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Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded March 21, MR, by CLINTON W. SWEET Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY J-RANK E. PERLBY, President and EidUor; H. S. DODOB, VIos-Prealdent; W. P. TIENKEN, Vice-President; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer Entered u sMOOd eliH matter NeremtMr 8, 1ST9, >t Uw PoM Offlee at New Telk. N. T., usdor tbe Att tl Mueli t, 1879. Copyright. 1922, by The Record and Guide Company, 119 West 40tli Street, New Tork (Telephone: Bryant 4800) VOL. CX No. 15 (2847) NEW YORK, OCTOBER 7, 1922 25c. A COPY $12.00 A YEAR AdTertisinc Index Page A. B. See Electric Elevator 4th Cover Ackerly, OrvUle B., & Son-----467 Acme Foundry ............... 474 Adams & Co....................iUO Adler, Ernest N...............4d7 American Bureau of K. E. 2d Cover American Enameled Brick & Tile Co............................■'■i^a Ames & Co.....................465 Amy, A. V., & Co..............465 Anderson Brick & Supply Co., 4th Cover Anderson, Jamet, S., & Co......iP5 Armstrong * Armstrong........161 Asbestos Mfg. Co...............174 Ashforth & Co..................465 Athens Brick, Lime & Cement Co.....................4th Cover Automatic F'r-e Alarm Co.....474 Bauor, Milbank & Molloy......465 Bechman, A. G.................468 Beaver Tile, Inc...............463 Bell, H. W., Co.................477 Benenson Realty Co......2d Cover Bonded Securities Corp........476 Boyd, James ............2d Cover Boylan, John J................465 Brener, Samuel...........2d Cover Brett & Wyckoff......Front Covor Brooks & Momand.............460 Brown, Frederick ........2d Cover Brown, J. Romaine Co.Front Cover Bulkley & Horton Co..........468 Burling & McCurdy............468 Busher, Eugene J., Co.........465 Butler & Baldwin___Front Cover Cahn, Harry .............2d Cover Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd..465 Carpenter, Leonard J...........465 Carroll, Cyril A................466 Chauncey Real Estate..........465 City Investing Co..............452 Classifled Advertising..........4(i4 Coburn, Alfred P..............466 Corth, George H., & Co.......467 Cross & Brown........Front Cover Cruikshank Co........Front Cover Cruikshank's, Wm., Sons Front Cover Cudner, R. E., Co..............465 Cushman & Wakefleld..........466 Cutler, Arthur & Co............465 Cutner, Harry B................465 Davenport Beal Estate Co___468 Davis, G. Malvin................467 Davies. J. Clarence............461 Day, Joseph P.................465 De Rosa, Chas. M.............466 Dike, O. D. & H. V...........465 Dodge, F. W.. Co..............470 Dowd, James A................467 Dubois, Chas A.................466 Duffv, J. P.. Co................477 Dunlap & Lloyd................466 Duross (5o.....................465 Edwards, Charles G.. Co........465 Edwards, Dowdney & Richart.452 Eliiman. Douglas L., & Co___461 Ely, Horace S.. & CcFront Cover Empire Brick & Supply Co., 4th Cover English. J. B..................465 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorials ......................................453 Tentative Assessments Total $11,262,171,927.....455 New Apartment Project at BronxviUe..........458 Review of Real Estate Market for the Week____459 Private Sales of the Week....................... 459 Mortgage Loans ................................ 560 Leases .......................................... 464 Statistical Table of the Week.................. 468 Building Outlook Bright for Autumn.......... 469 Seasonal Decline Shown by Statistics..........471 Personal and Trade Notes..................... 471 Trade and Technical Society Events........... 471 Building Material Market....................... 472 Contemplated Construction'.................... 474 Contracts Awarded ............................. 475 Plans Filed for New Construction.............. 476 Plans Filed for Alterations...................... 477 Mechanics' Liens and Satisfied Liens........... 479 Pinch, Chas. H., & Co..........472 Finkelstein, Jacob & Son......466 Fischer, J. Arthur..............465 Fisher, James B...............408 Forbes Tubular Products......^i',-) Fox, Fredk., & Co.............465 Frey, William J...............468 Gold, Louis, & Co., Inc........4.-iO Goodwin & Goodwin............4iB Hecla Iron Works..............476 Hess, M. & L., Inc___Front Cover Holmes Elec. Protective........477 Home Title Insurance Co......452 Hubbard, C. Bertram..........465 Hygrade Builders Supply Co.. 4th Cover Improved Oftice Partition Co., 2d Cover J. & E. Realty Corp...........4r,7 Jacksou, Daniel H........2d Cover Kane, John P., Co......4th Cover Keller, Charles G...............406 Kelley, T. H...................466 Kelly, Albert E.................466 Kempner & Son, Inc..Front Cover Kewanee Boiler Co......Title Pace Kilpatrick, Wm. D.............452 Kissling, J. P. & L. A........400 Kloes. F. J....................472 Kohler, Chas. S................452 I Kopp, H. C, & Co.............465 Kraslow, Walter .........2d Cover Kurz, Wm. F. A., Co..........468 Lackman, Otto ................40S Ladd cS; Nichols, Inc..........452 Lawrence, Blake & Jewell......4D2 Lawrence Cement Co___4th Cover Lawyers Mortgage Co___2d Cover Lawyers Title & Trust Co......463 Leaycraft, J. E.. & Co.Front Cover Leist, Henry G.................465 Levers, Robert ................466 Losere, L. G....................468 Martin, Samuel H..............165 May, Lewis H.. Co.............4ii5 Merrall, Wm. B................407 McMahon, Joseph T............460 Milner, Joseph .................466 Mississippi Wire Glass..4th Cover Monell, F. Bronson............465 Moore, John Constable........407 Moors. J. K....................465 Morgan, Leonard. Co...........467 Muhlker, Arthur G..............407 Murtha & Schmohl......4th Cover Nail & Parker.................452 Xassoit & Lanning.............465 Natanson. Max N........2d Cover National Marble & Slate Corp.479 Nehring Bros..................465 AdvertisInK Index Page Neenan Elevators, American Machine & Foundry Co.4th Cover New York Edison Co., The-----475 New York Herald..............460 New York Roof Repairing Co..474 New York Title & Mortgage Co.452 Niewenhous Co., Inc...........476 Niewenhous, Henry S..........468 Noyes, Charles F., Co.Front Cover Ogden & Clarkson Corp........465 OHare, Geo. L.................452 Oppenheimer, Fred ............467 O'Reilly & Dahn...............465 Ottinger, Nathan L............466 Payton, Philip A., Jr.........460 Pease iVr Eliiman......Front Cover Peerless Liquid Cement Co-----463 Pell, S. Osgood & Co..........476 Pflomm, F. & G......Front Cover Phelps. Albert D..............468 Pomeroy, S. H., Co., Inc........47» Porter & Co...........Front Cover Quell & QueU...................468 Read, Geo. R., & Co.Front Cover Kealty Co. of America.........452 Rinaldo, Hiram ...............466 Rockaway White Sand Co. 4th Cover Runk, Geo. S..................466 Ryan, Geo. J...................465 Safflr. Abraham ................467 Sansone, F. P., Co..............466 Schindler & Liebler............466 .Schneider & Multer ............468 Schweibert, Henry ............468 Seaman & Pendergast..........466 .Shaw, Arthur L................467 Shaw, Rockwell & Sanford-----466 Sherman & Kirschner..........467 Slatterv Gas Radiator Co......472 Smith, Malcolm E., Inc........465 Spear & Co.....................466 Spevers, Inc.. James B..........467 Spotts & Starr..................465 Sterling Mortgage Co....2d Cover Straus. S. W., & Co............477 Tabolt. Jacob J................466 Tankoos. Smith & Co..........465 Title Guarantee cS: Trust Co...452 Tyng. Stephen H., Jr.. & Co..452 United Elec. L. & P. Co........461 V. S. Realtv & Improvement Co......................2d Cover r. S. Title Guaranty Co........463 Van Valen. Chas. B.....2d Cover Vorndrans. Christian, Sons....472 Wacht. Samuel ..........2d Cover Walden, James P..............466 Walsh. .T. Irving...............465 Watson Elev. Co.. Inc___4th Cover Weill. H. M.. Co........2d Cover Wells Architectural Iron Co....474 Wells Sons. James N..........465 White. Wm. A., & Sons. Front Cover Whiting, Wm. H.. & Co.. Front Cover Whitney. Poster Cnrp..........466 Williams-Dexter Co............407 Winter. Benjamin ........2d Cover Wond-Dolson Co......Front C^ovor Zittel. Fred'k.. & Sons.........405 Kewanee Boilers available the same da'v. Our New York stock of Steel Firebox boilers has been trebled and we have installed new power handling equipment to enable us to give you One or One Hundred Boilers the Same Day Kewajvee boiler C^M?A]HY IlHC. 47 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK Longacre 8170