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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 1, no. 21: August 8, 1868

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1868. Vol. I.] [No. 21. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. C. FERGUSON, REAL ESTATE, 111 BROADAVAY, TRINITY BUILDING BASEMENT. (Room E.) < N.B.—Particular attention given to negotiating loans on Bond and Mortgage. P. SmTH & BRO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE,'1304 Broadway, running through to 599 Sixth Avenue, near 35th street, New York. A. P. Smith, Notary Public. H. B. S-MiTH, Com. of Deeds. Warren's GRAVEE ROOFIiVG. ABBOTT & CO., Proprietors for Long Island. Stable Floors made AVater- Tight. Tin Roofs Coated with Elastic Cement. J. Office,.No. 9 Court street Room 11, Brooklyn. Orders also received at the AVarren Eoofing Co.'s office, 113 John street. New York. WATROUS, WALKER & CO., Successors to AVILLSON, WATROUS & CO., 1st Avenue, corner 39th Street, New York. Ciias. A\",^TR0US. J. P. AValkee. J. L. Hyatt. C. H. AVlLLSON. AVHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Eastern Tiiulier, Icr, SMngles, liatli and Pickets. ATROUS,HYATT& WILL SON, Successors to AVILLSON, AVATROUS & CO., 1st Avenue, cor. 89th street, and 104 AVall street. New York, A\''noLE3ALE Sc Retail Dealers in all kinds op AVHITE Ss YELLOAV PINE, SPEUCE, HEMLOCK, 1IARDA\'00D Ss SHINGLES. Chas. AVatrous. J. L. IIy.\tt. C. H. AVillson- .Benedict brothers' Up-town New Store, 091 BroatlAvay, Between j\jnity and Fourth Streets. FINEST WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. KEEPERS OF TIIE CITY TIME. AGENTS FOE THE AMERICiVN AVALTHAM AVATCIIES. W. PI. anIFFITH, 166 FULTON STREET, Offers for Sale fir-st-class Tallies for Pri¬ vate and Public Use. CaU and examine. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP.— Notice is hereby given that the copartnership of Doieg and Rintoul is by mutual consent this day dis¬ solved. James Doieg wiU continue the business, and is hereby anthoi-ized to settle the affairs of the flrm. ja:mes doieg. robert rintoul. New York, August 1, ISGS. A. T. SERRELL & SON, NEAV YORK. Wood Moulding, Sash, Blind & Door Pac'y," Nos. 221 T0 229AV. 52d St., bet. B'wat & Sth Av., N. Y PANEL AVORK OF ALL KINDS. Mouldings of any Pattern worked to any shape required, A. T. Seerell. Established 1540. A, AV. Sereell. L. A.. DBA.]Sr, »TAIR BUILDER, AND DEi.LER IN Hand-rail.x, IVewols, Balusters, Fancy Stair BrackctN, ITIouldings, &c, SCROLL SAWING. 25C AVEST 2STH STREET, NEAR STH AYENUE- BUILDERS' IRON WORK. ARCHITECTURAL OF DEPARTxMENT THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS, Nos. 77 and 83 Liberty Street, corner of BroadAvay, N. Y., MANUFACTURE Plain and Ornamental Iron-work for Buildings, Complete Fireproof Structures—Columns, Lintels, Floors, Roofs, Casings, Shutters, Vaults, Safes, etc., of Cast or AN'rought Iron. Also, Iron Bridges, Iron Piers, etc., etc. HY. J. DAVISON, AVM. AV. AYRES. }-Agents. J. HEUVELMAN ' )N, iS. yj iN", J F SIEBOLD & CO., HOUSE SIHTHS, ■ Manufacturers of Plain & Ornamental IRON RAILINGS, FIRE ESCAPES, BALCONIES. ATERANDAHS, IRON SHUTTEES, GRADINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' IRON AVOEK. No. 160 E.\st TmRTV-FiRST Street, New York. Jobbing promptly Attended to. WJ. & C. C. ALEXANDER, • MANUrACTUEERB OF IRON RAILINGS, SHUTTERS, FIEE ESCAPES, GRATINGS, SKY LIGHTS, FLOOR LIGHTS, AVIN¬ DOAV GUARDS, STOOP GATES, STABLE FIX¬ TUEES, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' IRON AVORK. 43 & 50 AVooster Street, New York. Broadway cars poss the door. BTHLDERS' SUPPLIES. AYRES & McCANDLESS, Manufacturers of Plain Ss Ornamental IRON CASTINGS. Foundry, 8.3d St., ne.vr IItu Avenue, New York. ---------0--------- Iron Building Frosts, Lintels, Giedees, Square and Round Columns, constantly on band and made to order at short notice. J. T^. FISKE, MANUFACTURER OF ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, STABLE FURNITURE, IRON AND WIRE RAII.INGS, Copper Weather-Vanes, Emblematic Signs, etc., etc. 120 NASSAU STREET, NEAV YORK J& F. COOK, IRON WORKS, • NO. 122 AVEST THIETY-FIFTH STEEET, NEAR BROADAVAY, NEAV YORK. Plain and Ornamental Iron Railings, Doors, Shutters, Area Gratings, Vault, Sky and Floor Lights. All housesmith''s work in general. Repairing and Job¬ bing promptly executed. MuLREmE &, FARRELL, MASONS & BUILDERS, OFFICE, 124TH ST., BET. 3D & 4TH AVENUES. Michael Muleeine. Thomas Farbell. DOOES, SASHES, AND BLINDS, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, FOE SALE CHEAP. FRENCH AVINDOAV GLASS, PUTTY, Etc., at TTM. BRAUN'S, Third Atenue, Corner ISilrn St., Harlem Bridge. CALDWELL & CO., PRACTICAL ROOF¬ ERS, AND Proprietors of the New Patent Salamander JTIastlc Roofing, The Cheapest, Best, and most Durable Roofing ever Invented. AVe also keep on hand and for sale all kinds of Roofers' Materials, Tar, Felt, etc. 422 CANAL STREET, NEAV YORK. JOHN GALT, WHOLESALE SLATE J DEALEE. EED, GREEN, PUEPLE, BLACK, AND TAEIE- GATED EOOFING SLATES From all the best quarries In Vermont & Pennsylvania. GENEP.AL Office, 21 & 2-3 Tenth Avenue, New York. Send for Circular. "ORADLEY & CURRI^ AVholesale and Eetal Dealers in DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, AVINDOAVS, BUILDING MATERIALS, Sec, 44 DEY STREET, IJEAV YOEK. E. A. Bradley._________________ G. C. Cubeieb. WILLIA3I B. WALTER'S LONG ISLAND STEAM PL.VNING, MOULDING, SCROLL SAAVING, AND TURNING MILL, comer Fnlton avenne and Navy street, Brooklyn. HORN, JR., & CO., WOOD MOULD- • ING AND PL^VNING MILL, 806, 803 & 810 Eleventh Avenue, betw. 29th and SOth sts.. New York. Mouldings of every description on Hand or made to Order. Base, Door Ja^ibs and Casings. Cieculae Mouldings of any radius AVorked to Order. Turning, Phming, Scroll, and all kinds of Job Sawing done with dispatch. RNOLDS, 3HARTIN & CO., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LIME, CEMENT, BRICK. PLASTER, NORTH RIVER BLUE STONE, Ac, Ac, &c. AValks Fbgged, and Flagging relaid on reasonable terms, FOOT OF 91ST ST., E. E., NEAV YORK. Orders received at No. 51 Liberty street, from 12 to 2, Mechanics' and Traders' Kxchange, Box. 12. "\/rARBLEIZED SLATE AND DECORATED JJJL MARBLE MANTELS. A large stock always on hand. T. B. STEAVART, COS Sixth avenue, bet. 35th and 36th streets. IVTARBLEIZED SLATE JIANTLES FROM 1t± our OAVN QUARRIES. Boxed ready for shipment. HUDSON RIVEE SLATE CO., 25 Park Eow, New York