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EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVI. NEW YOEK, SATUEBAY, JULY 17, 1875. No. 383 Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET...............Pkesident and Tbeasubeb PRESTON I. SWEET........... Seceetakt. L. ISRAELS.........................Business Manager TERMS. . . ONE YEAR., ill advance....$10 00. Communications should be addressed to Nos. 3i5 AND 347 BBOADWAiT. CONYEYANOES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the name ol the grantee, they mean as follows: 1st—Q. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the rSgrantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. 2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant agains Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act "whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered. NETV YORK. July 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14. Attorney st. (No. Ill), s. w. cor. Eivington st., 20x50.8. Therese Euscli (widow) to Dinah wile of Abraham Katyenstein. July 8. ..$15,650 Broad st. (No. ,50), w. s., 20.9x113.4x15x112. Nichols K. Oatley to Jeronemus S. Underhill. July 1....................................65,000 Broadway (No. 180), 26x100. William K. Major and others (Exrs. of Cbarles G. SmuU) to Charles G. Baudoine. July 1.............155,000 Broadway (Nos. 306 and 327). A. D. Ditmars and others (Exrs. and Trustees of Henry Bar¬ clay) to James L. Barclay, Trustee of Henry A. Barclay............:.............___.. .nom Broadway, s. e. cor. Broome St., 24x100x25x100. Francis Tomes to Benjamin Tomes. (% part.) May 1.....................................62,500 BOUI.BVARD, n. e. coi*. C3d St., runs n. 116.2 x e. 116.7 X s. 100.5 to 63d st. x w. 58.3. Charlotte A. wife of Pliilip G. Weaver to Eeuben H. Cud¬ lipp, July 2.............................140,000 Broome st., s. s., 129.1 o. Columbia St., 21x56. Frederick Folz to Herman Meir. June 29. 16,000 Clinton st. (No. 144), e. s., 47 s. Broome St., 28x 40. Caroline B. wife of Franz Jaeger to Philip Deffaa. July 7............................19,000 Delancey st., s. s. (No. 277), 112.6 e. Columbia, 18.9x57. Morris Levy to Betty wife of Charles Simon.. July 9............................ .8,000 Sajie property. Charles Sunon to Morris Levy. June 25....................................8,000 Downing st. (No. 19), 19x70................. j Downing st. (No. 21), 13x70.................:.\ William JohnstOQ to John S. Boss. July 7..10,500 Downing st. (No. 19), 19x70..................i Downing st, (No, 21), 13x70...................\ John S. Ross to Martha wife of William John¬ ston. July 8.....................;....... .10,500 Eldridge st,, e, s,, 225 s. Grand. 25x87,6,.Hyman Schnitzer to Anne Schnitzer, ' July 6, ^ . ' nom and other consid Eldridge st,, w, s., 87.6 n. Grand st., 25x87. John P. Muenster to Henry C. Ahrier. July 10___nom Hamilton st„ n.. s,, abt, 176,2.e. Catharine st,, 25x57,4. Catharine Ann Hedges to EUen Jones, Hudson County, N. J. Lease 21 years, per year.j.......................................150 Irving pL, s. e, cor. 17th st,, 27x116,1. Juan C. De Mier to Emma wife of Edward A. Gaswell. (% part.) July 10.........................17,500 Lewis st;, w. s., 150 n. Delancey st., 25x100. Nicholas WTiite to Hugh McMahon. July 13. .1,000 Madison St., n,s,. 130.7 e, Eutgers st., 26.1x100, W, B. Beekman and others (Exrs, ofWm. F. Beekman) to Catharine wife of Daniel Sweeney. May 1............................;..........6,000 IUrion St., w, s., 94 n. Spring St., 22x94.3x21x98. , Geo, Wi Wingate (Eef.) to Joseph Applegate, (Foreclos,)............................... .5 850 Market st,, e, s., 22.3 s. Henry St., 44.6x86,6, Marks Levy to Samuel N. Zemansky. July 1.;......................................23,500 Monroe st,, s. s., abt. 167.2 e. Catharine st. Catha¬ rine Ann Hedges to Ellen Jones, Hudson Coun- - ty, N. J. Lease 21 years, per year............150 Oak St., n, e, s,, beginning at cor. Chestnut st., runs n. e. along Chestnut 71.5 to point of inter¬ section with s. s. New Bowery x e. alongside New Bowery 9,10x s. e. parallel with Oak^ 17.3 X s. e. pai*allel witb Chestnut, 78.6x n, w, along Oak 23,9. Herbert B, Turner (Trustee of Maria Clark) to Caroline M. Clark. July 9.........8.000 Prince st., s. s., 100 w. Bowery, 26x104x25x99.5. Wm. F. Hibbard and Cornelia G. widow of Wm. Hays to Michael Murray. July 12.........16,000 Eivington st. (No. 271), 18.1x58.10. J, H. Miller and JohnH. Shults (Exrs-. of Otto H. Coop) to Eebecca M. Coop (widow)..................4,275 William st. (No. 166), 26x69.9x21x66.1........ Beekman st. (Nos. 41 and 43), 35.11x22x33.lOxV 19.7........................................) Francis S. Van Boskerck to Emma C, Van Bos- kerck and Harriet A, wife of Floyd Carson. (C. a. G.) (All right and title).............3,800 6th St., s. s., 226.4 e. Av. B, 16.8x97. Nicholas Dilg to Henry and Frederick Fertig, Conrad Velter and Margaretha Schmitt. (1-6 part.) (Q. C.) July 10............................1,100 llTH St., s. s., 144 w. Av. A, 25x94.10. Catharine mfe ot Peter Muller to Charles Dexheimer. June 1........'............................23.000 14th St., s. s., 100 e. 6th av., 25x103.3. (Lease.) W. E. Chisolm and Jeflferson Coddington to Henry S. Day. 2 years' lease, per year.... .1,100 16th St., s. s., bet. 8th and 9th avs., lot 12 (Es¬ tate John Staples, map June 28,1812). Luther W, Emerson (Eef.) to J. J. Campion, July 1...........................................6,600 19th st, (No, 50), s, s., 235 e. 6lh av., 25x92. Ida L. Prior to Egbert C. Cook, Chicago........9,500 27th St., n. s., 283.4 w. 6th av,, 16,8x98,9 Annie B. wife ol Edward T, Caswell to Austin Bald¬ win. (C, a. G.) Oct, 29, 1874..............nom 27th st,, n. s., 283.4 w. 6th av., 10.8x98.9, Aus¬ tin Baldwin to Edmund A. Gibbs, Brooklyn, N.Y. July 8.............................10,000 34th St., s, s,, 80 w. 9th av., 20x98.9. James Guthrie to James F. Gray. June 30.........nom Same property. James F. Gray to Selenda Guth¬ rie. July 1.....................----.-........nom 36th St., s. s., 100 e. 9th av., 50x98.9. Thomas Waters to Christopher C. Ellis. July 7.... 36,000 39th St., n, s,, 100 e, 8th av., 50x98.9. Joseph Jacobs to Aaron Asher. July 2............46,000 39th St., s, s,, 225 w, 9th av., 25x98.9. Isidor Falk to Sophie wife of Charles A. Buddensiek, July 12....................................12,000 39th st,, s, s,, 400 e. 10th av., 25x98.9. Johu C. F. Eoemer to Sophie and Simon Pregenzer, July 13...................................24,000 43d St., s, s,, 250 e. 2d av., 16,8x100,5. Elisa wife of Jacob J. Eossenstein to Bernard Fisher and Samuel Oestreicher. July 9...............11,150 46th St., s. s., 222 w. 8th av., 22xi00.5, John Harnev to Josephine K, Johnson. (Lease¬ hold.).'. ....,.............................11,250 47th St., n, s., 300 e. 11th av., 50x100.4. Na¬ thaniel Jarvis, Jr. (Eef.), to Pearson S, Hal- stead. Feb, 8 (subj, to mortgage)..........3,700 53d st,, n. s., 300 e. 10th av.. 50x150.9x50x159.11. James A, Striker to Augustus Schultz, Oct. 23, 1874................................... .8,000 54th St., n. s., 250 w. 6lh av., 25x100.5. Griffith Eowe to Watson J. Hilbreth. (Subj. to $7,000 mortgage.) July I—....-----.............nom 54th St., s, s,, 275 w, 4th av,, 25x100,5, Harriet Doty to Calissa Doty. ; July 13..............7,000 56th St., s. s., 166 e. Madison av., 80x100.5, Patrick Fox to Anne O'Neill. July 12.... .57,500 56th St., s. s, 175 w,.9th av,, 50x89x50.5x94.4. Jennett wife of John J. BurcheU to Oscar J. Hlnman, Hempstead, L. L, and Wm. Bishop. June 1...........................34,000 57th st, (No. 21), n. Si, 49 w. Madison av., 23x 100.5. WiUiam C. Lesster to Arnold Fried¬ man. July 12.............................75,000 67th st.,n. s., 75.5 e. 6th av., 69,7x100,5x70x100.5. Siegmund T. Meyer to Mary wife of Joseph SeUgman. May 12,1873—nom and other consid 57th St., h. s., 55 e. 10th av., 40x100.5.........) 57th St., n, s., 135 e, 10th av., 40x100.5........j Eeuben H. Cudlipp to Philip G, Weaver. July 1....................................140,000 eiSTSt., n. s., 30 w. Madison av., 21.8x25.5. Har¬ vey Baker to Joseph D, Baker. June 15.. .21,000 Centre line of block bet. 6Ist and 62d st., 255 e. 3d av., 20x30.5. Trustees of Olst sL. Methodist Episcopal Church to Hattie J. wife ot Fred¬ erick Zittel, June 23........................600 63d St., s. s., 180 e. 3d av., 25x100.5. Marv wife of Hugh Blesson to Bernard Thornton. ..". .17,700 67th St., n. s., 350 w. 8th av., 25x100.5. Patrick Fitzgerald to George L. Hooper. June 1... 6,250 73d St., s. s., 150 w. 3d av,, 25x102.2. August Hart- wis: to Juliana wife of Henry Stubben. July 7. .^......................................16,250 74th St., s. s., 18 w. Madison av., 16.6x80. Naomi wile John E. De Witt to John B. Morgan (Com¬ mittee of J, S. Morgan, lunatic)............32,500 74th St., s. s., 54,6 w. Madison av., 20x80.0. Ar-- nold Friedman to WiUiam C. Lester. July 12.......................................46.000 77th St., s. s., 135.4 e. Boulevard, 25x102.1. Ter¬ ence Farley to John McEntee. .Julyl___10,000 78th St., s. s., 268.9 w. 3d av., 18.9x102.2. Fred- erique Seeger to Ferdinand A. F. Seeger. May 25........................................16,900 83d St., n. s., 331.3 e. 9th av., 18.9x102.2. Thomas Haganto Susannah B, Dennis. July 2___13,000 83d St., n. s., 77 e. 3d av., 20.11x51.1. Thomas Walsh to Phoebe M. Davies(widow)..Julv 10.10,000 85th St., 3. s., 600 e, 5th av., 25x102.2. 'John Q. Preble to John Eoach. July 7..............7,000 94TH St., s. e. cor. Lexington av., 10x]39.5xlox 139.7. Comeha L. Cotte to James L. Vallotin. June 30....................................3,500 104th St., s. s., 106.8 w. 3dav., 33.4x100.11. FranK S. Smith to Harriet N. Lugar, New Eochelle. April 1......................................28,000 112th St., s. s., 115 e. 3d av., 20x100.10. Cathar¬ ine wife of John Meighan to Henry M. Traplia- gen, Jersev City. May 14..................7,500 116th St., n. s., 373 e. Av. A. 100x100.2. Nichols K. Oatley to J. S. TJnderhiU. July 11......28,000 122D St., n, s,, 200 w. 1st av., 25x100.11. Susan wife of Samuel P. Westervelt to Erastus Brain¬ erd, Portland, Ct, July 7..................18,000 127th St., n, s., 310 av. 5th av,, 18,9x99.11. Susan wife of Samuel P. Westervelt to Erastus Brain¬ erd, Portland, Conn. July 7.............. 18,000 Av, C, w, s,, 80 n, 8th st,, 20x75, Clara Asife of Henry Simon to Simon Frank, July 1___17,500 Av, D., w, s., 68.1 n. 6thst., 22x93. (Leasehold.) Carston F, Garlisch lo Christian Witzel. July 7...............;..........................nom Madison av.,.e. s., 47 n. Olst St., 16x85. Sarah Purdy to Mary E. wife of Edward H. Purdy. Feb. 8.....................................36.000 Same property. Mary E, wife of Ed. H. Furdy to Charlotte B. wife of Alexander G. Findlay. July 8.....................................40,000 Madison av., s. e. cor. 75th st., 28.8x100......../ Madison av., n. w, cor. 75th st,, 27,2x95....... .\ Griffith Eowe to Benj. F, Eaynor. (J^ part.) (Subject to % of $25,000 mortgage).........nom Madison av., w. s,, 66,2 s. 78th st,, 15,6x74, Ade¬ laide H. wife of Franklin H. Caiter to James W. Clarke, April 22........................nom Madison av., e. s,, 74.9 n. 28th st., 24,8x100, Amos Teniiy and Mary J. Tenny to WiUie A, and Sutherland Tenny. June 25........... .nom Madison av.. s. w. cor. 78th st., 15.8x74. Ber¬ nard E. M:cCafferty (Eef.) to Mary B. Burger, . Saybrook, Ct, July 14. (Foreclos.)........8,500 Madison av., e, s., 62,2 n..84th stT, 40x75. Lewis J. Phillips to Thomas Walsh. June 28.....20,000 EiVERSiDE av., s, e. cor. 99th st.,106.10x305.11x) 100.11x341,1..................................}- 12th av,, w. s., 75 s. 100 st.. 25x100............) Sophia E. C. Furniss, Margaret E. Zimmer¬ man and others (Trustees ot Hartman K, Fur¬ niss) to Sophia Furniss. May 6............43,400 EivERSiDE av., n. e. cor. 102d st,, 100,11x100... \ llTH av,, n, w, cor, 102d st., 100.11x100........ I 102D St., n. s., 100 w. 11th av., 50x100.11.......j 102D St., n. s., 100 e. Eiverside a,v,, 100x100,11.. J Sophia R. C, Furniss and others (Trustees of Hartman K, Furniss) to Sophia Fm-niss. May 6............................,,,...........63,660