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tIANHATTAN AND BBONX RECORDS SECTION 8KC i 1 u .\ ,to FOUNDED- lees: AND ^^ BUILDERS dUIDE DEVPTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUaiON IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY rhli (ectlOD Includes all recorded ConTajrano*!, Mlacellanaous Conveyaocea. Mortg&gea, Aaslgnments of Mortgagrea aud Satlaar^.' Mortsagres and Mortgage Bxtenalona, Leaaea, Auction Salea, Voluntary Auction Salea, Advertiaed Legal Sales, Foreclosure SuIC Jadirraenta In Foreclosure Suits, Lia Pendena, Machanica' Liana, aatlaOed Mechanica' Llena, Attachmenta, Chattel MortKagea Affactli^ Raal Eatate, Building Loan Contracts, Wllla and Real Eatate Appralsala In the Borougb of Manliattan. Vol. CVIII. (2806) NEW YORK, DECEMBER 24, 1921 No. 26 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan, DEC. 14, 15, 10. 17, 19 & 20. Academy st, sec Nagle av; see Nagle av, sec Academy. Academy st, nec 10 av; see Nagle av, sec Acaderay. Bunk St. 59 (2:624-57), ns. 77 w 4th, runs n 45.Sxn59.3xw24.0xslOC.4 to st xe25 to beg, 6-stv bk loft & str bldg; Peter J Shields, Bklyn, to John S Hoyt, 000 Park av, & Alfred O Hovt, 2 E 7,3, EXRS & TRSTES Henrv R Hoyt, 3-1 pt; Mar22 ; Decl5'21; A.'i;i2,000-35,000. nora Canal st. 269 (1:209-32), us, 202 e Bwav, 2Sx 112.9x25.7x107.5. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Koster Realty Co to Fredk J Kloes, .39 High- alnd av, Jersev Citv, NJ, & Carl Joseph, 012 Bway, Bayonne. NJ: ratg $2.5,000 & PJI ratg $21,000; AL; Dec20'21; A$33.000-51,000 (R S $30. 100 Cannon st, 107-9; see Stantou, 282-4. Cannon st, 119-21 (2:335-73), ws, 158 n Stan¬ lon, 41.7x100, C-sty bk tnt & strs; Reubin Rothman, et al, to Juda B Hader, 444 Grand: mlg $40,000: PJI mlg .i::3,.500; Decl2; Decl4'21; A$20,000-51,000 (R S $14). O C & 100 Cathedra! Pkway (7:1881-S9y.), ss, 100 e Bway, 23x11.5x26.5x10.11, 1-slv fr bldg; Geo Ehret to Christos A Dovas, 334 AV 42; PJI mtg .$7,000; DeclS; Decl9'21; A$S,000-5,000 (R 5 «12l. O C & 1,000 Cathedral Pkway (7:1881); Christos A Do¬ vas to Broadway A'arieties Co, .840 10 av; mtg $7,000: DeclS; Decl9'21 (R S $5). O C & 100 Chambers st. 195 (1:139-221, ns, abl 113 w Washington, 20.3x41.8x19x34.2, es, 3-stv bk tnt 6 strs; Herbert C PeU. Jr. et al, TRSTES under deed of trust, to Isaac & Leonora R Loewenlhal. 220 AA' 118, tenants bv the en¬ tirety: Decl3; Decl7'21; A$13,S00-15,.500 (R S $161. 16.000 Clinlon st. 84 (2:348-43), es, 130 s Rivington. 23x100, S-sty bk tnt & sirs: Robt J JIacher, Bklyn, et al, to Ida Schneider, 80 Clinton, & Anna Troeger, 93 Clinton: mtg $19,3011; PJI ratg $10,300; AL ; Nov29 ; Decl7'21; re-record¬ ed from Dec2'21; A$26,00O-31,00O (R S $21.30). nom Columbia st, 8ft (2:3.34-42), es, 70 n Riving¬ ton, 30x2.3, S-sly bk lolt & sir bldg; Abe Adel¬ son, Bklyn, to Jloses & Benj Barth, 80 Co¬ lumliia: Ullg $3,.300; DecU; DeclC'21; A.|5,000- 8,000 (R S .$7). nora Columbia st. 111 (2:333-28), ws, 125 n Slan¬ lon, 23x1IKI, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos L B May¬ er to Dora Kessler, 044 AA'ales av, Bronx ; AL ; DecKi; Dec2fl'21; A$12,000-20,000. O C & 100 Oopeyster st, 25; see Front, 139. Division st, l)T-117y2, on map 117 (1:283-90), ss, abl 1,80 e Pike, 25xCl, 2-stv bk lofl & str blilg; Dora Giller, Bklyu. to Jlinnie Kosven, .3110 14 av, Bklyn; ratg $12,000; JIarl3'20; Dec 20'21; A$21,(mO-22,O0O tR S $1). nora Division st, llT-n^i, on map 117; Edw S Kosven, Bklyn, heir .Alorris Kosven, to Dora Glttler. 3110 14 av, Bklyn: Jlinnie Kosven, 5110 14 av, Bklyn. & .Anna K Adamson, 1417 53d, Bklyn; mtg $12,000; DeclS; Dec20'21 (R S ?*'i. nora Dyckman st. 118 (8:2174-pt It 62), ws. 180 n •Nagle av. ICxlOO, 2-stv bk tut & sirs, all; also DA'CKJIAN ST (8:2174), ws. 11)0 n Nagle liv, 4x100. v:icaut, 1-C part; Jloris Bienenstock, Bklyn. lo Nathan Glazcr. 2.320 Grand av, Bx; nit;/ .$9..300; AL ; Decl; Decl6'21; A$-------$------ (R S $13..30). nom n.vckman st, ws, 196 n Nagle av; see Dyck¬ raan, 118. East ISroadway, 27 (1:2SO-47), ss, 11S.4 e Cath, 23.2x87.6, 7-sty bk loft & str bUIg; Jler¬ chants National Bank of New Haven, Conn, to Coninicriial Oiitlitting Co, 27 East Bway; B&S CaG; mlg .$33,000; DeclS; DeclC'21; A'$20,0IH)- 62,0IH1 (R S .$:;0). IOO Forsyth st, 26 (1:292-11), es, abt 1.30 s Canal, 23x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & C-sty bk rear till; Felix Zadek et al to Sauil Feldstein, 2 lilldridge; ralg $23,000; PJI ratg $2,0(10; Decl4; DeclO-21; A$12,0(l0-17,n00 (R S $7). O C & IOO Ft Charles pl, 26-30 (8:2215-194), ss, -279 sw JLirble Hill av, S0.Sx70xSOxC4.ll, vacant; Bdw F TLiuimel, JIt Vernon, N Y, et al, to Alexand¬ er Bldg Corpn, 280 Jladison av; ratg $5,000; .AL; Sept27; Decl4'21; re-recorded frora Sept 28-21; A.$3.300-3..3OO (R S $21. nom Frankfort st. 27-9. on map 37-27M: (1:103-13) sws, 88.0 se William. 29.7x103.0x23.7x103.6, 2-8ly bk str; John F Kaiser Co lo Johu F Kaiser, 423 West End av: ratg $30,000; Jau20-20; Dec 20-21 ; A$ll2,0IH>-70,t'00 (R S $251. O C & lUn l-ranUfort st, 27-9, on map 27-27y2; John F Kaiser to John F Kaiser Co, 29 Frankfort; ratg .$.30,000; DeclC; Dec20'21 (R S $25). O C & 100 Front st, 13!) (1:37-29), nec Depevster (No 23), 18x1)7x10.8x08,3. 5-sty bk lofl & sir bldg; .Alorris I Horwitz lo Guaranty Trust Co, 140 Bway; ralg .$07,600; DeclO; Dec20'21; A$28,000- 35,000 (R S $1). nora Fulton St. 89 (1:93-4). ns, 84.1 w Gold, 23.0 xCOx24.10x60. 7-sly bk loft & str bldg: AVest I!e:ich Ri^alty Corpn lo Jlinnie W, wife Robt II Adaras, Greenwich, Conu; B&S; ratg .$43,- 1)00; Decl2; Decl7'21: A$48,000-75,fK)0. nom Grand st, 554-56 (2:326-241, nwc Lewis st (No 11, 30x85, C-sty bk tnt & strs: Henry B Schwab, Merrick, N Y, to Gustav Schw;ib, SC E 78. y pt; Octl; Decl6'21; A$2,100-0,400 (R 5 $.-)l)l. nora tireenwich at, 94 (1:53-41), nwc Rector (Nos 14-181, 20.11x00.8x13.8x90.6, 2 & 4-sty bk tnt 6 strs; Danl W JlcCrea, Larchraont, NY', to I'atk .AlcCarthy, 925 AVesl End av: ratg $32,- .3110: DeclS; necl9'21; A$3O,0O0-33,O0O
St. 22 E (2:4.38-.38), ns, 1-13.8 w 2 av, 18.2i ('.7.10x18.2x08.3, 3-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jla- lel Rosenbaura, Bklyn, to Migdal Realty Corpn, 2,80 Hendrix st, Bklvn; mtg .$8,000; P.AI mtg .$2,400; Decl; Decl9'21; A$0,500-11.0(10 (It S $0). O C & 100 2I> st, 260-2 E; see Av C. 14-10. 31) st, 257 E (2:386-44), ns, 42 w -Av C, 48x 96.2. O-stv bk tut & strs: Solomon Tenenbaum 111 Sollcii Realtv Corpn, 200 W 111; ralg $30,- 0(!0: DcclS; DeclC'21 : A$29.000-OC.O(10. uora 3D st, 301-3 E (2:373-.34-;33). ns. 303.10 w Av D, 49.1x90, 2-C-stv bk tnts & strs; A.$23,fl00- C2.0I10; aslo -AA^ D. 23 (2:.373-39). ws. 32.6 n 3d, 27.5x100. O-sty bk tnt & strs: Aij;i6..300-37.000; Jos Berger to Joberg Realtv Corpn, 1 B 101; mtg $,30;000; Decl4: Decl5'21 (R S .$27). O C & 100 :{D St. 301-3 E; also AV D. '23: Joberg Re¬ altv Corpu to Jos Berger, 1 E 101; mtg $30,- 000; Decl4: Decl3'21 (R S $13.30). O C & 100 4TH st, 3-28 E (2:373-17), SS, 3C3.3 w Av D, 22.11x96. 3-sty bk tnt: David J Hvraan fo Bes¬ sie H Hyraan, his wife, 32C E 4: inlg $(1,000; AL; Dec]2; Decl4'21: A$ll,.30()-13,.30O (R S .$10). O C & 100 4TH St. :)!)» E (2:330-40), ns. 47 e Lewis. 24x 9(1. 2-stv fr tnt; Townsend Jlorgan. REF, to Melropolilan Savings Bank, plff; FORECLOS, ------; Dcclli; Decl7'21; A$7.(100-7,.500 (R S $3). 5.000 4TH St. 131 W; see AA'ashington sq AA', 39. STH sl. 3.35 E (2:.391-42i. ns, 139.6 w Av C, -24.9x93.11. Osty bk tnt & strs; Solomon Ten¬ enbaum to Solten Realtv Corpn, 200 AV 111; intg $17,800; DeclS; Decl6'21; A$13,O00-34,00O. uom The text of theae pages Is copyrighted. All rlgbtB are raserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead lo prosecution.