:i4 0 av; Peb25; Marl'21; A $4,300-6,000 (R S ,$10.50). O C & 100 STH St. 45-49 W (2 :.372-60-68), ns. 62;'..5 w 3 av. 69x93.11, 3-4-sty bk tnta & strs; Henry de P Baldwin et al, EXRS Margt E Zimmer¬ man, to Harrv Heifer. 115 Washington pi; Pebll; Marl'2i; A$4C,500-54,000 (U S $59). 59,000 IOTH st, 102-4 (2:465-9), ss, 70 e 3 av, runs S46.6xe27i3xel4.5xn38.7 to st xw39.4 to beg, 2-3-stv bk tnts; N Y Life Ins & Trust Co, TRSTB Rutlierfurd Stuyvesant, to Jen¬ nie Sharison, 104 B 10; Peb2S; Feb24'21; A $13.000-1().000 (R S $25). 26,000 IOTH st, 371-73 E (2:393-49). ns. 3.33 e Av B, 40x94.9. 2-0-stv bk tnts & strs: Joel M Marx to Carrie B Kaiin. 101 W I'JO; Vi Pt; subject (0 life eatate of party 2d pt as to remaining V' pt: ratg $30,000; Nov22'20; A$25,00O-48,00O (R S .$S). nom IOTH st, SOS E see 105th. Ill W. IITH st, 217-19 E; see 11th, 213 B. IITH st, 215 E (2:467-54). ns. 'J04.6 e 3 av. 12.9x1(10. 4-atv bk tnt; A$5.S(K)-7..3O0; also IITI-I ST, 21'7 E (2:4(!7-.33), na. 217.3 e 3 av, 13.1x100. 4-slv bk tnt: mtg .$6,000: A$5,S00-7,- .300; alao IITH ST, '219 B (2:467-.S2), ns, 230.4 e 3 av. 16.8x100. 4-stv bk tnt; mtg $8,000; A ,$8,000-10,000; Jos Smith Realty Co to Jos L Buttenwieser, 135 Central Park W; Feb28'21 (R S $'22). O C & 100 IITH Bt, 55 W (2:ri7S-77), ns. 285 e 0 av, 24x 103.;j. S-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Goldberg to .Tennie Goldberg, his wife. 1801 7 av; B&S; CaG; % pt: Nov24'20; Peb28'21; A$19,000-26,- 000< nom 14TH st, 2 W; see 5 av, SO-2, 15TH st, 200-4 E; see 3 av, 135-45. 15TH st, .333-65 W (3:739-6-'J2). ns. 100 e 9 av, 3'J5xl56.6.\—to pt 100 e 9 av xl20.9. 17-4-sty &, b bk dwgs; Fanners Loan & Truat Co, TRSTE under deed of trust, et al, tn Nilton Realty Corpn. 149 Bway: Dec21'20: Marl'21; A$17S.000-229,000 (R S .$275). O C & 100 1.5TH st, 333-65 W; Nilton Realtv Corpn to Morria Borsodi. 241 W 25; ratg $170,000; Peb 28; Marl'21 (R S $103). O C & 100 15TH Rt, ;i33-05 W: Morris Boraodi to Ivy Courts Realty Co. 1.32 Nassau: B&S; mtg .$'221,000; Feb2S; Marl'21. O C & 100 ISTlt St. 619 E (3:984-14), ns. 2.88 e Av B, •23x92. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Lillie V Kohn & ano. EXRS Solomon H Kohn. to Harrv Kop- elman & Saml Ilellnian. 348 E 15; Feb23; Peb 2S'21; A$e.5()0-15.000 (R S $10). 16,000 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.