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■MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORPS SECTION 8X0TION TWO FOUNDED li66Br AND ^^ BUILDERS ©UIDE DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUaiON IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY This aecilon Includes all recorded ConTcyancaa, Ulscallaneoui Conveyances. MortKases, AaslKnmsnts of MortKases and S^t^*^ Uortgagrea and Mortgage Extensions, Leasss, Auction S&lea^ Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Leeal Sales, Foreclosure 8»ltj Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satlsfled Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectl^ Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2795) NEW YORK, OCTOBER 8. 1921 No. 15 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. SEPT. 28, 29, 30, OCT, 1, 3, 4. Beekman pl, 16 (5:1301-38). ws, 19 s SOth, 19 x90, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Helen M Mills, Gales- burg, Mich, widow Prank Mills, to John D Murphy, 16 Beekraan pi; mtg .$12,100; SeptlO; Sept30'21; A$5,30()-10.800 (R S .$12). O C & 100 Canal st, 440-44; see Vestry, 12-16. Ciuuubers 8t, ISZ; See Warren, 52. Cherry st, 421 (1:260-42), as, 175.7 w Jack¬ son, 25.1x02.7x25.1x93.6, 2 & 3-sty bk stable: Kauffmau & Lewenthal Realty Co to Saml Krasilovsky, ;j3li Henry st, & Dave Krasilov- sky, 530 Barbey, Bklyn ; mtg $9,625; Octl'21; A$.5,500-15,00O (R .S $10). O C & 100 CUnton st, 160 (2:346-40), es, 150 n Grand, 25x100, 6-8ty bk tnt & strs ; Jacob Levy & ano to Jacob & Dorothy Kramer, 1266 47lh, Bklyn ; mtg $21,800; PM mtg $7,200; Sept30; Octl'21: A$23,000-37,500 (R S $15.50). O C & 100 Clinton st, 175 (1:313-25), W8, abt 150 8 Grand, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Cath L Harris to David D Weinberger, 60S W 139; B&S; AL; Sepl27; Sept30'21; A$21,00n-31,000 (K S $28). nora Delancey st, 190 (2:343-35), ns, 92.4 w Ridge, 22x100, 5-8ty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear loft bldg: Wra Chilvers, REP, to Frances I Brooks, TRSTE Fredk Beadel, plff; FORECLOS, ------; Sept2S; Sept29'21; A$15,000-20,000 (R S $24). 24,000 Duane at, 209 (1:142-24), na, abt 30 e Wash¬ ington, 25x29, 5-sty bk loft bldg: Alphonse Freund et al, heirs M.irtha Freund, to Prank Rosenberg, 317 E 18; mlg $10,000; SeptlS; Sept 29'21; A$13,500-17,dOO (R S $14), O C & 100 Duane st, 209; Frank Rosenberg to Wm R Altman & Alex Slater, 277 Bway ; ratg $19,000; Sept27; Sept29'21. nora East 8t, 26 (2:319-^2G), ws, 179 s Rivington, 21x100, 4-sty bk loft bldg; Mary W Champion, Rome, N V, to Chas P Champion, 2^22 W 23- undivided RT&I; June7; Oct4'21; A$4,000-8,- 000 (R S $2.50). O C & 100 Essex at, 7 (1:297-27), ws, 94.8 n Division, 20 x87.6. 4-sty bk storage; Loring N Parnum lo Max Pein, 420 Grand, & Fred Fein, 234 Divis¬ ion ; mtg $13,000; Octl; Oct3'21; A$19,0n0-32,0()() (K S $18). O C & 100 Ft Charles pl, 26-30 (8:2215-494), ss, 279 sw Marble Hill av, 50x70x50.5x64.11, vacant; Jos Sinsheimer to Edw F Hararael, Mt Vernon, N Y, & Leo Peibel, 3248 Kingsbridse av; B&S; Sept24; Sept2S'21; A.$5.,'-j00-5.500 (R S $5). nom Ft Charles pl, 26-30; Edw F Hammel, Mt Vernon, NY, et al to Alexander Bldg Corpn, 280 Madisou av ; mtg $5,000; Sept27; Sept28'21 (R .S $2). nom Greenwich 8t, 620-620>^; see Washington, 5991^-601. Greenwich st, 04% (1:53-40), wa, 20.11 n Rec¬ tor, runs W93.6xnl5.2xw2.2xn3.8xe95.7 to st xs 19.1 to beg; AT to alley 5 ft wide (now closed) in rear, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs: Sarah L Merrell, Morristown, NJ, et al, TRSTES under deed of trust, et al to Broadway-John St Corpn 20li Bi\-ay: June21; Sept2S'21; A$47,00O-5O,00O (R S $22.00). 87,000 Greenwich st, 94'/:, same prop; Doris R Humphreys, heir Geo W Taylor, to same; un¬ divided right; Sep 120; Sept28'21 (R S $5). nora King Ht, 42 (2:519-18), ss, 270.1 e Varick, old line, 20x100, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Olindo D'Anna to Vincenza Lanza, 52 King. & Alphonsus A Brugnoli, .52 King; Octt; Oct3:21; A$10,500- 12,500 (R S $bi. ■ 0 C & 100 Leonard st, 11 Sl 13 (1:170-52), ns, 138.9 e Hudson, runs e50.2xn91.5xw25.5xs—xw25.7xs— X862.6 to bei;, 1-sty bk garage: Theresa Villa- mena to Dioadto Villaraena, 204 E 116; PM ratgs $------; B&S; Junel8; Sept30'21; A$33,0U0- 45,000. gljt Leroy 8t, 129-39: see Washington, 599%-601. MadlHon 8t, 333-36; aee Scammel, 24. .Monroe st. It (1 :'253-104), SS, 125.10 e Cath. 24.9x.-)2.10x24.10x55..5. 5-sly bk tnt & sirs; Julius Kaplan to Milia Auzeloni, 136 Cherry; uitf,' .$12,000; Sept27; Sept30'21; A$9,000-15,0OO (R S $5.50). O C & IOO .Murray st. 6 (1:124-21), ss, l.'>3.4 w Bway. 25x75.4x25x75.'2. 5-sly stn loft & str bldg; Ar¬ row Holding Corpn to 6 Murrav St Corpu, 358 0 av: mtg $.58,750; SeptSO; Octl'21; A$68,0OO- 7.5,000 (R S .$20.65). O C & 100 New st, 42-44 (1:24-19), es, abt 210 s Ex¬ change pl, 49.9x48.4x43.7x49.8; Elmore D Dier, -irdmore. Pa, to 42-44 New St Corpn, 42 New ; mtg $89,000: Sept27; Sept28'21; A$140,000-190,- 1)00 (R S $10). nom .Scanunel st, '24 (1:267-19), nec Madison st 1 Nos 3:53-35), 41x95.7x35.3x96, 6-aty bk tnt & strs: Annie Helfat, Rockaway Park, NY, to Benj Coheu, 630 W 172; ratg .$56,000; Octl: Oct3 ■21; A.$27,000-6.5,000 (R S $10.50). O C & 100 Vestry st. 12-16 (1:221-6), ns, 161 w Canal, runs w75xu38xnw44xn24x8e50xne89 lo Canal (Noa 440-44) X8e75xsw74xa25 to beg, 7-3ty bk loft & atr bldg; re mtg; Mutual Life Ina Co of N Y to Rector, &c, Trinity Church, 187 Pulton; Sept27; Oct3'21: A.$80,000-180,000. o c & ion Wadsworth ter (S:2170-pt It 336). wa. IOO n 190th, 102x84x98x84, vacant; Crimson Realty Co to Docliii Realty Corpn, 74 Bway; Sept27; Oct4^21; A.1:------$------ (R S $35). O C & 100 WushinKton st, 599yo-«01 (2:602); also LE¬ ROY ST, 129-39; also GREENWICH ST, 620- 620'/'': asn rents; Le Roy Holding Co to Tawas Co, 29 W 34 ; Sepl29: Sept30'21. nom Warren st, 52 (1:136-10), ns, 125 e West Bway, 25x175.10 to Charabers (No r22), 2-5- sty stn lofl & atr bldgs; Jereraiah P Donovan, Bklvn, lo 52 Warren St Corpu, 50 Warren; ralg $115,000; Octl'21; A.$83,0(I0-105.000 (R S $25). O C & 100 3D st, 285 E (2:373-63), ns, 146 e Av C, 21.Sx 96x21.8x96.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Edwin B King, Warrenton, Va, to Morris Beck, 71 Av D; ralK $7,000; Sept2S; Octl'21; A$9,000-ll,000 (R S $0). nora OTH St. 52 W (2:572-16), ss, 202.7 e 6 av, 24.11 xH3.ll, 3-sty bk atudio & 2-stv bk rear studio; Helen Morria. Bklyn, to Wra De L Dodge, 51 W 10; Septin; Oct3'21; A$ll),00O-24,O0O (R S $27). O C & 100 lOTH St. i:{9 W (2:611-69), ns, 1.54 e Waver¬ ly pi, 22x95, 3-aty bk tnt & stra; Josephine L Mount, et al, to Arthur J Blank, 2781 Bain¬ bridge av, Bronx; Sent30: Ocll'21; .\$9,.500-15.- 000 (R S $15). uora lOTH st, 142 W (2:610-47), S3. 125 e Waverly pl, 25x'.)5, 4-sty bk tnt, 1-sty ext: Ellen A Callanan to Jaraes J Callanan, 142 W 10; ralg $------; Nov2'20; Sept29'21: A$ll,000-20,000 (R S $8). O C & 100 UTH st, 347 E (3:921-24), na, 101.0 w 1 av, 22.6x103.3, 4-sty bk home; Adolph Huiiau to Alex Nemolowsky, Archbishop of the Ruasian Orthodox Catholic Church of North Araerica, 15 E 97; B&S; CaG; Sept21; Sept30'21; A$15,- 000-20.000. nom 14TH st, 249 W (3:764-11), na, 190.2 e 8 av, 24.2x103.1, 4-sty stn tnt & atrs; Louis Berni to Eugeue J Schaefer, 249 W 14; Septl7'17; Sept 30'21; A$20,00n-24.000 (R S $1). nora UTH st, 249 W; Eugeue J Schaefer to 32 Tier St Corpn, 30 Bay, City Island, N Y; Sept 30'21 (R .S .50c). O C & 100 16TH St. 201 E; see 3 av, 1G7-69. 18TH st, 327 W (3:742-21), ns, 334.4 w 8 av, 21.10x92, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Alfred A Gray to Helena O'.Sullivau, 80 Jane; mtg $4,000; Sept 29'21; A$10,5()0-14,500 (R S $11.50). O C & 100 18TH st W. sec 9 av; see 9 av, 122. 19T1I St. 410-18 W (3:716-46-47), ss, 225 w 0 av, 28.4x92, 2-4-sty bk tnts; Marie V Sherman, Stamford, Conn, et al, to O S J Realtv Co, 09 Nassau; AL; Sept22; Sepl29'21; A$15,50"0-19,000. nom 19TH st, 426 W (3:716-51), ss, 325 w 9 av, 25 x92, 4-sty stn tnt; .Marie V Shermau, Stara¬ ford, Conn, et al, to O S J Realtv Co, 99 Nas¬ sau: AL; Sept22; Sept29'21; A$10",500-13,500. nom 22D St. 328 E (3:927-39), ss, '245 w 1 av, 25x '.17.6. 4-stv bk tnt & sirs; Franklin Burr to John C .Malone Co, 166 E .56; Sept30; Octl'21; A$12,0()0-13,500 (R S $10). uora •24TH st, 146 W (3:800-15), ns, 250 e 7 av, 25 xUS.9, 4-sly bk loft & str bldg; Jacob Lewis, Bklyu, to Ray Silberraan, 169 Hewes st, Bk- ■|yn ; ratg .$45,000 & mtg of $4,000 which shall be merged in the fee; SeptlO; Sept28'21; A$26,- 1)00-40.000 (R S $1). O C & 100 24T1I st, 437 W (3:722-17), ns, 329.2 e 10 av. 20.10x98.9, 3-sty & b bk dwg ; Ida M Cerimedo to Oscar Eckl, 4.35 W 24; ratg .$9,700; Sept29; .Sept:i0'21: A$11.000-30,000 (R S $13). O C & 100 27TH st, 133-7 E; see Lex av, 99. 29TH St. 342 W (3:752-69), sws, abt 320 e 9 nv, 18.9x98.9, 3-sly & b stn dwg: Fiuley M Foster lo Mary A Hynes, 300 W 29; ralg $9,- onO; Sept29; Sept30'21; A.$9,300-14,500 (R S $8.50). O C & 100 31 ST St. 119-23 W; see 32d, 116-22 W. 32n st, 9 E (3:862-10), ns. 2-20 w Mad av. 25x98.9, 5-stv atn tnt & strs; also 32D ST, 11 & 13 E (3:862-11), ns, 170 w Mad av, 50x98.|9, 12-sty bk hotel: A$16S,000-355,nno; Allele Hert¬ er, Easthampton, N Y. to De Jav Hotel Corpn. 135 Bway; B&S; mtg $275,000; Sept7; ()ct3'21 IR S .$140). O C & 100 32D St. 11-13 E; see 32d. 9 E. ;r2» Bt, 11 & 13 E (3:802-11), ns, 170 w Mad av, .50x98.9, 12-sty bk hotel: Albert Herter, Easlhainploii, N Y, to .4dele Herter, his wife, Easthauiploii, N Y; B&S; Cal!; mtg $225,000; .\pr29 ; Oct3'21; A$168,l)00-3.55.000. nom 32D St. 227 E (3:913-14). na. 287.6 w 2 av, 12.6 X9S.9, 3-sly & b stn dwg; Elvira C Black et al to Dorothy Abbott, 2'27 E 32; Septl2; Sept29'21; .4.$5,400-7,.50O (R S .$8). nom 32D St. 116--23 W (3 :S07--2.S), ss, 2(H.2 w 6 av, 70.10x197.0 to :51st (Nos 119-2:i), 16-sly bk loft & sir bldg; Winter Realties. Inc, to Winter & Wilkea, Inc. 2299 Bwav : B&S: CaC,; mtg $------; Scpt29-21; A.$.-'.70,(K)0-1.50o.000 (R S 50c). nom 32D st, UG-23 W (3:807-28), aa, 204.2 w 6 av, 70.10x197.(1 lo 31st (Nos 119-23), 16-sty bk loft & str bldg; Cuyler Realtv Co to Winter Real¬ ties, Inc, 2-299 Bwav; ratg $9.50.000; P.M ratg .$5:57,500: Sept28; Sept30'21; .^$370,000-1,150,000 (R S $nS7..5()). 0 C & 100 4(ITH st, 316 E (3:045-47), ss, 2-25 e 2 av, 25x 98.9, 5-sly bk till & sirs; David B Heira to .Willie (irosiii. 10.-52 2 av; ratg $14,000; SeptSO; Octl'21 : A$S,on()-15,0(IO (R S .$3). nom 43D st, 333 W (4:1034-15), nes, 350 e 9 av, 25 xlOO.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs ; Stephanie A Porter widow, to Emilio del Sera, Florence, Italy; P Livingston fell. 158 E 03: James D Tell. US E ."14; (iertrude P Bishop, Mt Kisco. N Y. & Wald en Pell, 7 Wall; QC; AT&I; ratg $------; Oct 9'18; Ocl4'21 ; ,\.$22,()00-34.(l(l0 (R S $1). nom 431) st, 4.5!) W (4:10.-:;-«i, ns, 125 c 10 av, 25 XlOO.l. 4sty atn tnl & 3stv bk rear tut; Grace B Miller to Wm C Miller, 4.59 W 43; QC; Sept 29; Sepl30'2l : .\$16,000-2S,0()0. nom 40TH st, lOG-108 W (4:998-38-39), ss, 120 w 6 av. lOxlOO..!, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldgs & 4-8ty s(n dwg; Edith R, wife of Henry Lustig, to Chas Geoly, 110 W 40: B&S; ratg $55,000; PM ratg $31,000; Sept27; Sepl29'2l; A$90,(K)0-108,000 (R S $5(1). O C & 100 SOTH st, 405 E (5:1.362-3), us, 39.1 e 1 av, 19.5x80, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Harold A Knauff, heir August Knauff, to Louise Knauff, Rock¬ ville Center, L I; QC; Sept27; Sept,30'21; A $5.0I)0-S,0()(). nom SOTH Bt, 41)5 E; Louise Wilcox et al. heirs August Knauff, to same; QC; Sept27'20; SeptSO "21. nom 50TII St. to.'i E; Louise Knauf, 231 Ocean av, Rockville Centre. L I, widow, to Celia Lent, 935 2 av: Ullg .$5,000; Sept29; Sept30'21 (R S $5). 100 50T1I Bt, 518 W (4:1078-44), ss, 275 w 10 av, 25x100.5, 5-8ty bk tnt & atrs; Edw B Jackson to Bernard Renzy, 77 Lolls, Bklyn; ratg iflO,- 000; I'M ratg $4,200: Sept29; SeptS0'21; A.$12,- 000-21,000 (R S $7.50). nom The text of these pages Is copyrighted. AH rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.