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REAL E "'■'^^^ ^^^/l.u:jL AND BUILDERS' GIJIITEt™—^^ Vol. II.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1868. pSTo. 27 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. — AT HARLEM, HOUSE, Stable and Dock, \vith 17 Lots, at the foot of 121st and 122d streets; 8 of the lots fronting on Harlem river; this is a good location for business that requires the water front. Also double house and two lots on 123d street, be¬ tween Second and Third avenues; will sell this house and the two lots for $11,000 ; good location; terms easy. In¬ quire of WILLIAM UAEDENBKOOK, 123d street, be¬ tween Second and Third avenues. iTTOR SALE m HARLEM.—A HAND- JO some 2-story frame and m.ans.ard-roof house, filled in with brick; basement and subcellar, with all _ the fdern improvements, on llSth St., bet. 1st and 2d aves. (lodwork and trimmings solid black walnut. j"he carpets, oil cloths, gas fl.xiurcs, and window lies included for $11,000. For further particulars at the oflice of EANDALL & POETEE, 19.51 3d Avenue, Harlem. [GHT LOTS ON NINTH AVENTTE, between 106th and 105th streets, overlooking the lolo surrounding country; Central Park and the Bay in Je distance; one of the most eligible building sites west It Centr.al Park. Will be sold at a great bargain if applied [for immediately. Terms to suit. AV. JENNINGS DEAIOEEST, 473 Broadway. J A ACRES, IN ONE PLOT, HIGH GRADE, JTC near cars, in the IStli Ward, Brooklyn, for sale, frice, §34,000. 8 acres outside the city limits, $1,800 per pre. 17 acres, $1,400 per acre. AI. A. EULAND, 5 Bcekman St., N. Y. ,A D. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., No. 26 J^JL • Pine st., offer for sale at GEEENVILLE, BEE- QEN POINT, EOSELLE, AVESTFIELD, PLAINFIELD, EOAIEEVILLE, WHITEHOUSE, and all points on the ijne of the J CENTEAL EAILEOAD OP NEW JEESEY, liouses, lots, country se.ats, and farms. AVe offer no prop¬ erty that we have not thoroughly examined. Descriptive lists just issued, complete with time-tables, maps, and de¬ tailed descriptions of the towns and villages, and the prop¬ erty we are offering for sale. J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.—. i A BRIAN H MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & {1\. CO., AUCTIONEEKS AND EEAL ESTATE (BEOKEEB, No. 7 Pine street, New York. NTHONY J. BLEBCKER, ATJGTIONEER. —By Aktiiony J. Bleeckee, Son & Co., No. 77 iCedar street, Auctioneers and Eeal Estate Brokers. M Sales at Auction of Eea! Estate, Stocks, Bonds; sales of furniture at owners' residences; private sales of Houses, L,ands, Leases, Farms, &c., &c.; Houses and Stores J-ented. H. LUDLOW & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Estdblislied in 183G. I Attention" given to sales at Auction of Eeal Estate, locks. Bonds, and Furniture whenever required, JHouses, Stores, Lots, &c., sold at Private Sale, JLists of all our property can be had on application at OFFICE, NO. 8 PINE 3TEEET. 'OHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS,. AND EEAL ESTATE BE0KBE8, No. 25 Nassau freet, corner of Cedar, New York. 1^^ City and Country Eeal Estate at Public and Pri- tte Sale. Loans on Alortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. MIONEYTO LOA.lSr OH AND MORTGAGE! [)er cent, for 8 or 5 years, onNew^York and Brook- erty, in si FRAWCIS TOIflES, Jr. S$. HASTI]¥OS GRAIVT. REAL ESTATE BROKERS ATO AGENTS FOR ESTATES. Special attention given to Eenting Houses, Furnished and Unfurnished; Stores, Ofiices, etc. Houses, Lots, and Business Property on Private Sale, Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Office, IVo. 194 Broadivay (opposite Bey St.). JOHN MCCLAVE, RE:A.L ESTA.TE:, No. 44 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. A correct Record of all Sales, and- a perfect Map of all Improvements to be made on this island, always open for inspection to Bona Eide Dealers, OAVNEES OF PEOPEETY ON ANY PAET OF THE CENTEAL AVENUE GEAND BOULEYAED CAN FIND CASH PUECHASEES AT MY OFFICE. ^^NO COMMISSION GHARaRD FOR SELLING. AP, SMITH & BRO,, REAL ESTATE ■ AND INSUEANCE, 1304 Broadway, running through to 599 Sixth Avenue, near 35th street, New York A. P, Smith, Notary Public. H. B, Smith, Com, of Deeds, CL. MEAD, REAL ESTATE AND IN- • SUEANCE AGENT, Eents Collected. 2000 Third Avenue, Harlem, bet. 12Sth and 129ih sts. c C. WAYLAND, INSURANCE AND REAL • ESTATE BEOKEE, 1C3 Fulton street, New York. D, & M. CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE Street, near Court street, Brooklyn, Brokers in Eeal Estate and Loans. Desirable buildings and building sites in all sections i Brooklyn. DUNKIN & CO., 956 BROADWAY, NEAR Twenty-third street, New York, EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSES FOE SALE AND TO LET in New York and Brooklyn. COUNTEY EESIDENCES, FAEMS. ETC, LOANS NEGOTIATED, FLOCK & CAFFERTY, REAL ESTATE BEOKEES, No, 1275 Broadway, near 84th street, New York. City and Country Property to Eent and for Sale, Eents collected. Loans negotiated. GILBERT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BEOICEES & AUCTIONEEES, Beekman Hill Eea.l Estate ExonAUGE, 968 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-first Street, will take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Eents. Insurance efiected in aU flrst-cJass companies at the lowest rates. HOIVIER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENEEAL BEOKEE, No. 2 Pine Street, New York. Attention given to Eeal Estate at priviite Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. HA. READ & CO., DEALERS IN REAL • ESTA.TE, 24 Pine street. Second Mortgages Negotiated. Houses, Stores, and Lands let and Eents collected. HOUSES, LOTS, ETC, FEINTED LIST ( FOR SALE.—A Ci'n be had on application at my SiaL EDMUND H. MAETINE,^ ISAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITY AND COUNTEY PEOPEETY FOE SALE AND TO LET, MOETGAGES PEOCUEED, 25 PINE STEEET, NEW YOEK JESSE S. CARMAN, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE AGENT, 153 Montague street, near Court street, Brooklyn. Fire and Life Insurance eflected. Loans procured on Bond and Mortgage, Stocks, &c. T A. J, NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BEOKEE, 1874 TuiED Atekue, Cobnek EiQHTY-SrxTn Steket NEW YOEK, J. ROMAINE BROWN, REAL ESTATE, 1279 BEOADWAY, NEXT DOOE TO COENEE THIE- TY-FOUETH STEEET, NEW YOEK. ^^ Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public. MCCAHILL & CO.'S REAL ESTATE EX¬ CHANGE, 454 Si.xth Avenue, bet, 27th and 28th streets, and G92 Third Avenue, corner 47th street. City and Country Property Bought, Sold, and Eented. Money Loaned on Mortgage. Mortgages Bought. Fire and Life Insurance eflected. MOSES E. CRASTO, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BEOKEE, NOTAEY PUBLIC, AND AUCTIONEEE, 8d Avenue and 116th st. (Eesidence: 120th St., bet. 2d and 3d Avenue.) Attention given to renting property. All business intrusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. GEOEGE C. FUEMAN, Attorney-at-Law, will attend to drawing legal papers, examining titles, and other law business. RANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE, 1951 Third Avenue (near 125th street), New York. R. C. FERGUSO.]^, ." RBAL ESTAt";^,' . Ill BEOADWAY, TEINITY BUILDING BASEitEN^ (EooM E.) • • ' N.B.—^Particular attention given to negotiating loan? oit Bond and Mortgage. . • * - M 0. KIDNEY