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UANHATTAN AND UKONX RECOKPS SECTION SUCTION 'rwa FOUNDED IflSa- AND BUILDERS DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BliiLDI|4G HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUOION IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY ThU aecilon Includes all recorded Conveyances, Mlscallaneoua Conveyances, MortKages, Assignments of Mortgages and SatlaSo. Uorlgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure SuK. Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Machanlca' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affactl^ Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts. Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the BoroaKb of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2802) NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 26, 1921 No. 22 CONVEYANCES. ______I Manhattan. NOV. 16, 17, IS, 19 & 21. Allen st, 94 (2:414-33), es, 73 n Broorae, 24,0 x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Norraan Lederer et al fo Nathan Jlevorah, 98 Orchard, & Isaac D Cohen, 96 Alien. 8-15 pt; Oct28; Novl9'21; A$12,000-:il,lli:0 IR S $13). nom .4llen st, 94 (2:414-331, es, 73 ll Broorae, 24.9x 87.6. 5sty bk tnt & sirs; Lillie Blnhra, de¬ visee Jacob Lederer, to Nathan Jlevorah, SI8 Orchard. & Isaac D Cohen, 96 Alien; 2-13 pt; B&!<^ CaG; Oct28; Novl7-21; A$12,000-21,000 (R 5 $2). nora AUen st, »4: .Mahlon Lederer & ano, EXRS 6 TRSTES Hannah Lederer, to sarae; % pt: Ocl2S; Novl7'21 (R S $8). 7,666.66 Attorney st. Iftt; see Ridge, 1.33-61. • Bedford st, 31-35 (2:528-77-79), sws, at nws Downing (35-9). 90x92.7, 2-0-stv bk tnts & sirs ; Giuseppe Di Santi, Atena, Salerno, Italy, to Jlicbele B Di Santi, 8221 Ifl av, Bklyn; i/o pt; ratg .f------; April; Novl8'21; A$40,dOO- 130,000 (R S .$20). O C & 100 Bleecker st. 184 (2:526-.37), ss. 21.10 e Jlac- dougal, 21.10x73.5, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs; Hearth & Horae, Inc, to Vito Di Lucia, 76 8 av ; ralg $10,890; NovlS; Novl0'21; A$ll,300-14,500 (R S $14.50). O C & 100 Charles st, 163 (2:637-42), ns, 136 e West st, 22x102.1x22x101.11. 3-sty bk tut: Rufus King, Y'onkers, NY, individ & EXR Rufus S & Wra H King. & ano to Jlarv L King, 222 North Bway, Yonkers, NY: Novlo: Novl6'21; A$9.- 50O-ll,.3l)O (R S $101. 10,000 Charlton st, 120 (2:596-71), SS. .57 w Green¬ wich, 18.11 x31.10xl9x.31.1fl. S-stv bk tnt: Han¬ nah K JlcCarthy to Aron Zam. 427 Hudson; Novl3: Novl7'21; A$5,.300-7,000 (R S $S..30). o c & 100 Church St. 278-82; see White, 27-33. Cliff st, 40; see Fullon. 49-53. Clinton st, 68 (2:349-38), es. 57 n Rivington, 21.10x73. 3-sty bk tut & sirs; Sarah Dickie, Sea Cliff. Ll. lo Louis Y'armns, 169 Rivington; mtg $11.1100; AL; NovlS; Novl6'21; A$17,000- 23.IHM) (R S .flO). nora Clinton st, 68; Walter T L Dickie, Sea Cliff, LI. EXR Simeon Hararaond. to sarae; ratg $11,- 000: NovlS; Novl0'21 (R S $13). 12,000 Cortlandt st, 51 (1:60-13). sec Greenwich (No 169), 24.11 x33.5x24x.3S.4, 3 & 4-slv bk tnt & stra: Saml Brill et al to Wra Volk, 40 Col¬ urabia ter, Weehawken, NJ; ratg $67,000; Nov 14; Novl6'21; A.$97,000-103.000 (R S .$.38). O C & 100 Crosby St. 137: see Houston, 21-23 E. Division st, 121-12iyo (1:2.83-88). ss. abt 160 e Pike. 23x61.6. 3-sty bk loft & str bldg, 2-sty ext; JIabel Kosven, Bklvn, bv Sninl A Adara- son. 1417 .33d. Bklyn. to Nathan Cohen, 4 Or¬ chard: AT: ralg $12,000; NovlS: Novl7'21: A $22.000-24..300 (R S $2..30). noUl Division st, 121-1211/.; Dora Giller, Bklvn, et al to same; mtg $12,000; Nov4; Novl7'2l'(R S $9..30). nora DoM-ning st, 35-9; see Bedford st, 31-33. East Broadway, 42 (1:281-10), ns, 329.9 e Catharine. 23x69.7x24.8x69.8. 4-8tv bk loft & str bldg; Wra JI Smith, TRSTB under deed of trust, to Feldor Realtv Co, 1170 Bway ; Novl - Novl8'21; A$2S.OIIO-31.00fl (R S $35). 36,000 Fletcher st, 1; aee JIaiden la, 115-17. Franklin st, 210-12; see Weat, 220. Fulton st, 49-53 (1:95-40), nea at sea Cliff (No 401. 66.9x43.2x67.8x44.3, S-4-atv hk lofl & str bldgs : R K Carter & Co to JIatilda B Van Wyck, 142 E 18; QC; Novl4 : Novl6'21; A.$6.3.- 000-70.060 (R S $1). O C & 100 Grand st. 42-1 (2:476-85-86), ns, 56.0 e Thomp son, .'!7.10x66, S-aty bk tnl & atrs: Norman P Geis, TRSTE under trust agmnt, to N A Am¬ odeo & Broa, Inc, 41 Grand: mtg $10,000; Nov 18; Novl9'21; A$16,000-24,000 (R S $13.50). O C & 100 tireenwich st, 169; see Cortlandt, 51. Grove ct, 3 (2:.3S3-pt It 68), 166.2 e Hud¬ son & III! s Grove st, runs el6.3xn24.2xwl6.3xs 24.2 to beg. 3-sly bk dwg; A$—$—; also 1-6 pt GROVE ST (2:385-19), ss, 154.10 e Hudson, runs s69.2xw23.Sxs5.1xwS1.6 xsl2.2 xe'.)7.6xuOS.4 to st X—8.11 to beg; A$------$------; Caroline JI I'roudtit to JIargt T Bradford, % Id, 3 Grove ct; Edith Blliot, Vt pt, 3 Grove Ct, & Isabel Davidson, 1/2 pt, 144 W 74; ratg .$2,500; PM Ullg $3,000; NovlS; N'ovl7'21 (R S $6.30). O C & 100 Grove st, ss, 154.10 e Hudson; see Grove ct. 2 Harrison st. 18 (1:181-3), ns, 118.11 e Green¬ wich, 1.8.9x87.10x18.11x87.6, S-sty bk loft bldg; Frances, wife Joseph Honig, 1136 Lincoln pi, Bklyn, to llrra ot Honig & Klein, IS Harrisou ; Novl7; Novl9'21; A$16,500-30,l)00 (R S $1). nom Harrison st, 18; Chas Honig & ano, iudivid & :)s EXRS Jlorris Klein, to same; NovlO; Nov 19'21 (R S ?2). nom Hester st, 57 (1:310-37), ns, 63.6 e Ludlow, 24x7.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Adolph & Jlollie Preedniau to Adfreed Realty Co, .37 Hester: ratg $23,800: PJI mtg .$2,623; AL ; Novlli^ Nov 19-21; A$21,000-29,000 (R S .$9). 106 Hester st. 57; Adfreed Realtv Co to Louis .Silber. 164 Ross. Bklyn; mlg $23,800: PM mtg .152.623: -\L; NovlO: Novin-21. 100 Houston St. 21-23 E (2:.310-40), sec Crosby (No 1371. 38x115.1x52.8x103; also HOUSTON ST. 23 B (2:510), ss, 38 e Crosbv. 26xll6.Sx23x 111.8. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg: Theresa Siden¬ berg ct al. EXRS Gustavus Sidenberg. lo -Mu- tinil Lamp JIfg Co. 21 B Houston, 1-3 part; Nov14: .\ovl9'2] : -\$70,fl00-173,(100 (R S $78). 77,G6«.«6 Houston St. 21-23 E; also HOUSTON ST, 25 E; Henry Sidenberg et al to same, 2-3 part: Novll: NovlO'21 (R S $155.50). O C & 100 Houston st, 25 E; see Houston st, 21-23 E. .lay st, 44 (1 :142-31), ss, abt :35 w Washing¬ ton. 26.8x138.4. 3-sty bk loft bldg: Susanna C Gallc. individ & BXTRX Saral Galle, to Johu P Ilolzinger, 310 Convent av; Chas H Galle. 443 W 1.33. & Edw C Galle. Tuckahoe, N Y; NovlO; .\'ovl6'21 ; .4.$21,000-27.000 (R S .$33). 33.1100 Kenmare st, 39 (2:479-pt It 25y«), us, 70.3 w Elizabeth. 23.111x23.1x23.8x26.8. 1-sty bk bldg: Salviilorc C Fanelli et al to Lonise Fauelli. his wife. 4701 11 av, Bklyn: Sept22; Novl6'21: A $3.0(10-3..30(1 (R S 30c). nora Kenmare st, 42-.52 (2:479-3), sec Jlott (Nos l.si-.soi. rnns e94.2xsS4.6xwli7.5 xsO.8 xw26.2 lo Jlolt xn47.6 to beg. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; S & II Re:ilties, Inc, to Helen Kaininerer, .337 1 av: uitg .$40.(1(10: Novll; Novl7'21 ; Aif43,OO0-8S,000 IB S .$43). O C & 100 Lawrence st. 124-8; see Old Bway, 20. Lewis St. 93 (2:329-20), ws, 74.1 s Stanton, 24.1x100, 3-sty bk tnt & sirs; Isidor I Koniilo & ano lo Harry Lieberman. 91 Lewis; ratg .$23..3(l(l: NovlS; Novl6-21 ; -4.$7,.30fl-2L.3flO (R S $6.30). O C & lot) .-Vladison st. 170 (1:272-40), ss, abt 135 e Pike. 2Sx1(». 4-sty bk tnt: Jlinna C JIcLaugh¬ lin. individ & COJIJIITTEE John Carroll, et :il lo Nathan Burzinsky, 50 JIarket, & Abr Gordon, 134 Eldridge: mlg $1,300; PJI ratg $10.0(10: Oct20; Novl7'21; A$12,.300-1S,000 (R S $1S..3(I1. nom Madison sl, 177 (1 :27S-10). ns, abt 240 e Pike, 23x10(1. S sty Ilk tnt & strs: Jlinna C JIcLaugh¬ lin. individ & COMMITTEE John Carroll, et ;il. lo .Nathan Burzinsky, :3I) JIarket, & Ahr Gordon, 134 Eldridge: PiM ratg .$7,.30O; Oct20; Novl7'21 ; A$14,000-16,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 Madiaon st, 182-84 (1:272-33-34), ss, 225.11 w Rutgers. 33.9x100, 2-5-sly stn tnts & strs ; Es¬ ther Joseph to Benj Greenthal, 40 W 127; B &S: CaG; JunelS: Novl6'21; A.$30,000-4S,000 (R 8 .$9). O C & 100 Jladison st, 182-84 (1:272); Benj Greenthal lo II & E Holding Co, 51 Chambers ; mtg $2:1,- 000; Novl4; Novl6'21 (R S $28.50). O C & 100 JIudison St. 196 (l:272-'27), ss, abt 100 w Rutgers, 23x1011, 3-sly bk tut & sirs & S-sly Ilk roar tnt; Albert S Wright lo Jloroch H Iiinslelheiin, 178 Forsyth; B&S; CaG; mlg $12,150; Novl6'21 ; A$14.000-21,000 (R S $3). O C & 100 JIudison st, S3S-5 (1:267-19), nec Scararael, 96 x:'.5.Sx93.7x41. 6-stv bk tnt & strs: Benj Co¬ hen, 6.30 W 172, to Salvin Realty Corpn, 1646 Bwav; ratg $55,700; Oct20; Novl0'21; A$27,000- 63.000. noin JIaiden la, 115-17 (1:70-11-12), nes, 23.5 se I'earl. runs sc3.3.3.xe86.2 lo Fletcher (No 1), xiiw;'.l.ixwl3.4xnw6.8xw73.4 to beg, 2-5-sly sin loft & str bldgs: Johu Larkin, Croton-on-Hud- son. N Y. to -\Ifi-ed H Cumbers, 108 Ft (Treene pl, Bklyn: AT: ralg $100,600; AL; Nov7; Nov ]8'21 : -\$6(i.ii(i(i-72.()(i(). nora .llarkct st, 83 (1:2.30-63), ws, abl 25 s Cherry, 20x51. 3-stv Ilk tnt & sirs: NeUie O Williams of C;iuiplieU ILiII, N Y. to Frank D Arconte. 192 -Monroe; Novl4 ; Novl9'21; A$4,llflO-7,fl
Iott st, IH4-(i: sc'e Kenniare. 42-.32. .Muylun pl, 28-32. or 136TH st, .3;i»-:S2 W (7: 10,S((-43-4(;). ss. 291.S w Ainst iiv. .SS.OxOO.U, 2- li-stv bk tnts & sirs: 1.38 W 119th St Corpn lo Kath A (ialvean. 4.32 W 143: ratg .$76.(mO: Oct 1; N0VI8-2I: A$24,000-7O,0l)O (R S .$11). O C & 100 Orchard St. 184 (2:412-7), es, ahl 1.35 11 Stan¬ ton, 23x87.2x23x86.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Ja¬ cob Chairaowitz to Jlollie Beckenstein, 1.390 St Marks av. Bklvn: ratg .$20.0110: PJI ralg $10,- 11(1(1; NovlO; Nov21-21; A$15,SOO-32,000 IR S $19). O C & 100 Pearl st. 87-89 (1:20-27), ws. 143 s Hanover sq, runs sw-43.2xiiw7S to Slone (Nos 34-.36), xne3([.-xse22.(ixiie4.4xse.31.8 to Pearl, 7-sty bk oft-icc bldg: Chubb & Son Indeiunilv Co to Percy Chnhb. Glen Cove. L I; Nov17; Novl8 '21; A.$73.()(in-l(ill.0ll0 (R S $200). 200.000 Renwick sl.. 38-32; see Hudson, 273-75. Ridge st, 155-61 (2 :S43-'2()-22), nws. 200 ne Stanton, lOltxKlfl, 2-3-stv bk tnts & strs; A $64,0(K1-116,00II; also ATTORNEY ST. 164 (2;- .'(43-7). es, 223 n Stanton. 24.!)x10O. 5-slv bk tnt & strs; A$12.0(l()-18.()(l(l: Chas N Cohen, Bklvn. to Morris Rosen, 217 Jladison at : V, pl ; nilg $116,0(10; June21 ; Novl6'21 (R S SOc). noiu St Nicholas pl. 83 Sl 85 (7 :'2n60-11), ws, 224.4 11 I.Sliil. .30x112, O-sty Ilk tnt; Theresa Rein- Inirdt to Rosalie Giltcns, 123 W 1.36: mtg .$72,- 2.30: Novl8'21; A$2»,0l10-ll)0,00n (R S .$33). O C & 100 Scnmmel st. nec Madison; see Madiaon, 333- 5. Stone st, 51-6; aee Pearl. 87-9. Thompson Rt. 89 (2:.303-35), ws, 100 n Spring, 25x100, 5-sly bk stable; Erailie JI Bullowa ct al to Giusepne D'Abrarao. 92 Thorapson: Nov 16: Novl8'21; A$16,0110-36,000 (R S $46.50). O C & 100 Viindilm st, 19 (2 :.3(10-49). ns. 237.2 w Jlac- dong:iI. 28.9x11)0. S-sly fr bk fl dwg: Wra S Coffin to Jlarv Ragone. 193 Spring; Novl7: Nov21'21 : A.flS.iillO-lL.SOO (R S $16). O C & 100 Washington sq S, 51 or 4TH sl, 93 W (2 ;.511- 18), ss, '273 se JIacdougal. 25x100, S-aty bk ho¬ tel: Geo Inness, Jr, Cragsraoor, N Y, to 51 Washington Square South. Inc, 31 Wash sq S; B&S: Novl; Novl8'21; A$23,000-46,000 (R S $48) nom West st, 220 (1:185-8), es, 65.9 n Franklin, 21.11x.S0x21.10x80, S-sly bk loft bldg: A$I9,- (I00-'27,0(10; also FRANKLIN ST, 210-12 (1 ;- 183-3), ns, SO e West st, 43x87.7x42x87.7, 2-5- The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rigrhts are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.