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AND BUIEPERS' GUIDE YoL. m. No. -8.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1869. [Whole No. 60. HEATING APPARATUS. "^ATIONAL STOVE WORKS, . Manufacturers of BANTFOED'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATERS^ : Set in Brick or Portable. THE IMPROVED "SEVT TOEK FIRE-PLACE HEATER, AND TIIB CHALLENGE KITCHEN RANGES. Those building houses should examine thèse before pur¬ chasing. 239 & 241 WATER STREET, N. T. HOT ABR FURNACES. T H. SIMONDS, 53 CLIFF ST., N. Y. Culver's Patent Furuaccs. Simonds' Patent Furnaces. Hot-Air Résister aud Ventilator. "jy/TACGREGOR'S IMPROVED HEATING FURNACES, COOKING RANGES, CAULDEONS, BATHS, AITD JAPANNED WARB, H. METCALF, 117 Beekman street, Now Tork. E. MONEUSE. L. DUPARQUET. NOS. 23 & 30 GREENE STREET, NEW TORK, MANUFACTUBKRS OF THB Impérial Frencli Cooking Ranges and Broiler.4, for Hotels, Restaurants, Steamers, Hospitals, and Pri¬ vate Résidences. Oapper and Tin Cooking Utonsils of evory description always on hand. Cttcring Tables of any Isngth and shape on hand and made to crdc-i-, Call aiid examine, or apply at l .e factory. "DARRY & LANE, FURNACES AND RANGES, METAL COENICES AND ROOFING, Cor. 69th Street and 8d Avenue, New Tork. AÏ>AM MAMPTOJ^, Mani^'actiteee op GRATES, FENDERS, & PIRE-PLACE .HEATERS, N"o- 60 GrOTJD STREET, ^ (Bet, Fulton and Beekman Sts.) New Tork. EstàblisTied, 1836. Va,N NOTE ife.SON, • Grate, Fender, and Fire-Plaee Heater MANUFACTURERS. 434 Canal Btreet, neae Yariok, New Toek. W. M. Van We. ':' g^A. S. Van Note. pÔNOVER &WOOLLEY, GRATE, FENDER, an» FIRE-PLACE HEATER Manufacturers, WnOLEBALR AND RETAIL. NO. 803 CANAL STREET, NEW TORK. /as. s. Conovkk, Jas. L. Woollet, 141 West 53d street. . 122 West SSth street. B. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF AND dealer ih GRATES, FENDRRS, AND MPROTED FIRE-PLACE HEATERS. 213 Grand Street, near Mott Street, "New Tork. BUILDEKS. DOORS, ^Si jPS^ @^ 'MîM. "BFTÎ &SS^ BLÏNDS, etc. NOAH WHEATON, 268 & 270 Canal Street, Neak Bkoadwat, NEW YORK:. W. H. JENKINS, 347 CANAL STREET. DOORS, SASHES, AND BLINDS. ^ ÊiD O p R S. CD ^ J. B. H^nLo^Y, î: (0 No. 2 Nevins St., ^ ^ One door from Junction of ,jpnn^TY*r -k x m JU Fulton and Flatbush Av.. B tlU U A LI i\, fli. I. « A. T. SERRELL & SON NEW TOEK. Wood Motildin^, Sash, Blind & Door Pac'y, Nos. 221 TO 229 W. 52d St., bet. B'way & Sth Ay., N. T. PANEL WORK OF ALÎ. KINDS. Mouldings of any Pattern worked to any shape required. A. T. Seubbll. Established 1S4G. A. W. Sebeell. BRADLEY & CUERIER, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DOOBS, SASHES, - BLINDS, WINDOWS, BUILDING- MATERIALS, ETC. 44: & 46 BEY STREET, New York. E. A. Bradlet. G-. C. Citrribk. J, V. DONYAN & BRO., NORTH-WEST COR, 2Tth ST. J; Oth AVE., Carpenters and Buildèrs. Altérations and repairs of every description mado. AU work executed on the most reasonable terms. Jaues V. Donvan. Silas J. Donvan. MULREINE
DWELLINGS. Garnkirk. Clilmncy Tops, Drain Pipe, &c. For taie by MILLER & COATES, No. 279 Peael Steeet, New Tork. LAWYERS. T PECARE, . Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, 2^9 BROADWAT, ROOM 15. Titles carefully scarched ; having had 15 years' expéri¬ ence. Charges very moderato and satisfactory. BF. McCAHILL, ATTORNEY AND COUN- • SELL0R-AT-L.\W and COMMISSIONEE Off DEEDS, 693 Third Avenue and 454 Sixth Avemië, *" Title» carefully e.\amined, and Law business in gênerai attended to. Loans negotiated, .ind Mortgages bought.