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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol.. III. No. 5.] NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1869. [WnoLE No. 57. REAL ESTATE. HARLEM LOTS, ON 4th and 6th AVES., llSin, ISOth, and 121st streets, New York. LARGE PLOTS In the Oth, ISth, Slst, and 22d "Wards, Brooklyn. M. A, KULAND & CO., ., .. 5 Beekman Btreot, N. T. ISLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOTS AT $25 EACn, FBEE AND CIiEAB OF ALL INCUJIBRANCES—TITLE PEKPECT. Thèse Lots are situated in the heautifal village of Islip, opposite Fire Island inlet, and bonnded by Long Island and Bouth Side Eailroads, IX hours from New York and Brooklyn by either road. Apply to M. n. KÉITH, 96 "Wall Street, Lumber Merchants' Exchange. AUCTIONEERS, &c. E. H. LUDLOW & CD., BEAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, EstabMied in 1836. MoBBis Wilkins, Auctioneer. I OFFICE. No. 3 PINE STKEET. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILEINS & co., AUCTIONEERS AND KEAL ESTATE BKOKEKS, No. T Phie street. New York. Charles d. mott, GENEI\^AL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER, Fourtli ave., near 125tb st., and 25 Pîno «t. BOOM 4, FEOM TWELVE TO THBEE. LOANS NEGOTIATED. CITY AND COUNTRY PEOPEETY FOR BALE •AND TO LEABE. AD. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., . • Auctioneers and Dealers in New Jersey Beal Es¬ tate, NÔ. 26 Pine street, New York. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complète With time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip^ tigns of tho towns and villages, and the property offered for sale. JOSEPH A. LEVY, AUCTIONEER, REAE ESTATE, —AND— GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER. f No.5T,Pineîstreet, and 1241 Broadway.J. MOSES E. CRASTO, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND AUCTIONEER, 8d Avenue and 116th st. (Résidence : 120th st., bet. 2d and 8d Avenues.) Attention given to renting property. ' Ail business intrusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. GEORGE C. FURMAN, Attorney-at-Law, will attend to drawing leg.il papers, examining titles, ànd other law business. GILBERT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, Beekman Hill Real Estate Exciianoe, 9G3 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-first Strect, will take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Rents. Insurance effected in ail first-class companies at the lowest rates. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JOM IÇCLAYE,!, REAL ESTATE, No. 44 Pine Street, NEW TORK. A GO-I^I^ECT REGOEDOr AIL SALES, AND A Perfect Map of ail Improvements to be made on-this Island, ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION BONA FIDE .DEALERS. SINCLAIR & CO., Eeal Estate, 796 Sth AVENUE, BETWEEN 55TII AND 56th STREETS. OFFICE HOURS: FHOM 8 A.M. TO 9 P.J£ Parle and JBonleTard Fiôperty made a Specialty. FRAÎTE: G. BEOWK, I\^EAL ESTATE BROKEI^, 53 BROADWAY, REFERS TO LEWIS B. BROWN. WESTCHESTER CO. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. r. ■"fîi-7i.'i'>.',s,i; Jacob bissinger, I^^EAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, No. 145 SECOND STREET, Cor. of Avenue A, NEW ITORK. Private Résidence, 530 Si.xth St., bet. Avs. A &B. HOUSES AND LOTS BOUGHT AND SOLD, RENTS COLLECTED, Etc. AH Orders thankfully received ond promptly attended t». G-. G-. TITUS & OO-, REAL ESTATE, New Yorlv, Brooklyn, and County Property bought, sold, and rented on commission only. 50 Liberty st^ N. Y. A P. SMITH & BRO., REAL ESTATE • AND mSUBANCE, 1804 Broadway, runninff through to 699 Bixth Avenue, near 35th street, New Yoek. A. P. Smith, Notary Public. H. B. Smitu, Com. of Deeds. FLOCK & CAPFERTT, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 1275' Broadway, near 34th street, New York. City and Country Property to Rent and for Sale. ; Rents collected. Loans negotiated. v ISAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET, MORTGAGES PROCURED. 25 PINE STREET, NEW YORK__________ JOHN B. CHURCH, No. 24 PINE STREET, KEAL ESTATE BROKER. Loans procured on Bond and Mortgage. T A. J. NEAITE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKEE, 187f Thibd Avenue, Cok.nee EiGnxY-SixTH Steebt, NEW YOEK. RANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 1951 Third Avenue (near 12gth street), New York,