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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1878. No. 550. Published Weekly by übe %ml ^sMt %tcw!:)i %5Bacmimx, TERMS. ONK YEAR. in advance....SlO.OO. Communications should be addressed to C. AV. SAVEET, Nos. .145 AND 3-17 Broadwav THE MARCH OF IMPROVEMENT. In accordance with our custom, wo herewith present to our readers a carefully prepared table and analysis of building projections for which permits have beeu granted by the Building De¬ partment during the tweive months running from September Ist, 1S77, to September Ist, 1878. We have chosen this nrbitrarj- period as embracing tho work of a whole j-ear and of two distiuct building periods. The spring and fall are looked upon as the most invitiug as thej' are the most aetive seasons for building projections. At the commencement of a new period, and before its developments have fairly presented themselves, it may be instructive to look back over the work that has been uudertaken within the past twelve- month. In our aualj-sis, we have adopted a some¬ what different system of headings from that in use in the Building Department, and we flatter otu-selves that the subdivisions here presented will be more intelligible and useful to the building trade and to the general reader. There is much of significance and Suggestion to be fouud in the subject matter of our table; aud without further preface, we will proceed to lay before cur readers the result of our researches.' SEW BUILDINGS PROJECTED SKPT., 1877, TO .SEPT., 1878. 1. Private dwellings, flrst class.................. 159 2. Private dwellings, second class................ 398 3. .Vpartment houses without stores............. 22 4. Apartment houses with stores............... 3 5. Stores, warehouses and oflice buildings....... 54 6. Factories and Shops..........................