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MANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORFS SECTION SUCTION TWO REAL ESTATE FOUNDED. l.«68r AND ^% BUILDERS Qum DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY This section Includes ail recorded Conveyances, MlBcellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments ot Mortgages aud SattaS^ Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Salc-j, Foreclosure Suit Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens. M'ichanlcs' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Affectli^ Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, AVlIls and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2800) NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 12, 1921 No. 20 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. NOV. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. Arden st. 25 (8:2174-190), es, 242 n Nagle av, 27x110, 5-sly bk tut; Jacoli Goodraan & auo lo J.acob H Jablow, 1476 Pitkin av, Bklvn; ratg $29,009; Oct7; Nov2'21; A$4,S90-37,000 (E S .fill O C & 190 Arden st, 25; Jacob J Jablow, Bklyu. to Dyckraail-Arden Realty Co, ■-----; mtg $29,000; Novl; Nov2'21 (R S $11). O C & 100 Bethune st, 8 (2:624-22), ns, 22 e Greenwich, rnns n2Sxn4S.8xe44.5 xs34.8 xwl0.7xs24.3 xwSxs 16.1 to Bethune xwSl.S to beg. S-sty bk tnt; U S Mtg & Trust Co, EXR Mary C Brown, to Carrie lanuzzi, 1749 74th, Bklvn; mtg .$15,- 009 & PM mtg $2,500; AL; Octsi; Nov4'21; A $12,009-24.000 IR S .$9..S01. 24.509 Ch.ambers st. 144 (1:137-34). ss. 75.2 w West Bway, 24.11x73x25x75, 5-sty stn loft & sir bldg Central Union Trust Co of N Y to Central Union Trust Co of N Y, 80 Bway, TRSTE G Mead Tooker; B&S; CaG; Novl; Nov2'2l; A $36,000-.S3.000 tR S .$1). nom Chambers st. 144; Central Union Trust Co, TRSTE G Mead Tooker, to Gertrude Carney. 839 E 19, Bklyn; Novl; Nov2'21 (R S $S3.59). 53,699 Charles st, 55. or Van Nest pi, 1 (2:621-61), nwc 4th, 20x79.4x20x79.3, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Elena E Goodale & ano to Wra E MnihoIIand. 42 7 av: mtg .$10,000 & PM mtg $6,000; AL; Oct26; Nov2'21; A$12,n00-lS,000 (R S $12.50). O C & 190 CUnton st, 30-S2 (2:3S0-.38-39), nec Stantou (Nos 170-4), 50.6x7S, 2-5-stv bk tuts & strs; Bertha Eichler, Bklvn, to Benj Leschtz, 208 Delancey: mtg $74.155668; Ocl2i; Nov2'21; A $43,000-68,500 (R S $16.30), O C & 100 Clinton st, 210: see Henrv, 208. Elizabeth st. 84-6 (1:2.39-8-9), es, 180.5 s Grand, runs e89.11xsl2.10xs36.7xw78.11 to st, xn49.S lo beg. 2-6-sty bk tnts & strs; Barnet Michalover, Bklyn, et al. to Antonio, wife of, & Mariangela Cacciola, 52 Oak; mtg $47,000; two PM ratgs, each .$9,.S90: AL; OctSl; Nov2 '21; A.1!S2.0O0-70,000 (R S .$29). O C & 100 Ellwood st, 198; see Bwav, 4640-48. Forsyth st. 39 Ss SOy. (1:302-27), ws, 92.8 n Canal, 32.9x100, S-sty bk stable; 39 & 39V. For¬ syth St Co to Hillie Rosenbloom, 136 South Olh, Bklyn: ratg .$2.8.000; Novl; Nov2'21; A$23,- 000-38.000 (R S $1S.:30). O C & 100 Frankfort st, 25 (1:103-12), 83, 67.1 e Will¬ iam, runs swi;8.11xe20.11xneC8.10 to st xw21.10 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Johusou to M'm Johnson & Louise, his wife, tenants by entirety, 22 Rose; B&S; Nov2'21; A$20,000-2S,- 500 (R S SOc). nom Grand st, 50-2 (2:470-81). nwc West Broad¬ way (Nos 3.38-42), 28x60; with all title to strip 0.4x69 on w, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Howard A Rayraond to Carneval Re:iltv Corpn, 99 Mur¬ ray ; mtg .$'20,000; Novl; Nov3'21; A$1S,000-2S,- 500 (R S $5.:-|0). O C & 100 Grand st. 50 Si 52 (2:476-81). nwc W Bwav (Nos 3:»-42). 28x09, S-stv lik tnt & strs; Fredk I. Mandel, Chicago, III. & ano, TRSTES under trust deed, to How-ard A Raymond, 758 West End av: Ocl22; Nov2'21; A$15,000-23,500 (R S $22). 22,000 Henry st, 298 (1:269-83), sec Clinton (No 219). 199x23.9. 6 sty bk tut & sirs; Frieda Surut to Sam! Glaser, S.SS E 4; mlg $46..S09; PM mtg .$3.S90; Nov2; Nov3'21; A$26,000-.SO,. 000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Henry st, 261 (1:287-0), ns, abt 120 o Mont¬ gomery, 24x91.2x24x92.9, 6-stv hk tnt & strs; Alfred Jaretzki & ano, EXRS & TRSTES Morris Green, to Pauline Goldflsher, 99 Sher¬ iff: ralg .$31,900; OctSl; Nov2'21; A$13,00O-.3O,- 000 (R S .$1). 1,000 Henry st. 261: Pauline Goldflsher to Sophie Berlin, .S:!3 E 16; ratg .$29,090; Novl; Nov2':;l (E S .$4). O C & 100 Henry st. 304 (1:267-68), ss, 215.3 e Scam¬ mel, 2:5.11x93, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawyers .Mtg Co to Frank Dar Conte. 192 Monroe st; B&S; NovS; Nov4'21; A$9,000-14,090 (E S $17). O C & 100 Hester st. 83 (1:308-28). ns. 23.6 w Orchard, 21.1x63.1x21.1x93.3. S-sty bk tnt & strs; A$18,- .-|99-2.5.000; also HESTER ST, 85 (l:.308-29), ns. 199.9 e Allen, 21.2x63.1x21.'2x02.19, S-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$18,SOO-20,000; Albert Jar- mnlowsky. Corona, N Y, to Canal Securities Corpn, 110 W 40; correction deed; B&S; CaG; AL; Oct29; Nov5'21. nom Hester st, 85; see Hester, 83. Hester st. 194 (1:301-17), ss, 75.2 e Forsyth, 23x190.8, 3-sty bk tut & strs; HiJuriella Garcy to Louis Horowitz, .S6 Eldridge; ratg $23,300; Novl; Nov2'21; A$.30,000-44,900 (R S $14). nora Hester st. 165 (1:238-35), ns, abt 45 w Eliz 23.6x100, 4-sty bk tnt, sirs & 4-sly bk rear till; Julia P Lopez-Diaz et al, BXRS .Julian A Lopez-Di:iz, lo Nicola Figliolo, 101 Hester; I'M ratg .$19,900; Oct24; Nov2'21; A$14,000--20.- 009 (R S .$17). 17.000 Houston St. 196 E: see 1st, 91 E. Isham st, cs, at sws 211th: See 211th W, sws, at es Islniiu. Islian\ st, sec Vermilyea av; see Vermilyea av, sec Isham. Lewis St. S8-90 (2:.329-43), es, 100 s Stanton, 43x100, O-sty bk tnt & strs; Nathan Levy, Lakewood, N J, lo Estelle Goldsmith, 251 W 98; mtg .$40,009; OctlS; Nov3'21; A$16,000-48,- 000 (R S $10). O C & 190 Market st. :t2 (1:275-23), es, 89 s Henry, 22.2 x.80.7x22.1x86.7, 2-sty bk tnt; Wm Hawes, New Bedford, Mass, et al, to .Mollie Goldstein, 530 E 88; NovS; Nov5'21; A$ll,000-12,509 (R S $8). nora Monroe st, 254 (1:261-47), ss, 250 w Jackson, 25xVl. Iilk. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Estate Hold¬ ing Corpn to Morris & Lonis Kaufman, 234 Monroe; mlg $22,009; PM mtg $6,000; Oct29; Nov3'21 : A$12.00O-28,300 (R S $11). 1,090 Moyhin pi. 59-71; see Bwav, 3160-4. Murray st. 16.3-5 (1:131-24), ns, abt 115 e West, 49x92.9, 3-sty bk loft bldg; Herbert M Gesner, Easton, Pa, et al lo Herraan Kornah- reiis, Inc, 111 Murray; B&S; CaG; NovS; Nov 7'21; A$;i,8.00()-43,09O (R S $38i. nom Orcliard st, 185 (2:417-62), WS, 17S.7 u Stan¬ ton. 23.2x87.6. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Gruen Holding Co to Jacob Seiden, Spring Valley, N Y; ralg .$23,500; Nov2; Nov7'21; A$15,900- 2K.00O (R S $8). O C & 100 Park Terrace W (8:2243-389), ws, 191.S s 2I.S(h. .39x100, vacant; Palk Corcoran to Coran Holding Co, Arrowhead Inn, West 177th & Haven av; Octl; NovS'21; A$6,000-6,090 (R S $3). O C & 109 Park Terrace W (8:2243-301), ws, 23 u 215lh, 30x100, vacant; Johu S Routh lo Elbe Hold-, ing Co, .-Arrowhead Inn. 177th st & Haven av ; Ocll; Nov3'21; A$6,000-6,900 (R S $3). O C & 100 Prince st, 27 (2:.508-51), ns, 558 e Mott, runs n86.1xc27.7xs89.6 to st xw28 to beg, 5-sly bk tnt & sirs; Battery Park Realty Corpn to Michele Volini. 29 Prince: mtg $12,000; Novl; Nov2'21 : A$16.0ll9-20.0()0 (R S $15). O C & 100 Sf Nicholas pl, 89-86 (7:2034-73), es, 225 u 13:;il. 190x190. 5 sly bk tnt; Robl S Clark, Mid- dlclield, NY, to Fay Really Co, 291 Bway; QC; (-orreclioii A: conflrraation deed; Oct26; Nov4 '21 : A$I4,009-44,tM)0. nora St Nicholas pl, 87 (7 :'2069-14), ws, 133.10 s 1.33lh. 51.6x112x46.3x112.1, 0-sly bk tnt; Beiiehr Realty Corpn et al lo 'Theresa Reinhardt, SIS Central I'ark West; mlg .$70..'i73; Nov2: Nov 3'2I ; A$29.009-199,990 (R S .$24.ri9). O C & 100 St Nichnliis pl. 87 (7:2099); Theresa Rein- liardl to .Max Wi'isler, 891 Surf av, Conev Is¬ laiul. N V. & Sidnev IT Nadler, 662 E 21, r.klyn: mlg .$79.:',73; PM mtg $13,099; Nov2; Nov3-21 (1! S .$32.50). O C & 100 Stanton st. 170-1: see Clinton, .30-.",2. Thompson sl. :«> St 32 (2:476-.S6-i-i7), es, 10:3.2 , II Griind. .37.4x94. 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs; Da¬ vidson Eslatn Corpn to .Tos Rovegno, 46 Man¬ or rd. liii-limond, S I; mtg $12,1199; PM ralg S;7,S0O: Nov2; Nov7'21; A$29,000-38,000 (E S .'(;29i. nom Van Nest pl. 1; see Charles, .5,3. Wadsworth ter (8 :2179-pt It 3.36), begins 198 u 190th & 98 w Wadsworth av, runs w84xnl02 xse84xsw98 to beg, vacant: Crimson Eealty Co to Arcutel Reallv Corpn, 320 Bway; Nov7'21; A$------$------ (R S $32.59). O C & 100 1ST st, 91 E (2:428-14 & 37). ss, 375.2 w Av A, runs s83.6 lo Houston (No 190). xwl8xn54.7 xw0.7xn31.2 to st xelS.O to beg. 1-4 & 1-S-sty bk tnts & strs; Nathan Rattner to Barney Ershowsky, 95 1st; mtg $------; AL; Aug22; Nov2'21; A$ll,000-21,500 (R S $3.50). 7.000 2D St. 112 E (2:430-30), ns, 193.3 e 1 av, 24.11 xl21.11, 6-stv hk tnt & strs; Solomon Siegel to 112 2d St Corpu, 115 Bway; ratg $22,000; Nov2'21; A$16.9flO-.S7.009 (R S $18). O C & 190 4TH st, 59 E (2:400-S7), ns, 117.5 e Bowery. 23x96.2. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg, 1-sty bk rear bldg; Wra T Andrews to Sarah L Stev¬ ens, 7 Park st, Norwalk, Conn; AT&I; QC; .\prll; Nov2'21; A$15,O09-21,0OO (E S SOc). nom 4TH st, 59 E; Thos I Andrews et al, heirs Jos Andrews, to sarae; AT&I; QC; SeptO; Nov 2'21 (E S .30c). nom 4TH St. 59 E; Jane Griffin or Ira J Griffin to sarae; AT&I; QC; April; Nov2'21 (E S SOc). nom 4TH St. 59 E (2:460), ns, 117.5 e Bowery, 2Sx 99.2; Eunice D Keeler, Pittsfield, Mass, to same; QC; May6; Nov2'21 (R S SOc). nora 4TH st, .59 E; Sarah L Stevens, Norwalk, Conn, et al, to Jos & Herman Bauman, 79 E 4: May24: Nov2'21 (R S $22). O C & 100 4TH st W. nwc Charles: see Charles, 55. 6TH St. 807 E (2 :.'',6S-27), ns, 123 e Av D, 24.11x99.19. 4-stv bk stable; Jacob H Cohen & ano, TESTES in liquidation of The Forest Box & Lumber Co, lo Forest Box & Lumber Co, 420 Oakland, Bklyn; QC; Ocl26; Nov4'21; A.$9.500-16,000. nom OTH st, 897 E; Jacob H Cohen et al, in¬ divid, to sarae; QC; Oct'26: Nov4'21. nora 6TH st, 867 E; Herraan Stark, Bklyn, to same; QC; Oct26; Nov4'21. nora 6T1I st, 897 E; Forest Box & Luraber Co to TTvraan Sfafskv, 103 Av B; mtg .$10,000; Oct27: Nov4'21 (R S $6). O C & 100 6TH av. 807 E; sarae to sarae; QC; Oct27; Nov4'21. ' nom 7TII St. 245 E (2:377-63), ns. 495.4 w Av D, 24.3x97.6. 3-sty bk dwg; Hy W Berg to Lazar Herskowitz, 741 Kellv: PM mtg $11,250; Nov 3'21 : A.$12,S90-1S,.300 (R S .$21..S0). nom 7TH St. 245 E; Lazar Herskowitz to Benj B Hershkowitz. 741 Kelly; ratg $11,250; Nov S'21. nom 8TH St. 363 E (2:378.39). ns. 1.38 e Av C, 25 x.'^7.10, 4-slv bk till & sirs; Harrv Blum to Usher Tugendhaft. 48 Pitt: ratg $12,000; Nov 1; Nov4'21; A$10,000-15,000 (R S .$4). O C & 100 IITH st, 531 E (2:405-47), ns, 270.6 w Av B, 23xia3.3, 5-sly bk tnt & sirs; Gottlob F Jais- sle to Aron Kerschen, 531 E 11, & Sani Tver- s(-heri. .336 E 8; Nova; Nov7'21; A$10.000-18,- 009 (R S .$25). O C & 100 HTH St. 136 W (2:606-43), sws, 412.6 nw 6 av. 22.6x129.7. 3 & 4-stv & Ii bk dwg; Walter Stabler et al, EXRS, &c, Alice J Merriara, to Marion J Farcinhar, 18 E 9; mtg $17,909: Oct 31: Nov4'21: A$16,.390-2S,009. 33,000 14TII St. 525-28 E (2:407-20-21), ss, 371 e Av A, 30x193.3, 2-5-sty lik tnts & sirs; J.acob ITamburger to Bessie Hiimbnrger, his wife, S96 West End av; mtg .$25,009; Novl; Nov4 '21: A$18.900-28,900. O C & 100 ISTH St. 157-9 W (3:794-9), ns, 170 e 7 av, 40 x,89.0, 6-stv bk garage; Linda S Rau to Anna E King, -241 W 11; mtg $------; Nov2; Nov3'21; A.«.34.300-83,000. nom 19TH st, HO W (3:791-62), ss, 505 w 6 av, rnns s73xi-2.Sxs27xw.32xii29.11xil7.9xn9.6xn53 to s( XC27.19 To beg, 4-sly bk tnt & str & 4-sty Ilk re;ir tnt: B & G Yarn Co to Stephen H Jaikson. 131 W 121; ratg $19,300; Septl4 ; Nov 2'21; A$27.ik)0-:M.OOO (R S $3.50). O C & 100 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.