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n AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. ly. No. 22.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUAEY 12, 1870. [Whole No. 100. h Practical Mason and Plasterer, OFFICE, 124 "WEST 24TEI ST., (Bet. Sixth and Seventh AvenuesX NEW YORK. Being long established- and favorably known in the city, ho takes tl;is method of informing. o\yners of property, builders, and others wanting repairs done or alteration.s made, that they ^Yill find it to their advantage to 'send by mail or leave their orders with him, as he makes jobbing a specialty. All work done in the beat ahd most economical manner po.ssible, thereby saving a large percentage to parties patronizing him. ' Jobbing work ofevorj'description"promptly done. All orders by mail (from responsible parties only) should 1)0 sent from one to three days ahead. Esthnates promptly furnished, or work done on sm.ill percentage. ?^*(oidn°-'>' jvMi¥^y&mr, ' TO THE WORKING CLASS,—We nre now prepared to fumishallvlaBses with conetant employment at home, the -irholc uf the time or for the spare moments. BuEinessncw, light and profitable. Persona of either sex easily earn from Gx. to'tS'per evening, and u proportional sum by devoting thdr -whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly us much as men, Tlmt all who sec this notice may send their nddress, and teat the bunincss, we make this unparalleled offer: Tosuch asare not wellsttfisfied, we will send •Ho pay for'the trouble ofwriting. Full particulars, a valuable sam- ile which will do to commence work on, and o copy of Tli€ -"eopli's Idlerary Companion——one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. 1)« , ... Stader. ifyou want permanent, profitable work, addieii £, C. ALLEN St. CO.. Auousxji. Uainb: A. ROUX Sl sou, 827 and 829 BROADWAY. FACTORY: IGl, 1G3, and 165 Wcst'lStli St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTING, DOORS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. NINE LOTS AT THE FOOT OP WEST Twenty-ninth street, North river, to let for a term of years, with use of pior and bulkhead; suitable for Brick; Coal, or Lumber Yard. Apply to H. A. CRANE. .-. ' Foot West SOth st Designs and estimates furnished. HEATING APPARAJrUS. John II, Aosten, Auctionedr. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and Auetieneers, 110 Broadivay, Nexv ¥ork. WiU sail at auction, at the Real F.statfl Salesroom, 111 Broadw.iy, every description of EEAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTEY. Nr.w York Ofkicb, 110 BKOinwAv; Bostok OrricE,. Boston Post Buildivu; Nkwport, Bki.levux Avrhuk. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED -letters-patent, dated May 2r)th, 1869, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant-licenses to founders and builders intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Eow, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATII. J. BUECHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington ttreets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDEE. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREETj NEW YORK. GALYANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all size* con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to the trado in quantiti«s to suit, in lengths, or put together,] NEW YORK STOWE WOSKS. Office, 75 William St., New Tork. First Premium at the Exhibition of tlie American Institute, 1S69, The attention of Architects, Builders, .ind the public is called to our ARTIFICIAL STONE, BROWN STONE TILES, for court-yards and areas. Sidewalks, in one piece of any length, ^Slosoi.rruio Floors, for collars, factories, and stable.^. House Fronts, in Brown, Nova Scotia, and Ohio Free¬ stone, plain and highly ornamentod. CopiNO, a new pattern, improved. CuRBixo, any length, in one piece. Or.NAME.NTS and Statues, for gardens and cemeteries. We guarantee the durability and strength of our Arti¬ ficial Stone, and refer to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Donnely, Disbrow, Wliitfield, Coburn, Spratt, builders, and many other gentlemen in the biiilding trade. The price of our material is from 25 to 75 per cent, cheaper than any cut stone in this market. Send for price-list to 75 William BANDMANN, HOLLMAN &. CO. MACKEY & SON, SLATE AND METAL EOOFERS, 67 West Twenty-eighth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenupB, New York. Jobbing promptly attended to. Metal cornices and gutters. n J.) Citt op Nkw York, Departuent ok Finance, Bureau of the Receiver of Taxes, CouRT-IIousE, Park, No. 52 Chambers street, November 5,1863. TO TAXPAYERS.—NOTICE IS HEREBY given that one pcr cent, will be added to all taxes unpaid on the Ist December; also, an additional one per cent, on December 15. On all taxes remaining unpaid on January 1, interest at the rate of twelva per cent, per an¬ num, calculated from tha day tho books were received by the Receiver of Taxes to the day of payment, ttUI b* added. No money will b* ractived aftar two o'clock r.H. Office hours firom 8 to 2 p.u, \ SERNAED SMYTHE, B*«»iTM:. . S. FARHER k CO., :£3 32^ C^ X 3Xr 3E3 3e: :o.Sy 212 Grand St., New York. Manufacturers of HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS, For inarming and ventilating Hotels, Private Residences, Ghurdies, ScJiools, Stores., Factories, Steamers, &c. STEAM FITTINa, PLUMIHNO AND GAS FITTING. " Send for Illustrated Catalogue." YfACGREGOR'S IMPROVED HEATING F5JKNAOES, COOKIIVO RANGKS,. Caldrons, BatliM, and Japanned IVare. H. METCALF, -vllT Bookman street, N«w ToA.. HEATEES AND EANGES. &;<, SANTOED'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATEBS, Bet in Brick ob Poetabls. THE IMPROVED IKEW YORK FIRE-PLACE HEATEE, BEACON LIGHT BASE-BURNER, CHALLENGE KITCHEN EASG£8. NATIONAL. STOVE WORKS, 2.30 i 241 WATER STREET, 'S'. T. AI>A]?I IIAMFTOI¥, MANUFACTUnEE OP GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAOH HEATERS, I
ARRY & LANE, FUENACES AND RANGES,^ METAL CORNICES AND EOOFING.I Cor. 59th Street and 8d Avenne,] NewY«bk. Van note & son, Grate, Fender, and Fire>PIace Heater MANUFACTURERS. 484 Canai. Street, near Varick, Nkw Yojuc. V7. M. Van Note. A. S. Vax Notx. THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY.. A. B. KELLOGG, AGENT, MiNEES, Manofactukeks awp "WnoLESAu: Dxalxxs nr NORTH RIVER BI.UE STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO., AND 14 PINE BT„ H. T. Flagging, Curbing, Gutter*, SlUs, LlnteU, llliag, •t*., shipped to all parts of theUnltod it«t«> * Bevtfc AnmiM. ;.i