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302 $2 12-story Bldg. 6-8 E. 39th St. at Sth Ave. Square Foot Showrooms Offices Full Commission to Brokers Daniel H. Jackson, Owner 135 Broadway Tel. Rector S569 Immediate Possession or May 1st. 3,000 to 15,000 Ft. Douglas LElliman£[o. Real Estate Brokers Fifth and Park Avenue Districts E^cient Property Management Plaza, 9200 15 East 49th St. JAMES BOYD Member Raal EsUte Bou'd. N. Y. Real Estate—Mortgage Loans 135 BROADWAY Phone: Rector 86S8-US( BROOKS & MOMAND Member of Real Estate Board Real Estate Mortgages 115 BROADWAY Phone 2267 n^^t„ CHARLES B. VAN VALEN. INC. Member Real Estate Board of N. Y. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGii LOANS—INSURANCE no WILLIAM STREET Phone: 6000 Beekman SPECIALISTS IN PENN. TERMINAL SECTION REAL ESTATE AGENTS—BROKERS—APPRAISERS H. M. Weill Co. Tel. Loneacre 2290-2817 221 West Mrd St. FREDERICK BROWN Real Estate Operator OFFERINGS SOLICITED FROM BROKERS 565 Sth Ave. Phone Vanderbilt I72S BENJAMIN WINTER BUY AND SELL HIGH-CLASS MANHATTAN PROPERTY BROKERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT PROPOSITIONS—Qultk Decision QIVM. Lansing Building 22S» BROADWAY, AT «2nd STREET Snite 6 Phone; Schuyler 2897 SAMUEL BRENER REAL ESTATE OPERATOR 50 EAST 42nd STREET Vanderbilt J918-19 RECORD AND GUIDE Big Deal in Harlem FlaU Meister Builders, Inc., bought from the Hurtra Realty Corporation 201-203 West 117th at, 144- 148 St. Nicholas av and rJ40-lU46 Seventh av, comprising the 117th st block front between the two avenues, two 7-sty elevator apartment houses with stores, and known as the Hamptons, on a plot fronting 99.9 feet on the street, 118.5 feet on St. Nicholas av and 100,11 teet on Seventh av, with a rear width of IGLSy^ feet. The structures contain a total of 42 apart¬ ments and 10 stores. They were held at ?uOO,- 000. M. Aronson and B. Harris were the brokers. Theatre Buys Leasehold From Mary A. Cassidy the Selwyn Realty Corporation has acquired the fee to the land which it has held under lease at the 42d st entrance to the Selwyn Theatre. The site just acquired is assessed by the city at $230,000. The structure which occupies the site is a con¬ tinuation of the main theatre, a 3-sty building, at 240 to 248 West 43d st, on a plot yO.SxlOO. In a deal closed about 5 years ago the Selwyns secured through purchase and lease the plot on 43d st as well as the holdings at 215 to 231 West 42d St. On the combined site they built the Selwyn, Apollo and Times Square theatres, which were completed last tall. The 42d st side of the plot adjoins the Lyric and Republic theatres. A loan of $500,000 has also been obtained by the Selwyn interests from the New York Title and Mortgage Co. on the Selwyn Theatre. The loan runs tor 5 years and bears interest at the rate of 6 per cent. Estate Sells West Broadway Comer William A. White & Sons sold for the estate of Margaret J. P. Graves to Joseph L. Cohen, of the Standard Supply Co., 158 to 166 West Broad¬ way, southwest corner of Worth st, two 5-sty brick tenement houses and one 4-sty brick tene¬ ment house, all with stores, on a plot 80x51. A modern building will be erected on the plot by the new owner. J. G. Blaine Club Buys Home The James G. Blaine Republican Club pur¬ chased the 4-sty building, 23.10x73.8, at 236 East Broadway, which it has occupied for more than 20 years. The property was owned by the Broad Division Realties Co., H. J. Under¬ bill, president. Charles R. Faruolo was the broker. Fine House Sold for Occupancy Mrs. Gladys B. Thayer sold to George Moffett her new 5-sty American basement residence, 22x 100.5, at 1.32 East 71st st. which was recently built for her from plans by Frederick Sterner. The buyer is a well known New Yorker, who will occupy the property. The house has an electric elevator, several enclosed sleeping porches and there is a fornip.l garden in the rear. It was held at .$135,000. Douglas L. Ellman & Co. were the brokers. This is the third house sold in this block between Park and Lexington avs. The others were 1.30 and 128. Fine Park Avenue House Bought Douglas L. Elliman & Co. sold for Mrs. Linley R. Williams, of Paris, France, her former resi¬ dence here, at .SS2-884 Park av, a 5-sty Amer¬ ican basement dwelling, on a plot 20.2x75, be¬ tween 78th and 79th sts. This house, which is a combination of two small house made by the former owner, Mrs. Edith Wharton, the novelist, was held at $90,- 000. It has been purchased for occupancy by Charles E. Curtis, a New York banker. Bank Buys Union Square Corner The Corn Exchange Bank purchased the 6-sty building at the south corner of Union Square East and 16th st, from Edward C. Parish. The property, which occupies a plot 26x125, Is partially occupied by the bank. Geo. R. Read & Co. were tbe brokers. The bank had pre¬ viously leased the property for its Union Square branch. Former Ambassador Sells House Joseph E. Willard. formerly Ambassador to Spain, sold through Ruland & Benjamin and Harris, Vought & Co. 151 East 74th st, adjoin¬ ing the northeast corner of Lexington av, a 4-sty and basement stone dwelling, on a lot 18.6x102.2. The buyer will remodel the struc¬ ture. Mr. Willard has bought a home in tbe new Sutton pl social colony on the upper East Side. School Buys West End Avenue Comer P. Arthur Clawson. headmaster and owner of the Columbia Preparatory School, purchased the 5-sty dwelling, on a lot 23x80, at the south¬ west corner of West End av and 8.nth st, for¬ merly occupied by the Hamilton Institute for Boys, from Mrs. C. P. Smith. Bryan L. Ken¬ nelly was to have sold the property at auction on March 1. It will be remodeled for the new owner, and in addition the school will continue to use its present building at the northwest corner of West End av and 88th st as a girls' dormitory. March 11, 1922 Sell Big Height* Apartment* The Rockclyffe and Highmount apartments at the southeast comer of Broadway and 14l8t st have been purchased by Charles Galewski from the Charles Development Corporation, which valued them at $425,000. They are 6 and 7 stories in height, with elevators, and the plot measures 10 feet on Broadway and 120 feet on 141st St. The properties yield an annual rental of $60,000. The brokers in the deal were Edward Crosby & Co. and Joseph Relss. Buy* Tiemann Hall Apartment* Morris Sualow sold for a client to John Kapz- man 61-69 Tiemann pl, a 6-sty and basement brick and stone elevator apartment house, known as Tiemann Hall, on a plot 100x152,81 irregular, adjoining the northeast corner of Riverside dr. The property was formerly known as 610-625 West 127th st. It was held at $400,000. The building is named for Daniel P. Tiemann, an early mayor of New York, who had his country seat on the site. Closing of a Notable Sale Deeds were recorded in the County Register'* office on March 7 which put the finishing touches on a transaction through which the Fox Film Realty Corporation assumes full ownership of the block front on the east side of Tenth av, between 55th and 56th sts, on which stands the building housing the executive offices and the studios of the Pox Film Corporation. The trans¬ fer also includes the building itself, which the realty company has leased to the film cor¬ poration at an annual rental of ^200,000, and several adjoining parcels on the side streets. The sellers of the property are the Balmore Realty Co. There are mortgages aggregating .$274,500 on the properties conveyed, which In¬ clude the northeast corner of 55th at, the south¬ east comer ot 56th st, and 436 to 442 Weat 36th St. At the same time there was also recorded a 25-year loan on the property by the American Bond and Mortgage Co., which will issue bonds against the lien. The Pox Film Realty Cor¬ poration was represented in the deal by Alex¬ ander P. Kempner and Saul G. Rogers. Rob- bert Beck represented the American Bond and Mortgage Co. Sales of Dyckman Corners David Stewart sold tor Minturn Post Collins the plot, 50x100, at the southwest corner of Sherman av and Academy st to the L. & B. Construction Co., which will erect apartment houses with stores. The plot was held at $25,000. The newly formed Halpern & Rappaport Realty Co.. with M. Halpern and A. Rappaport as directors, purchased tbe vacant plot, 50x100, at the northwest corner ot Broadway and 192d st for improvement with two 2-family houses. The new company is represented by Emanuel I. Silversteln, attorney. Sale in the Battery Zone Joseph P. Day,-in conjunction with William A. White & Sons, sold tor a client to Charles I. Taylor 10-12 Stone st through to 27-20 Bridge St. the group being two 5-sty brick buildings on Stone st, on a plot 43.3x46 and two 5-sty brick buildings on Bridge st, on a plot 36.8x ri8,2x irregular, between Whitehall and Broad sts. The property was held at about $225,000 and the purchase price was approximately this fig¬ ure. One-half block to the west is the subway station at Whitehall and Bridge sts. The buildings on this plot were erected in 1847. REAL ESTATE NOTES. ADAMS & CO. have moved to the second floor in 170 Fifth av. where they will have greater facilities for their growing business and a larger renting force. The firm specializes in the management and rental of business property in the di.'=;trict between Canal and 42d sts. GEORGE H. CORTH. formerly with Frederick Fox & Co., Inc., has embarked in the real estate business on his own account, with offices in the Canadian Pacific building, .S42 Madison av. Mr. Corth will specialize in the manage¬ ment of property and also place fire insurance. He has had 8 years of practical managerial ex¬ perience in New York. CROSS & BROWN" CO. leased for the Railroad Co-operative Building and Loan Association to the Lexington Radio & Electric Co., Inc., the store and basement at 439 Lexington av, and not 39 Lexington av, as was reported. DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO.. INC.. an¬ nounce that Waldo Smith and Charles D. Holt are now associated with them in their commer¬ cial properties department. Mr. Smith was for¬ merly in the office of Slawson & Hobbs and Mr. Holt with Huberth & Huberth. SAGAMORE LAND CO., representing William Woodward, is the buyer of the 6-sty apartment house and the adjoining dwelling at the south¬ east corner of Madison av and 79th st, Bold recently.