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, 3-sty bk stable; Edith E McCagg, 428 Gibbs av, Newport, RI, to C & N Sender, Inc. 171 Ludlow: June22; July7'21 - A$1S - 500-10.000 (R S $18). O C & 100 Monroe st. 101 (1:272-11), ns, 286.1 e Pike 25.1x100.3x24.7x100.3. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Es¬ ther Joseph to Max Levy, 395 Bwav - mtg .$]().3()0; June30; July8'21; A$14,000-21;000 (R S $o). nom Monroe st, 101; Max Levy to Morris Tomkin 101 Monroe; mfg $10,500; JulyO; July8'21 (R S $i.ofl). jjp^, .Monroe st. 175 (1:269-13), ns, 92.6 w Mont¬ gomery, 24x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Arnold Thayer, 1.55 AV .58, & ano, TRSTE Geo A Thayer, to Louis Levine, 172 Madison, & Hv¬ man Smith. 36 Montgomery; JuneSO; JulvO'^'l- A$12.O0O-28..50O (R S $13.50). 2lioo6 Monroe st. 294-96 (1 :2aS-11), ss. 204 2 w Cor- h.ars. .S7.2x97^10x.S7.1x97.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs 201 S 100 Monro*, st. 298 (1:263-13), 98, 226 5 w Cor- lears, .S7.7x97.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawyers ton. icars. .S(..:xa<.iux.i7.1x!)7.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs Lawyers Mtg Co to .Alfredo Bertoncello "01 W -28; JulyO; Julyl2'21; A$12,000-34.000 (R S *■'■•'- O C & 100 Mtg Co to Alfredo Bertoucello, 261 W 28; May ;;i; Julyl2'21; A.$12,000-34,0()0 (R S $34). O C & 100 Oliver St. 40 (1:278-51), es, -27.8 s Madison, 31x7,5, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Ann Sheeran, widow, et al lo (ierardo Giudice, 1513 62d, Bk¬ lyu ; -Antonio Giudice, 3.59 Front, & - Ar- caiigela (iiudice. 37 Oliver; Julyl; July7'21; A $14,000-24,000 (R S $-24). O C & 100 Pitt St. 96 (2:S:J9-8), es, abt 180 s Stanton, 25x100, 5-stv bk tut & strs ; Lillie Keller & ano E.XTRXS Theo Keller, to Hvman Rothkopf, 1.55 Rivington; June23; Julyl2'21; A$1S,000-2S.- 000 (R S .$23). 23,000 Prince st, 200 (2:504-20), ss, 80 e Macdougal, 20x53. S-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary Puccinelli et al, heirs Vittorio Galli, to Sophia Longinotti, 200 Prince; y. pt; AT; JunelO; July7'21; A $7,O00-S..30O (R S .$0.50). O C & 100 Reade st, i:!X-142y2 (1:141-4-6), ns, 235.5 e Greenwich, 75x53.4x74.7x53.6, 2-sty bk storage: Anua S AVilner to Rav AV Sundelson, 1873 Mad av; May2S; Ju>i'12"21; A$69,000-80,000 (R S $15). nom Heade st, 192-6; see Duane, 218-22. Rivington st, 360 (2:3.34-37), ns, 100 e Sheriff, 25x100, 5-sty bk tut & strs; Annie Goodman, 444 Morris av, Newark, NJ. & ano, EXRS Abr Geiger, to Kestenbaum Realty Co,