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■tonewyorF PUBUC IIBKAKY STATE Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XY. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1875. No. 355 Published Weekly ly mxu mm RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET............President and Treasueee PRESTON I. ST^ET........Secretaet. L. ISRAELS......... ...........Business Manager TERMS. One year, in. advance...........SIO 00 Communications should b(3 addi-essed to Nos. 345 AND -347 B.^oadwat The Index for the year 1874 Avill be ready on or be¬ fore January 16th. CONYEYANOES. NE"W YORK. Dec. 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30. DovER.st., e. s. (No. 3), 24.5x.54.3xl9..5x51.9, h. Sz, 1. John Brosnan to^ Ncav York Bridge Co. Dec. 34.................................Sll,250 Forsyth st., av. s., 200 n. Bayard st., 25x100. MAnisoN St., s. s., 97.7 av. James st., 27.6x 139....................................... Benjamin AndreAvs to Roger F. Martin Whippany, N. J. (C. a. G.) Noa-. 14.....1,200 GoERCK St., e. s., 121.3 n. Rivington st., 61x1 98.10......................................i Mangin st., v.'. s., 55.4 s. Stanton st., 25.11x f 100........................................! John Roach to the .^tna Iron Works. Feb. 1,1871...................................27,1500 Hamilton st., n. e. cor. Bloomingdale road, J^ of street x 100 in Avidth. George N. and Ncna"- bold LaAvrence (Exrs.) to Robert Prior. (Q. C.) Sept. 16,1874........................nom. Same property. Richard L. Schiellclin (Exr.) to Robert Prior...........................nom. Morton st., n. s., 137.4av. Bedford st., 27.2x78.2 ■ x25x93.2, h. & 1. James H. Slocum to Josiah E. DeAvey. Dec. 24.....................15,500 Monroe st., n. s., 201.10 e. Catharine st., 25x 100. Patrick Larkin to Annie Avife of Michael Curriin. Dee. 26.........................nom. Same property. Michael Curran to Patrick Larkin. Dec. 26..........................nom. Suffolk st., e. s., abt. 150 n. Hester st., 50x100, h. & 1. Philip Isaacs to August L. Nosser. Dec. 24..................................46,000 Suffolk st., e. s. (No. 78), 23x100, h. & 1. Eliz¬ abeth I. Avife of James M. Wellin to Josiah D. Ripley. Dec. 23......................13,350 Watt st. (No. 21), s. s., 100 e. Varick st., 23.2 xSO,...................................... Also lot on rear of above, being 100 e. Varick 6t. and 80 s. Watt st., 14.8x15.............. Also Renwick st. (No. 26), 22x60............J Robert J. Bell, Philadelphia, to Margaret J. Monds. Nov. 10............................500 4t'h St., s. s., 275 e. Macdougal st., 25x100., h. & 1. Mary F. Avife of Austin Leake to Ja¬ cob Dunning. Dec. 23................. .31.000 IOth St., n. s., 22 e. Dry Dock st., 42x75, h. & 1. CForeclos.) Geo. S. SedAA'ick (Ref.) to James McCloud. Dec. 28.......................9,500 West IOth st., n. s., 137.6 e. Bleecker st., 37.6x 95. John Stroebel to Gregor Hamma. (K Wpart.) Dec. 1...........................23,000 est 11th St. (No. 328), s. s., 143.8 av. Green¬ wich St., 25.9x98.5x23.7,1.^x98.4. Gilbert J. Bogert to Maria Van Orden..............14,000 ISx'H St., s. s., 283 w. Av. C, 16x103.3.! Deborah E. Avife of George P. White to William C. Templeton, Nyack, N. T. Dec. 19.......13,000 17th St., n. s., 238 e. 2d av., 19x106. Morris Reno to Friedericke Kaufman. Nov. 30 .10,000 18th St., n. s., 106.8 e. Irving pi., 23x92. David Woods to Henry E. Smith. Dec. 29.....30,000 19th St., n. s., 287.6 e. 9th av., 21.10x63.6. Ed- Avard D. Gale (Ref.) to Charles H, Wade. (Foreclos.) Deo. 11.....,.....,.......,., 8^.400 20th St.. n. s., 335 av. Sth av., 2.5x91.11, h. & 1. George A. Blakely to Caroline M. Koster. Dec. 7........................consid. omitted. 25Tn St., s. s., 325 e. Sth ay., 25x98.9, h. & 1. Mary Avife rif Gibbons L. Kelty to Catharine J. Avife of Marcus J. McLoughlin. Decem¬ ber 26...................................16,000 33d St., n. s., 425 av. 9th av., 25x9.8.9. (Fore- elos.) Walter L. Livingston (Ref.) to John Coyle. Dec. 23..........................9,000 33d St., s. s., 275 e. Sth av., 19.10x81.8, h. & 1. August L. Nosser to John Trageser. Dee. 30.......................................15,000 34tu St., n. s., 90 av. 1st av., 20x abt. 98.9 (rear, irreg.) (Foreclos.) Thomas H. Landon (Ref.) to BoAvery Sayings Bank. December 26.........................................5,.500 38th St., u. s., 85 e. 6th av., 25x98.9, h. & 1. Morris I. Leon to Julius-Hart. (Q. C.) Sep¬ tember 2.................................nom. 3STn St., n. s., 67 av. 7th av., 20x00. Andre av J. Whiteside to Rosina W. Da Cunha. Decem¬ ber 28...................................28,000 40th St., s. s., 100 e. 6th av., 17x98.9, h. & 1. (Foreclos.) John P. O'Neill (Ref.) to Charies Banks. Dec. 23.........................2.5,000 44Tn St., s. s., 180 e. 3d av., .50x100.5. Daniel Ilennessy to William F. Shiriey. Dec. 13.15,000 46Tn St., s. s., 435 e. Sth av., 17.6x100.5, h. & 1. Samuel Lowden to David Stevenson. Dec. 22......................................29,000 46tu St., n. s., 262.6 av. .5th av., 12.6xl00..5. Cath¬ arine B. Favre, William Fitch, and Robert R. Stuyvesant (Exrs. and Trustees) to EdAvin W. Stoughton. Dec. 29..........\...........24,000 49Tn St. (No. 338 E.), s. s., 200 av. 0th ay., 25x 100.5, h. ik, 1. August L. Nosser to Sarah Avife of Philip Isaacs. Dec. 23...............24,000 51st 6t.,n. s.,175 w. 2d ay., 2.5xl00..5, h. & 1. Henry Baron to Henry E. Kretzschmar. De¬ cember 30...............................27,000 olsT St., s. s., 202 e. 9th av., 16x100.5. J. Mans¬ field Davies to Elizabeth Avife of Simon Salo¬ mon. (Q. C.) Dec. 28...................nom. Same property. Henry J. Scudder to Elizabeth Avife of Simon Salomon. (Q. C.) (Confirma¬ tion deed.) Dec. 28......... ............nom. 52d St., s. s., 140 e. 6th av., 20x100.-5, h. & 1. Brian McKenney to Samuel Levj'. December 26.......................................43,000 53d St., s. s., 100 AV. 4th av., 170x100.5. EdAvard V. LocAV to Charles E. Locav. (}4 part.) (Sub. Morts. S.50,000.) June 15...........nom. 54Tn St., s. s., 175 e. 7th ay., 25xlt0, h. & 1. Ann Lynch to Michael Russell. Dec. 21.18,000 54TII st.,'s. s., 340 AV. Lexington av., 2.5xl00..5, h. & 1. Richard Deeves to Frederic R. and Charles, Jr., and Leonis Leonce Coudert. Dec. 24..................................28,000 50th St., n. s., 200 av. 9th av., 50xl00..5, hs. & Is. Increase M. Grenell to Cornelius Doyle. Dec. 21..................................17,750 58th St., n. s., 250 av. 7th av., 50x100.5. Sidney IL, Jr., Walter, and Alaphare M. Stuart to John W. LcAvis. (4-5 parts.) Dee. 26....25,600 Same property. Sidney H. Stuart, Jr. (Guard.), to John W. LcAvis. (1-5 part.) Dec. 26.. .6,400 5Sth St., s. s., 260 e. 5th av., 20x100.5. (Fore¬ clos.) Cornelius A. Runkle to James Rufus Smith. Dec. 23........................33,900 60th St., n. s., 235 e. 2d av., 50x9S, h. & 1. Hen¬ ry E. Kretzschmar to flemy Baron. Dec. 30.......................................36,000 69th St., s. s., 175 e. Madison av., 25x100.5, h. & 1. (Foreclos.) Charles Price (Ref.) to Thomas Murpny. Dec. 29..............36,000 76th St., n. s. , 275 av. Sth av., 35x102.2. Charies M. Schieffelin, Eastchester, to George R. Schieflfelin. (3^ part.) Dec. 26...........2,250 78th St., n. s., 250 av. 4th av., 25x102.2. Gilbert Palmer to Robert H. Clifford. Dee. 30.. .15,000 86th St., n. B., 300 av. 4th av., 75x100.11. Wil¬ liam Meikleham (Trustee) and Ncav York Life , Ins. and Trust Co. to LeAvis M. St. John. (All right and interest. Oct. 26..............13,500 88th St., n. s., 257 AV. Av. A, 50x100.8........|_ 89th St., s. s., 257 av. Av. A, 50x100.8.........( Emanuel Frankfeld to Seligman Ullmana. Pec, 15.......,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..,.......,.,21,500 10.5th St. (No. 239 E.), n. s., 201.3 av. 2d av., 16.3 xlOO.9. John W. Lewis to Nicholas Connor. Dec. 19...................................6,500 110th St., s. s., 100 AV. 10th av., 100x90.11. Wil¬ liam F. Pecher to Albert A. Martin. Decem¬ ber 21 ...................................30,000 IOOth St., s. s., 200 e. 10th av., 100x100.11. Thomas M. Peters to AndreAv J. Peters, Bos¬ ton. Dec. 34............................13,600 112Tn -St., n. s., 117.6 e, 4th av., 18.9x100.11. William Hagan (Trustee of Amelia Waldron, or Walters) to Moses B. Maclay. (j^ Mort. 57,000). Dee. 26..........................nom. IWth St., n. e. cor. Lexington ay., 9.4x100.11. James A. Deering to Benjamin Richardson. Dec. 12...................................1,700 117th St.. n. s., 244.6 av. 3d av., 19.2x100.11. James Britt to Catharine Leaycraft (AvidoAv). Dec. 23..................................13,000 120Tn St., s. 6., 2.55.5 e. 2d av., 19.1x100.11, h. & 1. George C, Carry to John B. Hutchinson. (Mort. S6,.500 and interest.) Dec. 21......nom. 121st St.. s. s., 100 e. 10th av., 75x100.10, John E. Hubbell, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., to ToAvnsend Wandell. (Q. C.) Dec. 18...............nom. Same property. Pauline Avife of Emil Von Schoening, Brooklyn, to ToAvnsend Wandell, Ncav York. Dec. 18......................2,924 123d St., s. s., .540 e. 4th av., 25x100.11. John Trageser to August L. Nosser. Dec. 30 . .5,000 124th St., n. s., 150 e. 1st av., 25x100.11. (Fore¬ clos.) William Sinclair (Ref.) to Henry Gold¬ smith. Dec. 29..........................9,700 124th St., s. s., 265 e. 3d av., 19x100.11.......| 124Tn St., n. s., 167 av. 2d av., 20x100........\ Thomas R. AgncAV to Samuel Zeimer. Dec. 30.......................................30,000 126th St., s. s., 510 AV. 3d av., 50xJ^ block. Mor- itz Hoppe to Theodore Hillyer. (B. & S.) Dec. 29..................................nom. 126th St., 6. s., 510 AV. 3d av., 50x99.11. Charies Welde to Theodore Hillver. (C. a. G.) Dec. 23......... ...........'.................nom. 127Tn St., s. s., 367 av. 3d av., ISx)^ block, h. & 1. Charles H. Hutton to Hannah W. Hig- gins. Dec. 29..........................14,850 Same property. George H. Higgins to Charles H. Hutton. Dec. 26....................14,750 128th St., n. s., 360 a\\ 3d av., 15x99.11. James Campbell to Horatio R. Wilcox, MiddletoAvn, Orange Co. Dec. 23.....................16,000 Same property. Horatio R. Wilcox to Egbert Uchtman. Dec. 22......................16,000 130th St., n. s., 250 e. 12th av., 25x99.11. Ed- Avard Jones to James McManus. Dec. 4. .3,250 137th St., n. s., 147.4 av. 5th av., 385.6x243.10x 147.4 (triangular). William H Raynor to Abraham Scholle. (Q. C.) Dec. 34, 1873.nom. Av. C, AV. s., 45.10 n. 13th st., 22.10x65, h. & 1. 1 Av. C, AV. s., 68.8 n. 1.3th st., 23x88, h. & 1.... C Isaac Schreiber to Siegmund T. Meyer. Nov. 2.......................................45,000 Av. C, n. AV. cor. 2d st., 20.6x.52, h. & 1. Alex¬ ander Straus to Jacob Hecht. Dec. 24.. .10,000 Av. C, e. s., 29 s. 13th st., 25x62.3, h. & 1. Vic- ■ tor. Heimberger to Henry Schumacher. Dec. 21..................................... 11,000 Same property. Henry Schumacher to Caroline Avife of Victor Heimberger. Dec. 21.....11,000 Madison av., e. s., 42.2 n. 79th st., 20x77 ....\ . 3d av., n. av. cor. 75th St., 102.2x150..........I Madison ay., s. av. cor. 84th st., 103.3x70___( 5th av., s. AV. cor. 117th st., 100.10x300.......j George Brandon to Isabella Avife of Alexander Brandon. Nov. 3........................nom. 1st av., n. w. cor. 34th st., 24.8x70. (Foreclos.) Thomas H. Landon (Ref.) to the BoAvery Savings Bank. Dec. 26..................16,000 1st av., AV. s., 148.1 s. SSth st., 24.8x70, h. &1. (Foreclos.) Thomas H. Landon (Ref.) to BoAvery Savings Bank. Dec. 26.......... .8,000 1st av., e. s., 75.11 s. 102d st;, 25x95. Sarah Terry (AvidOAv) and William Terry et al. (heirs of David Terry) to Patrick H. Hanlon. (Q. C.) Aug. 1................................500 1st av. (Nos. 605 and 607), aa-. s., 49.4 s. 35th St., 49.4x75. Margaret P. Avife of John B, Martin to Pauline Avif e of Emil Von Schoening, Brook- lyQ. Pec, 19.M.....,..„,.,...,,,,......88,00«