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AISTD BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. m.. No. ir.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1869. [Whole No. 69. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 25th,. 1809, for thoir im¬ ¬provement in tho fronts of buiidin(;s, and are prepared to griint licenses to founders and buildèrs intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Eow, New York, JOHN ALEXANDEE, NATH. J. BUECHELL. The undersigned is prepared to constmct fronts on this plan in tbe best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishinp:. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint, JOHN ALEXANDEE. PHŒNIX COAH & UGHT CARRIAGE MANUFACTOEY, Cor. State «Se jBoertxin sts., Brooklyn. D. DAXjY, PROPRIETOR. J. & R. LAMB, Church & Gothic FURNITURE, Ecclesiastical Décora¬ tions, Etc., 59 CARMINE ST. pass the Door.. S. MRHER & CO., DES KT C3i-1 KT Eï JB n. s, 212 Grand St., New York. ' Manufacturers of HIGH AND LOW PEESSUEE STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS, For warming and ventilating Hotels, Private Résidences, G7iurc7ies, Sclwols, Stoi'es, Factories, Steamers, &c. STEAM FITTING. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING, " Send for Illustrated Catalogue." ROOFING, &c. FOR FLAT OR ST^EP ROOFS. FIBE-PROOF, ^VEATifÉU-PROOF, Se UN»ECAT?%S(G. ' Now boing used on tlie tinest structures. ENnoRSEU HY Sixty-Five Fiue I.nsukance Co.mi'anteb. Price lialf tliat of otlier standard JKoof- liii;>>. Ail NeiiV Woi'îc avarranted Five Years. Water-Tight Floors Made with Plastic Slate. EDWARD VAIV OKDEN & CO., 41 Liberty Street, New York. Manufacturers of Eoofing Materials, Two-Ply Felt, Clapboard Felting, Floor Deafening. Tin Jioofs Coated and Warranted. Warren's GRAVEI. ROOFIIVO. ABBOTT ifc C 0., Proprietors for Long Island, Stable Floors made Water- Tight, Tin Eoofs Coated with Elastic Cément, Office, No, 9 Court street. Eoom 11, Brooklyn. Orders also received at tho Warren Eoofing Co,'8 office, 112 John street, New York, JOHN FYFE, PRACTICAL SLA.TE AND ÎMETAL EOOFER, • 225 West 19th Stiœet, betweeu Tth and Sth Avenues, New Ychk. Slate and Métal Rooflng dono in any part of the V. S. MW YORK ROOFmG COMPMY. ORAVEI^ ROOFING. OFFICE—No. 205 Broadway. WAEEHOUSE—East 23d Street, cor, Avenne A, BEANCH OFFICE—Eootri No. 4 Jlechanics' B'k Build¬ ing, cor. Court and Montagne Streets, Brooklyn. " " QuaySt., near Franklin, Greenp't " " No, 28 First St., Uoboken, N, J. BUY THE NEW ROOFING PELT!!! BUY THE NEW ROOPING PELT!!! A PATENT ARTICLE OP GOOD THICK- ness and durability, suitable for roofs of wooden and brick buildings—can be applied by an ordinary mechanic, Can be used without gravel on cow-sheds, or out-houses, which makes it more economical than any other material used. It comes in rolls of good width and length. Sold in quantities to suit purchasers. Buy it In préférence to the thin paper felting cemented together. To House owners and Buildèrs—Buy the PntentFelt for lining 'the walls of every house you are building. It is a perfect secnrity against dust and dampness, it keeps out tho cold of winter and heat of summer, thus pre- serving an even température in your résidence. It onght to be put under the slate of every roof to prevent leakage from snow. Cheap and durable. For sale in quantities to suit purchasers. Apply to E. H. MAETIN, 76 South street, corner JMaiden lane, New York, Office of S. L. Merchant & Co. HEATING APPARATUS. I^ATIONAL STOYE WORKS, Manufacturera of BANFOED'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATEES, Set in Brick or Pobtablk, THE IMPEOVED NEW YOEK FIEE-PLACE HEATEE, XUD TIIE CHALLENGE KITCHEN EANGES. Those building houses should examine thèse before pnr- «baslng. 239 & 241 WATEE STEEET, N. Y. HOT AIR. FÏJUWACJES. H. SIMONDS, 53 CLIFF ST., N. Y. Cnlver's Patcut Fnrnaces. Simonds'. Patent Fhrnaces, Hot-'Alr Resislter andr'VentlIator. ■jl/TACGREGOR'S IMPROVED HEATING FUENACES, COOKING EANGES, CAULDEONS, BATHS, AND JAPANNED WAEE, H, METCALF, , HT Beekman Btreet, New York. E. MONEUSE. L. DUPARQUET. NOS. 23 & 80 GEEENE STEEET, NEW -YOEK, M.VNUrACTaKER3 OF THB Impérial Frcncli Cooklns: Ran<;es and RroilcrN, for Hotels, Restaurants, Steamers, Ho.Mpitals, and Pri¬ vate ICesidences. Copper and Tin Cooking Utonsils of every description always on hand. C:iiv'iir Tables of any length and shapo on hand and made tor.rO.'V. CaU ami e.iam'no, or apply at the ihctory. T>AREY & LANE, FURNACES AND RANGES, METAL COENICES AND EOOFING, • Cor. 59 th Street ond 8d Avenne, New Yoek. AI>AM lïAMPTOIV, Manufactueek of GRATES, FENDERS, & PIRE-PLACE HEATERS, ]Sro. 60 GOLD STR3CET, (Bot. Fulton and Beekman Sta.) New Yoek. EstablisTied, 1826. Van note & son, Grate, Fender, and Fire-PIace Bleater MANUFACTUEEES. . 434 Canal Street, itbak Vamck, New Yobk. V?". M. Van Note. A, 8. Vak Notb. pONOVER«fe WOOLLEY, GRATE, FENDER, ^ ANn FIEE-PLACE HEATEE Manufactobebs WIIOLESALE AKD KETAIL. NO. 86S CANAL STEEET, NEW YOEK. Jas, s. Conovee, Jas. L. Woollet, 141 West 53d Btreet 122 West 38th street. B. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF AND f dealer in ORATFS, F E N JD E R S , AND improved FIEE-PLACE HEATEES. 0.13 Grand Street, near Mott Street, New Tort JOIIIV HOSiTON & CO., GAS FIXTURE MANUFACTURERS, NOS, 233 & 235 CANAL STEEET, Opposite to Eaulf-'s Hotei,, New Yobk. EDMUND B. BRADY, 213 East 2CTit Steeet. (Xear Sd !ivo.) PI.UMBIERS' MATERIAÏiS, Lead Pipe and Sheet Load, Lead Encased, Block Tin Pipe,' Iron Drain Pipe and Fittinjjs, Sinks, Ac, Bath Tubs, Boilers, Brass Cocks, and Pnmps, Gas Pipe and Fittings, At Manufactueers* Prices.