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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 110, no. 20: [Articles]: November 11, 1922

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Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded Marcb Zl, 18M, by CLINTON W. SWEET Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY PRANK E. PERLET. President and Hidltor ; H. S. DODOB, VIoe-Preatdent; W. P. TIENKEN, Vice-President; J. W. FRANK. Secretary-Treasurer Entered aa ■acond elM« mattar Narembar «. I8T9. at tha Poat OtTloa at Naw Tark. N. Y.. imdal tba Aat at Marah ». 1879. Copyright 1822, by The Record and Guide Company. 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephone: Bryant 4800) VOL. CX No. 20 (2852) NEW YORK, NO\'EMBER 11, 1922 25c. A COPY $12.00 V YEAR Advertising Index Page A B. See Ekctric Elevator ■^ 4th Cover Ackerly. Orville B., & Son......b25 Acme l'""uudry ................'':;' Adams & Co...................'-^ Adler Erii'sl N................''—' American & Mortgage Co.u:JO American Bureau ol; It. K.. 2a Cover American Enameled Brick & Tile Co.......................^gj Ames & Co....................W^ Amy, A. V., & Co...............b.o Audersou Brick Ac Supply. Anderson, James S., & Co.....l;-:-j Armstrong & Armstroug ......b-o Asbestos Mfg. Co..............I;;.', Ashtorth & Co........ ■ • ■.....3,-' Athens Brick, Lime & Cement qq....................4th Cover Automatic i'ire Alarm Co......0o2 Bauer. MUbank & Mulloy.. 'i;2''; Bechman. A. G..................62b Bell, H. W.. Co...........;v^*'^ Benenson Kealty Co......■2d Cover Boiidtnl Securities Corp........034 Bovd, James ............-il CoyoT Bovlan. John J...........■,'X ''"'^ Brener. Samuel ..........-il d'yoT Brett & Wyckoff......Front Cover Brook. Louis. Inc..............''•'! Brocpks & Momand.......'2d Cover Brown. Frederick.........-'(1 Cover Brown, J. Romaine Co.Front Covet Bulkley & Horton Co..........b'2b Burling & M.Curdy............i;-'; Busher. Eugrne J., Co.......VJ ■''-' Butler & Baldwin.....Front Cover Cammann. Voorhees & Floyd..(;-•■ Carpenter, Leonard J.........."-•> Carroll, Cyril A................'''21 Chauncey Real Estate..........tr23 Citv Investing Co..........6^)2 Classifled Advertisements.......•>-- Clayton Tile & Marble Co.....039 Coburn, Alfred P..............6'21 Crane, Wm. M., Co............6^3b Cross & Brown Co___Front Cover Cruikshank Co........Front Cover Cruikshank, Wm., Sona, Front Cover Cudner. E. E., Co..............b-23 Cushman & Wakefleld..........<'2J Cutler. Arthur, & Co...........0-3 Cutner, Harry B...............Ol;3 Davenport Real Estate Co.....0211 Davis. G. Malvin................02.1 De Rosa. Chas. M., Co.........024 Davies. J. Clarence.............02ii Dav, Joseph P.................023 Dike. O. D. & H. V.............«23 Dodge, P. W., Co...............O.i^ Dowd. James A................02.5 Dubois. Chas. A................024 Duffy. J. P.. Co.................635 Dunlap & Lloyd................624 Duross Co......................C23 Edwards. Charles G., Co.......023 Edwards, Dowdney & Richart.012 Eliiman. Douglas L., & Co.....021) Ely, Horace S., & CcFront Cover TABLE OF COXTEXTS Editorials ....................................... 613 Realty Market Notable for Activity........... 615 Builders Buy 1,000 Bronx Lots.................. 616 Obsolescence of Office Buildings Analyzed...... 617 Review of Real Estate Market for the Week... 619 Private Sales of the Week..................... 619 Mortgage Loans ............................... 621 Statistical Table of the Week.................. 626 October Contracts 14 Per Cent. Ahead of 1921.. 627 Xo Dearth of Opportunity for Builders......... 629 Personal and Trade Notes...................... 629 Trade and Technical Society Events............ 629 Building Material Market....................... 630 Contemplated Construction ..................... 632 Contracts Awarded ............................. 633 Plans Filed for New Construction.............. 634 Plans Filed for Alterations...................... 636 Mechanics' Liens and Satisfied Liens............ 639 AdTertiBingr Index Page Empire Brick & Supply..4th Cover English, J. B...................623 Pinch, Chas. H., cfe Co..........6.39 Finkelstein, Jacob & Co........624 Fischer, J. Arthur..........-----623 Fisher. James B................626 Fox, Fredk.. & Co..............623 Frey, Wm. J....................620 Gold. Louis & Co., Inc.........620 Goodwin & Goodwin...........623 Hecla Iron Works..............03!i Heil & Stern..............2d Cover Hess, M. & L., Inc___Front Cover Hoeckh, John J................624 Holmes Elec. Protective........C,35 Home Title Insurance Co......612 Hubbard, C. Bertram...........623 Hygrade Builders Supply Co., 4th Cover J. & E. Realty Co..............02."> Jackson, Daniel H........2d Cover Jewish Morning Journal.......621 Kane, John P., Co.......4th Cover Keller, Charles G...............624 Kelley, T. H...................021 Kelly. Albert E.................021 Kempner & Son. Inc..Front Cover Kewanee Boiler Co., Inc.Title Page Advertising Index Page Kilpatrick, Wm. D............612 Kissling, J. P. & L. A..........624 Kloes. F. J.....................OMt; Kohler. Chas. S................012 Kopp, H. C, & Co..............02.', Kraslow. Walter..........2d Cover Kurz, Wm. F. A., Co...........02i; Lackman, Otto..................020 Ladd & Nichols, Inc............012 Lawrence, Blake & Jewell......012 ■Lawrence Cement Co.....4th Cover Lawyers Mortgage Co..........632 Lawyers Title & Trust Co.. 2d Cover Leaycraft. J., & Co...Front Cover Leist, Henry G.................023 Levers, Robert..................024 Losere, L. G...................020 Martin. Samuel H..............623 May. Lewis H.. Co.............623 McMahon, Joseph T......2d Cover Merrall, Wm. B................025 Milner, Joseph..................624 Mississippi Wire Glass...4th Cover Monell, F. Bronson.............023 Moore, John Constable.........025 Moors, J. K....................623 Morgan, Leonard. Co...........025 Advertising Index Page Muhlker, Arthur G.............023 Murtha & Schmohl Co.. .4th Cover Nail & Parker.........•.........012 Nassoit & Lanning.............023 Natanson. Max N.........2rt Cover Ncfuan Elevators-.\merican Ma¬ chine & Fouudry Co...4th Cover Neliriii;;- Bros...................023 New York Edison Co.. The___6.33 New York Roof Repairing Co..637 New York Title & Mortgage Co.612 Niewenhous, Henry S..........020 Noyes, Chas. F., Co...Front Cover Ogden & Clarkson Corp........023 OHare, Geo. L.................012 (tpp.'Tiheimer. Fred............ .025 <)■ Reillv & Dahn................023 iiKcillv, Thos. J..............ivjii ottinger, Nathan L............024 rayton, Philip .K., Jr.. Co.2d Cover I'ease &. Eliiman......Front Cover Pell. S. iis^ood & Co..........030 Pflomm, I' & G......Frout Cover Phelps. .Vlbert n...............020 Pomeroy, S. H., Co.. Ine........030 Porter & Co..........Front Cover Quell & Quell..................620 Queensboro Corporation. .2d Cover Read. (ie... R.. & C"..Front Cover ItiMlty Co. ot America.........612 Kinaldo. Hiram................624 Rockaway White Sand Co., 4th Cover Runk, Geo. S...................024 Ryan, Gim). J...................623 Saflir. .Abraham................625 Schindler & Liebler............624 Schweibert. Henry.............020 Seaman & Pendergast..........024 Shaw, Arthur L................t;^25 Shaw. Rockwell & Sanford___024 Sherman & Kir.schner..........025 Slattery Gas Radiator Co......634 Smith. Malcolm B., Inc....... 023 Spear & Co.....................024 Speyers, James B., Inc.........02.1 Spotts & Starr.................023 Straus, S. W., & Co............035 Talbot, Jacob J...............624 Tankoos. Smith & Co..........023 Title Guarantee & Trust Co___612 Tyntr. Stephen H.. Jr.. & Co...612 Union Stove Works............C37 U. S. Realty & Improvement Co.....................2d Cover Van Vajen. Chas. B......2d Cover Wanht. Samuel...........2d Cover Walden, James P..............024 Walsh. J. Irving...............623 Watson Elevator Co., Inc.. 4th Covei* Wells Architectural Iron Co___6.37 Wells, James N.. & Sons.......623 \'hil,.. Wm. A., & Sons, Front Cover Whiting, Wm. H., & Co., Front Cover Whitnev-Foster Corp........ 0*^1 XMIkes Co., A..................636 Winter. Benjamin........2d Cover M'oort-PnKon Cn......Front Cover Zittell, Fredk., & Sons.........623 Time and trade have proven early prudence. Our mind was made up about two things when we began building heating boilers 35 years ago— The Roomy Firebox and Steel for the Material Kewanee B9iler Company Inc. 47 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK Loneacra 8170