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AKD B.UILDEBS' GUIDE. Vol. VIII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1871. No. 193. M. A. J. LYNGH ^ HOOH H. GINIP, AKD REAL ESTATE BROKERS, -CO E,.N-E E, OEPINB STBEET. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. ARCHItScTS ScC. OFFICES ^^^™ARER001V!S N? 48 EA'ST I4iy ST SOUTH UNION SQUARE. 3 & C®., LUMBER AT T7H0LESALE, ALSO, LARGE MANUFACTURERS. Orders filled direct from Canada, Michigan, Chicago, and Oswego, via water or rail, ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, CONTRACTOR, Wos. 205 and 207 East 61st Street, Will estimate for tlie excavation of Kock and Earth, and tho rilling" of sunken lot.-;, Builduig Stone and Sand fiu-- nished. Steam Marble & Blarbleizing Works, NOS. 134 AND 136 EAST 18TH STREET, Ne^v York. BET. THIRD AVE. AND HIVING PLACE, Mantels, Grates and Fenders, ilonuments, Head-stones, Eloor-Tiles, Marble Counters, and Wainsuotiiig for Hotels and Banks,'.eEC., etc. THOMAS J. STEWART, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Address WO. 158 WEST 21st STREET. ' Specialty, Business property and lots. Investment? of capital judiciously made, and warranting large returns. PENNSYLYANIA XANB AGENCY. NO. 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. No. 311 Walnut St., -I No. 1 Albany Terrace, Phila.. I London, j; Special attention given to purchase and sale of Pennsyl- . vania Eauds, Geological Reports and Surveys made. Tax¬ es, paid. Titles examined. PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For Public £BiiiMings and. Uwfllljigs, AS LAID BY US IN The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and DATOLL- INGS in evexy part of the conntry. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS.HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, &c,, and for EXXEKHOIS. BliC- 'S 279 PEAKIi SS"., New ITorlt. THE ARE MADE m EVERY CONCEIYABLE FORM, AND OF THE MOST IPFICTUAL CONSTRUCTION. Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New York and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. 75 EIGHTH AVEHUE. Painteis' and Artists' Supplies, i 1366 aaid 1368 BROAUW^AY, Between STth and 38th Streets. 1193 Broadway, Apollo Bmlding, Importer oC the best and heaviest grades of PORTLAND CEMENT. The attention of Architects, Engineers, and Builders is called to this superior Cement, Prize Enoaustio and iSosaie Tiiing. The undersigned hegs to call attention tothe TUes manu¬ factured by T, & R. BOOTE, Burslem, Staffordshire, Eng¬ land, for which they have .been awarded Prize Medals in all the World's Fairs ever held. "T. & R. BOOTE, by their patent process, are making ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN PLOOBING TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (equal to Enamel tints), which cau be inlaid any depth, ensuring durability, and at a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." "For Churches, Entrance Halls, Vestibules, &c., &c," Designs and Estimates supplied without charge, and ex¬ perienced Pavers sent to suit purcliascrs. A large assorted stock always en hand. Samples can be seen at the ofiice of T'S 3VI array Street, IN'ew^ Yoi-k. Marble men supplied at low rates. AVelLs' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and Gal¬ vanized Iron. Not an accident in 20 years. American Fence Co. Fence; H. B. Brown's "Always Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale and retail. MARTm WELLS & CO., Senaral Agents, 55 Dey St., New Yorkj or, 35 Elison St,, Paterson, N.J. JOHLN 'I'RIMBI.E & SON, Mahogany & Lumber Dealers, llTH AVENUE, Cor. 24th STREET. ■Walnut,' Oalc, Ash, Cherry, Cedar, Butternut, Maple. -^ r HOUSE i PAINTERS, !iDccorator0, ctr. SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR Church Furniture, etc. A X31S j5sr»aLa>-4Vjv-K", Wew Tork. ili!ii|!|liil!lll!l!lll!ii!|ill!ij A. N. HAIVKSNSOIV, . Union Carpet-Cleaning Machine. 9 East 19th st., bet, Broadway and Pifth ave.", New York, (Established in 1861,) Carpets taken up, cleaned, and re- laid. Every Carpet cleaned by this Machine''is cleaned under the personal superNdsion of tbe Proprietot". 'Carpets aro thoroughly beaten by this Machine free from aU-'duab'and moths. Carpets carefidly packed and preserved from ithe moth and kept on storage on reasonable terms. No dhairge for Cartage to any part of tUe citj% Orders by post promptly attended to: A. N:"HANKINS0N, Proprietor. PlfilH & ORNftMENfll PlSSTERER, 17tli Street and 7tli Ave, Neiv Yort. Centre Flowers, Tru.sses, Pendants, Medallions, Cornice and Panel Enricliinent.s, etc. Contracts to any extent taken in aU parts of the country. N.B.—All countiy orders boxed and carefully packed. Jobbing and repairing of every description done at the • shortest notice. Box 162, Mechakics axd Traders' Exchange. R. W. FORBES & CO., LUjVIBER of evert description, FOR; SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USE, ■ AT WIIOI-ESAiE OR RETAIIi. CORNER OF WEST 29Tn STREET & llTil AVENUE.. X> o -^j^r 3a. ■» 1; o -^^^r aa,. O -hr c © ,, 14 SOUTH \VILLIAM STREET. MAHUFACTURERS' AliTD BUILDEES' FIRE HSrSTTRAUCE CO. CASH CAPITAL, . , . §200,000. Principal Oflice, No. 207 BROADWAY, Brainch OflBces,. No. 890 -Third Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. Tth St, In.sures against loss or damage > by Hre on the mo.st reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, President. J.-JAY-NESTELL, ^ew-eiwy. ilANUFACTURERS OP Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, DKOP SHOT, BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, &c. No. 60 LUANE STREET, Cor. JElnv Street, NEXT XORK. JAMES McCULLOUGH, President. NAXJHANIISIi ROE, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 200:-VAEICK STREET. • "- Houses let and rents coUeeted in all parts of the eHy.