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620 l)DuslasLEUimaii£[o. Real Estate Brokers Fifth and Park Avenue Districts Efficient Property Management Plaza, 9200 15 East 49th St. JAMES BOYD Member Raal Estata Board. N. Y. Real Estate—Mortgage Loana 135 BROADWAY Phone: Rector MS«-««5I BROOKS & MOMAND Member of Real Eatate Board Real Estate Mortgages lis BROADWAY Phone g«J Rector CHAWiS B. VAN VALEN, iNC Member Real Estate Board of N. Y. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS—INSURANCE no WILLIAM STREET Phone: 6000 Beekman FREDERICK BROWN Real Estate Operator OFFERINGS SOLICITED FROM BROKERS 565 5th Ave. Phone VanderbUt nS WALTER KRASLOW Real Estate Operator Brokers' Offerings Solicited 190 Montague St. Brooklyn, N. Y. BENJAMIN WINTER BUY AND SELL HIGH-CLASS MANHATTAN PROPERTY BROKERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT PROPOSITIONS—Quick Decision Qlvu. Lansing Building 2299 BROADWAY, AT 82nd STREET Suite 6 Phone: Schuyler 2897 SAMUEL BRENER REAL ESTATE OPERATOR 50 EAST 42nd STREET Vanderbilt 3918-19 BENENSON REALTY CO. BUY and SELL HIGH CLASS BRONX AND MANHATTAN PROPERTY Columbia Trust Bldg., 509 WILLIS AVE. Phone: Mott Haven 5212-5213 HARRY CAHN REAL ESTATE OPERATOR 406 EAST U9th ST., at 3rcl AVE. Melrose 2312 RECORD AND GUIDE West Side Mansion Passes The old De Coppett mansion at 314 West 85th st, which has been in the family for 20 years, has been purchased by Anthony A. Paterno and Victor Cerabone, who will form a corporation to build a 9-sty apartment house on the site, which measures 75x102.2. The mansion will be demol¬ ished early in December, and it is expected that the apartment house will be ready for occupan¬ cy about July 1, 1923. Mr. Paterno also purchased the IS-foot dwell¬ ing which forms part of the southwest corner of Riverside dr and 85th st for the purpose of protecting the northly light of the new 14-sty apartment house which he has just completed at 505 West End av, northwest corner of 84th st. Messrs. Paterno and Cerabone also signed a contract for the purchase of the 16-foot 3-sty dwelling 318 West 85th st for the purpose of protecting the westerly light of the apartment which is to be erected on the site of the De Coppett mansion. The dwelling at No. 302 also controls the light and air on the easterly side of this proposed structure. Earle & Calhoun were the brokers in all the transactions. The sellers were Andre and Paul¬ ine De Coppett. Enlarge a Corner Plot The Old Colony Apartments, Inc., represent¬ ing the J. W. Bishop Co., which recently pur¬ chased the Hoggson property at the southwest corner ot Lexington av and 40th st for the erection of an 11-sty apartment house, has added to its holdings at that location by the purchase of the adjoining 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 10.9x5, at 348 Lexington av. The seller was Anna C, Taber. Acquires Third Avenue Corner Plot Henry Hof sold for the Schum estate to Julius Goldwater o20 Third av, adjoining the southwest corner of East 35th st, a 5-sty stone tenement house with store, on a lot 25x75.6. The buyer also owns 522, which ig the corner. Adjoining, at 160 East 35th st,' is the 25th Precinct Police Station. Estate Sells on East Side Samuel Fine sold for the estate of Margaret Jaeger to the newly formed Lewkres Realty Corporation, Louis Kresner, president, 295 and 297 Broome st, a 7-sty brick tenement house with stores, on a plot 39.10x.S8.2; 80 Chrystie st, a 6-sty brick tenement' house with stores, on a lot 25.1x100; 610 and 612 East 5th st, a (j-sty brick tenement house with stores, on a plot 35.9x96; 322 and 324 East 8th st, a 6- sty and basement brick tenement house with store, on a plot 39.S.x97.6; and 222 and 224 East Slst st, a 6-sty brick tenement house with store. 35.4x107.4. Sell Park Ave. Corner Ruland & Benjamin, Inc., sold for Emily L. L. Smith the southwest corner of Park av and 73d st, a 7-sty and basement elevator apartment house, on a plot 33x102.2. Operator Resells Parcels Max X. Natanson resold to an investor 2041 Second av, northwest corner of 123d st, a 5- sty tenement house, on a lot 25.1x90. This Is one of the three properties recently purchased by Mr. Natanson from the J. Chr. G. Hupfel Co. It was held at $35,000. Negotiations are now pending for the resale of the remaining two houses at 180 West Eu'i av, northeast corner of 68th st and 063 First av, at the southwest corner of 38th st. A Bit of Old New York Sold A. Q. Orza sold tor I. Reilly 249 Bleecker st, a 3-sty and basement brick dwelling to a client, who will alter said premises for the purpose ot his business. The lot is 15.8x66.6. This property has been in the family of the seller since 1847, being at that time occupied by the seller's father, Alexander Wright, who conducted a jewelry store when Bleecker st was the main thoroughfare of the city, while nearby A. T. Stewart conducted a dry goods business on the opposite side of the street. Good Sale in Bleecker Street Brown, Wheelock Co., Inc., sold for Hearth and Home, Inc., the o-sty tenement house with stores at 174-182 Bleecker st, between Sullivan and Macdougal sts. to an investing syndicate represented by A. Q. Orza. The property fronts 110 feet on Bleecker st. being 100 feet in depth. The property was held at $150,000. This plot is part of the square block sold by the same brokers to Hearth and Home about two years ago. Art Dealer Buys at Turtle Bay Walter L. Ehrich. of the Ehrich Galleries, Fifth av art dealers, has purchased from A. H. Cushman 241 East 4th st, a 4-sty American basement dwelling, on a plot 20x100.5, in the Turtle Bay development. After alterations, Mr. Ehrich will occupy this dwelling as his own home. S. H. Martin represented the seller. Mr. Ehrich was represented by the M. Morgen¬ thau, Jr., Co. May 20, 1922 Evanston Apartments Resold The Evanston, a 12-sty and basement apart¬ ment house at the southeast corner of West End av and 90th st, which was purchased about a week ago by Benjamin Winter trom Herbert Du Puy. ot Pittsburgh, has been resold by Mr. Winter to J. C. and M. G. Mayer. It was held at $1,750,000. It is reported to have an annual rent roll of $185,000. The house covers a plot 100.8x162.6 and is arranged' in suites ot from 8 to 9 rooms with 3 baths each. Johnson & Kahn were the builders. The broker was Walter Ebbitt of Slawson & Hobbs. Operators Buy the loiva Ennis & Sinnott purchased from Marie and Jules Glorieux the Iowa, a 7-sty and basement elevator apartment house at 133 and 135 West 104th st, on a plot 50x100.11. Nassoit & Lan¬ ning were the brokers. Choice Fifth Avenue Lot Sold Douglas L. Elliman & Co. sold for Mrs. John Innes Kane 953 Fifth av, a vacant lot, 25x120, between 76th and 77th sts, just north of the Edward S. Harkness house and adjoining the recently sold house ot the Brigham estate. Sixth Avenue Tenant Buys There Louis Carreau sold for the estate of Emily A. Thorn to William P. Sears 840 Sixth av, a 4-sty hrick building with store, on a lot 25.Ix 78.11, between 47th and 48th sts. The buyer, who is a florist, has long been the lessee of the property. Tenants Buy of Pinkney Estate Real Estate Management Co. sold for the Pinkney estate the vacant plot, 113.9x100, on the south side ot 141st st, 225 feet west of Fifth av, to Annette Bros., who have occupied it for a number of years as a stoneyard. Sells to Tenant at Profit Dr. William H. Luckett, the tenant, pur¬ chased the 4-sty and basement stone dwelling, o na lot 20x100.8%, at IS West 87th st through Charles Lowe. This building was purchased by the seller last month at an auction sale held by Bryan L. Kennelly for the estate of Moses J. Wolf. Rockefeller Makes a Dollar The board of managers of the State Reform¬ atory for Women at Bedford, N. Y., has re¬ ceived word from John D. Rockefeller that he would again lease to the institution the four brick buildings and several cottages on his property which have been used by the State for the last year. The lease will be for two years and the rent $1 a year. REALTY ADVISORY SERVICE develops anil lurnishes constructive reports on Vacant, Under-improved and Improved Properties when reiuested__________ FOR PAltTJCri.AJ.'S J'lln.VK WRlTh: OB SEE A. N. GITTERMAN MURray Hill 0737 12 EAST 44th ST. Now address 12 East 44th St