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■■■■i STATE Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. XIL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1873. No. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................SO 00 .All commnnications shonld be addressed to AVhitino BaiLDiNO, 345 and 3-lT Broadway. MAKING HASTE, SLOWLY. It IS to the interest not only of p operty hold¬ ers, hut of ail citizens, that the public AVorks on the island of Manhattan should be pushed with all possible vigor, that streets should be opened, curbed, guttered, flagged. Mr.Green, the Comp¬ troller of this city, does not seem to comprehend this, and A\'ith his " penny wise and poixnd fool¬ ish" policy cries out in a letter to the Board of Aldermen, that " the business of opening and extending streets and boulevards is going on in certain portions of the city more rapidl}' than the Avants of the public require." Now, if Mr. Green is serious in Avhat he says here, and is not blinded too much by Ids desire to save every cent for the City Treasury—a very laud¬ able characteristic, bj'-the-bye, but impolitic at times—the Comptroller Avill bear with us when we tell him that he does not understand the want of the public. Were all our streets •opened and extended so as to enable property diolders to build, and Avith rapid transit in the immediate future, New Yorlc to-day Avould iiot be the feeder for Jersey real estate. We would be able to accommodate people here who now must look for homes on the other side of the Hudson. Mr. Greeu, though cus¬ todian of the public funds> certaiuly can not be so blind as to the interests of the metrop¬ olis as to counsel delay in anj' of the improve¬ ments on Manhattan Island; and Ave trust that liis eccentricitj^ in looking at all the sides of a dollar belonging to the city, which occupies so much of his time, Avill not prevent him from aiding the city departments in pushing on the works which our best citizens imperativelj' demand. WIDENING ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH STREET. The report of assessments for the opening and widening of One Hundred and Tenth Street, from Eighth Avenue to the neAV drive, has been presented for confirmation before Judge Daniel in Supreme Court Chambers. By this report it appears that the Commission¬ ers have fi.Yed the damages for land taken at 1149,709.31; for houses, $29,748 ; for costs, $9,036.71; total, $188,494. Of this last sum, $123,494 is assessed againsfproperty owners, and a number of the latter appeared by coun¬ sel to interpose objections to the report. -VALUE OF REAL ESTATE IN NEW YORK. The value of real estate in the city of Ncav York, aa assessed for 1873, is $830,693,380, an increase of $41,183,115 over the assessments for 1872; with the exception of the five lower wards, where there is a decrease of $1,638,400. The increase for the Nineteenth Ward alone is enormous, being $19,235,760; while the Twelfth Ward, being the npper part of the island, shows an increase of $7,888,795. The valua¬ tion of the personal estate in the citj"- and county of Ncav York is $292,597,643; making the total of real and personal estate for 1873, $1,129,291,023. A total increase of $42,255,765 over the valuation for 1873. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS. The Public School Trustees will, until Wed- nesdaj^ next, 16th, receive sealed proposals for the repairs, painting, and alterations of school buildings, to be done during vacation. The proposals must be handed in to the Clerk of the Board of Education, corner of Grand and Elm streets. The Fire Commissioners advertise foi- pro¬ posals for building an engine-house at Car- mausville. Said proposals to be received at the Firemen's Headquarters, in Mercer street, until Friday, July 25. If there is one city department more than another which believes in a Fabian policy, it is the Department of Parks. Its "masterly inactivity" is something Avonderful, and Pres¬ ident, Commissioners, and all, can always be found on the side of delay. It has taken them now about two yeors to complete the fountain in the City Hall Park, and to bring Union Square in some sort of decent shape. Neither of them are, however, finished to-day. The latest instance of this dilatory policy can be noticed in the official journal of the 9th, where the Commissioners, after having advertised for proposals ditring several days for work to be done in the npper part of the cit}'-, coolly Avith- draw their advertisements, and announce that the plans and specifications are not ready. When the Department of Parks is ready to do some AVork, the workingmen of New York Avill be apt to hear of it between noAV and the Republic's centennial. MECHANICS'LIENS, NE-W YORK. July 3 Bowery (No. 168), w. s. (Cont'n to July 5,1874.) William E. Waring agt. Bertha Rauth................ $840 00 7 Same jpkopekta'. (Cont'n to Joly 8,1874.) Doyle &, GuUen agt. Ber¬ tha Rauth........................ 1,674 00 8 Broadway, s. e. cob. 33d st., 5 houses on Broadway and 1 on street. James Burkitt agt.'A. C. Loomis.......................... 1,026 20 3 Clinton st. (No. 15?,), av. s. Fred¬ erick Hild agt. John Fritz........ 433 00 9 Delancey st., n. e. coit. Pitt st. August KonoAv agt. Thomas Phe- lan.............................. 39 00 3 Fourth av., s. e. con. T4ti{ st. H. A. Gunther agt. A. B. Birdsall___ 1,003 00 3 Forty-second st. (No. 330 AV.;, s. s. John McKenzie agt. James Dunceith........................ 3,300 00 3 FORTi'-SECOND ST. (No. 3-i4 TV.), s. s. M. P. Van Oordt agt. .Airs. Ellis............................. 302 00 3 FouKTK av., _s. e. cor. ''4th ST. (Cont'n to Jul}' 5, 1874.) John Coar agt. Catharine A. Bird.gall... 6,840 00 7 FiFTY-ElUHTH ST., S. S.,4'i;> W. STH AA^, 5 houses. Charles F. Gilman agt. AVilliam McGratb, S. R. Corn- stock, and Edward Schell........ 19,000 00 7 FiFTY-EOURTH ST. (No. 343), S. S., 301 e. 10th av. L. A. and F. P. Fuller agt. John Totten........... 157 00 7 Fiftieth st., n. s., 332.6 e. 2d aa'. Patrick Mitchell agt. The Beekman Hill M. E. Church................ 3.50 00 8 Fifty-fourth st., n. s., 300 w. 11th. av. J. W. Stevens & Bro. agt. W.' H. AA''iugert....................... 353 63 8 First aa^, av. s., 60 s. 1,23d st. Charles Robinson agt. Martin Ben¬ edict ..............'.............. 327 83 8 Fifty-sixth st., n. e. cor. 10th aa'. Dennis Bresnau agt. Blake & Ma- hony............................ 176 50 9 Fifty-second st., n. e. cor. 10th SLY., 63x50. Samuel Cochran agt. Eleazer Ayrcs.................... 7,252 75 9 Fifty-sixth st., n. e. cor. 3d av. Martin Mueller agt. Jesse E. Mar¬ shall............................. 2,25 50 9 Fifty-fifth st. (Nos. 71 and 73), n. s., and 6th av. (Nos. 990, 992, 994, and 996), e. s. (Cont'n to July 13, 1874.) James Rose agt. Abm. Mead............................ 1,619 78 9- First av., av. s., ext'o from 109th to 110th St. (Cont'n to July 9, IST-I.) Patrick n. Sharkey agt.------Moore 896 45 9 First av.,av. s., ext'g from IOUth to llOtli sts. Thomas Maliar agt. Hiram Moore.................... 3,081 87 5 Leonard st. (Nos. 24, 26, 28, and 30), s. s. Daniel McGrath agt. H. B. Claliui & Co................... 1,287 00 10 Madison st. (No. 176), s. s. John O'Donoghue agt. Mr. Getsky..... 263 00 3 AIULBERRY ST., N. E. COR. WORTH St. (Cont'n to July 6, 1874.) Sea¬ man & Gaines agt. J. M. Steinmetz 4,153 50 4 Nineteenth st., n. s., 200 e. Av. A. Patrick Carroll agt. Sehoenberg Smelting and Kefiniug Co......... 31 50 5 Same i-roi'erty. Patrick Crystal agt same......................... 36 00 7 One Hundred and Thirty-fourth St., n. s., bet. Sth and 6th avs. Michael Brannan agt. T. II. Farrell 17 50 1 Pike st. (No. 60), e. s. McKinley & Smack agt. Joseph Kahn....... 312 00 1 Sea'enty-eiguth ST. (Nos. ^44 and 346), s. s., 320 AV. 2d av. WiUiam Fernschild agt. Leonard Schmidt. 163 74 8 Sea^enty-fourth st., s. s., 375 av. 2d av. Carroll & Howard agt. Isaac L. Devoe......................... 211 12 10 Sea''enty-eightu ST. (Nos. 244 jvnd 346 E.), s. s. John F. Moore agt. Leonard Schmidt................ 1,350 00 3 Thirty-sixth st., n. s., 310 e. 3d av. Louis Walter agt.------Garity 30 00 3 Same property'. August AVitzen- heim agt. same.................. SO 00 5 Thirty'-i-ifth ST., s. s., 100 w. 2d av. Thomas Archbold agt. Mr. Classen........................... 33 00 9 Third av. (Nos. 878, 880, and 882), w. s. Martin Mueller agt. Jesse E. MarshaU...................... 1,039 50