![Real Estate Record page image for page ldpd_7031128_003_00000021](https://www1.columbia.edu/sec/cu/lweb/digital/collections/cul/texts/ldpd_7031128_003/gallery/images/ldpd_7031128_003_00000021.jpg)
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AND BUILDERS' G-TJIDE. Vol. m.'^ No. 2.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1869. [Whole No. 54. IN PLOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, IMMEDIATELY ADJOINING THE PROPERTY RECENTLY SOLD FOR LEWIS g: MORRIS, "^ ON AND ADJACENT TO \-^ TRAL AVEKBE. ;r^ lie on the Grade, are a short distance from the Railroads, and in the immédiate vicinity of CHURCHES, SCHOOL-HOUSES, AND A WELL ' ' SETTLED NEIGHBORHOOD._ Parties desiring to visit the Property, can do so by Carriage through Cen¬ tral Avenue to the Hôtel adjoining, or by Railroad to Tremont, thence to Central Avexiue Hotelj ^vhere an Agent will be in attendance^ from 1 to 5 P. M. The prices of thèse Lots will be from $600 to $1,000 PER LOT. 60 per cent, can remain on Bond and Mortgage, thus offering a rare oppor-? tiinity to people of moderate means. Apply to . ;, , ""^ 4f/ / : JOHN MeCLAVE, ^ ^^^pf.-^-4'0^-'4~^^^'Mi:'--'^^'/'. y:/7 44 Pine Street-'- '^-'Ir-^