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May 13, 1922 RECORD AND GUIDE 589 MORTGAGE LOANS Charles B. Van Valen, Inc., obtained tor the Rodin Studios, Inc, a loan of $800,000 ou their 14-sty building 804-900 Seventh av, southwest corner of 57th st, on a plot 80x115. The build¬ ing is used for stores, oflices, apartments and studios, and has a total rental ot $231,OtX). A lease has been closed for the corner store and the second floor to the Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. for showrooms. Frank L. Grofl obtained from the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank a building loan of $145,000 on 133 West 28th st for a 9-sty loft building. A loan tor $400,000 has been obtained hy the Blockton Realty Corporation trom the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank on the Penn Terminal building, 107.6x100, on the westerly block front of Seventh av, between 30th and 31st sts. The 370 Riverside Drive Corporation (Benja¬ min P. Walker) obtained from the Metropolitan Lite Insurance Co. a building loan of $623,000 on the plot, 100x73.7, at the northeast corner of Riverside dr and lOUth st, tor a 14-sty apart¬ ment house. Brooks & Momand have placed a flrst mort¬ gage loan of .$310,000 for the National Theatre at 208-216 West 41st st. Jacob Finkelstein & Son. in conjunction with Marshall B. Van Cott obtained from the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. for the Temple Beth El, at 4Sth st and Fifteenth av, Brooklyn, a flrst mortgage loan of $100,000 on its edifice for a term of 5 years, at six per cent per annum. Morris Kulok is president ot Temple Beth El. Ruland & Benjamin, Inc., otbained a first mortgage loan of $350,000 trom the Mutual Life Insurance Co., covering the property belonging to the Fulton-Gold Corporation, Henry M. Suss¬ wein, president, at 81-83 Fulton st, northwest corner of Gold. Lawrence, Blake & Jewell placed a loan of $750,000 for the Dayfleld Realty Corporation on the northwest corner of Fifth av and 97th st with William Henry Barnum & Co. The prop¬ erty is to be improved with a 6-sty elevator apartment house. It has a frontage on Fifth av of 100 feet and a frontage on 97th st of 200 teet. The Pred F. French Co. has been awarded the contract for the new building. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. loaned to the Sanitas Water Co., Inc., $120,000 for a term of 3 years, at 6 per cent per annum, for the con¬ struction of a 2-sty brick and stone loft and store building at the southeast corner of Tiebout av and East Fordham rd, Bronx, on a plot 95.9x61, irregular. Brooks & Momand placed a flrst mortgage loan of $160,000 on the 6-sty apartment house at the southeast corner ot St, Nicholas av and 177th st. A flrst mortgage loan of $120,000 has been placed on the 2-sty store and left building at the southeast corner ot Tiebout av and East Fordham rd by the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. MANHATTAN SALES South of 59th Street CHARLES ST.—Estate of James P. Carroll sold. 129 Charles st, a 3-sty brick stable, on a lot 25.9x07.2. adjoining the northwest corner of Greenwich st. CHERRY ST.—Frank Sullivan sold for Car¬ mine Agolia. 151 Cherry st, a 5-sty and base¬ ment brick tenement house with store, on a lot 20x60. to Rose Lupiano. The property was held at $12,000. FRONT ST.—Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd sold for William H Claflin, of Boston, the 5-8ty brick loft building, on a lot 19.0x98.9, at 248 Front st, between Dover st and Peck Slip. The buyer will occupy the premises. KING ST.—Freguglia & Lotti sold for Anna H. Aherns to the Democratic Realty Co., Inc., 30 King st, a 5-sty and basement stone tene¬ ment house, on a lot 25.3x100. Jonaa Boyd was associate broker. STH ST.—Schindler & Liebler sold for the estate of Otto Burkart. .303-395 East Sth st, two n-sty brick tenement houses, each on a lot 25x03,11. It was an all cash transaction. The property had not been sold since 1.885. IITH ST.—Estate of James F. Carroll sold to a buyer for occupancy, 308 West llth st, a 3-aty and basement brick dwelling, on a lot 20.4x83.5. 17TH ST.—Bennett E. Siegelstein, attorney, purchased from the Columbia Trust Co. for Mary E. Merritt the 5-sty brick mercantile building, 44 West 17th at, on a lot 16.5x92. which Is to be altered. 23D ST.—Lewis Phillips bought through Dwight, Archibald & Perry and John W, Browne from the Fitzgerald estate, 312 West 23d st, a 4-sty and basement stone dwelling, on a lot 20.7V4x9S.9. The property is just west of Eighth av and opposite the old Grand Opera House recently sold by the Jay Gould heirs, and is rented for business purposes. Recently the Fitzgerald estate sold the building at 334 West 23d St. 25x98.9, to the Leo House tor German Catholic immigrants. 30TH ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Dr. W. Adams Brown to Joseph G. Abramson, operator, 114 East 30th St. a 4-sty English basement stone dwelling, on a lot 20x98.9. The house con¬ tains an elevator. Negotiations are pending tor a resale. SSTH ST.—Estate ot L. Napoleon Levy sold through Frederick Fox & Co. and Harold L. Lewis. 234-2,36 West SSth st, a 4-sty and base¬ ment brick flat and a S-sty and basement brick flat respectively, each on a lot 17.10x98.9. They are opposite the new Times Square branch post- office and on a block that is in a state of transition. The sales are recorded. 48TH ST.—Samuel H. Martin sold for Arthur Cushman to Adelaide W. Ehrich. 241 East 48th st, a 4-sty stone dwelling, on a lot 20x100.5. 40TH ST.—The four 4-sty stone buildings, on plot 85.4x100.5, at 108-114 West 49th St. have been sold by the Keller Mechanical Engineering Co. to Oreste and Marie Giolito. They were sold subject to mortgages for $147,5(X). 5STH ST,—J. M. Hoffman Co. have sold for Rubenstein & Figarsky, the Marlborough, a 7-sty elevator apartment house at 358-360 West oSth st, to a client of J. K. Moore's. The holding price was $175,000. The plot is 75x100.5. FIRST AV.—Harris, Vought & Co. sold for the estate ot Hugh Cavanagh the 5-sty brick tenement house with stores, on a plot 29xS0, at 649 First av. Banking to Individual Needs A GREAT institution like this, org-euiized to offer so many services to the public, must of necessity function with the precision of a fine machine. Yet what has made us one of the strongest trust companies in the City is not so much the modem machinery, but rather that we have found the way to subordinate the mechanics of banking to the individual needs of depositors. If the collective experience and advice of the officers of that kind of a trust company would benefit you in your individual business, then— Yon are cordiallv invited to consult LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO. 188 Montague Street, Brooklyn 367 Fulton Street, Jamaica, N. Y. 160 Broadway, Ne-w York 383 East 149th Street, New York 44 Court Street, Brooklyn 1354 Broadway, Brooklyn 160 Main Street, White Plains, N. Y. i inNEY TO LOAN I Buildin^ Alter'ation s JL( G £t S G h^ oltl s BuII dIJTL^ J^ oa^n s Slerlinsf Mortcfacfe Compaity Inc, 135 B I- o a d. ^svsc-y. N e^vYol-Kj •TELEPHONE PlECTOI=t /ZZB-S'^^r ___ ___ Classified Advertisements Wants and OITers, For Sale and Far Rent—Rate 25c. per line; count six words te th* Ifaw. Employers anxious to secure help (clerical or professional), or employees wishing to obtain a position or better a present one will find the Record and Guide the quickest and most direct method of bringing their wants to the atten¬ tion of the largest number of interested read ers, in tbe real estate or building professions. No medium reaching real estate interests af¬ fords owners, brokers, and executora wishing to dispose of desirable property (in or out of the city), so favorable an opportunity to bring the merits of their propositions to the atteo- tioD of possible buyers as does the For Sale and For Rent section of the Record and Gatde. PROPOSAL SITUATIONS OPEN PKOrOS.\LS will be received by the Treas¬ ury Department nt D. S, Coast (luard Head¬ quarters, Darby Bnilding, Waahington, D. C, until 2 p. m., June 7, 1922, and publicly opened Immediately thereafter for the construction ot a bo.ilhiiuse nnil lunehway at Coast (?uard Station No. 55, I'oint Judith, E. I. Blank pro¬ posals, specifications, plans and other Inform¬ ation will be furnished upon application to the Superintendent, Third District, Coast Guard, Wakefield, R. I.; Junior Civil Engineer, J. W. Walker, C. & K.. 75 Pine street, Belmont, Mass. or to Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, n. C. Proposal should be Inclosed In sealed envelope and marked "Proposal for boathouse and launchway at Coast Guard Station No, 55. tn be opened 2 [i. m,, Wednesday, June 7, 1922," addressed to the "Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard. Washington. D. C," J. M. Moore, Acting Commandant. SITUATION WANTED YOTINQ MAN, reliable, hustler, experience real estate bnllding, desires position with ndvancement. Bex 900, Record and Guide. .\ NEWLY established bond and mortgage company requires the services of a mortgage and securities salesman ; excellent opportunity can be created by the right man. Address communications for appointment to Lewis H. May, IS West 27th Street. YOUNG MAN with good knowledge of general real estate brokerage business. State quall- fi<-ations. Exceptional opportunity. Box 882, Record & Guide, WANTS AND OFFER EXPERIENCED man selling structural steel and building contracis desires to establish structural business or sales agency: can pro¬ duce the goods. Box 809, Record & Guide. WANTED RECORD & GITIDE ANNTTALS FOR THE YEAR 1918. STATE PRICE AND CONDITION. ADDRESS BOX C, KECORD d GUIDE.