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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 110, no. 24: [Articles]: December 9, 1922

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Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded March Zl, 1868, by CLINTON W. SWEET Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY PRANK E. PERLEY, President and Editor; E. S. DODGE, Vice-President W. P. TIENKEN, Vice-President; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer Entered as second class matter November 8, 1879. Copyright, 1922, by The Eecord and Guide Company, at the Post OEfice at New Tork. N. T., under the Act of Mrirch 3. l.s7!i. 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephoue: Pennsylvania 1500) VOL. CX No. 24 (2856) NEW YORK, DECEMBER 9, 1922 25c. A COPY $12.00 A YEAR Advertising Index Page A. B. See Electric Elevator 4th Cover Ackerly, Orville B., & Son......753 Acme Fouudry ................'Go Adams & Adler, Ernest N................p^ American Realty Co............i^^ American Bond & Mortgage Cu7t,L. American Bureau of K. E., 2d Cover American Enameled Brick & TUe Co......................l2-^ Ames & Co.....................Jol Amy, A. V., & Co...............751 Anderson Brick & Supply, 4th Cover Anderson, James S., & Co......701 Armstrong & Armstrong.......753 Asbestos Mtg. Co..............76j Ashforth & Co..................<>jl Athens Brick, Lime .& Cement Co.....................4th Cover Automatic Fire Alarm Co......700 Bauer, Milbank & Molloy......751 Bechmau, A. G.................7.-.) Bell, H. W., Co...............763 Benenson Realty Co-----2d Cover Bonded Securities Corp........705 Boyd, James ............2d Cover Boylan, John J................7."il Brener, Samuel............2d Covor Brett & Wyckoff ...Front Cuvir Brook, Louis, Inc..............705 Brooks & Momand ...Front Cover Brown, Frederick ......2(1 Cover Brown, J. Romaine Co.Front Cover Bulkley & Horton Co.........754 Busher, Eugeue J., Co.........7.jl Butler & Baldwin.....Front Cover Cahn & Cahn .........2d Cover Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd...751 Carpenter, Leonard J...........751 Carroll, Cyril A...............7.-i2 Chauncey Real Estate City Investing Co...............740 Classifled Advertisements.......Till Clayton Tile & Marble Co......707 Coburn, Altred P..............751 Crane, Wm. M., Co............758 Cross & Brown Co...Front Cover Cruikshank Co........Front Cover Cruikshank, Wm., Sons, Front Cover Cudner, R. E., Co............751 Cushman & Wakefield.........751 Cutner, Harry B...............751 Davenport Real Estate Co......7.11 Davis, G. Malvin...............752) De Rosa, Chas. M., Co.........7.VJ Davies, J. Clarence............718 Day, Joseph P.................7.'.1 Dike. O. D. & H. V............7.51 Dodge, F. W., Co.............706 Dowd, James A.................7."i.i Dubois, Chas. A................7.".2 Duffy, J. P., & Co.............763 Dunlap & Lloyd...............752 Duross Co......................751 Edwards, Charles G., Co........".a Edwards, Dowdney & Richart.740 Eliiman, Douglas L., & Co......748 Elv, Horace S., & Co.Front Cover TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorials ...................................... 741 U. S. Supreme Court Upholds Law............. 743 Y. M. C. A. Program for Realty Class.......... 744 Disastrous Effects of Rent Laws................ 745 Review of Real Estate Market for the Week___ 747 Private Sales of the Week..................... 747 Mortgage Loans ................................ 750 Statistical Table of the Week.................. 754 November Construction Ahead of 1921......... 755 Agreement Assuring Labor Peace............... 756 Residences Dominate Construction Program___ 757 Personal and Trade Notes..................... 757 Trade and Technical Society Events............ 757 Building Material Market....................... 75S Contemplated Construction ..................... 760 Contracts Awarded ............................. 761 Plans Filed for New Construction............... 762 Plans Filed for Alterations..................... 764 Mechanics' Liens and Satisfied Liens........... 767 Advertising Index Page Empire Brick & Supply..4th Covit English, J. B..................751 Finch, Chas. H.. & Co........705 Finkelstein, Jacob & Co........752 Fischer, J. Arthur..............7."ii Fisher. James B................754 Fox, Fredk., & Co............751 Frey, Wm. J..................754 Gold, Louis & Co., Inc..2d Cover Goodwin & Goodwin ...........751 Hecla Iron Works..............705 Hess, M. & L., Inc... Front Covi r Hoeckh, John J...............7o2 Holmes Elec. Protective.........763 Home Title Insurance Co......740 Hubbard, C. Bertram .Front Cover Hygrade Builders Supply Co., 4th Cover J. & B. Realty Co............753 Jackson, Daniel H........2d Cover Kane, John P., Co......4th Cover Keller, Charles G..............752 Kelley, T. H...................752 Kelly, Albert E.................752 Kempner & Son, Inc.Front Cover Kewanee Boiler (io., Inc.Title Pape Kilpatrick, Wm. D..............740 Kissling, J. P. & L. A..........7.")2 Advertising Index Page Kloes, Chas. S.................7C2 Kohler, Chas. S.................740 Kopp, H. C, & Co............7.:i Kraslow, WaUer ........2d Cover Kurz, Wm. F. .4., Co...........754 Lackmon. Otto .................7.54 Ladd & Nichols, Inc............740 Lawrence, Blake & Jewell.....740 Lawrence Cement Co___4th Cover Lawyers Mortgage Co..........700 Lawyers Title & Trust Co.....748 Leaycraft, J. & Co___Front Cover Leist, Henry G.................751 Levers, Eobert .................752 Losere, L. G..................754 Martin, Samuel H..............751 May. Lewis H., Co............751 McMahou, Joseph T......2d Cover Merrall. Wm. B.................783 Milner. Joseph ........Front Cover Mississipiii Wire Glass..4th Cover MoneU, V. Bronson ...........751 Moore. T.jhn Constable.........7.53 Mnor.s, J. K...................751 Morgan, Leonard Co___........75.3 Muhlker, Arthur G.............7.53 Murtha & Schmohl Co..4th Cover Nail & Parker ..................740 Advertising Index Page Nassoit & Lanning ...........751 Natanson, Max N.........2(1 Cover National Electric Laboratories, 2d Cover Neenan Elevators-American Ma- ehine & Foundry Co.4th Cover Nehring Bros...................751 New York Edison Co., The...!!!701 New York Title & Mortgage Co.740 Niewenhous, Henry S...........754 Noyes. Chas. F., Co..Front Cover Orden & Clarkson Corp........751 O'Hare. Geo. L.................740 Oppenheimer, Fred ..........7.53 OReilly & Dahn ...............751 O'Reilly, Thos. J...............748 Otiinger, Nathan L.............752 Payton. Philip A., Jr., Co.2d Cover Pease cS: Eliiman .....Front Cover I'eU, S. (ispood & Co...........762 Pflomm, P. & O........Front Cover Phelps, Albert D..............754 •I'oiueroy. S. H., Co., Inc........702 Porter & Co...........Front Cover Quell & Quell .................751 til.....nsboro Corporation. .2d Cover Ite.iil. Geo. R., & Co..Front Cover Realty Co, of America........7lO Rinaldo. Mir;nn ................702 Rockaway White Sand Co., 4th Cover Runk, Geo. S...................75,2 Kyan, Geo. J....................7.-1I Saffir, Abraham ...............7.13 .''chindler & Liebler ...........7.52 Schweibert. Henry ............7.54 Seaman & Pendergast ..........752 Shaw, Arthur L.................7.-j;; Shaw, Rockwell & Sanford......7.2 Sherman & Kirschner .........7.53 Slattery (i:is Radiator Co......704 Smilh. Malcolm E., Inc........7.51 Spear & Co....................7.-|2 Speyers. James B., Inc........753 Spotts & Starr.................751 Straus, S. W., & Co.......'......703 Talbot, Jacob J.................7.52 Tankoos. Smith & Co...........751 Title Guarantee & Trust Co.....740 Tyng, Stephen H., Jr., & Co...740 Union Stove Works.............765 U. S. Realty & Improvement Co......................2d Cover Vau Valen, Chas. B......2d Cover Wacht. Samuel ..........2d Cover Waddell & Martin ......2d Cover Walden, James P..............7.52 Walsh. J. Irving ..............'751 Watson Elevator Co., Inc., 4th Cover Warsaw Elevator Co............704 Wells Architectural Iron Co..705 Wells, James N., & Sons......751 White, Wm. A., & Sons, Front Cover Whiting, Wm. H., & Co., Front Cover Winter. Benjamin ......2d Cover Wood Dolson Co.......Front Cover Zittell. Fredk., & Sons.........751 Safety coupled zvith endurance. Kewanee Firebox steel heating boilers are built for three times the pressure required by New York State law and are safe under all conditions. Kbwaivee Boiler Qpmpany I?(c. 47 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK Loncaer* 8170