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UAMHATTAN AND BBOMX RECORPS SECTION SECTION TWO FOUNDED 1^68: AND ^% BUILDERS DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING HANACEMENT AND CONnRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY This section Includes all recorded Conyeyancei, MliKSllaneoui Conveyances, Mortgages, Aaslgnmenta of Mortgagea »>id Satlafla' Mortgages and Mortgage Extension*, Leasea, Auction Salea^ Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertiaed Legal Sales, Forecloaure Sul« Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lia Pendens, Mechanics' Llena, Satisfied Mechanics' Llena, Attachmenta, Chattel Mortgages AffectlH R8°-' Estate. Building Loan Contracts. WlUa and Real Estate Appraiaali In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2791) NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 10, 1921 No. II CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. AUG. 31, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 & 6. Allen st, 60 Si 62 (1:308-9), es, 100 s Grand, 40x87.6, 2-3-sly bk tnts & strs; Meiko Realty Co to Jos M Sutton, 1002 Canal, New Orleans, Louisiana; mtg $14,.300; PM mtg $30,500; Sept 1; Sept2'21: A$2O000-4S,000 (R S $45.50). O C & IOO Bleecker st. 11 (2:329-47), ns, 145 w Bow¬ ery, 20x61.0x20x6011, S-sty bk tnt & strs ; Ber¬ nard Schwartz to Max Popper, 1629 42d, Bklyn ; mtg $7,0flO; PM ratg $4,500: Septl; Sept2'21; A$8,000-13,000 (R S $7.30). O C & 100 Bleecker st, 243 (2:580-4), es, 104.7 s Cornelia, 20.11x100; also PLOT begins at sec of lot above described, runs el4.3xnw'24x3l8.4 lo beg: Martha A Duulop, Saskatewan, Canada, to Antonio Tripoli, 243 Bleecker; mtg $10,000; July29; Septl'21; A$12.000-lO00O (R S $0). uora Broorae St. 462-68 (2:485-38-39), nec Greene (No 50), 100x100.6, S-5-sty stn loft & str bldgs; Townsend AVandell & ano, TRSTES for Bdw AV C Arnold, will Richd Arnold, to Edw AV C Arnold, Islip, LI; May25'08; Aug31'21; A$88,- 000-103,000. noiu Broome st, 463-68, nec Greene (No 50) ; Edw W C Arnold, Islip, NY, to Hardee ReaUy Co, 30 Broad; B&S; CaG; Apr25; Aug31'21 (B S *168). O C & 100 Cannon st. 133 (2:335-07), ws, 80 3 Houston, 20x100, 6-sty bk loft bldg; Saral S Manheiraer, Bklyn, to Maurice Rosen, 2031 Monterey av • ratg $16,000; Aug24; Sept3'21; A$8.000-"23.000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 Chariton st, 42 (2:500-11), ss, 1S3.7 e Varick, 23x100, 3-sty bk tnt; Lucy Toraasulo to Sofia Tomasulo, 712 AVesl End av; y. pt; AT; Aug 29; Septl'21; A$12,000-15,000 " nora Church st, 196-200; see Church, 202. Church st, 202 (1:147-30), ws, SO s Thomas, runs 325.8 xwlOO.S xn75.11 to Thomas (Nos 50- 52), xe50.1xs30.2xe50 to beg, 5-sty bk loft & Btr bldg: A$73,000-O5,000; also CHURCH ST 196-200 (1:147-31), nws. 73 s Thomas, 75x100, 2-5-sty stn loft bldgs ; A$12O000-I75,0O0; Jerome E Bates, Bklyn, to J E Bates & Co, 202 Church; mtg $170000;g B&S; Aug24; Aug31'21 (R S ♦160). O C & 100 Division st, SS-SSVa (1:282-77), ss, abt 235 w Pike, 25x—x2SxS5, 3-sty bk loft & sir bldg; John H Mansfield, el al, heirs Bliz Mansfield, to Saml Newraan, .SO AV 119; ratg $20,250; Aug 27; Sepf2'21: A$2S.000-3O,0OO (R S $7). 27,000 Division st, SS-ssy^: Saml Newraan to Solo¬ mon Vogel, .SS Division; mtg $17,500: Septl- Sept3'21 (R S $S0..30). O C & 100 Franklin st, 112 (1:178-9), ns, 125.4 e AVest Bway. 25.2x100x25.4x100, 5-3ty stn loft & str bldg; Blanche B Boardman to Ross Bros, Inc y.^„ ^™'''^''" ; ™*S $.35,000; June22; Aug31'21: A$22,0O0-.S8,0OO (R S $44). 44 000 Goerck st. 83-95; see Rivington, 316-18. Grand st, 657; see Madison av, 401, Greene st, 56; see Broome, 462-68. Hamilton ter, 40 17:20.30-72), ws, 425 n 141sf, 18x100, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Mabel R Olson to Anna M Bouwnian. .335 AV 151; ratg .fO.SOO- JunelO: Sept6'21; A.$0,100-14,000 (R S $9). 100 Henderson pl, 12 (5:1.383-23D), es, 92 w East End av, 18x46x18.9x40. S-sty & b bk dwg ■ Margt M Heveuor to .Alary P AVatkins & Ade¬ laide Pendergast, 14 Henderson pi; JulvS- Septl'21: A$3,50O-7.00O (R S $15). O C & 100 Henry St. 269 (1:287-5), ns, abt 100 e Mont¬ goraery, 24x93.8x24x92.5, except part for widen¬ ing Henry st, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Bernard Lefkowitz to Bertha, Louis & Annie Lefko- witz( 106 E 110 & Harry Lefkowitz. 243 AVy- ona St. Bklyn. heirs .Aloritz Lefkowitz; mtg $24,000; AT&I; Aug25; Aug31'21; A$lS,000-28.- ""9; nora Houston st, 148 E (2:442-53), ns, 284.7 w 1 av K.lxlOl.8x25.10x101.5. 5-sty bk tnt & sfrs- Leo Kestenbaum fo Henrietta Kestenbaura, his wife 1O40 Sirapson; ratg $15,000; Sept2'21; A$1S,000- 25,000. O C & 100 Jane st, 88-90 (2:641-40), ss, 112.0 e AA'ash¬ ington, 43.2x160.1 to 12th (Nos 3.37-0) x44.1x 100.1. 1-sty bk garage; Edw AV C Arnold, Islip. Ll, lo Hardee Realty Co, SO Broad; B&S & Cafi; Apr25: AugSl'21; A$34,000-5O000 (R S $45.30). O C & 100 Lewis St. 3 & 5 (2:326-'22), WS, SS n Grand, rnns ii40xwlOOxs25xe50x3lSxeSO to beg, O-sty bk tnt & strs; Lena Goldberg, Bayonne, NJ, to Louis I Baron, 305 1st st, Jersey Citv, NJ; .\ng20: Sept3'21; A$9,000-30,000 (R S SOc). O C & 100 Lewis st, 123 (2:330-21), ws, 50 s Houston, 23 xlflO. S-sfy bk tnt & sirs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Leiser Rosenbaura, Bklvn, to Abr Leicher. 71 Cannon: ratg .n2990; PM ralg $1,250; Aug2S: Sept2'21; A$8.000-1S,000 (R S $4.50). O C & 100 Ludlow st, 14 (1:297-4), es. 124.3 n Canal. .32.4x87.4x32.4x8010 S-sty bk tnt & strs & 5- sty bk rear tnt; Betty Taraes to Goldie Taraes, 72 Eldridge; QC; ratg $------; Aug26; AugSl ■21; A$19.000-28,000 (R S SOc). nora Madison st. 401 (1:265-69). ns, abt ISO e Jackson, 24.10x79.1 to Grand (No 557) x27.10x OS.S. 5-sty bk tnt & strs ; Hetty Sprung & ano to Isaac Peingold, 265 Graham av, Bklvn; mtg $11,500; AugSl; Septl'21; A$9.500-16,000 (R S $6). nora Mott st, 228 (2:493-9), es, 201 s Prince, 26.Sx 93x26.3x93.1. S-sty bk tnt & strs & S-sty bk rear tut; Jos A Boccia, REP, lo Metropolitan Sav¬ ings Bank, .39 Cooper sq, plff; PORBCLOS. ------; AugSl; Sept2'21; A.$18,000-27,000 (R S $21). 21,000 Norfolk st, 59 (2:351-17), ws, 100 s Broome, 25.0x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Sarah Buss to Ike Bliss, 12.30 lOfh, Bklyu: QC: Aug23; Sept 3'21 ; A$19,O00-.30,.30O. nom Perry st, 84 (2:021-43), ss, 81.7 e Bleecker. •20x9.3.2x20x93.3, S-sfy & b bk dwg; Roswell P Horton to Carl F G Kleinschraidt,-------Nov lO'OS: Sept6'21; re-recorded from Novll'08; A .f9,.300-14,00O nora Perry st. 84 (2:621-431, ss. 81.7 e Bleecker. 20x03.2x20x93.3, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Carl P G Kleinschraidt to Marie S Bicknell. 200 AV 12; ratg $7..300: PM rafg $14..300; Aug.30; Sepl2'21: A.$9..300-14,0fl0 (R S $19.50). 6,000 Rivington st, 316-18 (2:329-72-73 & 64-70), ns, aO w Goerck, runs n25xeS0 to Goerck (No 83- 93). xiil7Sxw10Oxs20O lo Rivington xe50 to beg, 0-5-sty bk tnts & strs ; Simon Preedman. Bklvn to Bertha .Allen. .349 Stone av. Bklyn; 13-80 parts; mtg $------; AL : AuglO; Sept6'21 ; A$6.3,- 000-132,000 (R S $1). nom Spring st, 318 (2:594-33), ss, 230 w Hudson, •2.3x73. 3-sty bk tnt & strs ; Robert AV Courtney. Jr. et al, BXRS Robert AV Courtney, to Lucv Madden. 3 St Luke's pl; PM ratg $9,600: Septl"- .Sept3'21: A.$11.000-l,8.000 (R S $161. 18.000 Sullivan St. 173 (2:,323-2), es, 125 n Houston, 2oxl00, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; AA'm R Van Bok- kelen, Berkeley, Calif, to John D AVatson. 630 AV 172: B&S: ratg .$14,000: Augl: Septl'21: A .fi.->.ooo-2i.ooo (R s i|;8..30). o c & 100 Thomas st, 60-62: see Church, 202. Washington ter, 4 (8:21.36-4114), ws, 17.9 3 ISfith. 17.9x02.0 3-sty & b bk dwg; May G I'alnier to Eliz C Crittenden. 12 AVashington ter: AugSO; AugSl'21; A.$2000-O000 (R S .$9). „, . . O C & 100 Washinirfon st. 31 (1:14-20). es. 102 s Morris 23x y blk. 3-sfy bk tnt & sirs; Regina B Saportas. Saratoga Springs, NA'. to Abr f,eorgc. 472 40th. Bklyn: Septl'21; A$27,00O- 31.000 (R S $-291. * nom West Washington pi, 133 (2:.392-85). ns S92 w 6 av. runs nw72.nx—23x—S7.4 fo pi x—41 4 to heg. 4-sfy bk fnt & strs: Ora C Smith, widow Percy AV Smith, et al, to Margt A Hunt- ingfoM. 10 B .38; QC; Aprl2: Sept2'2l; A$11,000- l2.0fMI. QQQJ STII St. 17 W (2:572-32). ns. 280.0 w 5 av. •2.1.1 .\93.11. 4-sfy bk tnt & strs; Henrv C Piercy, 2d. et al. EXRS Zaehary T Piercy to A'incent C Pepe. 40 AA'ashington sq; Julvl4- Aug.3r21: A.$20.000-32.000 (R S .$321. .32 000 12Tir St. 651 E: see Av B. 196. 12TII sf. 337-9 W: see Jane, 88-90. 13T1I st, 201-3 W; see 7 av, 4'2-46. 15TH St. 2-^6 W (3:764-53), ss, 347.7 w 7 av, 24.9x80.0, 3-stv & b bk dwg; Fulgence Moris & ano fo Fredk O X .AIcLoughlin, 260 Convent av; ratg $9,000; JnIy2'lS; Sept2-21; AJll.OOO- 13,500. nom ISTH St. 220 W; Fredk O X McLoughiln to Fulgence Moris, Tranquille Pesse & Paul Jonr- iiet. Joint tenants, 229 AA' 14; mtg $9,000; July 2-13: Sept2'21. nora ISTH st, 226 W: Tranquille Pesse & Paul .lournef. joint tenants, fo Inwood House, a corpn, .30 Broad; mtg $9,000; Septl; Sept2'21 IR S $11). O C & 100 16TH st, 143-63 W (3:792-8-13), ns, 100 e 7 av, runs n55.8xel2xn30.4xel49.4xs92.1 to st xw 103.4 lo beg, 6-5-sly bk tuts; Farraers Loan & Trust Co, TRSTE under deeds of trust, et al to Service Realty Co, 7 E 42; June24; Septl ■21; A$l(ra,500-208.000 (R S $100). O C & 100 16TH st, 151 W; see Iflth, 153 AV. 16TH St. 153 W (3:792-8), ns. 100 e 7 av, runs Ii.33.8xel2xn30.4xel6.8xs92 to st xw28.8 to beg, 3-stv bk tnf; A$17,000-S3,000; also 16TH ST, 131 "av (3:792-9), ns, 128.8 e 7 av. 27x92, 5-3ty bk tut; A$18,.3O0-3S.00O; Service Really Co to Horleuse AA'orins. 124 Beaufort pl. New Ro¬ chelle, NY ; rafg $38,000 ; Septl; SeptS'21 (R S .fn). O C & 100 16TH Kt, S.38 W: see 17th, 33-37 E. 17TH Bt, 3.3-37 E (3:846-30), ns, 127.7 w 4 av. runs nl00xe49xn75 to 18th (Nos 38-40) xwl21x sl74 lo 17fh xe72 to beg, O-sty bk office & str bldg: A.1i4.33,0OO-eS0,OO0; also OTH .AA'. 80-86 (3:739-74), sec 16th (No 3.381 x87.(ix—x7S.4xlOO, 2-6-stv bk storage bldgs; A.$60,000-145,000; Townsend AA'andell & ano, TRSTES Edw AV C Arnold, will Richd Arnold, to Edw AV C Ar¬ nold. Islip, LI; Mav23-08; Aug31'21. nora 17TH st, 33-37 E; also flTH AV, 80-86; Bdw AV C .Arnold. Islip. LI. to Hardee Realty Co, 30 Broad; B&S & CaG: Apr25: AugSl'21 (R S $724). O C & 100 17TH st, 230-34 W (3:700-61). ss, 363 e 8 av, 75x84. 8-sty bk loft & str bldg; Clara S Kurz¬ raan to i;eo F Kurzuian. 372 Mad av, & Rose K AVheeler, 43 E .82: -AL; .Tanl; Sept2'21; A .1:41,000-170,000. nom 18TH st, 38-46 E; see 17fh, 33-37 E. 18TH Nt, 167 W (3:794-5), ns, .80 e 7 av, 20x 30.4. 3-sty bk loft bldg: Arbutus Realty Co fo Alraa C Christensen. hv Emil Christensen, her aftv. 180 7 av : mfg .$8..50O ; Aug4 ; Sepf3'21; .A$12.0OO-lS,00O (R S $7). O C & 100 18TH St. 233 W (3:768-18), ns, 425 w 7 av, 23x9-2, 3-sfy bk tnt & 4-sty bk rear tnt: Marie wife of & .Auguste Bourdon, Lyons, France, heir .Tane C Bovie, to Francis O'SulIivan, — Mechanics st, Ramsey, NJ; AT&I; B&S; Aug 29'10: Septl'21; A$1S,000-15.000 nom 18TH st, 233 AV: Francis O'SulIivan. Queens, NY, lo J Ortcll AVhilenack, Pelham Heights, N Y: PM; ratg $7,000; Aug23; Septl'21 (R S •$1S). O C & 100 20TH st, 311 W (3:744-31), nes, abf 175 w 8 av, 25x91.11, 4-sty bk tnt & 2-3ty fr rear tnt; Jos H Louazon, Los Angeles, Cal, lo Harry Nystad, 237 AV 23; PM mtg .$10,000; July20; Si>pt2'21 ; Aifl3.500-18.000 (R S $17.50). nom 23H sf. 101-13 E: see 4 av, 303-11. :fOTll st, l;)8-40 E (3:883-58-59), ss, 125 e Lex av. 25x98.9. 2-4-sfy & b bk dwgs: Martha V Alberfson. Tacoma. AA'ash, et al to Lillian See¬ holzer. 348 Senator. Bklvn; July27; Septl'21; .A$19,000.23.1^00 (R S .$24). nom SOTH St. 138-40 E: Lillian Seeholzer fo Jean- aofte Chandler, Rye, NY; Aug31: Septr21. 100 SSD sf, 167 E (3:889-361, ns, 93 w S av, 20x 98.9. 4-sfy bk dwg; Mirjian Tashjian et al to Constantinople Carpet Cleaning Corpn, 167 E 33: mtg $------; July29; Septl'21; A$17,000-19,- OOO (R S $15). nom .38TH St. 271 W (3:788-11), ns, 100 e 8 nv, 20.0 xOS.O, 4-sty bk tnf & strs; Johu Merkel, Bk¬ lyn, to Cohen-Zuck Holding Co, 2 E S3: mtg $11.00f): Septl'21; A.$28,000-SO0O0 (R S $19) O C & 100 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights ar. r«a,rv«d. Notice la hereby ».v.n ihat Infringement will lead to nro.ecutio,.