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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. . Vol. L] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1868. [No. 23. CALL AND SEE IN OPERATION OUE. NEW PATENT, SELE-EEEDLNTa T,HE IMPERIAL BASE - BURlSrEE; ALSO THE MORIIIG GLORY BASE-BTJRNING STOVES AND FTJEMCES." ,, BURTIS & SAIVDEiSS, 935 Water St., jV. Y. "pOR SALE,,NO. 113 DUFFIELD STREET, -^ BROOKLTN. A first class three-story brick house •with basement, sub-cellar, and improvements. ■ Possession immediately.' . Apply to '^ ,_,.D.L. NOTES, Re-VdeStbeet, . between City Hall Place and Centre Street, New Tork. M ACRES, IN ONE PLOT, HIGH GRADE, near cars, in the 18th Ward, Brooklyn, for sole. " Price, $84,000: 8 acres outside the city limits, $1,800 per acre. 17 acres, $1,400 per acre. 70 acres, $400 per acre. M. A. RULAND, 5 Beekman St., N.-T. WII.I.IAM NEtSOnr, Jr., i iMronTER and wholesale dealer in Scotcli, Euglisli, and American Se-nrer and Drain Pipe. FIRE-BRICK AND COAL. All the various sizes (of superior quality) on hand or made to order at manufacturers'' prices. • A LiBEitAL Discount to PLu.MBEits, Builders, a>-d the Tkadb. All orders prom])tly .attended to. Office : 24 Old Slip. Up-town Office and Tard: 14th st. and Avenne D, New Tork. Contractors for the supply of sewer pipe to Croton Aqueduct Department for the years 1806 and 1867. DR. CHAS. C. BUCKLEY, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c., . ■ . 355 East 10th street. New Tork. STONE-WARE SEWER-PIPE. A l.irge assortment of the best OTEAM-PRESSED VITRIFIED STONE ' DEAIN AND SEWER PIPE, from 2 to 18 inches in diameter, in two and tlu-ee feet lengths, with the proper fittings, constantly on hand, and for sale by NORRIS Ss MILLER, Manufacturers, Successors to NOAH NORRIS Ss SON, at A^'os. 229, 231, & 233 East 41st st., JfT. Y. "DARRY & LANE, FURNACES AND RANGES, , METAL CORNICES AND ROOFING, Cor. 59th Street and 3d Avenue,' ..- . r - New Tork.. -■ . BUILDERS' IRON WORK. ARCHITECTURAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS Nos. 77 and 83 Liberty Street, cornfc*- of BroadAvay, N. IT., MANUFACTURE Pkin ond Ornamental Iron-work for Buildings, Complete Fireproof Structures—Columns, Lintels, Floors, Eoofs, Casings, Shutters, Vaults, Safes, etc., of Cost or Wrought Iron. Also, Iron Bridges, Iron Piers, etc., etc. HT. J. DAVISON,) WM. W. ATRES, VAgents. J. HEUVELMAN, j A YRES & McCANDLESS, Manufaotubees op Plain & Obnahental IRON CASTINGS. Foundry, 83d St., near Uth A-vejtue, New Tobk. -----------0----------- -i'' ■ Iron Building Fronts, Lintels, Gibders, Square AND Round Columns, constantly on hand and made to order at short notice. EAGLE FOUKl^KY. JOSEPH TAYLOR, FOUNDER OP ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, 818 West-Forty-Fiest Street, between Sth and Sth Avenues, New Tork. NOYES & WINES, COERUGATED IKON WORKS, Junction]^op Reade and Duane Streets, New Tork. VREELAND & CONKLIN, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WOEKS, RAILINGS, DOORS, SHUTTERS, GRATINGS, And Builders' Iron Work in Geneeai, 1856 BROADWAT (bet. 36Tn & 37Tn Streets), N. T. 0. Vrbeland. . S. A. Conklin. J. T^. FISKE, MANUFACTURER OF ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS,; BUILDERS' HARDWARE. - Stable I^Lirniturea IKON AM> ^VIRE K.VIIilNGS, Copper Weather-Vanes, Emblematic Signs, etc., etc. 120 NASSAU STREET, NEW TORK. J& F, COOK, IRON WORKS, • NO. 122 WEST TIIIRTT-FIFTH STREET, NEAR BROADWAT, NEW TORK. Plain and Ornamental Iron Railings, Doors, Shutters, Area Gratings, Voult, Sky and Floor Lights. All housesmith's work in general. Repairing ond Job- hlng promptly executed. JOHN J. BOWES & BROTHER, Manupaotubebs of Plain