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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXIV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST bO, 1879. No. 5«)8. Published Weekly by (!bijc Slcal Estate %naxii l^ssociation. TERJIS. ONK YKAR. in advance....SIO.OO. Com iimnications should be addressed to C. "W. SWEKT. Nos. 3-15 AND 347 Broaowav DIIIKCTUIIY OF VACANT LOTS. II. Mxmsox .vvKXUK, iitoM I'lfrv-xi.NTU ro KiimrY- SlXril STKEICT. N e cor (JOtb st. lOOxSit. N w cor l}5tli St, 100.x'.l.5. N e cor (ilitb St, 74x100. I-; s, 74 n (Kith .st, '2(;.."jxl0(). N w cor (i7tb St, 100x100. N e cor (i7tb St, 100x100. Hct (iStb and (50th sts—block—:iOdx 100. .\' w coV ooth st, 2.~)..5x'.).}. \V s, 2.^ n (illth st, .=50x0.5. W s, 7.5.5 n OOtb st, '2.5x100. K s, 75 n 7:!d st, '27.2x100. !•: s, UKl.S n 74tb st, 75x100. W s, 10'2.2 n Tilth st, •25.(;i'.fxl00. W s, S2.(i n 77tb st, 25.2.x45. N 0 cor 77th st, •27.2x100. i: .s,'27.2 n 77tb st, 75x100. N e cor 7Sth st, -24.4x7.5. ;. 24.4 n 7Sth st, 100x75. S w cor SOth st, 102x05. S i. cor .SOth st, 102x100. N w cor SOth st, 22.2x70. W s, '22.2 n SOth st, S0x70. !•: s, 70.014 n SOth st, 2.5.0>^xl00. K.s, lO-i.2 n SOth st, 24.7x100. W s, 51.2 n Slst st, 1.5:Lx0.5. N e cor S;M st, 102xS5. W s, 102.2 u S4tb st, (30x70. 8 w cnr S5tb st, 42.2x70. N c cor SItli st, 22.2x75. E s, 22.2 n S4tb st, 00x7.5. sliVENiiKTU srui;i;r. Ss, 175 e Sth av, 00x100.5. 8 s, 205 o 5tb av, (i0xl00..5. N s, P25 o 5th av, 27.5x100.5. N w cor Maiiison av, 20x100.5. 8 0 cor Madison av, 300x100.5. -N e cor Lexington av, 20.xl0()..5. X s, '20 e Lexington av, 75.xl00..5. SEVESXY-KlilSr STi.EET. Ss, 125 e .5tb av, 27.5x100.5. S w cor Madison av, 20x100.5. N s, 100 e 5tb av, 300xlU0..5. -N' w eor Mudison av, 20x102.2. N e cor Madison av, 300x102,2. N s, 85 e Lexington av, 20x100. SEVENTV-SECONP STUEET. 100 e Sth av, 300x102.2. w cor Madison av, 20x102.2. s, 100 e Stb av, 100x102.2. s, 200 e .5th av, 40x102.2. s, 240 e 5th av, 19.4x102.2. s, 300 e Sth av, 20x102.3. w cor Madison av, 100x102.'2. e i-or Madison av, 300xl02.^2. t; cor Madison av, 300x102."2. e cor 4th av, SOx 102.2. s, S0e4ihav, 325x102.2. s, IOO e 4tb av, 300xI0^2.2. w cor Lexington av, 5x102.2. 0 cor Lexington av, 20x104.4. s, 2C e Lexington av, 100x104.4. s, 120 e Lexington av, 1.50x102.2. (3 cor Lexington av, 20x103.2. s, 20 e Lexington av, 100x103.3. s, 170.G e Lexington av, 39.7x102.2. ^> 270 e Lexington av, 35x102.3. SEVEXrY-TIHItn .STHEET. .S s, 3-J0.4 eStb av, '2-l.Sxl()2.2. H w cor Madison av, 75xl()2.'2. N s, 100 e Stb av, 125xl{)2.*2. S e cor Madison av, 300xl()^i.2. N s, '2'25 e Madison av, 75x102.2. .S s, 100 o Itb av, 75x102.2. H s, 2.50 e 4tb av, 150x103.2. 8 w cor Lexington av, 5x102.2 N s, 77.S e 4th av, 75x102.2. N -s, 152.S e 4tli av. '27.4x102.2. ^> c cor Lexington av, 20x102.2. SEVEXTV-KOUUTII HIUEEt S s, 100 e stb av, 50x102.2. N s, 150 e Sth av, .50xl()-2.2. S e cor 4tb av, 100x102.3. N s, 125 e Madi.son av, 175x102.2. S s, '225 0 Lexington av. 22.lix 102.•J. R s, 97.(5 w :M av, 7Sxl02.'2. N s, 170 e Lexington av, 100x102.3. sEVEXTv-Firnt .sTnEE-r. S s, 100 e Sth av. 1(10x10*2.2. N s, 100 e Sth av, 17.)xl02.2. S s. 100 e Madison av, 300x102.'2. N s, P25 e Madison av, 17.5x102.2. .S s, 100 e 4th av, ;i()0xl()2.2. S w cor Lexington av, 5x102.^2. N w cor Lexington av, 20x102.2. N s, 20 e Lexington av, :>00xl()2.'2. S s, 45 e Lexington av, 275x102.2. N e cor liexiiigton av, 20x102.2. N s, 20 e Lexington av, 300xl()2.'2. Si:vEXTV-.S I XTIl .STUEET. .S s, 100 e Sth av, 300x102.3. .S c cor Madison a'.', 20x102.2. N s, 100 e .5tb av, •20x102.3. N s, 1'20 e Sth av, 3 i0xl()'2.3. S s, 100 w 4th av, :-J0()xl02.^2. N e cor Madison av, 30x102.3. N s, ^20 e MadLson av, L25xl02.2. N s, 145 e Madison av, 100x103.2. N s, 245 o Madison av, 75x102.'2. S s, 100 o 4th av, 300x102.2. S w cor Lexington av, Sxl02.'2. N s, 100 e 4tb av, I7.5xl02.'2. N s, 375 e 4th av, 14.3 3-7xl0'3.3. N s, '2S'.).'.i^i 0 4tli av, 4'2.I0xl02.'2. N s, 3:«.l 5-7 e 4th av, 34x103.3. N s, :i.50 e 4tb av, 23.10 3-7x103.3. N w cor Lexington av, 35x100. S 0 cor Lexington av, 20x102.2. S s, '20 e Le.xiiigton av, 300x102.'2. N s, 70 e Lexington av, 75x102.^2. SEVE.N'TV-SEVKNTll STUEET. 8 s, IOO 0 sth av, 20x103.3. S s, 1-20 e 5tb av, 300xl03.^2. N s, 100 o Sth av, 150xl0^2.3. N s, 45 w Madisoii av, 75.xl02.3. S 6 cor Madison av, 20x103.3. S s, 145 e Madison av, 175x103.2. N s, 100 e Madison av, '25xl03.'2. N s, 100 w 4tb av, 25xI03.*2. S s, *200 e 4th av, 300x103.3. 8 w cor 4tb av, 5x103.3. N s, 100 c 4th av, 50x103.3. N s, 275 e 4th av, .50xI0'2.3. N s, 170 e Lexington av, 150x102.3. SEVEXTY-EIGIITII STUEET. S s, IOO e Sth av, 300x103.3. N s, IOO e Sth av, 300xl03.'2. N w cor Madison av, 30xl03.'2. 8 s, 100 w 4tb av, .50x103 3. N s, 75 w 4th av, 100x103.2. S s, IOO o 4tb av, 23.4x102.3. 8 s, 1'2S.4 e 4th av, :i0xl03.3. 8 s, 170 e Lexington av, 100x103.2. N s, 45 e Lexiugton av, 25x103.3. LEGAL DECISIONS. LEASE—PERFORMANCE OF CONDITIONS AND COVE NANTS UEGAKDINC RENEWAL—ESTOPPEL. The Court of Appeals has decided tbe following: In 1855, one L. leased to one W. certain premises situate in the City of New York, for the term of twelve J-ears. Tho lease by its terms provided that the lessee .should ptiy all taxes and asses-s- nieiits levied and asse.s.sed during the term, and in ca.se of failure to perform this and any of the other covenants contained in the lea.se. the less jr wius entitled to re-enter. The lea-se further se¬ cured to the lessee on conditions therein expressed, a further term, or tbe payment of the just and fair value to be ascertained by appraisers to bo nominated bj' the parties, of any building which niigbt be built and constructed by tbe les-see, and which might be standing on the premises at tho time of the expiration of the lease. The lessee in 1S.55 or 18.50 erected a building on tho premises. He failed to pay the taxes on tho property for the j'ear ISOO. The lea.se expired .Maj' 1, 1807, when tbe le.ssor declined to execute a new lease, and took pos.session. Within tho time prescribed by the lease, the.lessee gave notice of tbe appointment on bis iiart of an ap¬ praiser, and the lessor, ignorant of the failure on tho part of the lessee to paj' tho taxe.s aforesaid, made a like appointment of an appraiser on bis part. The appraisers so nominated and ap¬ pointed met and determined tho value of tho building, and on this appraisement suit wa.s brought. The court hold tliat tiie lessor, notwith¬ standing the appraisement, is not liable. Tho lierforinance by tbe le-ssee of the covenant to pay- taxes, precedes in time the provision for tin.' re¬ newal of the lease, or the paying for the building as therein provided, and until the lessee fulfils the conditions of tbe covenants on bis part, ho bas no reinedj- against the les-sor. The consent to an appraisement by tbe lessor and the naming of an appraiser was not evidence of a jierformanco by the lessee, nor of a waiver bv the lessor, and did not operate as an estoppel Upon the latter. He bad a right to insist upon a performance after the submission had been made, and hence no waiver was legitiinatelj- to be inferred from bis acts. The most that can be urged in favor of a waiver is that the lessor consenteil to the appoint¬ ment of an appraiser, and this is not sullicient to con.stitnte such waiver of tbe condition of tbo lease. As bo did not know of tne non-paj'inent of the taxes, be cannot be said to have waived the covenant as to tho paj'inent of the same. The question of waiver is one of intention. JtOUTGAGE—IIIGIITS OF MDllTG.VGEE I.N' POSSES¬ SION. The same Court (of -A.ppeals) has decided the following: A mortgagee lawfullj- in possession of the mort¬ gaged premises can retain po.sse.ssion thereof against tbe mortgagor, after default upon the mortgage, until aiij' and all .sums due have been paid. To authorize such retention, the possession need not have been given under tbe mortgage, or with a view thereto. MORTGAGE—INSURANCE BY MORTGAGEE. The same Court (of Appeals) bas decided—That a mortgagee niaj- insure his interest as such in mortgaged propertj', independent of tho mort¬ gagor, and if be does it at bis own expense, upon bis own motion and for bis sole benefit, the in¬ surer, on making compensation, is entitled to an assignment of the rights of tbe insured; and in such a case, if a sjjecial agreement is made for subrogation, there can be no doubt of its validity and binding force. It is competent, also, for a mortgagee to protect bis interests against tbe acts of the mortgagor in a case where the insur¬ ance is taken for the benetit of the latter, upon such terms and conditions as the mortgagee can secure from the insurer. He has a I'ight to pro¬ tect himself bej'ond the power of the mortgagor to effect his interest. SHIPPER AND CARRIER—TERMS OF BILL OF LA¬ DING, The same Court (of Appeals) has decided the following question: A receipt or bill of lading delivered to a ship¬ per by a caiTier is to be regarded as the contract